The Beacon of Laiyang Metal

Chapter 3 Gun Tower?

Chapter 3 Gun Tower?

Using the moonlight, I could feel the edge of the mass grave from afar, and through the gaps in the weeds on the top of the grave, I could vaguely see a road at the edge of the forest.

The road is not wide enough to accommodate only one car. What is strange is that since 2004, the Chinese government has begun to promote the village-to-village project. After more than ten years of efforts, from northern Xinjiang to southern China and even the plateau, as long as there are people living in it, all The hardening of roads has completely solved the problem of inconvenience for people to travel in China for thousands of years.

But the road in front of him was clearly a rural dirt road, with ruts of varying depths created by the wheels. It was really remote, Wei Yuan thought to himself.

Regardless of the fear in my heart, I was about to wade through the weeds among the graveyards to the road to find out what was going on, when suddenly I heard the roar of a car engine from far to near.

Have a car? Wei Yuan was overjoyed and quickened his pace, not caring about the torn clothes that exposed his skin and the itching and stinging discomfort caused by rubbing against the weeds. After all, it seemed like there was no village in front of him or a shop in the back. Meeting a car at night was a big surprise. not easy.

But before Wei Yuan could walk out of the wild woods, the car roared past on the dirt road in front of him, leaving only a large amount of dust thrown up by the passing car.

Wei Yuan was stunned for a moment, then shouted loudly: Hey there is someone here, master, wait for me...

But the car showed no intention of stopping and ran further and further away in the billowing smoke...

After finally reaching the road, Wei Yuan looked at the direction in which the car disappeared and became more and more suspicious. Although the car just flashed past, Wei Yuan could clearly see the body of the car. The long front compartment was covered with a tarpaulin.

It was different from any car model Wei Yuan had seen in real life, but it looked a bit like the Japanese troop carriers that appeared in anti-Japanese TV dramas.

Is this a film and television base? A gust of cold night wind blew through Weiyuan and he had to give up the strange thoughts in his mind.

The top priority now is to find a place where there are people living and find some clothes to put on. Staying in the wild for a night in this temperature will definitely cause problems for the body due to freezing.

After looking around, Wei Yuan rubbed his face that was numb from the cold, tightened his summer pants that were already in strips, and ran in the direction where the truck was driving.

The further away the running back gets, the more frightened he becomes. Wheat is the main food crop in the north.

Anyone with a little bit of agricultural knowledge knows that July is the time when the summer grain harvest has just been completed, and the fields at this time have only finished planting autumn corn.

On the other hand, the fields on both sides of the road are clearly covered with wheat, and the height is only just above the calf's knees.

You must know that winter wheat is commonly grown in the north. Judging from the growth of wheat seedlings, it is only around March to April.

  Not sure whether it was because of the cold or because he was too surprised, Wei Yuan hissed unconsciously.

After running for more than 20 minutes and less than three kilometers, Wei Yuan stopped. At this time, his body began to heat up and he did not feel as cold as before.

In addition, due to a long-term lack of exercise, running this far is already the limit, and I am already out of breath. If I continue to run, I will lose my breath.

Then he started walking forward step by step with his hand covering his stomach, and continued walking for less than 2 kilometers. Wei Yuan found a building less than a kilometer directly in front of him.

It happened that a dark cloud covered the moon at this moment, and the building looked like a large gray area from a distance, like a huge monster with its mouth open, waiting for someone to come and feed it into its mouth.

After walking another few hundred meters, this time I finally saw the building in front of me clearly. This was a building with the characteristics of the times that Wei Yuan had seen many times in TV dramas, and it was difficult not to recognize it.

I saw that this building was seven or eight meters in diameter and about the same height as three stories. There was a plaster flag stuck on the round top floor, and a high-power searchlight was swinging back and forth all around.

Wei Yuan rubbed his eyes and said in disbelief: Is this a cannon? A turret?
  Wei Yuan had to wonder if he had mistakenly entered the filming scene of an anti-Japanese film and television drama?

After looking around, he saw no cameras, let alone any so-called crew members. He didn't dare to act rashly and hid behind a slightly raised soil slope nearby, using the cover of the terrain to quietly observe.

The entire building is at a crossroads, which means that no matter whether you are going north or south, you have to pass under this building.

In addition to the turrets we just saw, there are several low concrete buildings scattered below. They are also arc shaped like the turrets, but the height is much lower. It is only more than 2 meters high according to visual inspection. There are also several dark holes on them. Huge little window.

There are barbed wire fences, horses and a suspension bridge all around. However, it is still the dry season and the deep ditch under the suspension bridge has not yet filled up with water. Weiyuan, who has been involved in major military forums for a long time, coupled with the repeated bombings from various anti-Japanese TV series, it can be seen at a glance that this is a standard bunker group.

Weiyuan was torn between whether to leave or to stay. No matter how I looked at this place, I thought it was evil!

Let's go. There is no village or shop here at the moment. The calories brought by the run have been exhausted. At this moment, my whole body is shivering like a quail in the cold wind.

Wei Yuan couldn't care about so much anymore. In order not to freeze to death, Wei Yuan was going to go in and find out. If he found something was wrong, he could just run away. This guy secretly cheered himself up.

Thinking of this, Wei Yuan stood up from behind the slope where he was hiding, cleared his throat, and forced out a smile that he thought was pretty. It happened that the searchlight from the roof of the building opposite happened to shine here. Before Wei Yuan could pose and say hello, he heard someone screamed
  The enemy's attack~
  The enemy's attack~(The enemy's attack)

Immediately afterwards, a rattling sound of shooting was heard, followed by a string of bullets passing by, hitting the ground under his feet and stirring up a burst of dust. The splashed mud hit Wei Yuan painfully.

Before his mind could react, his body was lying behind the slope where he had just hidden.

Definitely a real guy! At this time, cold sweat broke out on Wei Yuan's back, and his heart was pounding, and he was about to jump out of his chest. He was so close, and he was beaten into a hornet's nest just a little bit.

At this time, the inside of the bunker was like a nest exploded. The shouts and sharp whistles were particularly harsh in the silent night.

Forced to suppress the fear in his heart, Wei Yuan bravely raised his head and took a sharp look at the slope, then quickly retracted.

But in just that moment, another string of bullets flew past the head with a whooshing sound that pierced the air.

Wei Yuan dared to say that he had never been so surprised when he saw it in his life!

I saw only a few people wearing khaki military uniforms and helmets. The important thing is that Wei Yuan saw the Japanese army's iconic hat "butt curtain"

The author adds a sentence here: "Butt Curtain" is a folk nickname for the Japanese military cap. The professional name is "Hat Hammer" and the scientific name is "Military Cap Drape". It is a design that can protect against sun, wind, mosquitoes, sand and gravel. style, in actual combat applications, especially in tropical rainforest areas, has a good effect on protecting soldiers.

The gentleman was holding a World War II-vintage rifle with a bright bayonet stuck in the muzzle. He bowed his waist in a combat shooting formation, ready to rush over at any time when the suspension bridge was lowered.

In addition, there were several people in the back who were also wearing khaki military uniforms and carrying old-fashioned rifles on their shoulders. They were shouting and turning the winch to lower the suspension bridge, but they were wearing big-brimmed hats.

At this time, Wei Yuan was sweating continuously on his back. He wanted to stand up and run away, but found that his feet were weak and his whole body was trembling and he could not stand up. As a recent college student, Wei Yuan had never seen this before. Formation.

Judging from the menacing looks of the men in front of them wearing steel helmets, they were clearly rushing to kill themselves.

It’s over~ It’s over~ Wei Yuan thought silently in his heart
  It's a pity that I, Mr. Wei, died before he was born, and my family's factory is still waiting for me to restore its former glory.

I don’t know if this guy is big-hearted or responsible. At this moment, he is still thinking about the business of his own factory.

alert alert
  It is detected that the host's current environment is life-threatening. Should it return to the original time and space?
  what sound?
  An emotionless mechanical sound suddenly sounded in his head, making Wei Yuan wonder if he was hallucinating because he was too nervous.

Didi, emergency alert.
  Emergency alert.
  According to the "system"'s simulation of the host's existing scenario, if no measures are taken, the host will die within 3 minutes;
  The current "system" will temporarily take over the command process according to the "Kepler Planet" artificial intelligence emergency evacuation procedure: Article 10, Paragraph 8, and evacuate the existing time and space within 10 seconds.

Countdown preparation: 10 9 8 7 6
  This time Wei Yuan heard correctly and was sure that the mechanical voice came from his head.

The countdown ended and he had no time to react;

He saw a time-space distortion immediately appear on the spot, and then the blue ball of light that appeared before the explosion appeared in front of him again.

The next second, Wei Yuan reappeared in the office of "Wei's Machinery Factory". Everything in the room was as before. The old fan was still spinning tirelessly, and the fan blades were making a rattling sound. There was a loud sound, and the cicada outside the window was still shouting "Cicada, cicada".

Wei Yuan only felt as if he had had a thrilling dream, except that he was dressed like a mop strip, and after a large piece of the table exploded, there were obvious traces of flames, and he clearly told him: Everything is really happening and not a dream.

(End of this chapter)

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