Beginning with the lizard men and traveling through the Middle Ages

Chapter 39 The Keeper of Secrets (please read more)

Chapter 39 The Keeper of Secrets (please read more)
  A pair of sharp claws from the Keeper followed closely behind, and a stabbing sword made of shadow appeared in the claws, reaching towards Lynch's chest.

Scared One took advantage of the demon's concentration to strangle Lin Qi, and swarmed forward, hoping to save Lin Qi with offense instead of defense.

Lynch took his time, activated the melting function of the scepter, and used the arc of light to repel the demon's fatal thrust, but inevitably the tendons in his hand were broken by it.

The hard scales were like tender baby skin under the terrifying power of the demon.

Unnatural resilience is at work, but the Great Demon of Slaanesh has long been accustomed to this kind of immortal opponent in the Demon Realm.

While using its two scorpion pincers to miss the scarred person's stab, it once again handed the snake-like thin sword to Lynch's throat.

Before the cold-blooded species worked together to repel it, Lynch had already been left with dozens of sword wounds.

The Keeper of Secrets is like an ethereal dancer, weaving between the thrusts of spears and scepters, dodging attacks while leaving the mark of Slaanesh on each lizard-men with his rapier.

Lynch was slightly distracted and chose a modification, but while he was distracted, his eyes were blinded by the sting of a dragonfly.

The hastily waving of the scepter and the fierce lizard men who came to help drove the demon back. Lynch continued to fight with the big demon by relying on his hunting senses other than vision.

【Successful transformation】

[Current potential development degree: 50]

[Current affixes: rebirth, heavy armor, negative status immunity, deoxygenated life form, abundant physical strength, extraordinary agility, rest until death, high-density body]

The viper-like sword edge approached Lynch again, but this time it encountered unexpected obstacles, and Lynch's muscles became even tighter!
  The demon had to exert a little force to ensure that the sword edge penetrated deeply into the chest of the lizard man in front of him.

This tenacious lizard man suddenly became as hard as a rock, and his strength also became incredible.

The momentum of the big demon paused briefly due to the sudden change, and Lynch took the opportunity to activate the scepter to hit its ugly upper body.

Although he failed to directly hit the big devil, the big devil lost his grace in his hasty evasion.

Koteg's scepter narrowly missed the demon's body, dispelling the illusion on it.

I could see the demon's pink skin constantly emitting green smoke. It was not as unscathed as it seemed. Kotago's brilliance burned its skin just like an ordinary demon.

This beauty-loving devil is so extravagant that he uses magic to cover up his charred flesh!
  Lin Qi stepped on the mud and sank deeply into the mud mixed with flesh and blood.

He felt like he could wrestle with the giant lizard now, but he didn't know if this was an illusion.

The increase in weight gave him unparalleled strength and also passively improved his defensive capabilities.

An unprecedented hunger spread in his abdominal cavity. This transformation consumed too much energy.

The big demon was once again forced back by the scarred one. Seeing that he could not kill the most threatening target quickly, the secret keeper changed his direction and recited a spell as if singing.

It was just a face-to-face encounter, and half of the scarred body's flesh and blood was scraped off, but the demon did not kill it directly as if to tease it.

Lynch's pressure suddenly decreased. After his eyeballs grew back, he suddenly jumped up and pounced on the demon who was peeling off the skin of another scarred person.

This demon is not only fighting, but rather than fighting, it seems to want to use fighting to vent its sadistic desires, otherwise he should have killed all the scarers long ago.

The devil's scorpion pincers suddenly hit Lin Qi's side in mid-air. It wanted to take the opportunity to throw Lin Qi, who was not easy to kill, outside the battlefield. After clearing the miscellaneous soldiers, it could slowly take care of Lin Qi.

But this lizard seemed to have eaten ten times its own body weight out of thin air, and the powerful blow only made him tilt slightly.

After a brief surprise, the Keeper hurriedly avoided the position where Lynch landed. The relics of the ancient saint were too threatening to the devil. But one person whose weapon was broken by it and almost all the flesh and blood scars were scraped off took advantage of the big demon's pause and tightly hugged its leg, making the big demon's movements no longer flexible.

In an instant, the Keeper of Secrets completed the spell, giving himself a mind-blowing allure, and at the same time crushed the Scarred One's head with one claw.

The scarred person is like a screw fixed to its body. Deathly injuries cannot make it let go, and a body stained with extreme charm cannot be cherished.

The big demon stepped over a scarred man with only a small part of his body left, as if he had long since lost his life on the ground.

The Scared One took this opportunity to bite the big devil's foot.

As the secret keeper screamed in pain, the other lizard men decisively used their spears to resist the big demon.

These warriors, who had almost all their flesh and blood cut off by the demon, used all their remaining strength to contain the demon's dodge.

Koteg's scepter passed behind the great demon and melted its back, and the secret keeper let out a high-pitched scream in anger.

It has not encountered such a desperate enemy for a long time!
  Humans will flee out of fear, and elves will hesitate due to temptation.

But these disgusting reptiles don't seem to know pain and admiration, and heavy injuries that can make the dwarf warriors lose their strength cannot stop them from moving.

The four upper limbs of the Keeper swept around like thunder, directly cutting off the spear and cutting the charging lizard man into two pieces.

Everything happened in a flash of lightning, and in the ever-changing battle, the soldiers had achieved their goal.

Even if only half of his body is left, the lizard man can bite into the enemy's flesh with his fangs and pierce the enemy's skin with his sharp claws.

The sharp claws embedded in the big demon's body, carrying the lizard man's body with only bones, stubbornly pulled the big demon.

Lynch fell heavily to the ground, and without any pause, sent the arc of light from the top of Kotago's scepter to the secret keeper.

The piercing screams caused the war to pause for a moment. Under the horrified gazes of the banshees, the terrifying divine secret keeper was melted by the blazing sunlight.

The shrewish curses of the Keeper of Secrets echoed throughout the battlefield, but this did not change the outcome of its failure.

All ten scarred ones died in this short and cruel fight. Lynch could not wait to rush into the Chaos Demon Realm, wait for the Secret Keeper to resurrect and return by the soul furnace, and kill it again!
  Black smoke billowed out from the bodies of the banshees, and their bodies began to collapse.

The pincer attack between the demons of Khorne and the demons of Nurgle had already made the lust demons miserable, and now the god-like legion commander was crushed to ashes in front of them!
  The demon of desire was overwhelmed and lost the power of the great demon to maintain, and had to bear the rejection of the mortal realm on his own.

In just a few breaths, the pink army had disappeared.

The vampire did not stop killing, but instead pounced on the Nurgle demon next to him.

The fierce battle continued, but Lynch no longer had any comrades.

Lin Qi raised his scepter high, shouting the names of the ancient saints, as if he was never tired, and plunged headlong into the surging demons.

A dazzling arc of light drew from a distance, directly annihilating a group of warring demons.

These are the rays of the solar engine!
  After the plague lost its master's control, the Cold-blooded Legion solved the plague in a short time and discovered the fierce fighting here!
  The long and powerful roar of the Tyrannosaurus Rex can be vaguely heard, and countless huge beasts shake the jungle just by walking.

The Furies lingering over the battlefield were torn apart by a swarm of wyverns, and the wind carried the spells of the Skink Priests.

(End of this chapter)

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