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Chapter 50 The Changeling Thunder Tribulation

"Ah! Brother Nian, what's wrong with him?" Jingwei exclaimed.

At this time, Shen Gongbao didn't have time to answer Jingwei, and his eyes were fixed on Nian Lingyan. Although he felt that Nian Lingyan's actions were a bit reckless, but the matter had come to an end, and he only hoped that he survived the thunder disaster safely.



Jieyun in the sky seemed to be enraged by Nian Lingyan's actions, and immediately released a thumb-sized thunder from the dark cloud towards Nian Lingyan who was speeding towards him.

Nian Lingyan didn't dodge or dodge, and was struck by lightning immediately. He trembled a little, then roared excitedly, and rushed towards Jieyun without changing his direction.

After the first thunder tribulation was released in the cloud, the second thunder calamity descended, and the bright thunder and lightning roared away, hitting the middle-aged Ling Yan's body, but at this time Nian Lingyan was already close to the cloud, and there was no sign of Nian Lingyan. Just like that, he rushed into the robbery cloud.

Shen Gongbao held his hands tightly, staring at Jieyun without blinking his eyes, and Liu Er did the same, scratching the monkey's cheeks and scratching his forehead from time to time, feeling nervous in his heart, feeling that the momentum of Ling Yan and Lei Jie this year was too much. It is much bigger than the robbery cloud I had at the beginning.

The Heavenly Tribulation is a test for the ascetics in the world. Those who survive can continue to practice, otherwise they will only be wiped out, and the lucky ones can be reincarnated.

And everyone can only rely on their own to resist the catastrophe, others can't help, they can only give some help to those who survived the catastrophe before the catastrophe comes, if they intervene in the catastrophe, the catastrophe will definitely happen And lock the helpers, and at the same time the power of the thunder tribulation will increase geometrically, so that those who survive the tribulation will definitely have life and death.

It was precisely because of this that Shen Gongbao and the others let Nian Lingyan face the thunder disaster alone instead of helping, otherwise it would be impossible to help, and Nian Lingyan would be harmed instead.

It is said that after Ling Yan rushed into the robbery cloud, Shen Gongbao and others could not see Nian Lingyan's figure, but could only hear the roar from time to time, and the crackling sound of thunder and robbery, and the glint of light in the cloud from time to time with.

About half a quarter of an hour later, Nian Lingyan's figure finally appeared from the cloud, but he fell straight down from the cloud and landed on the island with a "bang".

Shen Gongbao and the others were shocked, and their spiritual sense couldn't help but to explore. When they saw Nian Lingyan's situation, they breathed a sigh of relief. They saw that he was holding the jade gourd and pouring the elixir into their mouths frantically, which was obviously a serious problem.

Looking at the robbery cloud in the sky, I saw that the robbery cloud was much smaller at this time, only ten feet in size, and the scattered dark clouds were gradually attracted by a reverse vortex formed in the middle, and a faint coercion came from the vortex. It seems that the next wave of attacks is gathering.

After all, it was the decisive elixir produced by the emperor Shennong. Soon Nian Lingyan felt that the mana that had just dissipated had returned to its original state. Grinning his teeth, he carefully put away the jade gourd, and then stood upright and proudly looked at Jieyun above. , fear.

Just then, Ling Yan saw that the robbery cloud was getting bigger and bigger, and the coercion was getting bigger and bigger, so he had an idea and rushed directly into the robbery cloud, attracting the robbery cloud to attack in advance. It won't be able to gather power, and after his harassment in advance, the robbery cloud is indeed much smaller.

Of course, the price Nian Lingyan paid was not small, his whole body was bombarded by lightning, all kinds of feelings are really inhumane, and just now in the robbery cloud, he wantonly launched the hammer and bombardment thunder robbery at the tail, Rampage with the horns on his head in the dark clouds, his mana has already been exhausted.

In the end, the whole body was paralyzed by the thunder and lightning, and he fell stiffly into the cloud and landed on the island without any image, causing Shen Gongbao and others a false alarm.


Not long after Nian Lingyan recovered, Jieyun finally condensed again, and he slashed directly, this time it was as thick as an arm.

"Damn!" Nian Lingyan cursed angrily, spreading his mana all over his body, and accepted the baptism of thunder and lightning without dodging or evading.

After a burst of lightning and thunder on the flaming body, Nian Lingyan's mana circulated, nourishing the body that had just been bombarded by lightning with mana, feeling that the body was gradually becoming stronger, Nian Lingyan roared: "Cool! Come again! Hoho!"

Lei Jie didn't care whether Nian Lingyan was straightforward, and still unhurriedly released lightning bolts. Although the speed gradually slowed down, the power was getting stronger and stronger.

This time, there are no other catastrophes such as earth fire, geomantic omen, etc., only thunder catastrophe!

Kuishui Yinlei, Wutu Yanglei and other five-element god thunders were bombarded in the first stage, and then the Taiyin God Thunder and Sun God Thunder or both attacked together, which really made Nian Lingyan suffer a lot. Painful. .

After about **72 Dao Divine Thunders passed, all the Five Elements Divine Thunders and the Lunar Sun God Thunders were safely passed by Nian Lingyan.

Liu Er was very talkative, completely stunned, and looked at Nian Lingyan's tribulation stupidly. Before that, he survived the six or nine heavenly tribulation, which was already considered a very powerful form-changing thunder tribulation among the monster clan, but Guan Nian The momentum of Ling Yan is obviously the most powerful Ninety-Nine Heavenly Tribulation in the Lightning Tribulation of Transformation.

Shen Gongbao also didn't expect that Nian Lingyan's aptitude was so good, or that he had such great potential, that God would serve him with ninety-nine calamities. He didn't know whether he should roar happily or mourn for Nian Lingyan.

At this time, Nian Lingyan was already exhausted, no longer as fierce as before, the scales all over his body were shattered by the bombardment of thunder, and a trace of blood overflowed. Even so, Nian Lingyan still showed a rebellious look in his eyes. The color of madness.

Wearing rough clothes in his mouth, Nian Lingyan still did not open the protective magic circle. Through previous experiments, Nian Lingyan knew that the more thunder he resisted at this time, the stronger his physical body would become in the future, and now his The cultivation base is already close to the realm of Taiyi Xuanxian, and the speed of recovering mana has been greatly accelerated.

Feeling the traces of mana circulating in his body, bringing a trace of coolness to the pain all over his body, grinning, Nian Lingyan thought to himself that he should still be able to withstand one or two thunderstorms.

"Hoho! Come!" Nian Lingyan's high-pitched roar resounded in the sky and the earth.

Suddenly, Shen Gongbao's face changed suddenly, and he saw that the Jieyun that was slowly rotating above suddenly shrank to the size of a bowl, and the dark clouds were all gathered together, black and bright, shining with strange light, and at the same time, an overwhelming destructive aura was coming hit.

"No, the last nine divine thunders have joined together, hurry up! Activate the protective array!" Shen Gongbao roared.

Shen Gongbao needs to remind that Nian Lingyan had already felt the destructive aura when Jieyun changed suddenly, and wanted to drive him away. At this moment, Nian Lingyan didn't even have the intention to swear, and immediately followed the formula taught by Shen Gongbao , opened the chaotic formation and the gathering spirit formation, only looking forward to this chaotic formation can really withstand the final blow.

"I just made such a small mistake back then, do you need to treat me like this? Damn!" Seeing the opening of the chaotic formation, Nian Lingyan had time to curse, and at the same time felt aggrieved. He carried one or two bolts of divine thunder, but now that Lei Jie has mutated and become so powerful, how dare he try it.

Maybe it was Nian Lingyan's sudden action that caused the changes in Lei Jie, or maybe it was because Nian Ling Yan was upset by the heavens. In short, the Lei Jie that should have been released separately finally merged into one, and its power can be imagined.

In Nian Lingyan's feeling, it seemed that several calamities had already passed, and finally, the last thunder tribulation came long after it arrived!


The last divine thunder descended without a sound!

There is no such thing as the lightning and thunder before, it is earth-shattering!

A pitch-black thunderbolt that was only as thick as a thumb came to the top of Nian Lingyan's head very slowly, and struck down!

There was still no sound, and nothing strange was seen. After bombarding the chaotic formation with the Taoist thunder, it disappeared, and the thunder disaster in the sky also disappeared, the dark clouds disappeared, and the clear sky reappeared.

"Master, is Brother Nian alright?" Jing Wei asked in a low voice.

Shen Gongbao shook his head and didn't know how to answer it. This last divine thunder was too weird. Instinctively, Shen Gongbao stopped Liu Er, who was about to step forward to check, and said, "Wait a little longer, wait and see what happens!"

One quarter of an hour!

Half an hour!

an hour!

Finally, after two hours, the island changed!

There was a loud noise suddenly from the island, and then it fell apart under the horrified eyes of Shen Gongbao and others, turned into powder, and disappeared completely.

Also at this time, there was a sudden bang in the sea under the island, and Nian Lingyan's figure suddenly appeared in the air. At this time, he did not see a trace of embarrassment, the injuries all over his body disappeared, the flames all over his body were still there, and his head was still burning. The horns on the upper body were flashing with lightning, and so was the tail. The scales on the body became smaller and more compact, and the four hooves were covered with colorful auspicious clouds, which was truly beautiful.


Nian Lingyan let out a roar of joy, and transformed himself into the same naive little fat man from before, but with an extra horn on his head, holding a huge hammer in his hand, I really miss the hammer on the tail of his body .

After checking left and right, Nian Lingyan smiled in satisfaction, looking forward to seeing Shen Gongbao and others galloping towards him.

(The new book period has finally passed, and I was dropped from the list. After all, I didn’t get to sit in the first place, but Qingfeng is satisfied, thank you for your support! I’m about to write Fengshen, hehe, if you have any opinions, feel free to ask!)

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