Chapter 262 Return
"I'll leave it to you. Process it as I told you and ship it directly to the southwest. Someone will help receive it and take you there."

"Captain, don't worry! Complete the mission resolutely!"

Chen Gu stood up straight, saluted seriously, got on the boat with his things, and then quickly drove out of the bay towards the Bohai Sea.

They are now in a hidden seaport. Those things cannot be brought back from the road, so they can only be brought back by sea.

"Aren't we going to go together?" Guna asked.

"We still have a record that needs to be erased. We have to fly back to the Northern Dynasty. Moreover, we have one more thing to do."

Chen Dao raised the corners of his mouth and did not go into details.

Guna and Anthony didn't ask any questions and set off together. It was very quiet along the way.

After they followed the route and entered the territory of Northern Dynasty, they saw several people waiting there.


Xiao Zizai pushed up his glasses. He was still wearing a white shirt and black trousers, but his sleeves had been rolled up. He was holding a small wooden spoon in his hand and was frying meat.

"Oh, I'm surprised you didn't get hurt at all. It wouldn't be that easy for us."

The black tube stood up and looked from a distance, and was really shocked when he saw that Chen Dao and the others were intact, without even an obvious wound.

"Xiao Dao's strength is very terrifying, and he is also a temporary worker. Let's talk carefully later and don't start any disputes..."

Lao Meng still looks like a doormat, but everyone here is acquaintances, and there won't be those stupid people who want to bully Lao Meng.

"Don't worry, don't they know what Chen Duo's strength is? Chen Dao is much more powerful than Chen Duo. I've experienced it myself!" Wang Zhenqiu smiled and turned the skewers in his hands over, then sprinkled cumin and a large amount of chili powder.

"Hey! Qiu'er, you bastard! Don't make it so spicy!"

The black tube turned around when he heard the sound, jumped up when he saw Wang Zhenqiu's horrific behavior, and hurried back to stop him.


"Don't be so fierce~"

Wang Zhenqiu was driven away. He didn't cook today's meal. He just took the opportunity to cause trouble.

"It's so lively, I kept you waiting for a long time."

Chen Dao couldn't help but laugh when he saw them joking around here. After he stepped forward to say hello, he sat down without anyone else.

"This is Brother Xiao, right? There's also a black man named Guan Er, whose name I've admired for a long time."

"No need to sound official. Xiao Zizai is a temporary worker from East China. Master Jiekong is my master. Everyone knows the seventy-two unique Shaolin skills."

Xiao Zizi sat down, pushed up his glasses and looked at Chen Dao.

He lowered his head slightly, his face looking a little gloomy due to the backlight, and his body was radiating a chill, as if he was sizing up prey.

This made Anthony and Guna a little wary.

But when the two of them saw that Chen Dao had no reaction, they remained silent.

Xiao Zizai looked at it for a while, then shook his head in disappointment and said, "You don't like it. It's just as unpalatable to me as Black Guan'er and Qiu'er. Well... it's much more unpalatable than them."

"But there is an evil nature in me. Is it related to your skills? It doesn't taste good."

"That's really embarrassing."

"It's ok."

One of them dared to apologize, and the other dared to accept it, leaving Anthony and Guna speechless.

Black Guan'er raised the corner of his mouth when he saw this, and said: "My ability is quite special, you can just treat it as a horizontal training. I am from Huazhong, you should know."

"I often perform some external tasks and am always active on the side, so you may not see me most of the time."

"Chen Dao, a temporary worker in South China, majoring in Nuo noodles and poison. The rest are just small tricks. You will see them in the future." Chen Dao also introduced with a smile. Telling the major methods is already the greatest trust. Got it!
After all, his other methods are too outrageous. Although the temporary workers can be trusted, there is no airtight wall in the world, so it is better to be careful.

"Hahaha, let's have dinner together. It's a pity that Er Zhuang and Chen Duo can't come, otherwise we would have all the temporary workers."

"By the way, I heard that you are very good at making tea? Can you make a pot for us?"

"Of course. Did you bring the tools?"

"Here, Lao Xiao is a health care professional. I heard that I have to wait several days in advance. I wish I could bring the coffee table with me!"

Black Guan'er invited Chen Dao to join the picnic, and Xiao Zizai got up after hearing the tea was made, and even anxiously took out the tea set and tea leaves he had brought.

Lao Meng was relieved when he saw this. He was really afraid that these lawless guys would have a conflict, and there would be no way to end it by then.

"Hey, let me tell you, Lao Meng, you worry too much, they won't fight you."

"It's fine if we don't fight. Xiaodao also has a proud temper. I'm really afraid that they won't get along."

"If you care, you will become confused."

Wang Zhenqiu handed the freshly grilled skewers to Lao Meng, took a bite of the barbecue in his hand and said, "Think about it, is Chen Duo's temperament more difficult to handle than Chen Dao?"

"She can play with us. Can a person like Chen Dao, who knows how to behave, start a quarrel with us?"

"Uh, that's right..."

"And you can't look at Chen Dao now with the same eyes as before. After this incident, Chen Dao will become another 'pole' in the country."

Wang Zhenqiu said seriously. He looked at Chen Dao who was making tea seriously. Xiao Zizai was sitting opposite, studying very seriously.

Yes, it’s learning!
Chen Dao's tea art is so profound that Xiao Zizai, a senior white-collar worker and Shaolin disciple, is willing to be inferior!

"Chen Dao will go back this time. His achievements alone will be enough to take over as the person in charge of the South China Region! And he is surrounded by the new generation of the alien world."

"Zhuge Qing, Wang Ye, Zhang Lingyu, Tao Tao, Nathan Wang Li Qing, etc... What do you think of their energy?"

When Lao Meng heard this, sweat started to flow from his forehead again, "It's very strong..."

"Yes, these people are either the mainstay of a faction or the future successors of a certain faction. Needless to say, their energy represents the bets of each force."

"The news I just heard. Northeastern Ma Xian'er, the lineage of Shilao Guan Shihua, sent two brothers, Deng Youfu and Deng Youcai."

"It is said that to train them and let them join the company, the location chosen is not the nearby Northeast Region, but the South China Region."

"They say they want to keep them away so they can get some exercise, but what do they actually mean? Anyone with a discerning eye can see that."

Wang Zhenqiu smiled and said: "Ten people have started to place bets. We, individual temporary workers, naturally have to follow the bets. I don't know if they want to follow, but I have to follow anyway~ After all, it is such an interesting thing Son, how can I not participate?"

Wang Zhenqiu said, regardless of Lao Meng's reaction, he got up and ran towards Chen Dao and the others.

"Is the tea ready? I want to drink it too!"

"Qiu'er, go over there and don't touch me."

"Don't be like this, Brother Xiao, we are all buddies, can it be you~"

"Haha, I heard that there doesn't seem to be anything straight in the southwest."

"Rumors! They are all rumors!"

Everyone quarreled for a while, then packed up their things and went back after eating.

But not long after everyone started their journey, Xiao Zizai, who was walking in front, suddenly stopped.

Even the black man who followed behind narrowed one eye and kept looking around.

"It looks like we have friends coming to see us off."

(End of this chapter)

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