Your Majesty, drink the medicine quickly

Chapter 134 That demon is my believer

Chapter 134 That demon is my believer

After Li Pu dialed the video chat, Miss Hilna hung up.

A moment later, he received a message.

[Sincere and loyal goddess: Your Majesty, my divinity has been desecrated by the curse of the King of Pain (Queen). The curse has not yet been completely dispelled and is being suppressed in the pool of the 'Holy Orbis Volcano' in the north of Violet]

Li Pu didn't talk nonsense and continued to fight.

"I'm not the one causing the trouble." Li Pu looked at the camera here and expressed his psychotic logic: "If I don't broadcast the video, how can the goddess open her heart to me?"

"How can I touch the goddess if she doesn't open her heart to me?"

"If I don't come into contact with the goddess, how can I accept her commission?"

The video is still hung up.

But a moment later, the video call from the other side came over.

Li Pu hurriedly put his mobile phone on the table with several strategy books, then opened the Brazen Book of Sincerity in front of him, and then connected the video.

There is water mist in the picture, and there is the roar of a volcano in the distance.

Vaguely, a veiled goddess could be seen in the mist, leaning against a hot boulder.

[The gentle groans of pain and joy were covered up by the hum of the volcano. He had just found this place specially. 】

[He dare not leave the holy pool now. 】

[You have obtained a key piece of information: the water from the St. Orbis volcano is effective against the curse of the Queen of Pain. 】

[Hilna didn’t show any strange expression after seeing your face, so you can feel relieved. 】

[Hilna secretly thought: 'Today during the day when I was interrogating the fallen angel, from his 'sincere words' (the Holy Mother's divine power to make the target tell the truth), I heard him constantly shouting in my heart, 'Ten thousand words'. "Lord Lord Nip, save me", I still thought that the person named Nip was the name of an unknown ancient god. '】

['Now I know that the Nip in Absalon's mouth refers to this incarnation of His Majesty. '】

[Thinking of this, Hilna felt a little weird: 'But what is this fallen person praying to His Majesty for? Wouldn't he be inspired by His Majesty? '】

['I don’t know if Your Majesty heard His prayer.']

[After being cursed by the Queen of Pain, the Honest Virgin searched everywhere for a way to dispel the curse. 】

[Poor Absalom, the god of nightmares, was famous for knowing secrets, and suffered disaster because of this reputation. After being caught by Sirna, Absalon revealed a solution. But Sirna had no intention of letting Him go just like that. 】

Li Pu turned over a page of the book and asked without raising his head: "Did you catch a fallen angel today?"

Goddess Sirna's pupils moved slightly, she bowed her head and said: "As you said."

Li Pu flipped through the book casually for a while and said: "Absalom has confessed to me, and his past and sins have been forgiven by me. But I need him to continue to stay with Dante. Therefore, I did not He inspired us back to heaven.”

The goddess suddenly understood what Li Pu meant. She secretly thought: 'It turns out that Absalon has become a spy placed by His Majesty around the Angry Hell. '

"Your Majesty, before sunrise, Ser Absalom will be back on that soft feather bed."

【Absalom's prayer worked.】

[It seems that Absalaurus is now living as a human being, otherwise it would not sleep on a feather bed. ] After a pause, the goddess advised with some hesitation: "Your Majesty, what you think is what I want. But Absalon's soul has been hopelessly corrupted, and I'm worried that he may not really listen to your oracle. What do you plan to ask Him to do? Do you need me to help you monitor Him?"

[The sincere Virgin Goddess Sirna, I hope you will entrust her with a task (to be received) +1]

Li Pu's face was secretly a little weird: "You actually activated the reward like this, but the Evil Angel is about to meet with Absalon. If Sirna goes to spy, she will definitely intervene and cause some trouble." '

'I can't let Him actually spy on Absalom. Therefore, I cannot claim this reward! '

Receiving the reward means agreeing with the sincere saint's suggestion.

Li Pu didn't know how to answer the goddess Hilna for the time being. He pretended to be too lazy to answer and continued to flip through the book.

['Your Majesty has not woken up for many years. This time, there must be something very important. '】

[Sirna speculated in her heart: 'It is a big deal to banish the old god 'Holy Angel' in Tadar and re-inspire 'the previous sword-wielding Archangel Katerina'. '】

['Going to Violet must be for 'Yeshathemis' and must not be destroyed by Absalon! '】

Li Pu: "???"

[Goddess Hilna forcibly received the task +1 that the Supreme God did not entrust to her]

【Paradise Line unlocks 99%】

[After you make initial contact with the goddess, the heaven line will be officially opened. 】

[Free Supreme Divinity +3]

'Grass! The goddess took matters into her own hands and planned to help me monitor Absalon forcibly! '

'It seems that both Sirna and Absalon are operating in the same area. Otherwise, with Sirna's current busy schedule, she would not have time to monitor Absalon. '

'What is the identity of this goddess? He dares to disobey even the thoughts of the Supreme God? '

In order to understand the secret of this goddess, Li Pu raised his head and glanced at the holy pool, and made contact with the goddess's heart with his eyes.

['There seems to be displeasure in His Majesty's eyes. It seems that He has sensed my thoughts - I just had that thought, and He knew it. 'Silna was slightly shocked. 】

[But then, He raised his chest and raised his head, looked at the Supreme God with stubborn eyes, and gave His answer: 'I'm sorry, Your Majesty, you are a mortal now, you can't restrain me. '】

'This guy definitely has an extraordinary status in the Kingdom of Heaven. 'Li Pu secretly shook his head helplessly: 'I really can't restrain you, because I am a mortal. '

Seeing Li Pu sighing secretly, Hilna puffed up her chest like a winner.

[Because the goddess keeps opening her heart to you, you, the omniscient one, see a memory from her heart.]

'I am indeed all-knowing because everything I read is the Book of Salvation. And everything is recorded in the Book of Redemption. '

Li Pu flipped through this memory.

[That year, the old heaven and the old Holy See finally fell into the fog under the planning of the seven kings of hell. Also falling with it was 'Yeshathemis' who stayed in the old paradise. 】

[The gods took shame and re-established a new paradise at the southernmost tip of the world]

Yeshatemis fell from heaven, and it was really because of hell. The gods, this bunch of trash, even lost heaven? Seeing this, Li Pu couldn't help but cursed the Supreme God in his heart: "If the Supreme God really wakes up, he will be angry to death." '

'So the current Kingdom of Heaven belongs to a grassroots team after bankruptcy and reorganization? ! '

Li Pu originally thought that the new gods who went to Tadar to pretend to be X were so awesome. The result was a bunch of homeless dogs.

And this group of losers wanted to rebuild paradise, but they never built it.

'What else can you losers do? 'Li Pu was inexplicably angry.

'No wonder I dug out 3,000 terracotta warriors and horses (family cannon fodder) from the Evil Paradise and almost wiped you out! '

'Without the old foundations of 'Angels of Peace', you wouldn't be able to build a grassroots team! '

'That's it, why go to my holy city to stage a show? ! 'Li Pu has regarded Tadar as his personal property.

'Your Majesty seems to be angry. He has seen from my heart what has happened in the past one thousand years? '

Hilna, who was opposite, saw Li Pu's anger in his eyes and thought in her heart: 'I knew he would be as angry as I was before.' '

The goddess gloated over her misfortune, and said to herself: "The grass-roots team built by those losers is not interesting. Why not take the opportunity to persuade Your Majesty to follow me to the ruins of heaven after solving the saint's case and rebuild the kingdom of heaven!" '

(End of this chapter)

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