Is it okay to run away with me?

Chapter 18 Trampling on Glory

Chapter 18 Trampling on Glory
  This year, Duo has been living alone in the black forest. She built a small wooden house in the depths of the black forest that is large enough to live in.

Because Duo has an ancestral evil talisman from the golden hunter family, the evil things in the black forest cannot get close to her.

She was self-sufficient by hunting and gathering, and with all her skills she could never go hungry.

Since a year ago, she has never returned to the gold hunter family.

It was also in this forest that she ended Si Tong's life with her own hands.

She threw Si Tong's body casually under a big tree and kicked her in the face. She knew that when night fell, this body would be eaten by thousands of evil creatures.

At night, Duo hid in the cabin to study forbidden arts, which were left behind by her mother.

Duo's mother was supposed to be an excellent forbidden magician, but she was kidnapped as a bride by a family of gold hunters.

Duo's mother only gave birth to one child, Duo. Due to long-term practice of forbidden arts, her body was damaged and she could never give birth to a second child. So Duo's mother was locked in a dark basement. Listening to the sound of gongs and drums outside the compound, she knew that her husband had a new bride.

On the day she got married, the gold hunters knew her identity and used poison to kill the meridians in her hands. If a forbidden magician loses his hands, he will have no abilities at all.

Duo's mother was ruined in this way. If it weren't for Duo being her only thought, she would have crashed to death on a pillar.

As Duo grew up day by day and gained Grandpa Chen's favor, her mother persisted in living day after day.

But her health got worse and worse, and she eventually died in a dark room.

Before she died, she told Duo her identity and all the forbidden arts she knew. She told Duo: "You can learn and practice on your own, and you must not be discovered by them. This family does not tolerate aliens... …”

The woman said with tears in her eyes: "Duo... you are my only concern in this world. You must live strong."

At that moment, the woman's hand slowly became cold in Duo's palm, and Duo's heart also became cold.

For nineteen years, this family taught Duo how to hunt vampires, and even taught her how to be cold-blooded and ruthless.

When they came to London and Grandpa asked her to be used as bait to get close to Dylan, Duo had a plan of her own.

After secretly investigating and testing, she discovered Dylan's strange self-healing ability. After consulting ancient books, she learned that Dylan was a rare and immortal vampire in legend.

Duo was not sure that he could kill Dylan, so he could only act in front of Dylan.

She pretended to be a human girl who fell in love with a handsome vampire, offered her own blood, and then deliberately revealed that she knew about the annual sucking day, letting Dylan know her identity as a gold hunter.

In this way, Dylan will think that she betrayed her mission and family for him, and the probability of Dylan falling in love with her will be greater.

In this way, Grandpa Chen will think that she has lost her head because of falling in love with a vampire and give up on her completely. This will give her the opportunity to escape from the gold hunter family and have time to hide in the dark forest to study forbidden arts.

Duo often wonders, what exactly does she want?
  Later, she understood.

——What she wants is the glory of the entire gold hunter family, and then tramples on that glory.

After she killed the Dillon family, she wanted to tell Grandpa Zhen that she had spent so much painstaking efforts and lurked for many days to complete such an arduous task. She wanted to strangle this cruel and huge family to death while the entire gold hunter family cheered and celebrated for her.

The cheers at that time should be as loud as the gongs and drums when my father remarried his wife.

(End of this chapter)

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