Thousand-year-old family: its rise began with Shang Yang’s reforms

Chapter 24 Undercurrent [2 updates, please collect and read]

Chapter 24 Undercurrent [Second update, please collect and read]

There was a gleam in Ying Si's eyes: "What does it have to do with me?"

He sat there and said quietly and somewhat happily: "Whether it is an old noble, a new noble, or Shang Yang, what does it have to do with me as a child? What does it have to do with me as a prince?"

"I am my father's eldest son. According to the rules and etiquette, as long as I do not violate any heinous laws, I can safely inherit the position of king."

"Then, whether the prince breaks the law and the common people are guilty, or whether these interest groups fight, it has nothing to do with me."

Ying Si raised his head, looked at Chen Ye and said, "Teacher, do you think this is true?"

Hearing this, Chen Ye clapped his hands and laughed, saying three colors in a row!

"Colorful! Colorful! Colorful!"

"Your Highness, this is the first lesson I want to teach you. The most important point in class theory is that the monarch must clearly understand which class he is in. The monarch must know that he does not belong to any class!"

"He is independent! He is the player and not the pawn!"

"When the monarch gives an order, countless people will follow him. Fighting with his ministers in person is always the most failed and stupidest approach, because it will cause the monarch to lose his most important authority and status!"

Chen Ye looked at Ying Si with burning eyes: "Only by jumping out of the chessboard can we sit firmly on the Diaoyutai!"

At this time, Ying Si was also moved by what Chen Ye said. He looked at Chen Ye and sighed in his heart like his father. How could such a great talent be obtained by Qin? He actually got it?

He actually became his own teacher?

Class theory, including what a monarch should do, is not a brilliant conclusion, but there are very few monarchs who can achieve this in the long history.

And the monarchs who did this can all leave their names in history!
  This is the saying that it is not difficult to meet people, but it is not difficult for people who are difficult to meet.

At this time, it was not only Ying Si who was excited, but also Qin Xiaogong, who was uneasy about Chen Ye's weak young man giving a lecture to his son. Qin Xiaogong was sitting in the back hall, listening carefully to every word Chen Ye said. One sentence.

Only now did he realize what a right decision he made by handing his son over to Chen Ye!
  After Chen Ye left, Ying Si still sat there blankly digesting everything he had talked to Chen Ye today, while Qin Xiaogong quietly walked out of the back hall.

He looked at Ying Si sitting there, and the first thing he said was: "How?"

"But do you want to change your teacher as you told me yesterday?"

Qin Xiaogong's tone was filled with amusement and ridicule. Yesterday, when he told Ying Si that his teacher was a weak boy and had no reputation as a great talent in the world, this boy tried every possible means to trick him into finding another teacher for him.

In the end, he could only agree. If Ying Si was not satisfied, then he would let Ying Si choose his own teacher.

When Ying Si heard his father's voice coming from behind, he immediately broke free from his thoughts. He rubbed his hands, and the child's face showed a unique flattery: "Father, you are an adult and don't remember the faults of others. Don't You’re arguing with me, a little kid.”

"What I said yesterday was all a joke to you. How could I not trust the teacher you carefully selected for me?"

He rubbed his hands: "Besides, I think the frequency of the teacher's lectures is a bit too low? How about changing it to once every two days?"

Once every two days?
  Qin Xiaogong couldn't help laughing. He rubbed Ying Si's head and laughed softly: "Once every two days, are you making things difficult for your teacher or yourself?"

"As a father, I can support you through ups and downs for a while, but you don't have to grow up so fast."

"Don't let yourself have regrets."

"You have a father like me, a teacher like Chen Ye, and a reform pioneer like Shang Yang, so why worry about the future?"

Ying Si nestled in Qin Xiaogong's arms and raised his head to look at his father's cheek. At this moment, he felt very happy. He had such an enviable father. What an enviable thing!

How many princes in the world can be so safe and happy in their father's arms?

Heijia Mansion
  In the mansion at this time, there were not only Hei Jia, Slug and a group of people who were still determined to oppose Shang Yang's reform, but there was also another person sitting at the top, who even occupied a higher seat than Hei Jia, the owner. Mr. Qian.

An upright son of the Great Qin clan, the son of Qin Xiangong, the brother of Qin Xiaogong Ying Quliang, and the uncle of the future King Qin Huiwen.

He is sitting here because he feels his position is being challenged.

Because Gongzi Qian received the news, he was supposed to become the prince's first tutor, but some minor accidents occurred, and the position of the prince's first tutor was confirmed yesterday.

The person who became him was Siko Chenye.

A disciple of Shang Yang and a person recommended by Shang Yang.

This was enough to ignite the anger that had been hidden in Gongzi Qian's heart, because he had originally been affected by the new law and lost part of his benefits, but now that he learned the news, his emotions exploded directly.

He had to think of a way to raise the knife in his hand to destroy Shang Yang and Chen Ye.

No matter what impact this has on Qin.

Fortunately, he found his suitable comrades-in-arms. Among the old nobles, the most suitable ones to fight with him were Heijia, Slug and others.

Because they are also old nobles whose interests have been violated.

It's still the same sentence.

There are only people who betray the class, but there will never be a class that betrays the class.

  After Qin Xiaogong left, Ying Si continued to sit in the hall and think about everything the teacher taught today.

He took a small carving knife and repeatedly carved words on the bamboo slips. The contents inside were all what he heard today. He always believed in the truth that no matter how good his memory was, it was not as safe as writing things down. .

Because only memory is used to record knowledge, and when time wears out, people will definitely regret it.

While Ying Si was thinking, he was feeling how wonderful the class theory taught by the teacher was. When he completely jumped out of his previous thoughts, especially the knowledge that was deliberately instilled by some people, he suddenly understood what he had learned before. Why many choices are scolded by his own father.

I even understood how hopeless I was before.

Stand on the side of those old nobles, obey their orders, fight against the new law, and fight against Shang Yang?

Is this good for you?

Even if there is no fight, can Shang Yang bring any loss of interests to himself?

both are not.

So, everything can be summed up in four words.

none of my business?

Ying Si smiled slightly and turned to look at the chamberlain beside him: "From today on, those people are not allowed to enter the palace to see me again."

"I can forget the bribes you accepted in the past."

"If he does it again."


(End of this chapter)

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