Chapter 172 Good luck in the sky

Zhong Kedao's sense of personal existence dropped to an extremely low level. If you don't see it with your eyes and rely solely on perception, you may even miss him directly.

"This can help you avoid unnecessary trouble."

Later, Zhong Kedao actually taught Wang Shen the method of controlling his own aura.

"Why?" Wang Shen asked.

Wang Shen didn't quite understand what this person wanted to do as he was giving away things and teaching exercises.

"I'm optimistic about you, let's treat it as a good relationship. I helped you today, maybe you can help me in the future." Zhong Kedao didn't hide anything, he told the truth.

Wang Shen nodded after hearing this. That made him feel more at ease.

"Your enemy is very powerful, and my enemy is also very powerful. Such a powerful enemy cannot be resisted by one person."

"You mean you want to unite?"

"Yes, jointly, we can set up an organization similar to Tiansheng." Zhong Kedao nodded.

"What is the name of this organization and what are its goals?"

The next morning, Wang Shen looked at the mountains in front of him and thought it was time to leave.


Ha, this is a beautiful thing to say, one is shady, the other is cursed, a typical combination of the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled.

Well, Wang Shen was slightly startled after hearing this.

"I've been to that place. It's inaccessible, so it's right there. Since it's an organization, it should have a name. Do you have any good ideas?"

"There is a Yunfeng Mountain thirty miles southwest of Ninglong Mansion. There is a dilapidated Taoist temple in the mountain, right there." Wang Shen said after thinking for a while.

"Name?" Wang Shen lowered his head and thought for a while, then looked up at the sky.

Although the situation of Zhong Kedao and Fu Weixiu does not look very optimistic, if their current physical conditions really lead to a fight, it would be inappropriate to face the enemy head-on against a master, so it will play a supporting role.

"Okay, just Ninglong Mansion, where is it?"

Zhong Kedao also knows his identity. What he has to deal with is Qin Tianjian, and Wang Shen and Fu Weixiu have to deal with Tiansheng. Apart from anything else, if they can exchange information and learn from each other, it will be better than fighting alone. Dou is much stronger.

"Then we'll see you in Ninglong Mansion, take care." After saying that, Zhong Kedao disappeared into the shadows.

"Is this the real reason why you came to me?"

As for the leader, Wang Shen didn't care, and he didn't take it seriously.

But the two of them have extraordinary knowledge and rich experience.

Wang Shen is the first person they want to win over.

"There are not many people who are good at it."

"How about Wuyang County?"

"An organization must have a leader. Who has the final say?" Wang Shen then asked.

Wang Shen is not a godly person, but what happened just now is easily reminiscent of something.

"You don't have to think too much. This is just a relatively loose organization with not many rules."

Although it is not possible to cut through a mountain, at least it can cut through a small mound more than ten feet high. If you use your strength, it is not impossible to cut through a mound twenty feet high.

After he left, Wang Shen looked up at the sky again.

"Where will the contact point be located?"

"Just two?" Wang Shen was stunned after hearing this.

"Lei Mingtian responded, Heaven's inheritance, God's will, good luck!" Zhong Kedao's face showed an extremely rare smile.

"Yes!" Zhong Kedao nodded. He discussed with Fu Weixiu for a long time in the cave and decided to form such an organization to deal with their enemies.

After Zhong Kedao left, Wang Shen walked around the nearby mountains again, checking for any leaks and making up for them. After confirming that there was no problem, he returned to the cave to rest.

"Jiuxiao? The sky is the best, what a good name!" Zhong Kedao praised, this was a sincere admiration.

There was a roar, and suddenly a thunder exploded in the night sky.

"Hey, isn't this too coincidental?"

"Ninglong Mansion." Since he has chosen the place of contact, it means that Wang Shen has already thought about joining.

"If you join, how about you being the leader?" Zhong Kedao said.

"You think so highly of me?" Wang Shen squinted his eyes, vaguely smelling a conspiracy.

"I, Fu Weixiu."

"Without a name, the primary goal now is to fight against Tiansheng!"

"Who are they?"

Wang Shen looked up at the clear night sky, with no clouds at all.

The sound of thunder is strange!

During the past few months of practicing here, his cultivation has made great progress.

Zhong Kedao's ability can be seen clearly. Since Na Fu Weixiu can interact with him, his ability must not be much worse.

Everything is difficult at the beginning, he has already started, he just needs to find another place to practice.

There are many mountains in Jingzhou, and there are places to practice swordsmanship. After these few months, the people from the sky should have left Jingzhou. Of course, it is not ruled out that they arranged for people to stay there for a long time.

More importantly, he had an idea that was not affected by the rules of this world. With such an idea, you can try and find the way to this level of realm.

"This place is good. I will come again when I have time. Goodbye."

Wang Shen left Beiyi Mountain and headed south.

Thousands of miles away, in the vast Kunlun, mountains and rivers stretch for thousands of miles, and countless peaks are covered with snow.

This place is known as the ancestor of all mountains and the root of the earth.

Among the mountains, there is a huge cave in the belly of a mountain. There is a cave house in the cave, with stone pillars more than ten feet high, supported by three or four people holding each other on both sides.

There is a wide passage in the middle, which is straight and wide enough to run eight carriages at the same time.

At the end of the passage are stairs leading to higher places. Go up the stone steps and reach the end, where you will find a circular platform with nine wide chairs made of jade.

Above one of the chairs is a large luminous character - "天".

This chair is surrounded by eight stone chairs, all of the same shape, but much smaller than the one in the middle. There was only one sitting on one of the chairs, wearing a robe and shining with silvery white light.

He seemed to be sleeping.

Suddenly he opened his eyes, and after a while, a man walked up the stairs with a broken mask on his face.

"He, are you hurt?"

"It would be great to be back!" Li Buwei said.

"What's going on, where is He?"

"Dead." Li Buwei answered simply.

"Dead, killed by who?"

"Two people, one uses the palm and the other uses the talisman."

"What kind of palm technique, which kind of talisman?"

"It looks like a push-mountain palm or a talisman. I can't tell. They laid an ambush in advance and seem to have known where we would go." Li Buwei said.


"Next to a dilapidated stockade in the southeast of Beiyi Mountain." "You go down to recuperate first. Thank you for your hard work."

Li Buwei waved his hand.

After Li Buwei left, the man sitting on the chair reached out and gently tapped the armrest of the stone chair, making a crisp sound.

After a while, a man climbed up the steps and appeared in front of the man in silver.

"Lei, you go to Beiyi Mountain. There is a dilapidated stockade in the southeast of Beiyi Mountain. He and He were attacked there, and He died there. Go and find out what happened there."

"Okay!" The man named Lei said in victory, his voice was quite dull. After the man went down, the place became calm again.

Outside Beiyi Mountain, Wang Shen was walking alone in the desolate wilderness, with Beiyi Mountain behind him.

After walking a certain distance, Wang Shen stopped and turned around to look at the mountains.

That mountain will not change significantly because of his arrival or departure. It will still look like this in thousands of years. Wang Shen changed because of this mountain.

"Let's go!" He waved his hand towards the mountain.

The wind is not that cold at this time.

When he approached the small town, he found that there was a temporary camp outside the small town, and soldiers in armor were patrolling outside the camp.

"What's going on? Why are there suddenly troops guarding here?"

Wang Shen, who originally planned to enter the city, changed his route and bypassed the county seat.

On a hill a few miles away from the city, several people lay behind a large stone and looked at the city quietly.

"Why did so many soldiers suddenly come? How long will they be stationed here?"

"This city is not allowed in or out. We don't know what is going on inside. Now we are in trouble! We have to go in and take a look."

"Go in. If you go in now, you may die."

"What should we do? That thing is inside. Should we just wait like this? If we wait any longer, maybe the thing will be discovered!"

"I'm going in!"

"Think carefully, if you go in now, you may die!"

"Lao Li saved me, I don't want to owe him anything!"

"Okay, Azheng, you are indeed a man, and I did not misjudge you. As long as you can bring something out this time, I will definitely ask for credit from above for you."

"There's someone down there!"

A person suddenly appeared in the wilderness. The person appeared very suddenly and suddenly appeared in the field of vision of several people.

A few people blinked, and the man disappeared.


"This is so small!" one of them said in surprise.

"Shh, shut up!" A person next to him heard the sound and hurriedly reached out to cover his mouth.

At this time, Wang Shen, who was rushing down the mountain wearing a bamboo hat, stopped and looked up at the mountain peak several hundred feet away.

There was only a piece of rock on the mountain, which was bare and there were not a few trees in sight. The wind blowing from the other side of the mountain just now carried sound.

There is someone in the mountain,

"It's broken, he found us!"

When the few people hiding behind the stone saw Wang Shen looking in their direction, they felt as if they were facing a formidable enemy. After all, the way this person appeared was too weird.

Wang Shen just raised his head and glanced, stopped for a moment, did not mind his own business, and in a flash he was a hundred feet away.

Several people in the mountain watched as the figures below them flickered for a few times and then disappeared.

Huh, everyone let out a long sigh of relief.

"Who is that!"

"Great monk, a great monk with amazing cultivation!"

"If only we had that ability, we could enter the city in one go."

"If you have the ability, just walk in openly and openly. No one can stop you."

One of these people looked at the direction Wang Shen left. Although it was just a quick glance and it was so far away, there was always a feeling of familiarity in that figure from behind.

"Stop thinking nonsense. Stay here and don't talk. Let Chen Zheng go in after dark."

"How to get in? Climb the wall? There are guards all around the city wall!"

"There is no other way but to climb the wall."

Several people were waiting outside.

"I'll take a nap first. Call me when it gets dark," one of them said.

"Okay, recharge your batteries and have a big fight tonight!"

The waiting time is always long, and for some reason today, the sun refuses to set. While several people were waiting anxiously, the sun finally set.

After it got dark, they slowly approached the small city. Soldiers stood around the city wall, and stopped when they were still a few hundred steps away from the city wall.

"Azheng, the rest is up to you. After you find Lao Li, you must ensure the safety of that thing. We will meet you outside."

"it is good!"

One of them slowly moved towards the city wall. He moved very slowly and it took him a long time to reach the bottom of the city wall.

He looked up at the city wall that was several feet high. Hiss, he took a deep breath and stomped on the ground. He suddenly jumped up, three feet above the ground, and raised his hand to clasp the strong blue brick arm of the city wall. With one exertion, the person rises again.

Then he climbed up to the city wall and landed silently on the walkway above. While the two soldiers were dozing off, he jumped down from the city wall and landed directly on the ground silently.

"I didn't expect that Azheng actually has such skills! I hope he can find Lao Li."

The person in charge of this operation looked at the city wall with gloomy eyes.

The town is not big, and there are not many people living there. There are more soldiers patrolling the town at night in the quiet town on weekdays.

The man who entered the city carefully avoided the patrolling soldiers while looking for companions in the small town.

Less than half an hour later, he discovered the secret message left by his companion. He followed the secret message and found and beat his injured companion in an abandoned house.

"Old Li!"

"Azheng, why are you here?"

"I'm here to rescue you!" Azheng said.

"The outside is heavily guarded and we can't get out." The injured old man said weakly.

"Why did so many soldiers suddenly appear? Is it because of you?"

"You think too highly of me, and I don't know why." The old man took a deep breath.

"I have brought a healing elixir. You should take it first." Azheng took out the elixir and handed it to Lao Li.

"It's useless, I hurt my internal organs." The old man waved his hand.

"This is, this is what the sect wants." He took out a box and handed it to the visitor's hand.

Azheng hesitated for a moment, then raised his hand to take the box, but he didn't expect that the other party actually opened it. Inside the box was a book, a smaller box.

"Azheng, more than forty brothers died before we could grab this box, but what's inside this box is not a treasure map at all, but a martial arts secret book, cough cough cough."

(End of this chapter)

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