Obtain the divine power at the beginning

Chapter 74 74 fell into the trap

Chapter 74 74. Falling into a trap

Shi Tianyu easily got a silver note worth one hundred thousand taels, and he was very unhappy.

He thought to himself: Now, if I have one hundred thousand taels of silver to spend, the limerick will definitely be heard here in the southwest: "Stones fall from the sky, rain comes from the sky, and auspicious snow heralds a good year. Cao Jingzhou floats from Jinan's Daming Lake."

He galloped out of the town for more than ten miles, turned around and headed toward southern Sichuan.

A hint of fish belly white appears in the east.

Shi Tianyu reined up his horse, flew down, took a bath in the roadside stream, put on his Chinese clothes, put on his turban, and held a folding fan.

He imitated Yang Youcai's appearance as a young master, dressed in bright clothes and angry with his horse, and rode straight to the sword pavilion.

Evening sunset.

Shi Tianyu led his horse to the city wall of Jiangeguan.

The images of the three thieves Shi Xiong, his wife and Shi Tianyu are still posted on the city wall.

Shi Tianyu thought to himself: If the officers and soldiers caught my father and mother, they would definitely not post their portraits again.

I still have pictures of my parents on it, but they haven’t been caught.

Like it didn't catch me.

  Shi Tianyu felt relieved when he thought of this.

A rare smile appeared on his face, and then he thought: The image on the notice is far from the way he is dressed.

If I enter the city at this time, it shouldn't attract the attention of the officers and soldiers, right?
  Besides, I don’t have much reputation here in the southwest.

The people in the martial arts community here don’t know me, and they have no grudges against me.

This is a pure land.

  Shi Tianyu flew onto his horse and rode into the city.

The guard guard saw that he was a noble man holding a folding fan, so how could he dare to casually interrogate him?

Shi Tianyu marched into the city with his head held high.

He wandered into the city and dismounted at the most elegant "Yelai" Inn in the city.

When the waiter saw the distinguished guest, he quickly greeted him with a smile: "Sir, please!"

  Shi Tianyu thought to himself: If you have money, you are a master, and if you have money, you are good!

He followed the waiter into the store and sat down at a table by the window on the east side of the street.

The waiter took off the wipe from his shoulder and wiped it on the table.

He nodded and bowed again and asked: "Sir, what would you like to eat? I have some good dog meat. It's cold. How many kilograms can I have to ward off the cold?"

Shi Tianyu took out a small ingot of broken silver, threw it to the waiter and said, "Okay, here's another bowl of rice. Use the best feed to serve the young master's horse, open an upper room, and prepare hot water. I will stay here for ten days. , the remaining money will be rewarded to you."

After dinner, before it got dark, Shi Tianyu went to Jieyou Bank to exchange money.

He wanted to finish his good deeds as soon as possible and then return to Ma Jingcheng.

But where is Jieyou Bank?
  Shi Tianyu was in this strange place and didn't know the specific address of Jieyou Silver Village.

So, he waved the waiter over, took out a hundred thousand taels of silver notes and handed it to the waiter, asking for the address of Jieyou Bank.

The waiter was shocked and asked: "The Jieyou Bank is in the south of the city? Sir, you don't know? Then where did your banknote come from?"

He thought to himself: How could a wealthy young man not know the name of Jieyou Bank?
  You have money saved at home, but you still don’t know where the money is?

  The waiter in this store is also too smart.

However, it is not good to be too smart.

The waiter suddenly remembered the government notice saying that a wealthy man's house in a small town in Sichuan and Shaanxi was robbed of one hundred thousand taels of silver notes.

He thought to himself: Could it be that the robber is this handsome young man?
  Shi Tianyu arrived in a strange place. He thought that being unfamiliar with the place would make it easier for him to do things, but he didn't expect that he would get into trouble.

Only now did he realize that his experience in the world was not enough.

Shi Tianyu saw that the waiter in the shop looked wrong, and then he remembered that he had robbed the banknote.

I just want to use other people's money to do good things.

Unexpectedly, it didn't work when we arrived in Sichuan.

I'll have to change my approach later.

  Therefore, Shi Tianyu quickly defended: "Is this, yes, the young master's butler secretly gave it to me?"

The shopkeeper was really nosy. He heard the sound and came over, laughing and saying: "Haha! Kid, this bank note was obviously stolen. How can a kid from such a wealthy family save money without knowing where the bank number is? Someone, come on, Catch this little bandit and report it to the official."

He roared, and several diners heard the sound and came. Among them, there are many who have unusual steps, and it is obvious at a glance that they are highly skilled in martial arts.

Shi Tianyu wanted to do good things, but he got into trouble.

Seeing that the situation was not good, he picked up the bowl on the table and threw it at the shopkeeper's head.

The waiter was shocked.

Shi Tianyu slapped him flat in the face, causing the waiter He Xue to vomit out two teeth and spin around in a circle.

Shi Tianyu had also taken the banknote from his hand, lifted the dining table with his feet and threw it towards the big men.

Then, with his feet a little bit, he flew through the crowd, ran out of the inn, and galloped away on horseback.

The shopkeeper screamed, his nose was broken by the bowl, his face was covered with blood, he covered his face and fell to the ground.

In this way, other diners took the opportunity to run away without paying their bills.

The shopkeeper didn't expect that there would be a heavy price to pay for meddling in other people's business.

  Shi Tianyu rode his horse and thought to himself: The store owner should not be able to go to the county government to report the crime as quickly as his own BMW.

By the time they arrived at the county government office, he had already cashed in the cash and left the city.

He rode his horse straight to the "Jieyou Bank" in the south of the city to exchange cash. He also thought that he could not move one hundred thousand taels of silver on his own and without a carriage.

It should be no problem to temporarily exchange a few thousand taels of silver.

Take a few thousand taels of silver to do some small good deeds, raise your reputation in Sichuan, and mobilize those martial arts people who live for money to come to Sichuan.

In this way, he can return to Ma Jingdu, apply for martial arts examinations, enter an official career, and have a fixed place waiting for his parents to find him.

  Shi Tianyu thought about this and rode his horse like flying.

He Chengnan dismounted at the "Jieyou Bank" and went straight to the bank's front desk. He took out the banknotes and passed them through the iron window as big as a bowl and handed them to the person at the counter.

He pretended to be urgent and said: "Shopkeeper, help the young master exchange three thousand taels of silver in cash. Hurry, someone in the young master's house is suffering from an emergency and needs silver urgently."

  "Okay, okay!" The person inside the window took the bank note and looked at it in detail.

The man also read out: "Forty-five years of Wanli, 0637, Liu Kuofu!".

He took out the account book from the bookcase behind him to verify it, and said to Shi Tianyu: "Sir, please wait a moment, I will pick up the money right away." Then he took the silver note and entered the back room.

  "Sir, this money is very heavy. Can you afford it? Where is your family?"

After a while, the man pushed open the iron door and came out, followed by two strong men, panting and carrying a large wooden box.

Shi Tianyu hurriedly made up a lie and said: "My family has brought everyone from the house to see Langzhong."

When the shopkeeper heard this, he said with great concern: "Master, be careful and pay attention to your safety."

He waved his hand at the two strong men.

Two strong men walked towards Shi Tianyu carrying a large box.

Their faces were all red and they were struggling.

A strong man gasped and said: "Sir, take it, then, put it, put it on your shoulders!"

He and another strong man lowered themselves, shouting and lifting the box to put it on Shi Tianyu's shoulders.

Shi Tianyu thought to himself: Is three thousand taels of silver so heavy?

  He hurriedly followed the strong man's instructions, squatted down, and leaned his left shoulder.

However, people are unpredictable and the world is dangerous.

This time Shi Tianyu learned a lot again.

Even though he has been naughty and resourceful since he was a child, this time he was also eye-opening.

  "Haha! Little bandit, I finally caught you."

Unexpectedly, two strong men suddenly smashed the box on Shi Tianyu's left shoulder.

With a "click" sound, the box shattered and opened.

The box was empty and there was no money at all.


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  (End of this chapter)

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