Even before the check was counted, He Yuxin said it could be transferred. He Yuxin smiled and said nothing, and she didn't want to embarrass this ghost.

Although, just now, this ghost showed a greedy side to her.

The amount of the transfer was too large, and one manager obviously couldn't handle it. Later, she called several other managers, and they jointly calculated the numbers on the checks, and finally signed their names together.

After the transfer was completed, before she had time to check the final amount, the system popped up a notification.

[Congratulations to player He Yuxin for becoming the first player to accumulate trillions of gold coins in the dungeon. 】

[Congratulations to player He Yuxin for meeting the initial conditions for unlocking personal skills. 】

[The final clearance and settlement of the copy is completed. 】

Thirteen digits are counted as trillions (trillions), and the amount of money she rushed into the game is in the trillions. Now it seems that there is a difference between the 'game currency' she rushed in and the income from the copy.

He Yuxin took a look at her balance. The number was a bit long, so she simply counted the digits.

Well, very good, the total assets have entered one digit, and now it has become fourteen digits.

That Jin Chan was indeed rich, but he was too greedy and too careless.

He Yuxin's lips were slightly raised, and she seemed to be in a good mood.

At this moment, the originally blank character card suddenly appeared.

The card surface flipped over, revealing the card surface.

The background of the card is a dark room, with a square table in the center and a small pile of magical fruits piled on the seat.

Two men and women of fifteen or sixteen years old, dressed in red, bowed with their backs to the card, as if they were worshiping or getting married.

He Yuxin looked at the card surface carefully and found nothing too unusual.

Although the overall card surface is dark, and even the red color is covered with a layer of gray, there is indeed no trace of ghosts on this card.

The character card appeared, and He Yuxin needed to choose whether to enter the associated copy.

He Yuxin did not plan to enter the associated copy of this character card. This was what she had planned from the beginning. After all, she cheated the mountain god of such a large sum of money. No matter who was responsible for this matter, it would be a life-and-death feud. Entering and the mountain god In the relevant copy, He Yuxin was afraid that the mountain god would retaliate immediately.

It's just that this copy doesn't mean she can't go in if she doesn't want to.

A layer of gold began to spread on the character card. When the gold edges were connected end to end, He Yuxin received a system prompt.

[The skill-related dungeon has been locked, please enter the dungeon to obtain the relevant skills. 】

He Yuxin was stunned for a moment, and then before she could react, she was pulled into the related copy!

Sang Mingyang watched the whole process, and he knew what was happening when the character card started to have gold edges.

Although he was surprised that He Yuxin was awakening her exclusive skills so early, he calmed down after thinking about the gold coins she had with her.

Who is a good person who can have a fourteen-digit savings?

But as soon as He Yuxin was pulled in, the character card began to change.

Originally, this was normal. The face of the character card would change according to the ending of the associated copy played by the player, but Sang Mingyang soon discovered that something was wrong. The card was suddenly covered with a golden toad phantom. There was nothing on the altar table before, but now it seems to have been forcibly modified, and it was sketched out bit by bit. Golden toad!

Sang Mingyang laughed on the spot when he saw this scene, and pulled the dog leash again. Xiu Gong, who was already drooling, jumped up immediately, and the long dog's mouth directly hung the golden toad shadow on the card, and a lot of wealth It felt so comfortable entering Xiu Gou's mouth that it couldn't help but narrow its doggy eyes, and the golden fur on its body seemed to become brighter!

What a big deal.

The injuries on Xiu Gou's body are not easy to repair. It usually swallows some fierce ghosts to stabilize the injuries on its body. Its daily flattery to He Yuxin is just to win He Yuxin's favor and rub against her. Use your wealth to repair yourself.

And now this mouthful has directly made Xiu Gou's injury significantly improved. If these wealth were quantified, it would be at least tens of millions of gold coins.

It seems that Jin Chan, who has become a god, is really mad.

It's just a pity that it met Pixiu.

It’s okay if you don’t encounter it, but if you do, Golden Toad is a tonic!

Most of the golden toad outlined on the character card was erased, but there were still burn marks on the card surface, which made Xiu Gou touch it with his claws, as if he wanted to take advantage of this flaw and follow in.

However, he was stopped by Sang Mingyang.

Sang Mingyang pulled Xiugou's dog leash hard to prevent it from touching the character card, and spoke to it in a low voice.

"This is the master's skill book. Let me tell you, the wealth here belongs to the master. You can just eat a golden toad. Don't worry about the master's book."

"What's the use of staring at this character card here? Let me tell you, the skills of the gold owner and that golden toad are the same, and future skill upgrades are probably related to the golden toad. It's better to look at other people's character cards than to think of ways to let the golden toad. The boss gets your character card, and when the time comes when the boss and the golden toad face off, you go up and help the boss control the golden toad, and maybe the boss can give you a piece of the golden toad's thigh to eat."

Xiu Gou was unwilling to move. Even if Sang Mingyang broke the dog's leash, it would be useless.

But Sang Mingyang's words were very useful. After Xiu Gou hesitated for a moment, he followed Sang Mingyang's strength and took a step back.

It's just that they are harmonious here, but they don't want anyone to take advantage of the loophole!

A ghost shadow rushed straight to the place where the mark was burned on the character card. Most of the ghost body was used to fill the burn, but the remaining part rushed into the related book!

Sang Mingyang cursed, and now he no longer dared to pull the hook, and even kicked it to make it stand closer to the character card!

But now that this is done, the ghost has entered the related book.

The character card surface has been repaired and the external channel has been closed.

Sang Mingyang looked around with sharp eyes. The few 'bank' ghosts still around him quickly retreated after contacting Sang Mingyang's sight. At this moment, Sang Mingyang's strong aura was undoubtedly exposed.

There have been too many good times in recent times, which has caused him to become a little distracted, and he actually made such a big mistake surrounded by ghosts.

He just wanted to control Xiu Gou and stop causing trouble, but someone else succeeded!

After carefully scanning everyone in the room, Sang Mingyang found out who the ghost who rushed in was after eliminating these people.

It was the ghost manager who appeared in the first place wearing red high heels.

He Yuxin didn't know what happened after she entered the dungeon.

She had just opened her eyes now, and everything she saw made her a little stiff.

She stood among a group of parents who were picking up their children from school. Children were coming out one after another at the school gate, making everything noisy.

While He Yuxin was staring at the school gate in trance, she heard a rather resentful snort.

He Yuxin turned around and looked over, and then saw Chang Xiaohua's face with some surprise.

Second update

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