Ancient Beast World: I am a queen in another world

Chapter 39 Do you want to save them?

Chapter 39 Do you want to save them?
  Yueying: "Twenty-eight of our clan were slightly injured, ten were seriously injured, and two died."

Yasheng: "Thirteen of the lion clan were slightly injured and three were seriously injured."

: "Let's go! Let's go treat their injuries. Brother Sheng, you ask the orcs in the clan to bring the injured over and gather them together to treat them."

: "Okay, I'll go right away." Yasheng left after saying that.

Feng Ling and Yueying took the herbs and homemade medicinal powder and left the cave.

Tianhong immediately rushed to Feng Ling to check her injuries. When he saw that she had recovered, he hugged her tightly and said, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Is there anything else that feels wrong, sister?"

Feng Ling patted his back: "Sister, isn't everything fine now? Tianhong is not wrong, there is no need to apologize, come and treat the injuries of the clan members with your sister!"

Tianhong let go of Feng Ling and nodded, with tears still hanging from the corners of his eyes. Feng Ling pinched his face: "It's okay! Tianhong is not sad."

There are mostly hyena and leopard carcasses in the tribe, as well as injured wolves.

Feng Ling asked Tianhong and Yueying to allocate manpower to clean the wounds of patients with minor injuries.

She was checking on ten seriously injured patients.

Ten people suffered varying degrees of injuries. There were several deep scratches on their chests and backs. Blood was still oozing from the bones. Five of them had internal shock injuries.

Such a serious injury must be sutured, but there is no surgical equipment here, what should I do?
  Five patients with internal injuries also needed surgery. No useful spiritual herbs were found, only some ordinary herbs, which had no effect on their injuries.

Feng Ling frowned and worried.

Yasheng came over with the injured and found Feng Ling with a sad face. He stepped forward to comfort him: "Feng Ling, it's okay. Don't be burdened."

Feng Ling then checked the three seriously injured patients brought over by Yasheng. They also had scratches of varying degrees on their bodies, and the bones were also deep.

She suddenly thought that her energy could heal herself. Could it also heal others? You can give it a try.

She attached her hand to the wound of a seriously injured patient and stimulated the energy to be transferred into the patient's body.

A trace of green aura flowed into the patient's body, and the wounds of varying degrees began to heal visibly to the naked eye.

Feng Ling was pleasantly surprised and continued to treat him. The energy to heal the injury was exhausted and she felt a little exhausted.

She stopped the treatment and wiped the sweat from her forehead: "I'll go, I'm so tired alone!"

Yueying supported her: "Is it still possible?"

Feng Ling: "Yue, take out all the energy stones. I will absorb them and treat them at the same time."

Yueying nodded, went back to the cave, took out all the energy stones and handed them to Feng Ling.

Feng Ling counted and found that there were twenty-six wood energy stones, sixty-five water energy stones, and thirty-two earth energy stones.

While healing herself, she discovered that only wood energy had healing powers.

She picked up a wooden energy stone and absorbed it, and continued to treat the next patient. When she found that one stone was not enough, she absorbed another one and the second patient was healed.

She threw all the wooden energy stones into the air and began to absorb them, treating the remaining eleven injured patients. It took nearly four energy stones for the five patients with internal injuries to recover.

In the end, there were only four people left, and the supply of wood energy stones was no longer available. She quickly stopped, otherwise she would faint again.

: "What should I do if I run out of wood energy stones? Water energy and earth energy have no healing power."

Bubu flew in front of her and said: "You can activate the earth energy and water energy to increase the wood energy, but it will be very laborious. I would like to remind you that absorbing too many energy stones at once will have some side effects."

: "You can finally be reliable for a while, save people first and then talk about it."

Feng Ling sat down cross-legged. She picked up five water energy stones and five earth energy stones each, threw them into the air to absorb, and then meditated.

After activating the two energies to increase the wood energy, she suddenly felt unbearable pain in the veins all over her body, and frowned until the wood energy was fully charged.

She opened her eyes, sweating profusely and breathing heavily. Yueying noticed something was wrong with her and said, "Is it okay? Don't show off."

Feng Ling smiled and shook his head: "It's okay, I can do it."

She then treated the four seriously injured patients and recovered.

He also wanted to treat those with minor injuries, but found that he could no longer absorb the energy stones and felt pain all over his body.

Feng Ling said to Bu Zhen: "Oh! Is this a side effect? ​​Custard buns, how long will it take for me to recover?"

: "It will take at least seven days to absorb the energy stone again."

Feng Ling stood up slowly, and the thirteen males suddenly knelt down towards her and said in unison: "We are willing to swear allegiance to the envoy to the death."

Feng Ling was startled. She almost fell down due to the pain all over her body. Fortunately, Yueying kept protecting her.

: "I'll go, you guys scared me, why don't you do it so suddenly! If you want to marry me, don't even think about it, I won't accept it."

They looked at each other, and one male said: "We don't want to form a couple, we just want to be loyal to you."

: "Then it's up to you!"

Feng Ling took out thistle, thistle, burnet, orientalis leaves, agrimony, and fufang vine and said: "Before dark today, you go find these herbs and come back. If you find the right ones and there are many, I will collect them." When he teaches medical skills to his disciples, he must find them himself and there must be no casualties.”

The eyes of the thirteen males all lit up, and they transformed into wolves and lions and stepped forward to sniff, then turned around to look for it.

She continued to check on the injured, and those with minor injuries had all been given medication.

Feng Ling found that the three leopards still had their eyes open, so she walked over to check them out.

The three leopards were lying on the ground covered in blood, with blood flowing from several wounds on their bodies, and their chests were dying.

Feng Ling wanted to treat them, but Yue Ying stopped him: "You want to save them?"

: "I have something to ask them."

: "But your energy is running out."

: "It's okay, I can hold on, don't worry."

Feng Ling enhanced the two remaining energies in her body with wood energy and healed the three leopards. There was still a trace of wood energy left in her body to support her.

After recovering, the three leopards turned into humans and looked at Feng Ling in disbelief.

Feng Ling covered his eyes and leaned on Yue Ying and said, "Yue, let them put on animal skins first."

Yasheng brought three animal skins and handed them to the three people.

After the three men put them on, they asked, "Why did you save us?"

: "What is your purpose of arresting me? Who ordered it?"

: "The apes, they say that you should belong to them. As long as you are sacrificed to the gods, they will be free from disease and disaster in the future, and their chances of survival will be greatly improved."

: "Sacrifice? Ha! Quite superstitious,"

Yueying asked: "What is a sacrifice?"

: "It should be to hold a ceremony and burn me to death with fire. Finally, the gods will accept me and bless them so that they can have food and clothing without worries."

Suddenly Feng Ling felt the ground shake. The soles of the three leopard orcs cracked. A chill came from behind. The three frowned and white frost appeared on their bodies.

Then a shadow flashed past Feng Ling, and Tianhong was seen in the form of a half-orc, using his tail to roll up the three of them, and the force slowly increased.

(End of this chapter)

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