Pirate, this sailor has a unique backbone

Chapter 119 The verdict will eventually come

Chapter 119 The verdict will eventually come
  Poison gas on the island of Punk Hassad.

As soon as I encountered the darkness of the southern night.

Just like a mouse meets a cat, everything melts away.

Under the influence of Tetsuya's heart network.

They quickly found the research base where Caesar Courant was located.

Outside the gate of the base, there is a group of pirates wearing gas masks stationed there.

"No, there are intruders!"

"Who is it?"

"This uniform...is from the Navy, the Navy is coming!"

The pirates were shocked and looked at the more than two hundred sailors who suddenly appeared in front of them.

Frightened into a cold sweat.

"Why would the navy appear here? It makes no sense. This place has obviously been abandoned by the world government."

"Could it be that...their joker-sama's property is here?"

"But Mr. Joker is the King of the Qibukai. Even if he is discovered, he should be treated as if he did not see him!"

They were full of doubts.

Someone raised Doflamingo's banner and threatened the G5 marines to leave here quickly.

No orders from Nan Ye are needed.

The two hundred sailors under his command, who had been specially trained for more than half a year, all pounced on the pirates on the opposite side like wolves and tigers.

There was no fear on his face, but instead he was full of ferocity and excitement.

This is the result of the special training. Nan Ye now has a thousand soldiers, each of whom can be called a warrior, far stronger than ordinary pirate minions.

In just a few minutes.

G5's marines defeated dozens of pirates with three strikes.

"Leave one hundred and fifty people to guard the gate and don't let out a fly."

Nan Ye walked into the entrance of the research institute with his hands behind his back and ordered:

"The rest of you come in with me."

"Remember, when we fight later, don't damage the technological facilities here too seriously."

This is his base for making future pacifists.

The equipment was more important than Caesar Coulant's life.

More than fifty people went straight into the institute.

There are also many pirates inside.

Before he could shout, he was instantly killed by Zoro, Tetsuya, Guge and Guretta.

Sweep all the way, unobstructed.

Until I passed by a room that looked like a children's playground.

Nan Ye's footsteps stopped.

It’s strange no matter how you think about it, that in a place full of vicious pirates, there is actually a children’s paradise.

In the paradise room, there were twenty or thirty children playing.

Some of these children look like normal human children, while others seem to be over-developed, growing to over two meters tall at just a few years old.

In particular, their heads look extremely big, like big-headed dolls, which look extremely abnormal and uncoordinated.

A pretty elder sister in a green shirt was about to give the children injections with a smile:

"Good boy, come here. I'm going to get an injection and take some medicine. This way I won't have a headache when I go to bed at night."

"Thank you, Sister Monet."

The children replied innocently.

"What a weird sight." Tetsuya couldn't help but say.

Zoro narrowed his eyes and held the handle of Wado Ichimonji's sword at his waist:
  "These children are experimental subjects, right?"

"Recently, I did hear that there were cases of missing children in many places. It turned out that they were caught here." Gu Ge said.

Guretta clenched his fists:
  "You must be damned if you turn your evil hand on ignorant children!"

Everyone was filled with anger and indignation.

Nan Ye, who had already known about this, had a cold look in his eyes:
  "This is a world of cannibalism. The Celestial Dragons keep slaves in captivity and the pirates are crazy. They are all beasts worse than pigs and dogs."

"Then let's judge these beasts!"

Zoro couldn't bear it anymore.

draw the knife.

Enter the room.

"Ah, sister Monet, a green-haired brother walked in!"


Monet, who was about to inject a sedative into a child to prevent them from going crazy, turned his head and looked away.

next second.

The beautiful face suddenly froze.


"G5 branch, Death God Nanye?!"    "No, you can't come here, this is the young master's territory!"

Monet screamed, greatly aroused.

She was frightened and angry.

Her expression was distorted, completely different from the image of the gentle big sister just now.

"Why do you have to go against the young master, God of Death Nanye?"

"I'm going to freeze you all to death here!"

As Doflamingo sent here to serve as Caesar's secretary, Monet was extremely loyal to Doflamingo.

He believes that only the young master can become the Pirate King, and he is willing to pay his life for this.

She is a user with the natural snow fruit ability. She wildly stirred up the wind and snow, blowing it towards the door, trying to freeze Nan Ye and others.

It's such a naive and childish idea.

Not to mention freezing Nan Ye, even Zoro couldn't stop her.

Sauron walked towards Monet step by step.

The aura on his body is getting stronger and stronger.

Since losing to Hawkeye, he has trained harder and harder.

In the past six months, his swordsmanship, dominance and muscle strength have all improved to a higher level.

Monet transformed into a snow girl, and the frost hit Sauron's face like a knife.

Sauron felt nothing. Instead, he grinned, and a beast-like scarlet light flashed in his eyes.

He held the knife in both hands and raised it.

The domineering and murderous spirit reached its peak in an instant.

"One knife style, big shock!"

  Wadou, who covered the weapon color, slashed downwards with one letter.

Although Monet was not actually struck, the latter's body was split into two halves in the middle.

The pupils reflected endless fear.

The bodies can no longer be brought together.

Sauron put away his knife and said coldly:

"Sneak-hearted Snow Girl, justice may be late, but the judgment will eventually come. Remember this!"


Monet's mouth was divided into two parts, and he struggled to say these two words.

She felt hopeless.

Two marines stepped forward and handcuffed Monet with sea-floor stone. This Snow Snow Fruit was of the natural type after all. Although its power was not very powerful, it could not be wasted.

Ten more sailors were left to look after the frightened children.

Nan Ye continued to move forward.

en route.

He said to Sauron:
  "The knife you just struck was an illusory attack aimed at the spirit. Only those who are afraid of your domineering and murderous intent will be attacked. This is actually very similar to the attack method of Overlord. You also have the potential of a king, Zoro."

Zoro was surprised.

Does he also have a domineering look?
  Never noticed it.

It seems that there are still more potentials in his body that have not been tapped.

All the pirates and villains in the institute were killed, and no one could escape.

No matter how slow Caesar was, he noticed something was wrong.

When he saw Nan Ye's figure, Gas was so frightened that his body almost melted.

"Nan Ye, God of Death, why do you know I'm here?"

"No, joker, come and save me!"

Caesar almost pissed himself.

He had heard of Nan Ye, the youngest base commander of the navy. He was ruthless and killed without blinking an eye. Not long after he came to the new world, he dared to conflict with the Whitebeard Pirates and the Red-Haired Pirates.

This kind of person is simply a devil!

Don't you see that the two top cadres under Joker, Vergo and Diamanti, were both killed by the God of Death, Nanye, and Joker didn't even dare to take revenge?
  I thought it would be calm for more than half a year.

The feud between the Don Quixote family and the G5 branch is over.

joker endured the deaths of Vergo and Diamanti, so it was time for Nanye, the god of death, to give up after seeing the situation.

did not expect.

Today, this man who does whatever he wants is looking for trouble again, and he is targeting him, Caesar Courant!
  woo woo woo...

Caesar cried, and while running away, he hurriedly took out the phone and called Doflamingo.

"Joker, the god of death Nanye has invaded the Punk Hassad base. Come here quickly...ah!"

A scream.

The phone bug fell to the ground.

Nan Ye's palm covered with dark water sucked Caesar in from the air, pinched the latter's neck, and said lightly:

"Are you asking Doflamingo to come over and go to hell with you?"

(End of this chapter)

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