When the seawater rushed into her face, what He Yuxin was thinking about was not how she could survive in such an environment, but the sound of vomiting from before was recalled over and over again in her mind.

What should I do, she wants to vomit too!

Manpower was slim in such an environment, so He Yuxin only lasted less than a minute before she fainted under the impact of the sea water.

It is impossible for a dungeon to let players die right at the start, at least not during the time period the system gives players to prepare for it.

So He Yuxin was not surprised that she could open her eyes again and see the blue sky, white clouds and the huge sun.

Lying on the beach in embarrassment, she felt a little uncomfortable because the sun was too hot. Her eyes, ears, mouth and nose felt uncomfortable after being filled with seawater. Her body was also itchy. Although her hair was dry, there was sand everywhere inside, and there was a smell. Unpleasant sea smell.

It's really, really bad!

She reluctantly stood up, looked around, and walked into the distant woods.

She wanted to find a place to take shelter now. The sun in the sky was at least a circle bigger than the one she recognized. Now her breath was filled with hot air, and the feeling of the sun burning on her skin was extremely uncomfortable.

Hiding under the shade of a tree, He Yuxin breathed a sigh of relief.

Just a few steps away, she was already a little exhausted.

First, take out pure water to clean your eyes, ears, mouth and nose.

Especially the eyes, which were very abraded inside. I don't know whether it was because something had entered or because the bloodshot veins were irritated and raised. Anyway, they were extremely dry and uncomfortable.

After cleaning up, He Yuxin felt much more comfortable.

I have a lot of purified water and it doesn’t hurt to use it at all.

And it was too hot now. The pure hand she had just taken out of the system was slightly cool when she used it, and she felt relieved when it washed against the burning skin.

This copy is really, really bad!

After cleaning herself up thoroughly, He Yuxin took out a bottle of coconut oil before putting on new clothes.

She smeared her whole body with coconut oil, then found a pair of long-sleeved trousers to put on. After rummaging for a long time, she found a wide-brimmed sun hat and put it on her head to block the sun.

After doing all this, she took out a bottle of juice and drank tons and tons of it, and then she felt like she was alive.

He Yuxin did not leave in a hurry, but first checked what she had bought before.

The things are very complicated, but in simple terms they can be summarized as survival supplies.

Among the products provided by the system this time, only medicines were listed as props, and the rest of the food, drink, clothing and supplies were all ordinary things.

Looking through these props, He Yuxin found a bunch of skin care products. He Yuxin took them out and looked at them. Almost every skin care product was marked with the words 'moisturize the skin'.

Now she is at the beach. Even if it is hot, the beach is still hot and humid. Why should she 'moisturize her skin'?

Apart from these, He Yuxin did not find any sunscreen. At the same time, she also noticed that there were no whitening ingredients in these cosmetics.

As a woman, she was a little concerned about this aspect and always felt that there seemed to be a trap here.

But now she was alone at the beach, tired and hot, and even if she was cheating, she was just worried.

After taking a few breaths, He Yuxin wanted to take a rest before walking into the woods.

But the more she rested, the hotter she became, and her body became more uncomfortable and weak. Finally, He Yuxin found a thermometer in the system space, took it out and waited. She saw the red mark on the indoor thermometer rising all the way, and finally crossed the orange background. It rushed into the red background and finally stopped steadily at seventy-two degrees.

At this moment, He Yuxin was in disbelief.

what's the situation? Seventy-two degrees? It's fake. The thermometer is broken.

Can she survive at 72 degrees?

She didn't care about resting anymore. She got up from the ground and walked into the woods, checking herself as she walked. Unknowingly, many red spots appeared on her body, which were traces of burns.

But she didn't notice, she didn't even feel uncomfortable, she just felt that it was getting harder and harder to breathe and her body was getting weaker and weaker.

She felt like she was being boiled in warm water.

She has no common sense in this area, but she knows that she should use sunscreen, apply medicine and moisturize.

She didn't drink mineral water, but a blended drink.

These drinks were unhealthy to drink normally, but it was okay to drink them for emergencies at this time. She didn't have time to replenish herself with salt water. Some drinks contained salt, and of course more sugar. She hoped these things would be useful.

He Yuxin was very embarrassed. She stumbled forward for an unknown distance, but she still felt extremely hot.

Her mind became increasingly unclear, and at the moment she fell, she suddenly heard the sound of a dog barking from far away!

Is it an illusion?

She could no longer open her eyes, and she fell straight down. She couldn't even wait for her body to hit the ground before losing consciousness. Therefore, it was unclear that she did not fall to the ground, but was caught by Sang Mingyang!

Sang Mingyang hugged He Yuxin, who was still hot despite wearing sunscreen. He picked up He Yuxin without saying a word, and then ran after the flying Xiu Gou!

It's hot, it's really hot, it's too hot!

He Yuxin felt like she was wrapped in something too hot, which made her feel extremely uncomfortable. She wanted to struggle, but she had no strength.

Fortunately for He Yuxin, this uncomfortable feeling did not last long, and He Yuxin was soon placed in a cooler place, where the sweltering heat was isolated.

The dizzy feeling from the heat disappeared, and she slowly became clearer.

When she opened her eyes again, her vision was very dim, and she could barely make out the outlines of a person and a dog.

"Sang Mingyang?" He Yuxin's voice was hoarse and weak. Fortunately, Sang Mingyang had good ears and quickly came over.

"Thighs, you're awake."

Sang Mingyang was eating the magic fruit and his speech was a little slurred.

His current condition is not very good either. His skin is widely red and swollen and even shriveled, as if it is about to be dried out.

But his spirit is very good.

He Yuxin reluctantly sat up, her whole body hurt when she moved, and her body's dehydration and weakness made her feel unspeakably uncomfortable.

Raising his hand, several buckets of pure water appeared, followed by a bag of salt.

He Yuxin is now severely dehydrated and needs to supplement water and salt. But now she has no strength and can only rely on Sang Mingyang.

Sang Mingyang was also very thirsty. He quickly mixed two buckets of water with his hands and feet. He helped He Yuxin drink it first, and then he and Xiu Gou Tongton.

After drinking the water, He Yuxin's spirits improved significantly. She sat up and tried to identify where this place was.

The touch under his hands was like a stone, and the sound of dripping water could be heard in his ears. He Yuxin asked uncertainly.

"Are we underground now?"

After drinking enough water, Sang Mingyang felt comfortable and sat down on the ground. The sound of Xiu Gou frantically licking water could be heard in his ears.

"Yes, we are in an underground cave now."

Third update

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