I'll forge a new destiny

Chapter 18 Professional Training

Chapter 18 Professional Training
  With another broken body as an announcement, Zhang Xing announced his arrival to the audience.

Under the ferocious impact of a ship, the fragile fabrics on the pirates' bodies were shattered like their flesh, and they could no longer contain the scattered pieces of flesh.

Not enough, far from enough!

The death of a pirate was not enough to divert their attention from the enemy in front of them and the gradually cooling smoothness on their legs.

Zhang Xing continued to wave his weapon, and the water vapor lingering on the watermelon skin was like an invisible blade at this moment, easily slitting the throats of the two pirates.

In just a blink of an eye, those who noticed Zhang Xing fell to the ground.

More people, whether pirates or prisoners, looked over.

They saw screams and wails.

The pirate who was pierced by the anchor claw was hung on the anchor and danced sadly.

Zhang Xing held up this string of candied haws to block the flail thrown by a somewhat strong pirate. The pirates who were still half alive were like torn bags, flying out from the anchor claws with a splash.

Without even the strength to groan, he dumped the deceased on the beach and watched his blood dye the yellow sand red.

Zhang Xing, who walked past, stepped in the blood and left muddy footprints with death.

He seems to be well adapted to this world - nothing could be more telling than his current behavior.

The deceased's twitching began to stop, and the twisted and broken flail put an end to their struggle. The pirate who blocked Zhang Xing might be very strong, but it must be said that he was still far from a ship.

Using his death as a clarion call, all those who could still think on the battlefield began to accept the baptism of fear.

As evidence, this coast is stinkier.

The weak-legged pirates fell to the ground, tortured by the sinking turbid air.

But because of this, he narrowly escaped the fate of being used as a teaching aid.

They survived in their own vomit and excrement, or that of others.


Zhang Xing didn't care what would happen to these completely weak pirates, whether they were drowned in filth or killed by resisting prisoners, he didn't care.

Anyway, as long as there are enough people at the end to make the ship move.

Killing is necessary, but killing them all is not necessary.

Looking past the pirates who fell to the ground, Zhang Xing targeted those who dared to resist.

They are all good players and you can tell by their pants.

Although they were still wet, compared to the soaked pants of other pirates, at least they were a little dry.

This shows that these people are not much different from each other in terms of will and stomach.

But their pale faces and slightly trembling legs prevented them from holding on to Zhang Xing's hand for long.

Their strength was somewhat weakened. The anger and courage they had accumulated through holding back and being unable to hold it back had been almost exhausted in the face of the prisoners' resistance.

Although their skills have been sufficiently tempered in long-term navigation and plunder, they still cannot compare with Zhang Xing.

This is the biggest flaw of pirates - they are all bad and only the weak fear them.

At the same time, facing a confrontation that scares them, even if they dare to fight, they can't help but tremble.

This trembling seemed particularly terrible at this time.

Facing the incoming anchor, the pirates hesitated between clamping and blocking. In the end, they had no choice but to let Zhang Xing make the decision for them.

It can't be blocked or clamped!

Zhang Xing's body moves along with the trajectory of the watermelon rind. Although the watermelon rind does not weigh much in his hands, the world will not deny its weight.

The thick and light feeling blended together strangely.

Use the lives of those who resisted as a fusion agent.

The anchor claws penetrated one pirate after another, causing their bodies to fly out in a broken posture.

This was an easy job, so easy that Zhang Xing even had Yu Yun to dodge and prevent himself from being touched by the dim dye that swung along with the blood and visceral fragments. Until the last pirate who dared to stand in front of him was kicked away by him, staring at the blood-filled eyes, and landed at the master's feet.

The master gave the pirate a good time. After all, looking at his mouth with excrement flowing back, he probably really couldn't survive.

Using the body whose chest was trampled and still twitching as the dividing line, two strangers encountered the same situation.

No one wants to stand in front of them.

Then we can only let each other face each other.

Facing those emotionless eyes, Zhang Xing had no idea of ​​communicating with him, although the master's current thoughts would definitely be interesting.

I believe the other person is thinking the same way - the reasons may be slightly different, but the master definitely doesn't want to say a word now.

Looking at the master's weapon that was still bleeding, he looked at his capable posture.

And, slightly trembling legs.


Fear has been given to everyone equally by Zhang Xing, but the master in front of him will never be defeated by this thing.

He was not afraid, or he was not afraid of Zhang Xing.

"Are you laughing?"

Nothing an ant does can make a human feel strange, but an equally powerful human can. At the same time, lies never hurt, only the truth is the sharpest knife.

The uncontrollable twitching spread from his legs to his face.

After all, the master couldn't hold it back, his eyes became a little moist, and he gritted his teeth and looked at Zhang Xing.

"Are you laughing?"

Suddenly feeling guilty, Zhang Xing tried to restrain his lips.

Then Zhang Xing's face began to twitch.

"How about..." He waved his hands, wanting to say something, such as a truce first or something.

"Tsk-cough cough cough-"

After all, Zhang Xing couldn't hold back after all, having never received professional training.

"I want you to die very unpleasantly!"

Amidst the ferocious roar, a shadow that was too fast to be seen approached Zhang Xing.

That was the opportunity that Zhang Xing finally waited for despite his constant coughing.

Zhang Xing’s opponent has received professional training!
  At this moment, Zhang Xing could hear the sound of the dagger whistling and tearing through the air. The surging air desperately wanted to catch up behind the rapidly sliding dagger, but was unable to do anything.

No, not just the air, not even the sound can catch up.

The moment he heard the sound, a gleaming blade appeared in front of Zhang Xing's eyes.

Chill licked Zhang Xing's body along his spine.

Unexpected speed, never shown in previous battles.

The reason is simple, because others are not worthy - but Zhang Xing is worthy!
  This unintentional trap brought about a fatal moment, and at this moment, Zhang Xing had no time to dance with the watermelon rind to protect himself from the impending death.

"It's a good thing I'm better at it!"

A crisp metallic sound exploded in front of Zhang Xing.

The shock wave blew his black hair around and knocked back his enemies.

The glazed shadow flashed in Zhang Xing's hand, and Bai Ge's weapon completed the mission it had not accomplished before. Now, for its new owner, Blink deflects a fatal blow from an enemy.

If you hold the watermelon rind high, you have to deal with the rest of the watermelon rind.

(End of this chapter)

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