I can see the barrage all over the world

Chapter 60 The Hidden Secret Realm

Chapter 60 The Hidden Secret Realm

Si Bin sat up and carefully placed his hand on Sun Kuanhou's shoulder.

Time began to flow backwards, and in the backward flow of time, Sibin came directly to three months ago, when the Gegutz rebellion occurred.

In the picture, the amputated grandson roared at the top of his lungs, his face turned red, and he kept slashing.

What he said before and after, Si Bin could not "reproduce" it completely based on the shape of his mouth.

But the mouth shape that pronounces the word "Baba" is too easy to distinguish. Spencer almost concluded that the amputee knew the real name of Barbara Rose!
  (Why is this? The secret realm deliberately modified the NPC’s memory?)
  Throughout the night, Si Bin looked back on the amputated grandson repeatedly like a puller.

Although time retrieval does not cost money, it consumes a lot of energy. He didn't stop until his head started to hurt.

(Maybe it’s because I haven’t rested for too long and I can’t concentrate. I haven’t gotten much useful information after looking back for so long.)
  (All I know is that there have been many times when Broken Arm Grandson smiled when calling Barbarossa's name...)
  Si Bin lay down again and thought:

(Is there something wrong with the clues in the secret realm?)
  (Speaking of which, as the daughter of One-Eyed Thunder, would Barbarose already know his plan?)
  (Is there any other way to learn some information?)

Si Bin now feels that his time retrieval ability will be more reliable.

Since Barbarossa is trying her best to hide her existence in the secret realm, she will definitely be the key to breaking the situation.

(Oh... by the way, the talking parrot was once Barbarossa's pet. And it seems to be very intelligent, unlike ordinary parrots that can only imitate words.)
  (At that time, I said a word related to freedom, and it said a lot of things.)
  (Are there other words that can trigger it?)

(Try it tomorrow.)
  In the morning, when footsteps started to be heard outside, Si Bin got up from the bed. The amputee grandson was still sleeping, so he ran back to his room.

Si Bin noticed that the blue-feathered hawk on the clothes rack was raising its head and "looking" at him with its huge beak. He looked so arrogant and arrogant, which was very funny.

He came to Hao Jue and wanted to ask something, but found that he didn't know where to start.

(Well... AI can't answer very complex questions yet. Such a hawk is definitely not as good as AI. Why not try keywords and see if you can stimulate it.)
  Si Bin thought for a moment.

(How about trying the name that the secret realm tried its best to hide?)
  After thinking about it, he said one word at a time: "Barbarouse!"

After hearing this, the bird looked at Si Bin blankly, then looked around, and finally turned to look at the corner as if he didn't want to answer the question.

"Hey! You're a toucan, you're usually noisy, but you just pretend to be mute at the critical moment, right?"

Si Bin raised his hand and was about to slap it on the head. Jiu Juo seemed to feel the murderous intent and succumbed to Si Bin's power and said loudly:

"Captain! Commander! Treasure, treasure!"

"..." Si Bin was speechless for a while. He could even imagine this strange bird standing on Barbarossa's shoulders, dancing and shouting about the treasure.

"Become the Pirate King! Become the Pirate King!"

(She is small but has big dreams...)
  The four words "Barbarouse" seemed to stimulate the bird. It chattered and talked a lot without any logic, but they seemed to be trivial everyday things.

Si Bin had to change the keyword.

(I got the clue before by saying the word "freedom"... How about trying antonyms this time?)
  He opened his mouth and said to Hao Jue: "Restraint, restraint!"

This time, Hao Jue's reaction was just as intense as yesterday.

"Fight! Loss. Plunder! Make amends.

Be free! Foster father! Predators!
  curse! Bondage! deprivation! free! "

(Same as before, it seems to be of no use...)
  Si Bin touched his nose, and then his eyes fell on the desk.

On it were two pages he found when he first arrived here.

He frowned.

(By the way, I don’t seem to have reviewed this note?)

(As soon as I got it, the secret realm gave out information, so I ignored it... Could there be some information other than the secret realm prompts?)

After thinking about it, he immediately picked up one of them and looked back.

【With those who are deprived of their liberty...


One day, I...]

The complete information appeared in front of Si Bin's eyes, but it was completely different from the prompts given by the secret realm:

【Enemies of those who deprive freedom, this is the Bertezo Pirates!

Father will punish bad pirates or bad officials!
  One day I will become a pirate like my father! 】

Without stopping, Spencer picked up the second piece of paper.

【When I was on the pirate ship, I never...         did not kill or plunder...

Everyone says that my father is...]

The result of the traceback is:
  【When I was on the pirate ship, I learned many lessons from my father.

Don't kill people, don't plunder people, that's the rule of this ship.

Everyone said that my father was a righteous pirate! 】

Si Bin couldn't help but suspect that he had seen it wrong. He immediately called out the clues to the secret realm.

[Clue 2]

【Associating with those who deprive freedom,
  The Father binds us with the yoke of justice and kindness,

One day, I want to leave here! 】

  [Clue 1]

[When I was on the pirate ship, I never felt at ease for a moment,
  No killing, no looting, these rules are really annoying!
  Everyone said that father was right, ha...]

(totally different!)

(The Secret Realm tampered with it?!)
  As soon as this idea came up, the clues on the secret realm began to twist and tear, like an old TV series from a hundred years ago that was all over the screen.

When Si Bin blinked again, all five clues had changed:
  【When I was on the pirate ship, I learned many lessons from my father.

Don't kill people, don't plunder people, that's the rule of this ship.

Everyone said that my father was a righteous pirate! 】


【Enemies of those who deprive freedom, this is the Bertezo Pirates!

Father will punish bad pirates or bad officials!
  One day I will become a pirate like my father! 】


[Father, this bird doesn’t like being kept in a cage. Let it out!

"If you don't put it in a cage, it will fly away."

Don't you often say that pirates are free?

Since it is my pet and I am a pirate, it should be free, right?
  "Hahaha, you are right, I was confused!
  This bird will follow you from now on! You have to treat it well! ”]


[Obviously I let him go because he begged for mercy, but he was attacked instead.

You have to give up kindness. Gotta get stronger again. Because people...

No, because I am Captain Berteso's daughter. 】


[Dad’s teachings are so kind.

Pirates neither kill evil nor dare to compete with the navy.

It's so inefficient that it makes me want to puke, and it's as outdated as this ship.

It makes me feel really uncomfortable...I always feel...

Very unfree. 】


[Sure enough, pirates are free!

Freedom is the greatest treasure!

Master the rudder of your own survival,
  No one can take it away! 】

(The clues are completely different!)

(End of this chapter)

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