Thousand-year-old family: its rise began with Shang Yang’s reforms

Chapter 196 The established trajectory [1 update, please subscribe]

Chapter 196 The established trajectory [st update, please subscribe]

Chen Zhong's words were somewhat meaningful, while Chen Su shook his head helplessly: "I know you are not optimistic about what will happen after Qin's unification, but after all, the Chen family has been bound to Qin for such a long time, hasn't it?"

After hesitating for a moment, he unconsciously placed his hand on the "Qilin Jade", and his senses instantly gathered together.

"What's more, if the unification of the world is postponed again because of Chen, it will be Chen's fault."

"Isn't what Chen wants the world to be stable?"

"When will the world's leading people in Guizhou be able to live a life of "security" and "peace"?"

This is what Chen wishes.

Chen Zhong looked at Chen Su, who was sitting there, and his expression suddenly became much calmer. He knew in his heart that this was the secret of the head of the "Chen family", but he didn't care.

Because often the protection of "secrets" is a source of pain.

And since they didn't know these things, they naturally didn't have to bear the pain that the head of the Chen family had to endure.

He looked at Chen Su and said, "Of course I know, just don't worry."

As he said that, Chen Zhong touched his chin and said with a smile: "Wang Jian's attack on Yan State has probably reached its peak now, right? I just don't know how far things have progressed?"

Chen Su shook his head slightly: "No matter how far he progresses, it is not something we need to consider."

"What we have to consider now is the crowning of the king."

"That's the top priority."

Yes, Ying Zheng will finally take over the throne this year.

The age at which King Qin was crowned was not fixed. Just like King Huiwen and Yingsi, he was twenty-two years old, while King Zhaoxiang was crowned at "twenty-one years old." Today's Yingzheng chose the age of "twenty-two years old." Crowned.

This is certainly etiquette.

Before his death, Xun Kuang compiled a complete set of "Qin Rites" for Qin, which was also the foundation of Qin's founding.

And today's Qin State is not like the original trajectory, so the disciples of "Confucianism" are also very obedient. Although the "Lu Ru" lineage is still relatively stubborn, Confucianism has already divided into "Qin Confucianism" There are three parts: "Lu Ru" and "Chu Ru".

They each have different persistence and beliefs. In the original history, Ying Zheng could only use "Lu Ru" so he was stabbed in the back, which will also disappear.

At the end of the fourth year of Qin Wangzheng's reign.

Wang Jian's attack on the State of Yan also came to an end. In fact, this war did not encounter much "resistance" because the King of Yan did not want to die without a burial place like the King of Wei, and even died even after his death. Not a single corpse was found.

So almost as soon as he heard that Wang Jian was attacking Yan State, he gave the order and just resisted reluctantly.

Don't resist too much.

Because King Yan was also afraid, he was afraid that because of his resistance, General "Wang Jian" and "Jun Wu'an" of Qin would have a bad impression of him. Although this Lord Wu'an did not seem to have a title related to "massacre", King Yan was still afraid.

What if?

What if this man, like the previous Lord Wu An, likes to kill those who resist?

He, King Yan, doesn’t want to resist, so why should he bear all this for those who resist?

Therefore, King Yan ordered not to resist.

But there are always people who have their own "beliefs" in their hearts, and they will do anything to protect their homeland. When these people do not have a "qualified leader" to lead them, they may not be able to exert any strong power.

But once they have a "leader", the power they exert is impressive.

During the Battle of Qin and Yan, there was a group of people like this. In order to protect the Yan Kingdom, they did not obey even if the King of Yan ordered them not to resist. Instead, they began to resist under the leadership of another leader of the Yan Kingdom.

There are two leaders among them, one is "Jing Ke", a member of the Yanmo Ranger lineage, and the other is "Prince Dan" from the royal family of the Yan Kingdom.

When they learned that the Yanmo Rangers were resisting the Qin State under the leadership of Jing Ke, the Mohist disciples within the Qin State also showed up enthusiastically. They did not support unjust wars, but the current battle for the unification of the Qin State Is it unjust?

To a certain extent, perhaps, but from a broader perspective, the war could not have been more just.

Only when the world is unified can people live and work in peace and contentment.

Qian Shou can live a better life. Isn't this a better interpretation of Mozi's thought?

Therefore, the Qin Mo Rangers also enthusiastically went to the recruiting places and put on armor to participate in a war that they did not originally support.

This is righteousness. The historical records of this war are very interesting, because the battle between Qin and Zhao is the most classic and earliest prototype of "special warfare" in Chinese history, but it is also a large-scale war, and should be compared with "special warfare" There is a difference.

This feeling of contradiction and non-contradiction pervades this war, so the war itself has become one of the favorite "topics" for later generations to study this period. Countless researchers, readers, and scholars have devoted themselves to it. research on it.

"This is a special war. From the current perspective, perhaps it is the prototype of "special warfare." After all, although the number of Mohist rangers is not large, their combat effectiveness is very strong. Of course, Their combat methods are not backward, and even now, when training special forces, their combat methods are often used as a reference."

"And this war also provided an "idea" for many wars in later generations. Why can't we use a very small number of "elite soldiers" or "rangers" to kill the opponent's generals? Or kill the opponent's important figures and gain What about victory in the war?”

"We can see this idea in the records of many wars in later generations, such as the Battle of Broken Jade and the Battle of Defeating Heaven. They all adopted this method."

In the "Battle of Broken Jade", some more "advanced" ideas were adopted. We can see the mixture of several strategies such as "estrangement strategy", "beauty trap" and "mind-attacking strategy", all for the sake of Protect your "homeland"."

"The Battle of Qin and Yan has a special status in the history of Chinese wars. It made ancient Chinese wars more "conspiracy" and completely separated from the category of "righteous wars" during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. This is a typical progress." ————“History of Chinese Wars·The Battle of Qin and Yan”

"During this war, the Mohist family has obviously been more developed, and we don't know whether this development is a good thing or a bad thing. But we can see that many monarchs in later generations began to deliberately train Mohist rangers according to The method of cultivating "death warriors" may be the original source of the emergence of "death warriors"." - "Research on the Culture of Dead Soldiers in Ancient China - Taking the Battle of Qin and Yan as an Example"·PhD thesis of Huaxia University· First author: Fan Ke

"We have no way of knowing why our ancestors participated in this obviously "unjust" war, but what we do know is that the blood of our ancestors was spilled on the land, at the expense of the Mohist family's young generation being almost cut off, in exchange for "the Mohist family's "The direction the disciples should really go."

“That’s ‘Protecting the People’.”

"It was also after this war that the Mohist family completely stood beside the Chen family in Guandu. No matter how many springs and autumns or changes in history, the Mohist family will guard the land of China and this land together with the Chen family. The leaders of Guizhou who are the least able to resist."

"Chen was willing to sacrifice for the sake of the Guizhou leaders, was able to almost cut off the bloodline of the younger generation in the "War to Defeat Heaven", and was willing to fight against all odds. Have the disciples of the Mohist family lost this character?"

"That's not the case."

"Tonight, I will lead more than 90% of the younger generation of the Mo family to join in the "War against Heaven". I hope that people all over the world can live happily in this homeland, and I also hope that this troubled land, Peace can once again be ushered in." - "Mo Ji"·The Seventeenth Juzi of the Mohist School·Kun Jing

The tragedy of the war was beyond everyone's expectation, but this time's tragedy was different from the usual tragedies.

Most of those who died were not soldiers, but disciples of the "Mo family".

They fought for justice in their hearts. Ying Zheng, who was far away in Xianyang City, was also shocked when he heard the news.

Chen Zhong said with emotion: "People always like to pursue justice in their hearts and are willing to pay the price for it."

What he held in his hand was the battle report sent from the front line today. Qin returned with a great victory. There were almost no casualties among the soldiers, but many young disciples of Qin Mo's lineage sacrificed a lot.

Only the young disciples who were left as "fire seeds" in Xianyang City are still alive.

Chen Zhong turned his head and looked at Ying Zheng sitting aside: "Your Majesty, the Yan Kingdom has been captured."

The only ones left are Qi and Chu.

In the fifth year of the Qin Dynasty, it was winter and the first month.

During the grand sacrifice, Ying Zheng completed the crowning ceremony under the watchful eyes of all the important officials of the Qin State. From then on, Qin King Ying Zheng truly took control of the power in his hands.

He became the king of Qin who kept his word.

At this time, Wang Jian also led his army back to Xianyang City and presented the Yanguo Kantu map and the head of Prince Dan as congratulatory gifts.

King Qin Ying Zheng did not treat Yan King harshly, but instead named him Uncle Yan like Han Bo and Zhao Bo. Yan Bo lived up to Ying Zheng's hope and advised more than a dozen virtuous ministers to serve Qin.

Everything seems to be moving in a good direction.

Until a letter of credence was delivered to Xianyang City from the distant state of Qi, Ying Zheng looked at the letter of credence in front of him with confusion on his face.

It says that the State of Qi is willing to present one of the Nine Cauldrons, as well as the map of the State of Qi, and is willing to reduce its title to uncle like the States of Yan, Han, and Zhao.

In short, the State of Qi, represented by King Qi, is about to surrender.

And he doesn’t need anything and can be treated the same as Yan Zhaohan before.

Along with this letter of state came envoys who wanted to personally present the Jiuding and Kanyu Map to the King of Qin.

Peach Blossom Spring

Chen Ye looked at the scene in front of him with a strange expression, his eyes flashing with a little interest.

"Ah, this plot is damn familiar."

(End of this chapter)

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