Obtain the divine power at the beginning

Chapter 139 139 Roar with all your might

Chapter 139 139. Roar with all your might

Seeing that something was not going well, Qin Zhiguang felt that Shi Tianyu would definitely fight for such a fight, so he hurriedly moved his feet, raised his body into the air, turned several somersaults in the air, and landed dozens of feet away.

He was very cunning, fearing that he would be injured and killed by the power Shi Tianyu radiated when he tried his best.

  Ding Yan, who was on the roof and knew Shi Tianyu as well as Qin Zhiguang, hurriedly dragged Zhong Wanwang and flew through the air with Luo Youtie.

Yu Huaizhong, who was watching the battle from all sides, noticed that Qin Zhiguang was escaping. He quickly grabbed Yu Hanyu, and Yu Hanyu grabbed Ouyang Nian and ran away.

At this moment between life and death, Ding Yan knew that Shi Tianyu would definitely fight back and use all his strength.

And Ouyang Fu's skills are already strong enough.

If the two skills collided, it would be terrible.

  Sure enough, Shi Tianyu swiped his palms, white mist filled his whole body, and roared: "Well done!" A lion's roar shook the earth and tore apart the night sky like thunder and lightning, and the world within 500 steps nearby The room suddenly flashed a few times.

This is not the thirteenth level of Dragon-Elephant Prajna Kung Fu.

Instead, Shi Tianyu shrank to the eleventh level of Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu.

Because previously, Shi Tianyu used the twelfth level of Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu to shoot out wisps of sword energy, and used his internal power in a scattered manner.

Now, Shi Tianyu condensed the eleventh level of Dragon-Elephant Prajna Kung Fu and used the lion's roar to focus a single blow.

  After fighting for a while, Shi Tianyu already understood that if he used the tenth level of Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu, he could beat this majestic old man to a draw.

If you attack with the eleventh level of Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu, you can definitely kill this person with one palm or a roar.

But it is necessary to condense the eleventh level of Dragon Elephant Prajna Magic into one blow.

However, it was too late to use the palm technique.

Ouyang Fu launched a desperate attack, and the hidden poison weapon and the iron head that had carried 100% of the toad skill hit Shi Tianyu at the same time.

At the moment of life and death, Shi Tianyu could only gather his strength and roar with all his strength.

  In an instant, the river water behind Shi Tianyu was lifted up to a height of tens of feet, and poured down all around like a downpour. The ground collapsed, trees broke and fell, tree trunks moved laterally, leaves flew, and sand and gravel flew.

Ouyang Fu's clothes were torn and flew away. He was naked, covered in bloodstains, and all his beard and hair were gone.

All the hidden weapons immediately stabbed Ouyang Fu.

The spiritual snake staff was broken and scattered, and the skin and bones of the two small poisonous snakes were gone.

The sharp teeth carved on the human head turned to bite Ouyang Fu, but they broke apart before they could bite Ouyang Fu.

Qin Yan and Zou Hui, who were nearby, were shaken and flew into the air. Their hearts and lungs were injured, and they fell to the ground. Their arms and legs were broken, and they vomited blood.

  The "Bin Ru Gui" inn collapsed, and more than a hundred archers instantly fell into the ruins. They were all injured and killed by stones, bricks and wooden beams, and were buried in the ruins. Chen Yi and Zhu Fengli also fell in the ruins. Fortunately, they were highly skilled in martial arts and had profound internal energy. Although they suffered internal injuries, vomited blood, and had many bones broken by stones, bricks and wooden beams, they were not dead yet, but were seriously injured and fainted.

Fortunately, the innkeeper, waiter, and guests had run away just now. The stables in the backyard collapsed and hit more than ten horses that were killed and injured. Some of the horses were not completely dead. They lay on the ground, neighing miserably and full of laughter. The earth is blood.

  Ouyang Fu, who was only five or six inches away from Shi Tianyu, instantly stood still.

He was stunned for a moment, and then his skin split and flew apart, his eyes burst out, and blood spattered behind him.

Then, his skeleton also fell apart, piece by piece, falling into the huge pit that had just collapsed behind him.

The lifted stones fell down, smashing Ouyang Fu's bones, and the lifted soil scattered, instantly burying Ouyang Fu's incomplete body.

  In an instant, Shi Tianyu was also sent into the ground by the power he roared out and then erupted on the ground, causing him to fly into the air.

He flew through the air and landed dozens of feet away. When his feet touched the ground, he called Dudu and Duoduo over.

Dudu came on horseback, Duoduo lay on his back and rode up.

One person, two dogs and one horse left the town.

  "Dad!" Ouyang Nian cried and ran over, vomiting a mouthful of blood after taking a step, then fell to the ground again after running a few steps. He lay on the ground with his hands on the ground. When he found that the ground was hot, he stood up hurriedly, staggering, looking around for Ouyang Fu's whereabouts, and kept crying: "Dad, where are you? Where are you? Come out!" Dad, where are you?"

But where can I find Ouyang Fu?

There is no Ouyang Fu in the world anymore!

Even Ouyang Fu's bones were gone.

  Yu Hanyu ran away for more than ten steps and fell to the ground, vomiting blood.

Yu Huaizhong felt dizzy and his eyesight turned black, but he still dragged Yu Hanyu to run, running desperately as far as possible.

They were originally more than ten feet away from Shi Tianyu and Ouyang Fu, but they ran another dozen steps away. Their hearts and lungs were somewhat damaged, but their internal injuries were not serious.

Qin Zhiguang, Ding Yan, Zhong Wanwang, Luo Youtie and others ran back, hurriedly helped the injured, used their skills to heal the injured, buried the dead, and dug through the ruins to rescue Zhu Fengli and Chen Yi to see if they could find more For those who are not dead yet, try to save more people.

  Shi Tianyu rode his horse and ran out of the town not far away. Someone held a knife in the air and chopped it down with a ghostly movement.

The man was still using a treasured sword, which instantly dazzled with light and chilled people, capturing people's hearts and souls.

Shi Tianyu reacted instinctively, slapping away with both palms, making two air-splitting palms, which shocked the man upside down and falling down.

The wisps of cold light were also shaken away.

  Shi Tianyu flew away from the horse, landed upside down on the ground, and screamed: "Hanyue Sword?"

Dudu grabbed the reins of the horse for Shi Tianyu, rode the horse for a while, turned around again, and ran over again. However, seeing that there were many people around, he turned around and rode away again, staying farther away. Then he reined in the horse and stopped, waiting for his master. .

How could the people lying in ambush all around, ordinary people, withstand such cold air and such sharp blades?
  More than a dozen people immediately shouted: "It's so cold!" They had no words to say, their blood had frozen.

Following a few "clicks", more than ten people's muscles and bones were broken, and they collapsed on the ground like piles of mud.

The mouths of the deceased were all open, and the blood dripping from the mouth had condensed into frost.

The other ambushers were frightened by the knife and ran away quickly, staying far away.

  Shi Tianyu shouted in a deep voice: "Who are you? Compared with the old man I fought with just now, how do you feel about your martial arts and internal strength?"

The man said loudly: "I am Long Sandao, the leader of the Liaodong Golden Dragon Gang! I never use three swords to kill the enemy, so Long Sandao became my nickname. Shi Tianyu, hand over the treasure map and I will spare your life." "

He had a sword in his hand, raised his sword, and stepped forward, the cold wind passing by.

Several big trees nearby suddenly dropped their leaves and flew, and their branches broke and fell to the ground.

Click! A few people who were ambushed more than ten feet away suddenly swung their steel knives sideways, their arms were broken and they were rolling on the spot, wailing miserably.

Before the sword arrives, the cold wind and cold air of the sword kill people.

This shows that this person has high martial arts, strong internal strength, and the sharpness of the sword.

The ambushers around him involuntarily retreated a few feet further.

  Shi Tianyu remained motionless, his clothes were not wrinkled, and he said calmly: "Liaodong is so far away from the Central Plains. Is it worth it for you to come thousands of miles away?"

Long Sandao laughed and said: "Man perishes for wealth, and birds perish for food. If our Golden Dragon Gang gets the priceless Mingjiao treasure, we can compete with Nurhachi for dominance in Liaodong."

Shi Tianyu said calmly: "When Nurhaci was twenty-five years old, he raised troops to unify all the ministries in Liaodong. He had already established the Jin Kingdom, divided Liaodong, established the Yuan Dynasty, and established the capital in Shengjing. He had tens of thousands of soldiers and horses and 20,000 cavalry. Leader of the Dragon Gang, Why do you compete with them for hegemony? Where do you get the troops? Is it realistic that you, a Jianghu gang, have to compete with the Kingdom of Jin? Please note that with the strength of our Ming Dynasty, it is still difficult to compete with Nurhachi, let alone you, a Jianghu gang? Listen! I advise, let’s go! Live well. Otherwise, your sword will be mine.”

Long Sandao held the knife coldly and approached Shi Tianyu, and said coldly: "Do you care if it's unrealistic or not? Anyway, I will hand over the treasure map and spare your life. Otherwise, you will become the ghost of my sword, and I will have to do it again." Get skinned. Then your death will be even more ugly."

At this time, someone else flew down nearby.

Others held knives and swords and rushed towards Dudu and Duoduo.

  (End of this chapter)

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