Thousand-year-old family: its rise began with Shang Yang’s reforms

Chapter 166 The Three Elements of the Big Devil [3 updates, please subscribe]

Chapter 166 The Three Elements of the Great Demon [Second update, please subscribe]

The departure of Wen Anjun Chen Shen was like turning on an inexplicable switch.

The sages of the same era as Chen Shen passed away one after another in just one year. Even the Chen family passed away several times in just one year.

Among the second generation of the Chen family, only the second son "Chen Jing" remains, and the third son "Chen An" is still alive.

In the ancestral hall, there are already three positions under the spiritual throne of An Guo Gong Chen Ye, namely "Wen An Gong" Chen Shen, "Wu An Gong" Chen Zhan, and "Shou An Jun" Chen Shou.

One sect, three masters and one king, this is a great honor.

All the people who came to worship Chen Ye, Chen Shen, Chen Zhan, and Chen Shou felt this way when they saw the words on the spiritual tablets in the ancestral hall.

And this is the result of Chen's decades of hard work.

Just when everyone thought that the twenty-sixth year of King Zhaoxiang must be a good year, something unexpected happened.

At the beginning of the twenty-sixth year of King Zhaoxiang.

Drought and locust plagues have descended on this troubled land one after another.

Among the seven countries, Qin's response was the fastest and most rapid.

Whether it is disaster relief, mobilizing food, or eradicating the locust plague, everything is very fast. In terms of food, Ying Ji personally drove to Guandu and came to the ancestral land of the Chen family to meet Chen Jing.

Later historians recorded this meeting.

"King Zhaoxiang entered Guandu at night and saw Lord Jing'an. He cried and said: There is a big disaster today. Do you want to abandon the state of Qin?"

And the fact is exactly as recorded in the history books. When writing this period of history, the Shang Biography who wrote the Book of Qin at that time hesitated and asked the First Emperor if he wanted to include this paragraph.

Of course, at the same time, there was another thing I was asking about.

The First Emperor was not angry, and was even very happy and proud. He told Shang Chuandao, who was writing history books at that time: All history must be recorded in detail one by one without any tampering.

What his great-uncle did was not shameful, and he didn't feel ashamed, so there was no need to hide it.

He even specifically told Shang Chuan that even the fact that he cried and begged Chen Zhong to come back must be recorded truthfully. This was Corporal Li Xian's "proof".

All in all, all in all.

In the twenty-sixth year of King Zhaoxiang, King Yingji of Qin appointed the second son of the second generation of the Chen family, "Chen Jing", who had always been unknown and the only one who seemed to have no reputation.

After Chen Jing became the chief agricultural officer, he quickly rectified Qin's agriculture and made countless efforts to deal with this disaster.

Finally, at the end of the twenty-sixth year of King Zhaoxiang's reign, he found a way to deal with the locust plague.


Chen Jing's expression was slightly silent. Others were praising him for being smart and bold for being able to think of this method, but only he knew that this was actually not his wisdom but his father's.

When he was under the knee of his father Chen Ye, the clan liked to pester his father for food.

In order to scare him, his father cooked "roasted locusts" in front of him. Chen Jing was frightened at the time, but Chen Ye, who frightened him, laughed and cooked the "roasted locusts" Eat them all.

When facing the locust plague this time, Chen Jing was at a loss what to do at first. The locust plague has been a problem that has been difficult to solve since ancient times.

Even if chickens and ducks eat locusts in the ground, it is not enough.

Qin doesn’t have that much food

Chen Jing, who was anxious at the time, thought of his father eating roasted locusts, so he gave it a try in desperation.

The result can be imagined.

Locusts are indeed edible, taste good, and are even nutritious, because they are meat!

In this era when food is already very precious, how can ordinary people have so much wealth to eat meat? What's more, the pig meat is still very smelly at this time.

But even if a solution is found, some Chinese people are unwilling to accept it.

Therefore, Chen Jing led his disciples to tour the country, performing "eating roasted locusts", and stated that he would judge the so-called "Locust God" on behalf of his father, "An Guogong" Chen Ye.

Yes, it's not him, but Chen Ye. When Chen Ye's name appeared again, everyone in the world saw how high the late An Guogong was in the hearts of the people.

People who were originally wary of the "Locust God" began to muster up the courage to use the method taught by Chen Jing to catch locusts and even began to eat them.

With the first person, there is the second person.

The locust plague in Qin gradually subsided.

The other countries were not so lucky. They did not have a "Chen Jing" who could contain the locust plague at the very beginning, and they did not have a "Mr. An" who could be trusted by the people to break the fear of "gods".

As a result, the locust plague spread among the six countries.

In the twenty-eighth year of King Zhaoxiang, when the locust plague in Qin gradually subsided, the locust plague in other countries became more and more severe.

The nobles naturally have no shortage of food, but ordinary Guizhou people are starving to death.

As a result, some Guizhou leaders who bordered the Qin State began to secretly escape from their own country to the Qin State.

They heard that although Qin's laws were slightly stricter, they also restricted the nobles.

They heard that they could have enough to eat in Qin.

When the first person arrived in Qin and verified this matter, the climax of secret migration among the world began.

According to records in later history books, this was the first large-scale and premeditated "population migration" climax, and it also laid the foundation for the subsequent integration and unification of the Qin State.

In the 29th year of King Zhaoxiang, the kings of the six kingdoms had no choice but to issue an order not to allow people to leave again, and those who left would be held accountable if caught.

The laws of the six countries have gradually become stricter.

But this kind of law not only did not scare the Chinese people, but also inspired the Chinese people's desire to escape.

The population loss of the six countries has become more and more serious.

The thirty years of King Zhaoxiang gradually passed in such an environment, and at the end of this year, Chen Jing passed away.

After Chen Jing's death, King Ying Ji of Qin felt extremely sad and posthumously named Chen Jing "Jing'an Lord" because of his achievements in the "locust plague".

So far, among the second generation of the Chen family, only "Chen An" is still alive.

In the Chen Ancestral Hall.

Chen An, who was supposed to be in Handan, Zhao State, stood in the ancestral hall, with a hint of depression and bitterness in his back. Was he the only one left in Chen's generation?


Chen An closed his eyes and was silent for a long time.

In the thirty-first year of King Zhaoxiang's reign, he came with heavy steps.

It was also during this year that the kings of the Six Kingdoms discovered a terrible thing.

The King of Qin of this generation seems to be not only alive, but also in good health.

They began to face up to the problem.

And this is already the thirty-first year of the Great Demon King Ying Ji as King of Qin.

He initially told all the kings of the Six Kingdoms what the three most important elements of being a great devil are.

"can live"

"can live"

"can live"

(End of this chapter)

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