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Chapter 36 The Son of the Dragon

Shen Gongbao looked at Yingzhou Xiandao all the way and galloped away. After chatting with several people on Sanxian Island, Shen Gongbao said goodbye to them, left his address of Xiandao, and returned to Yingzhou Xiandao up.

Before getting close to the fairy island of Yingzhou, Shen Gongbao noticed the turbulence and fluctuation of the sea thousands of miles away from his fairy island. It seemed that there were many aquariums in it, and it was very lively.

Immediately thereafter, he heard bursts of roaring, full of resentment, and some laughter. Shen Gongbao unfolded his consciousness and looked curiously, but saw a group of shrimp soldiers and crab generals surrounding the bottom of a huge island. One is dressed in a gorgeous dragon robe, with two dragon horns on his forehead, and a faint dragon majesty on his body. His identity is self-evident, and he must be a dragon in the sea.

When Shen Gongbao entered Yingzhou Immortal Island, he saw Liu Er and Nian Lingyan discussing something together. When he saw Shen Gongbao came back, he got up and came to him respectfully, "Master, you are back!"

"I have seen the master!"

"Excuse me!" Shen Gongbao said softly, "Liu Er, do you know what the group of water tribes not far away are doing?"

Liu Er hurriedly said: "Master, listening to their words, it seems that there is a prince of the Dragon Clan under the huge island, and he is one of the nine sons of the Zulong!"

"Baxia?" Shen Gongbao asked in surprise, his face full of doubts.

However, it is said that the dragons are lustful by nature, and they mate with many kinds of creatures in the world, and they give birth to various species, all of which have the blood of the dragons, and they are collectively called the dragons. Some of them are shaped like snakes, turtles, etc. The first ancestor of the dragon clan, the ancestor dragon, gave birth to nine sons with different shapes and personalities.

One, Prisoner Niu, is the eldest of the nine sons born to the Dragon, and loves music all his life;

One is Yai Zi, the second child, aggressive and fond of killing all his life, small-minded by nature, and fond of holding grudges;

One is Xiaofeng, the third child, who looks like a beast, and is full of dangers and hopes in his life;

One is called Pulao, which ranks fourth. It looks like a twisted dragon, and it sings and roars all its life;

One is Suan Ni, ranking fifth, shaped like a lion, prefers to be quiet and does not like to move, likes to sit, and likes fireworks;

One is Ba Xia, the sixth child, shaped like a tortoise, he is good at carrying heavy loads all his life, and his strength is very poor;

One is Bi An, the seventh eldest child, who looks like a tiger. He is prone to litigation in his life, but he is powerful;

One is called negative, ranked eighth, looks like a dragon, and has good writing in his life;

One is Chi kiss, ranked ninth, moves like a fish, has a wide and loud mouth, and is easy to swallow in his life;

Since the nine sons of the dragon are not in the shape of a dragon, they have not been recognized by the ancestor dragon since their birth, and they were abandoned outside the dragon clan. Met Baxia, one of the nine sons.

Recalling the information related to Baxia in my mind, I found that the last time Baxia appeared was the period of Dayu's flood control. At that time, Baxia often carried three mountains and five mountains on his back, making waves in rivers, lakes and seas.

Later, Dayu subdued it when he was controlling the water. It obeyed Dayu's command, dug ditches in the mountains, dredged the river, and made contributions to water control.When the flood was subdued, Dayu worried that Baxia would run wild again, so he moved to a huge stone tablet piercing the sky.

People only know that Baxia was crushed under the stele, but they don't know that he was crushed in the East China Sea. Presumably, the stele has become a huge island after the passing of time.

The nine sons of the dragon are not recognized by the dragon clan, so, thinking back to the young dragon clan wearing a dragon robe, Shen Gongbao knew in his heart that the dragon clan knew that Ba Xia was being suppressed here, so he came to mock him After a while, the poor Baxia was crushed under the stone tablet, unable to resist, so he let out bursts of angry roars.

Shen Gongbao frowned and pondered for a moment, Nabaxia had been oppressed for a long time and had never escaped from the sea of ​​misery, and now that he was discovered by the Dragon Clan, he would have to come to tease him many times in the future. Originally, all this had something to do with Shen Gongbao, but it was far away from Yingzhou Xiandao But thousands of miles away, this is really going to disturb myself and others to clean up.

Moreover, Shen Gongbao didn't want too many people to pay attention to his fairy island, so he wanted to go out to see if there was a good way to solve this matter.

I saw Shen Gongbao said: "Liu Er, just listen to me, do you know who the leader is?"

"Master, that person is Ao Bing, the third prince of the Dragon Clan of the East China Sea!"

"Ao Bing, the third prince of the Dragon King of the East China Sea?" Shen Gongbao muttered a few words with a strange expression, and couldn't help thinking that the unlucky dragon who was skinned by Nezha's cramps later was not the unlucky dragon. .

Shen Gongbao nodded and said, "Wait for me to go out and have a look!"

"Master, can we go and have a look too?" Liu Er said happily, and so did Nian Lingyan beside him. The two stayed in Yingzhou Fairy Island for a long time. Although the environment here is beautiful like a fairyland, both of them are beautiful. Those who are so ruthless and fighting, this kind of ordinary life is not what they want. Now that there is excitement to watch, there is no reason not to go. If Shen Gongbao hadn't said before that they were not allowed to leave the island, the two of them would have gone to join in the fun .

Shen Gongbao smiled and said, "Okay, let's go together!"

After finishing speaking, he straddled Nian Ling Yan and left Yingzhou Immortal Island with Liu Er, looking towards Ao Bing.

"Who is coming, tell me your name!" Before a few people approached, the voice of a Yaksha patrolling the sea was heard from a distance.

Shen Gongbao stopped Six Ears from making a sound, and after getting close, he said: "Pindao is explaining and teaching Yuanshi Tianzun's disciple Shen Gongbao, I don't know what the third prince is talking about here?"

Shen Gongbao looked intently, and saw that Ao Bing had a haughty expression on his face, but when he heard that Shen Gongbao was actually the direct disciple of Yuanshi Tianzun, his face changed into a smiling face, and said: "It turns out that I am a disciple of the saint, and I am Ao Bing." , I have seen fellow Taoists."

"The prince is polite!" Shen Gongbao saluted back.

Ao Bing has no doubt that Shen Gongbao will tell lies. Who dares to pretend to be a disciple of a saint. You must know the power of a saint. If you mention the name of a saint as soon as you speak, he will be able to sense it. If what you say is a lie, he will definitely It is the greatest sorrow for all ascetics not to rest with you, but to have evil causes and consequences with saints.

After the first catastrophe of the dragon and phoenix, the talents of the dragon clan have withered, and it is far from being able to gain a foothold in the wild land, so they all moved to the four seas, relying on the remnants of the power of the dragon clan to control the people of the four seas, dominate the four seas, stay away from the turmoil of the prehistoric continent, Also happy leisurely.

Today, the four dragon kings with the highest cultivation levels among the dragon clan are the four dragon kings of the four seas, all of whom are masters of Da Luo Jinxian, and the rest are all low-level ones. Compared with the heyday of Da Luo Jinxian everywhere, they are far inferior.

Even in the heyday, the dragon clan had to be respectful when they saw the disciples of sages, so Ao Bing dared to show off in front of Shen Gongbao, so he put away his arrogance and greeted people with a smile.

"Fellow Daoist, this is Baxia, an abandoned disciple of my Dragon Clan. Although his seniority is very high, he is not recognized by our Dragon Clan. It just so happens that Yecha Xunhai discovered this son not long ago, so he is next to you." Ao Bing was embarrassed and didn't continue. I can't say anymore.

Seeing this, Shen Gongbao didn't point it out, and said with a light smile: "So that's the case, it's just that this place is very close to the Pindao Dojo, and you are making trouble here, but it's disturbing my cultivation, so Pindao came to have a look. "

Upon hearing this, Ao Bing said quickly: "Don't worry, fellow Taoist, I'll leave now. This underlord has been abandoned by the Dragon Clan, and he was left to fend for himself. Moreover, he was suppressed under the stone tablet by King Yu, and he was banned. Da Luo Jinxian is a strong man, but he can't be released."

"Thank you so much, Prince. If there is a chance in the future, I will definitely come to pay my respects to Prince!"

"Haha, where is it? Fellow Daoist and my East China Sea Dragon Palace are close neighbors. We should get closer to each other. If you have time, fellow Daoist, please come and visit more often. Your Majesty and Father will definitely receive you in person!" Ao Bing was very excited, now It is also a great blessing to have a good relationship with a saint disciple during the dragon demonstration.

"Good! Pindao will definitely pay a visit sometime in the future!"

"That's it, I'll take my leave!" Ao Bing said, and led a group of shrimp soldiers and crab generals to the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea.

Shen Gongbao waited for Ao Bing to go away before he opened up the sea and approached the bottom of the island to see the long-famous son of the dragon—Baxia!

(Updated, please support, collect tickets, hehe, also, I hope everyone will continue to support after the list is changed in the evening, the breeze is on the list, thank you, the new book issue is still a few days away, I hope everyone will continue to work hard!)

[e "Rebirth of Fahai"]

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