I'll forge a new destiny

Chapter 144: Blood for blood

Chapter 144: Blood for blood (please order first!)

Compared to the dungeon with only flickering firelight, this brightly lit corridor is much less interesting.

Even compared to the path in the dungeon, not only was there no deliberate sense of horror here, there was no dampness or coldness either. But the brightness of the appearance eventually dimmed a lot against the shadowy realm in people's hearts.

At least in the dungeon, there are more innocent people, or temporarily innocent people.

And here...

"Fortunately, you are just bad, so I can give you a good time."

Without taking off the watermelon rind, Zhang Xing just waved his hand gently, and the water vapor that had been accumulated for a long time merged into a solid stream of water. Put what is in front of you... what is in front of you...

Forget it, the position is not important, anyway, he is a member of the Gilded Building.

Wrapped in the water prison, they couldn't tell Zhang Xing who they were. They just kept struggling in the ball of water suspended in the air.

They moved their arms and legs, trying to swim out of the endless pool. After discovering that the water prison would change according to their movements, they started to rescue each other to see if they could push each other out.

Or just push yourself out.

"Even if I didn't receive your request, who told me not to confiscate the money?"

So now in this room, the only ones who are unwilling to close their gray eyes are those who were killed by Zhang Xing. They stared at the back of the figure who was looking for something, just like Zhang Xing's client stared at them.

Just kill them.

The deceased should have received this belated reply and was satisfied with knowing the origin of his death.

It just looks like no one will show up here, and I have to serve them without charging money.

Following Zhang Xing's movements, the figure of the Gilded Building employee with the evil smile in his eyes disappeared, and his eyes were completely closed.

It's not like what they do to other people.

The living, the dead, and the once dead. This little story didn't make any waves in Zhang Xing's heart. After all, he was just a dead person. '

After all, Zhang Xing is just a thug seeking revenge, not a simple murderer.

"But who makes me not you?"

Anyway, in the end, it all turned into a chaotic and disorderly struggle, and even a crazy attempt to slow down and die.

But it's just broken.

Just like those they killed.

Even if Zhang Xing chooses to take action, it is indeed just a dead person.

After all, he is a serious businessman. What he does in the underworld is to train employees and make medicines and other tasks.

The probing hand gently brushed the lonely head. There was a pair of eyes similar to those of these drowned people. They were all dusty and lifeless, vaguely telling a vague past.

"At least your bodies are intact." - So Zhang Xing did give them a good time, without torture or doing anything strange.

Just like watching goldfish, Zhang Xing watched with interest these people who kept swimming but could neither float to the surface nor fall to the bottom after running out of oxygen. His face gradually changed from red to bluish-white, and finally his gray eyes swayed up and down.

As he said before, the Gilded Building is just a sideshow, although the bad thing is true...

It's just that the attack was too heavy and the medicine was too strong, so that those who were disobedient died unexpectedly.

Apart from these, what else can they do?

'So just kill them all. ' There is no need to think about more things, and there is no need to do extra things. Just do it when you leave.

With the cooperation of Moria, Zhang Xing will definitely be able to complete this matter very well.

He raised his head and looked at the ceiling, which was still bright and still blocked his vision.

It's different from the path that Zhang Xing is more and more certain to exist, but can't find. In his perception, the aura around Moria had become denser, and was gradually gathering here.

No wonder this place, which has more dead people than the dungeon, is decorated like this. It seems that the spaciousness and brightness can really give people courage.

Isn't this a ready-made example? As people stood in the bright hall outside, and there were more friendly troops on the surface, many inexplicable thoughts came to Moria's heart.

'You really make me more and more satisfied...'

At least he didn't waste his bottle of medicine. As soon as he made a decision here, he got rid of the problem over there.

In order to express his gratitude, Zhang Xing decided to let Moria die happily.

I looked around again and determined that I couldn't find what I wanted with my eyes. Zhang Xing clapped his hands and released the few fish that wanted to leave the water but could not escape from the water prison.

Crash - snap -

Amidst the movement of several dead fish falling to the ground, splashes of water spread in all directions, and the water flow completely washed the not-so-small space.

Not only had those traces been cleared away, it also confirmed for the operator that there was indeed no secret place here.

Zhang Xing didn't feel disappointed at all when he didn't find what he was looking for in this room. He just nodded slightly to his client, then stepped over the dead fish on the ground without saying a word and walked out of this node.

Behind him, gray-white eyes stared at him, using the last persistence before death to carve that shadow into their eyes——


The water flow like a giant hammer smashed the corpse into pieces, and crushed the flesh and blood that wanted to escape over and over again, completely integrating with the ground. Even if they die, they can continue to contribute to the place where they have struggled for a long time during their lifetime.

Zhang Xing couldn't stand this kind of thing. He couldn't do anything to him when he was alive, but he was like a salted fish when he died. Now I'm frozen, and I still want to scare him.

"How dare you stare at me even if you're already dead? Do you dare to stare at me again?"

After finishing the plastering work, the angry boss finally walked out with a swaggering step.

Now, he is going to take orders from other clients.

Judging from the situation just now, there is definitely no shortage of people worth killing here.

Just like the ones in front of me - compared to the few dead fish, these people use the goods more carefully.

If you take a closer look, you will see that they are indeed very professional. They did not impulsively use the option of increasing the dose, but carefully considered how to educate the goods more accurately under various circumstances and how to achieve those effects. Potential agents that have not yet been fully identified will have better effects in education. We also tested some teaching methods and tools to see what difference there would be if they were used on dead people and living people.

Zhang Xing's client made full use of every part of his body and provided a lot of useful information to contribute to the cause of Giljin House.

Even after doing so many things, the few dead clients have not been exhausted. Compared to the dead fish in front, it really accomplishes the most things with the least loss.

worth to respect!

So on the premise of complying with the wishes of the client who could no longer speak, Zhang Xing decided...

Skin these people.

(End of this chapter)

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