Chapter 88 Whispers from the Dark
  The sound of heavy climbing approached the battlefield. At first, Lynch only saw a dozen rat-man heads.

Under the mouse head, a thick, eyeless mouse-shaped giant like an Ankylosaurus poked out of the deep pit, and the smooth surface was connected to the grinning mouse head.

Then there are two ferocious giant claws, and further down, there are several pairs of even thicker giant claws on the snake's neck.

It climbed up, and the lower part of the snake's neck looked like a dragon without wings. The snake's neck was as wide as the body, making it more like a deformed snake.

But it only has a rat tail covered with spikes, and its body is full of stitching marks and has no aesthetic appeal.

The thick-mouthed fingers were connected with dimensional stone nails. This ultimate stitched creation of the corrupt clan ate nearly ten unlucky slave rats in one bite, then chased the food in front of them and rushed towards the battlefield.

Like a mountain made up of various creatures, the smelly bodies moved slowly on the battlefield.

Several arms kept grabbing the unlucky "snack" and devoured it in waves of frightened wails.

The body covered with scars has a strange toughness. No matter how much the green skin knocks it, there are no wounds on the fat mountain of flesh.

Like every giant beast, it can crush greenskins to death just by marching.

Lin Qi suppressed the hunting desire in his heart and looked from a distance to see the abomination in the pit of hell flowing unimpeded in the green tide.

This is the top creation of the Corrupt Clan!

The sound of "waagh" tore apart the dark clouds and revealed the bright moon again.

This powerful monster failed to scare away the green tide, but instead made them fight more and more fiercely.

The rat-man's gunshots sounded continuously, and the green light shone brightly on the body of the orc warrior who was chasing the giant wheel of destruction, and the warpstone armor-piercing bullets were bounced away before they even got close.

The boss's roar attracted more greenskins. No one knew why they could still hear the call for war even though they were tens or hundreds of miles apart.

Maybe all the greenskins from the coast came over, and their terrifying war roars made the ancient trees in the rainforest tremble.

Lynch began to worry. He was afraid that the patrol would discover this war that did not belong to them and blindly join in.

Ordinary cold-blooded species do not know the difference between good and bad, and will only fight to the death when encountering an enemy, especially a skink that does not understand warfare.

That would lead to unnecessary deaths.

There was a voice whispering in Lynch's ear. It told Lynch about the honor of the guardian and the mission of the cold-blooded species.

The fighting spirit in his body became more and more intense, and Lin Qi was almost carried away by the killing, and went to declare to Uncle the majesty of the eldest son of the ancient saint.

But that is unnecessary. Once Lynch takes the stage, he will definitely draw the attention of the rat tide, and the orc warrior will definitely rush to challenge Lynch.

At that time, it will make the losses of both of them smaller.

Be patient and there will be better times.

The green sea in front of Lynch has become one with the rat tide.

The whisper suddenly turned and began to paint a beautiful vision.

Lin Qi saw himself crisscrossing the battlefield. All the minions of Chaos and all races that should not exist retreated in fear.

The cold-blooded race shouts the name of the champion, and the hot-blooded race also composes a grand epic for the hero.

As long as we take a step forward and completely defeat these dirty existences, the world will be peaceful.

He will be the god who drives away darkness!
  In the vision, the green tide and the rat tide turned into the scene it described.

The body was urging Lynch to kill, to destroy, and to win the final victory for himself.

The blood was boiling, but Lynch's mind was cold.

Is that for yourself? Isn’t this a dance of killing for the dark gods?
  Unconsciously, he had already taken half a step forward.

It is like a traveler who is so hungry that he sees the delicacies of mountains and seas; it is like a young man who has just experienced human affairs and touches the beautiful girl who has conquered the country.

His body was obeying the call of the whisper. Fortunately, the lizard man had no more emotions. Otherwise, the chemical hormones would have made it even more difficult for Lynch to resist the whisper.

As if a basin of cold water had been poured on his head, Lynch's soul was chilling at the edge of the blazing battlefield.

As long as you can think, you can't resist this temptation.

Your power is so great! Right? Keeper of secrets.

Why bother to show off your power arrogantly to a mortal?

Do you think this is a soul hungry for contentment? A lackey of desire?
  Will he succumb to transcend all living beings?
  Lynch does not want to be a slave to desire, he wants to be the master of his own soul, he is free.

Lynch wanted to recall the role models who inspired him, but found that his memory was out of control.

The past failures surfaced one by one, trying to break through Lynch's defenses. The past cannot be changed. He can only do his best. He will not succumb to his past failures.

Nothing can defeat him!

Countless losers from the past have to convince Lynch to give up his unreasonable persistence and embrace the great honor.

What kind of honor is that?

The adulation and recognition of others, the reverie being realized, being regarded as a hero, becoming a being above all living beings, and the desire to fight being satisfied.

There are no more disobedient people, and the vast number of sentient beings are trampled under the ground, all revolving around his will.

There is no need to grieve over the mistakes that have been made in the past, everything in the future will be satisfied.

But he has no regrets!
  He has now become a "cold-blooded monster" who lives in isolation.

No amount of regret can change the past.

Even if it were to happen again, Lynch would still choose to stick to his inner bottom line and give up the easy-to-get benefits, even if it was not good for him and would make him suffer failure.

Even if it cost him everything.

This is a cold-blooded donkey, and no matter how tragic the ending, it cannot make him retreat.

He didn't want to be obsessed with glory and be defeated by his inner desire.

The role models in the books when he was a child set an example for him. There were countless people who went against the darkness, suppressed themselves, and lit up the entire country with their sacrifices.

Even if times have changed, even if we have arrived in another world, we should not forget the connotation of "sacrifice".

How many people have died quietly? How could Lynch be more noble than them?
  Lynch is willing to fall into the dust and fall into the abyss with them, paving the way for those who come after him.

Hundreds of millions of dead cold-blooded species and tens of thousands of fallen temple cities withstood the torrent of chaos eight thousand years ago.

Hundreds of the most outstanding elf mages used their deaths to gather the prototype of the "Maelstrom".

Over the past eight thousand years, more than hundreds of millions of cold-blooded people have sacrificed their lives for the world?

He has never been a selfish person, even though he is no longer a human being.

To try to make him succumb to mere personal glory and desire and make him forget about the greater goal is to look down on him too much.

For a more noble purpose, it would be fine to let Lynch sacrifice his life, let alone a mere honor?
  Lynch took a step back as hard as he could.

It seemed like there were thousands of people behind him trying to stop Lynch, but there was clearly nothing behind him.

The strong champion was resisting a mountain and a sea of ​​people. This insignificant step took all Lynch's energy and also crossed a certain high wall.

Lynch regained control of his body, and the bloody wind from the battlefield gradually cooled down the lizard man's heated body.

The desire for honor was far away, but Lynch felt more relaxed than ever before, looking at the battlefield with relief.

The Ratmen's various methods failed to repel the green tide.

The scale of the green tide has expanded from tens of thousands of green skins to hundreds of thousands of green skins.

Yes, there are more and more of them.

The rat tide was about to be pushed back into the pit, and the orc war general had already beaten the abomination of the Hell Pit into a puddle of minced meat.

The ground shook, and Lynch heard the dense and loud sounds of marching.

Another wave of greenskins coming to join the fight?
  No, this sound is more orderly, the green skin will only come in a mess.

It's not the Rainforest Patrol either. The Skinks don't make that much noise when they move.

A bloodcurdling growl cut through the din of the battlefield, a signature growl that made Lynch understand.

This is the cold-blooded regular army approaching!
  There must be a lizard-human ancient blood warrior among them!

The rat tide and the green tide paused for a moment, and the part near the north rushed toward the end of Lynch's sight.

It seems that the cold-blooded army is coming from that direction.

I don’t know which commander was so aggressive. He clearly had a better opportunity.

Could it be that it has the confidence to easily wipe out the greenskins and ratmen?

 Adjust your mind. That’s all for today. I’ll do my best to resume three updates tomorrow. I’m sorry. I’m really sorry.
  (End of this chapter)

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