I built an armada.

Chapter 175 The situation in Xida Shihai suddenly becomes tense

Chapter 175 The situation in Xida Shihai suddenly becomes tense

"Do you understand everything?"

"Then give it all back to me, and keep the plan in mind."

"From today on, you are no longer a training ship but a real combat ship. I want you to completely defeat the Ertu Tribe Navy and beat them to death in one go."

Dmitri ordered with great solemnity while taking back the top-secret documents.

All three action plans use the 051C large destroyer as the main force. They completely rely on these two warships from the Longxia tribe to regain their original position.

In fact, over the years, the Ertu tribe has been too arrogant, relying on its large number of naval vessels, and always causing trouble in the Aegean Sea.

Constantly stirring up trouble and constantly occupying the territory belonging to the Laxi tribe is simply abominable!
It seems to never end.

The shame of losing their land lingers in the hearts of everyone in the Laxi tribe. There is not a moment when they don't want to take revenge!
Now that the two purchased 051C destroyers have formed combat effectiveness, it is time for them to fight back. They must regain their position and regain the lost territory!
The arrogance of the Ertu tribe must be suppressed, the naval glory of the Laxi tribe must be revived, and the confidence of the tribe must be restored!

"Yes, I promise to complete the mission!"

Any advanced equipment can only be truly good if it has withstood the test in actual combat. After all, no matter how beautiful the data is, no actual combat test can be real.

Their blood was boiling all over, and they wished they could roll up their sleeves and go back now, driving two modern destroyers to patrol the waters occupied by the Ertu tribe.

Recently, the two of them have presided over the training of sailors and have a very thorough grasp of the two 051C destroyers. They are indeed modern warships.

Finally, Xue Shuai, dressed in military uniform, walked down slowly.

Not long after, several buses slowly stopped.

The Ertu tribe killed so many Laxi tribe sailors. If they don't take revenge, are they still human?

"We must avenge our shame!"

As long as you encounter a naval warship of the Ertu tribe, you will go forward and kill the opponent without saying a word.

"It's not too late for me to be happy that Xue Shuai can come."

At the same time, they felt the burden on their shoulders increase.

After Ares finished talking to Nicks, he then communicated with Dmitri for a while, and then they left the Laxi Tribe Armed Forces Command Center building.

“It’s up to you whether we can avenge our shame!”

Whether it is the detection system or the attack and defense system, they are all first-class, far exceeding all the warships of the Laxi tribe.

However, when he saw the big brother of the army and the chief of the air force, he was still stunned for a moment. Why did these two big guys come with him? There was a big lineup coming to his integrated military factory tonight.

The fact that they can come here so quickly shows how much they attach importance to this project. I just hope that the Eagle Tribe can send a stealth fighter here tonight.

Although there are only two modern destroyers, they have no way out, and it is even less possible for them to retreat.

It can be said that as long as they cooperate properly, they have the ability to destroy all the previous Laxi tribe warships.

"Dingping, tell me everything."

Otherwise, he really wouldn't be able to verify the performance of this radar in front of them.

"Don't be offended."

Ares and Knicks responded in unison!

Dmitri patted Ares and Nix on the shoulders with his broad palm and spoke words of encouragement.

On them lies the heavy responsibility of the Laxi tribe's naval counterattack.

As they returned to the home port of the two 051C destroyers, the situation in the Western Sea suddenly became tense.

the other side.

Under the Integrated Arms Factory Research Institute building, Su Dingping led Sun Yongguo, Lu Guangjun and others to gather together.

If the Laxi tribe had been equipped with such advanced warships early on, why did the Laxi tribe's navy fight so hard, and in the end, they lost their troops and their country?

Ares and Nix looked at each other, both seeing the perseverance in each other's eyes.

"We must avenge the Laxi Tribe Navy!"

After learning that Su Dingping had developed an anti-stealth radar, he couldn't sit still anymore and rushed here with a group of big guys overnight. He wanted to see it with his own eyes.

Su Dingping walked over and shook hands with the big guys including Liu Huaming.

Facing the warm sunshine, the two of them looked up and felt that the sunshine today was particularly bright and warm.

"You have high expectations."

After taking a look at the crowd, he took a long step and walked towards Su Dingping.

Xue Shuai took the initiative to reach out his hand, held it tightly with Su Dingping, and said with a smile.

Su Dingping quickly responded with a smile, he had almost guessed the purpose of the other party's coming here.

They have already kept the three action plans in mind, and now is the time to go back and find fault.

"I believe you will be able to achieve brilliant results."

The car door opened, and Xu Dongguo, Qian Wenbing, Xiao Chongjun and other fleet leaders filed out, followed by Liu Huaming, the big brother of the army, and the chief of the air force.

"Comrade Dingping, I came uninvited."

"Have we really made a breakthrough in radar detection of stealth targets?"

"I told Xue Shuai your exact words."

Liu Huaming held Su Dingping's hand tightly and lowered his voice.

Even now, he still can't believe that all of this is true.

The stealth fighter planes of the Eagle Tribe are too powerful. The tribal radars in the central region are also very advanced, but those fighter planes are like being in an uninhabited land.

You know, the radar equipment currently equipped by the Longxia tribe is even inferior to that of those tribes.

Once the Eagle Tribe makes a big move in the east, sends stealth fighter planes to break through, and then announces the results, the Longxia Tribe's old face will be lost.

"What, Chief, we have developed an anti-stealth radar in Dingping?"

"true or false?"

Xu Dongguo felt that he had completely lost the information this time, and his face was full of disbelief.

Recently, he had only focused on the 052C that was about to be launched. He did not expect that Su Dingping would actually develop a radar that could detect stealth targets without saying a word.

Obviously, this is a huge breakthrough in technology!
"Chief, I now hope that the Eagle Tribe will send stealth fighters to patrol the eastern seas."

"Now that it's here, I can better test all aspects of the radar's performance."

"Is there any way you can get them to come?"

Su Dingping smiled slightly and expressed his worries.

Seeing Su Dingping's serious look, Liu Huaming had already made his own judgment. It seemed that the Navy was really at the forefront of the three armed forces in anti-stealth.


It’s really a pleasure.

The navy has been suppressed for so many years, and finally it has a day of pride, and Su Dingping deserves the most credit!
"I'll find a solution for you."

After Liu Huaming pondered for a moment, he locked his eyes on the chief of the Air Force.

If you want to make the surrounding Eagle Tribes react, it would be perfect for the stealth fighter to fly a few circles and use the Air Force fighter jets.

So, he hurriedly walked towards the chief of the Air Force.

"Dingping, you've done a good job for our navy." "Incredible."

Xu Dongguo gave Su Dingping a thumbs up and praised him heartily.

With such a national treasure-level military and industrial talent, the Navy is finally no longer as aggrieved as before and can finally stand up.

Under the leadership of Su Dingping, Xue Shuai and his team entered the research institute building and went straight to the YLC-8B radar computer room without any rest.

The radar screen was constantly refreshing. Since the detection range was far enough, the fighter targets in the eastern sea and the Nanbang tribe were clearly visible.

The relevant target coordinate data is clear at a glance and can be directly sent to the relevant surface-to-air missile units for interception.

"Chief, this is the anti-stealth radar we developed."

"It is a three-coordinate radar that operates in the UHF band. It is a decimeter wave radar. It has target indication, tracking and guidance capabilities. It has strong intelligence synthesis and independent guidance capabilities. The detection range of stealth targets reaches 400 kilometers."

"The maximum detection range reaches five hundred kilometers."

Su Dingping pointed at the radar system and talked eloquently, introducing the comprehensive performance of this radar.

Of course, the relevant data still needs to be verified in actual combat.

Now just wait for the Eagle Tribe to send the stealth fighters over and fly a circle within the radar detection range.

I just don’t know if they will give me this face.

"The reason why we use this band is that after comprehensive research and judgment, the stealth of stealth fighters is mainly aimed at S and C band warning radars. The effect is much worse in lower frequency bands such as decimeter waves and meter waves."

"What I said is all just talk on paper."

"I now eagerly hope that the Eagle Tribe's stealth fighter can fly back and forth around the area."

After Su Dingping introduced it, he once again expressed his true thoughts. This was to be equipped on the 052D shield ship. If it was verified as a stealth target, he would be more confident.

Even though it had been verified in the military industrial illustrated virtual space before, he was confident enough that this radar could detect stealth targets.

However, he needs to show himself in front of Xue Shuai and other leaders.

This involves the Navy's subsequent funding for the batch construction of 052D shield ships. All three major fleets of the Navy must be equipped with this type of shield ships!
And as the Longxia Tribe's naval strength increases, sooner or later they will encounter Blue Star's strongest navy, the Eagle Tribe, and there will be a fierce confrontation.

Su Dingping didn't dare to be careless in the slightest, so he naturally had to use the most severe and harsh environment to test this radar.

"Dingping, there's no need to be in such a hurry."

"Now that we have radar that can detect stealth targets, sooner or later whatever is coming will come."

"I believe in the capabilities of this radar."

"By the way, you told me on the phone that a land-based version is being developed. What's going on?"

Xue Shuai was very satisfied with what he heard. After comforting Su Dingping, he changed the topic.

As the commander-in-chief of the three armed forces, he naturally does not want such advanced radars to be installed only in the navy. The vast territory needs advanced radars to provide early warning for the troops.

To this end, he specially brought the relevant persons in charge of the Army and Air Force directly.

Radar can be used at sea, and naturally it can be used on land. Anyway, it is used to detect enemy targets.

Relatively speaking, the requirements for the maritime version are more stringent, after all, they have to adapt to the tonnage of the warship.

There are no such restrictions on land, and the radar antenna can be large enough.

"Chief, we are indeed studying the land-based version."

"We already have relevant directions."

"It probably won't take long to get it done."

Su Dingping didn't hide anything, and simply took out the relevant information about the land-based version, which could improve the Longxia tribe's defense capabilities. He didn't mind sharing some of the technology with other military services.

After all, the navy cannot conquer the world all by itself. In the end, it needs the cooperation of other services. Just like last time, with the help of our brothers in the air force, warships can fight with pride.

"You all come and take a look."

Xue Shuai took it, looked at it carefully, and then handed it over to the old military experts who came with the group.

They are all masters in the radar field and have devoted themselves to research on various types of radars for many years.

After receiving the information, they immediately huddled together to study it.

After just flipping through two pages, their faces instantly became extremely serious.

Before, they were quite dissatisfied with Su Dingping's remarks. They even thought that this young man was trying to gain fame and wanted to detect invisible targets?

Is this possible?
But now, they all want to slap themselves hard.

By increasing the area of ​​the radar antenna and using more advanced gallium nitride technology to produce the T/R component, the efficiency is increased by at least 50% and the detection range can be doubled.

Oh my god.

It turns out that all relevant core technologies have been broken through, so it can still be like this?
Who is this young man?

How come I've never heard of it before?
Once it is produced, it will definitely be ahead of the world. The so-called stealth fighters of the Eagle Tribe can be captured as long as they enter the vicinity of the Longxia Tribe.


Suddenly, a silver-haired old man slapped his thigh hard, and he was very excited.

"Oh my god, why didn't I think of that before?"

"No need to argue, I can guarantee that this radar will be able to detect stealth targets."

"The land-based version is even more remarkable. We are the world leader in the field of radar."

When everyone looked around, they heard the silver-haired old man say very movedly.

"The land-based version is much more powerful, which is amazing."

"Such a radar must be developed as soon as possible so that we can lead the world."

"Once deployed, we no longer have to be afraid of the Eagle Tribe's stealth fighters. They want to attack us. That's just wishful thinking!"

"I want to stay and learn from the commander who developed the anti-stealth radar."

"I would like that too."

Soon the other accompanying experts came to their senses from the information and let out bursts of emotion. They felt that their ideas suddenly became clear.

Unknowingly, they feel that they are falling behind and must stay and learn with an open mind.

Their violent reaction fell into the eyes of the relevant persons in charge of the Air Force and Army.

The way these big guys looked at Liu Huaming changed.

The Navy has found truly top military talents.

It was so hard for Liu Huaming to hide it from them.

Is this because they are worried that they will compete with the Navy for talent?


Suddenly, a warning sound came from the radar, and the monitoring personnel immediately focused their attention on the LCD screen. The circles of target lines on it were so clear.

A red dot slowly moved on the screen, which was obviously a stealth target.

"Report, target captured."

(End of this chapter)

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