I built an armada.

Chapter 180 The naval battle begins

Chapter 180 The naval battle begins
"That's a 051C destroyer!"

Nasim glanced at the intelligence that had just been sent and hurriedly made suggestions to the commander-in-chief.

It's just that the tone was weaker at the end.

Although he is an intelligence officer, he is also someone who came out of a military academy, and he still knows a little about commanding and fighting. The brazen whistle of the Laxi tribe's warship is clearly a confident and useless declaration of war against them.

The Laxi tribe has been holding back for so long, and they are finally taking action.

Crossing the actual line of control is to declare to the Ertu tribe that the war has begun, so the Ertu tribe must be fully prepared to deal with it.

Today is different from the past, the Laxi tribe is equipped with modern destroyers.

Even though the 051C destroyer was produced by the Longxia tribe and was not as good as the warships of the Eagle tribe, it was still modern and he did not dare to be careless in the slightest.

In fact, he could see that the entire Ertu tribe almost unanimously believed that the two 051Cs sold by the Longxia tribe to the Laxi tribe had not undergone any castration, and they were also backward warships.

Why not castrate?

Samarkand held the communicator and decisively made combat arrangements. Even if he looked down upon the two 051C destroyers imported by the Laxi tribe, he must use all his strength to sink them today.

Samarkand casually handed the information note to the intelligence soldier and said unhappily.

"Now that you're here, don't leave!"

The radar monitor stared intently at the radar display, not missing any clue!
Suddenly, the atmosphere became tense and everyone became extremely serious.

Might as well get rid of the trouble once and for all!
"Ding Ding!"

"You must find that damn Laxi tribe warship for me!"

The Longxia Tribe's navy has always been lagging behind. The Eagle Tribe even said that as long as the Longxia Tribe's submarine is moving, they can hear it even in the port across the Pacific Ocean.


"Attention all crew members, first-level combat deployment!"

If those two warships were not sunk, the Laxi tribe would harass them endlessly and become extremely annoying.

For him, the Laxi tribe issued a provocation to their Ertu tribe navy, and they must completely eliminate them. Sinking the two so-called modern destroyers completely shattered the Laxi tribe's dream of revenge!
"Radar soldier, start radar wide area search."

"I don't know how high the sky is."

Looking at the relevant information handed over by the intelligence soldiers, Samarkand frowned slightly. The Laxi tribe really had strong wings and dared to cross the actual control line to cause trouble.

After reading the relevant information, Schedelman was very unhappy. He immediately ordered the entire ship to enter first-level combat preparations, turned on the long-range warning detection radar, and scanned the sea surface over and over again.

But they are equipped with modern giant ships produced by the serious Eagle Tribe, which can completely crush the two 051C destroyers in terms of strength.

"If you expect the enemy to be lenient, you still have to give me an all-out response."

The commander-in-chief was full of confidence, with a hint of disdain at the corner of his mouth.

"I'm here to cheer you on today!"

the other side.

The Laxi tribal navy is rubbish and is no match for them.

After his defeated generals bought two 051C destroyers, they started causing trouble again. Do you really think that the Turkish tribal navy is easy to talk to?
A beggar picked up two sticks and thought he was the king?

Do you really think that any warship can be called a modern warship?
Nazim was naturally affected to some extent, and he felt from the bottom of his heart that the two warships purchased by the Lasi tribe were not good enough!

Immediately, the battle alarm sounded, and all combatants immediately entered the fighting position.

Underneath the serious expression, there was a hint of anger.

Compared with the Eagle Tribe, the difference is so huge that it is not worth mentioning at all.

Isn't it inferior to the warships produced by the Western Tribal Alliance?

"How big a wave can it make? Even if two ships come over at the same time, we don't have to be afraid."

Who said this?
The order was quickly issued to Samarkand and Scheidelman.

Today he wants to see whether the warships introduced by the Ertu tribe from the Eagle tribe are more advanced, or whether the warships introduced by the Laxi tribe from the Longxia tribe are more advanced!
However, he still prefers the Gazantipu-class frigates he introduced.

Does the large tonnage have a wool effect?
If the fighting ability is not good, it is still in vain.

"Damn Lacxi tribe, do you really think that they can fight with just two warships?"

The radar beam is like a searchlight, constantly scanning the ships on the ocean.

Even though the two 051Cs are very powerful, they have a home field advantage and many advanced modern warships. So what if the Laxi tribe sends both 051Cs over?
They can also be killed!

"Don't worry, so what if a 051C comes?"

After saying these words, Emil sat in the hall and stopped making any speech, completely treating himself as a spectator.

"We have two Gazantipu-class ships watching from the front."

What kind of advanced destroyer can be built with such backward military technology?

If you don't give them some clues, they won't know how many eyes Lord Ma has!

Does large tonnage mean strong combat effectiveness?

As for the 051C destroyer, who knows its combat effectiveness?

Seeing that everyone was so confident, Emil felt happy and spoke encouraging words.

But sweeping around, it was just the oil tanker.

This couldn't help but make him a little annoyed.

Why is that damn destroyer of the Laxi tribe invisible and actually playing hide-and-seek with them? This is simply unreasonable!
"Farke, where did they hide?"

"Continue searching, and be sure to find them for me!"

"I'm going to chew their bones!"

Schedelman roared angrily and walked behind the radar monitor in a few steps. He stared at the radar screen with cold eyes and clenched his fists.

It would be really troublesome if the 051C was not found.

They are a convoy.

What I fear most is an ambush by the enemy.

Because of the existence of the oil tanker, even if the warship has 100% combat effectiveness, he will not be able to exert it. At most, it will be around 70 or 80%.

After all, he still had some scruples.

This is no ordinary naval battle, but a war between guardian and counter-guardian.

He could basically conclude that the purpose of the Laxi tribe's navy to cross the actual control line this time was to destroy them and destroy the oil tanker together.

Even if the combat power of the two 051Cs is added together, it is absolutely impossible to destroy all the existing forces of the Turkish tribal navy.

As a result, the two Gazantipu-class frigates escorting the oil tanker launched a search formation, scanning the sea intensively, not sparing even an inch.

Even if the entire disputed sea area is swept away, they still have to find the majestic 051C and then annihilate it!
If you dare to cause trouble in the sea area they occupy, you are seeking death!

On Malda Island, a radar rotates slowly, scanning for targets on the sea.

This place was taken over by the Ertu tribe from the Laxi tribe half a year ago, and a long-range warning radar was deployed here as an important outpost for monitoring the Laxi tribe.

The radar's maximum detection range has exceeded the actual control line by nearly 100 kilometers, and any warship passing through nearby waters cannot escape its detection.

"Cheer up, everyone."

"The damn Laxi tribe sent warships into our waters."

"Tell me how to find him."

The station commander yelled at the radar soldiers, if they caught the 051C immediately, they would have done a great job.


The radar soldiers immediately sat down at their fighting positions, staring intently at the huge radar screen in front of them. The radar they used was produced more than ten years ago and is very old-fashioned.

Even though it is old, its performance is still very good. It can sweep targets within a range of 200 to 300 kilometers, covering a large area of ​​​​sea near Malda Island.

In the past, they were the first to discover the sneak attacks carried out by the Laxi tribe's navy.

This time, the stationmaster was equally confident in finding the Laxi tribe's invading warship.

Inside the Laxi Tribe Naval Command Center.

Everyone here is busy, news from the front line is passed from time to time, and various instruments display different data.

They have made all logistical preparations here, maintaining close communication with the two 051C destroyers at sea, and conducting constant reconnaissance of Turkish tribal targets.

Due to preparations in advance, the long-range warning radar has been tracking the Turkish tribe's convoy fleet.

"Report, the radar detected abnormal movement of the target."

"Judging from the enemy ship's navigation trajectory, the enemy seems to have discovered that our ship has entered the disputed waters."

"The enemy ships have begun sweeping the sea."

Suddenly, the radar monitor reported the latest situation with an extremely serious expression.

He knew full well that a war was imminent.

Once the Ertu tribe's escort fleet discovers the Ares, it will definitely launch an attack as soon as possible.

In an age when discovery means destruction, he knew exactly what the consequences would be.

The atmosphere suddenly became tense.

Everyone held their breath, and their hearts suddenly lifted.

The war is about to begin.

The time has come for the Laxi Tribe Navy to take revenge, but they are still very nervous.

There were several battles with the Ertu tribe, but the Laxi tribe's navy lost and a lot of territory was robbed.

Today, the two sides encountered each other again.

It was they who started the revenge war first.

"Now that we have discovered it, send a report to Ares and Knicks."

"Tell them to let go and fight."

"And tell them the location of the two escort ships of the Ertu Tribe."

"Those two warships must be sunk!"

Ilyas frowned slightly, and then issued the combat order.

Since the Ertu tribe has already launched an operation, they should launch an operation in advance and directly sink the two escort ships.

Even if you can't sink it, you still have to make enough money!
A fight to avenge shame!
Let the Ertu tribe know clearly that the Laxi tribe is not that easy to bully, and they must pay the price!
He is confident that he can do this!

After receiving the order, the staff immediately turned on the transmitter to communicate with the warships at sea.

There is no perfect data link system in this era. If the shore commander wants to remotely control warships for combat, the most effective way is to send messages.

When the two 051Cs were sold to the Laxi tribe, the communication systems on them were modified so that they could fully adapt to the needs of the Laxi tribe's naval operations.

On the ocean surface.

The No. 1 ship continued to sail forward, and its radar always locked on one of the escort ships.

Based on data comparison and information from the shore commander, they basically determined that it was a modern frigate imported from the Eagle Tribe by the Ertu Tribe.

As a tribe in the Western camp, the Laxi Tribe Navy still respects the equipment of the Eagle Tribe.

Even if it is the monkey version, it is produced by the Eagle Tribe.

Because of this, almost all the crew members were still a little frightened. After all, they had never seen the Longxia Tribe navy and the Eagle Tribe warship go head-to-head before.

It can even be said that the Longxia tribal navy is synonymous with backwardness.

"Listen to me, the warship on the other side didn't notice us."

"We are still scanning the sea, which means that our radar detection range is farther than theirs and more advanced than theirs!"

"I hope you won't be afraid and subconsciously think that our warships are inferior to others!"

"Let me tell you, based on those data and our test target shooting, our warship is a serious modern destroyer."

"Its combat power has far exceeded the Gazantipu class of the Ertu tribe!"

Ares glanced at the commanders and fighters in the main control room, and it was clear that they were a little scared, even frightened, so he picked up the communicator to mobilize before the war.

Aren’t they just two Gazantipu-class ships?
Afraid of birds?

The anti-ship missiles carried by their two warships have a longer range and radar detection range than those carried by the Gazantipu class.

Ares is sure that if a fight breaks out, they will have a huge technical advantage.

That's what naval battles are like.

If you detect and destroy it early, the enemy will never give you a chance to fire a second shot.

Now it depends on whether the YJ-801 anti-ship missile on the ship is reliable at the critical moment. Anyway, so far the radar is operating normally without any lag.

"I don't want you to have any psychological burden, so cheer up for me."

"I sunk that stupid Gazantipu class!"

"Even if we don't sink it, we still have to make enough money!"

Ares raised his brows and ordered in a deep voice. He then entered the command state and stared at the Gazantipu-class frigate with all his attention.

He knew very well that it was also a modern warship, and the two sides could finally fight a naval battle without any difference in weapons.

Before, they had no modern warships and had been suppressed by the Turkish tribal navy.

Even though they acted very bravely, none of the sailors were afraid of death. They drove the battleship upwards at the maximum speed.

However, even if the engine ran to smoke, they were still no match for the modern warships of the Turkish tribe.

Often before they even touch each other, the other side's warships have already launched missiles and sunk them. That painful lesson is something that everyone will remember deeply!

And now.

They have it too!
If you can no longer show your style, you might as well go home and plant sweet potatoes.


The sailors spoke in unison, each one extremely serious.

They showed a desperation to die.

The desire to fight and the burning blood made them all energetic.

"Report to captain, lock the No. 55 ship, the distance is kilometers."

"Now that the missiles are within range, do you want to start a fight?"

The radar monitor reported the latest data and then issued the order to the combat department.


Ares did not hesitate and decisively issued the attack order.


The combat commander immediately pressed the launch button.

(End of this chapter)

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