The Beacon of Laiyang Metal

Chapter 5 “Time Travel” Preparation

Chapter 5 “Time Travel” Preparation

The emergence of extraterrestrial civilization is of milestone significance in the scientific community. However, in terms of Weiyuan's current status, it is obviously not enough to be called a "scientist" or even a scholar. Therefore, the "system" "If you hand it over and get a "Nobel" prize, I'm afraid you won't have a chance.

If it is considered to be major news, Wei Yuan is not considered a media practitioner. He usually browses Douyin and occasionally posts short videos in Moments to record his ordinary and hard life. He cannot even be considered a "self-made person". Media" creator, so Wei Yuan, the world's highest news award "Pulitzer Prize", also has no chance.

Of course, as a party involved in the discovery of "alien civilization", a little mention is definitely necessary. Wei Yuan can envision himself wearing a ribbon and holding a certificate of honor; by the way, there must be a 2000 yuan condolence bonus.

Similarly, if you think about it in the dark, the government may secretly isolate themselves out of the need for confidentiality, set up a scene similar to the "Area 51" in the American movie, and even slice themselves into pieces to study the "system chip". Then, His situation was very bad, and he couldn't help but shudder when he thought about it.

In addition to the original property owner of the "system" - the so-called stealing group, I should be the actual property owner of the "system" on this planet. Moreover, the "system" itself calls itself the owner in the title, so I use "system" and management, presumably as it should be.

From the perspective of Wei Yuan, who has experienced various setbacks for the development of the factory, there is no doubt that the "system" integrated into his body will become a turning point for him and the factory.

Unless my brain is rusty, I will definitely not give up this opportunity given by God in vain. There is a saying that even a pig standing on the wind can fly. This time Wei Yuan Decide to become the "pig" standing in the wind.

As a qualified factory director, Wei Yuan's first thought was to take the backlog of goods from his factory to another time and space for sale.

But when I think of the piles of bearings and mechanical parts in the warehouse, I feel troubled! This thing is not only large in size and heavy in weight, but the key is to take it to another time and space and sell it to whom? I can't just go to any place and ask someone if they want bearings or tractor parts? It would be weird not to think of yourself as a lunatic.

It turns out that an agricultural tractor factory previously placed a large number of parts orders for Weiyuan's small factory. Generally speaking, a deposit of at least 30% was required, but this tractor factory only gave 5%. If Weiyuan disagreed or made any difference, Factories rushed to pick up this batch of orders. After all, the order situation at that time can be described as more wolves and less meat.

Thinking that the machines in his factory had not been in operation for half a month, Wei Yuan gritted his teeth and took this batch of orders, hoping to complete the work quickly and get the balance as soon as possible.

In order to catch up with the order, Wei Yuan took a few masters to deal with the food and accommodation in the workshop. As a result, the whole factory worked overtime for more than three months, and the balance was not received yet. The agricultural tractor factory had to go bankrupt because of a broken capital chain. .

This made Wei Yuan want to cry without tears. He had no way to go to heaven and no door to earth. He was almost forced to die. If Wei Yuan's father and Lao Wei hadn't spent all their pension money, the factory might have been ruined long ago. .

This is also the reason why Wei Yuan jumps up and down all day long, desperately looking for business and getting orders like his butt is on fire. He has no choice but because the factory has no money.

Wei Yuan decided to bury this "secret" deep in his heart. In fact, he knew in his heart that it was a rare opportunity for him, a chance to completely change himself and even the fate of the Chinese nation in "different time and space";

It is even rarer than winning the 5 million lottery. After all, there are lottery winners every week. However, no country has ever heard of an alien civilization admitting that it has discovered something. It is a great opportunity for the entire human race. Not to mention being an individual.

What are the opportunities? To put it in an exaggerated sense: I might own a century - the entire 20s.
  Through communicating with the "system" consciousness, Wei Yuan learned that due to the damage of the "chip", the current timeline for the "system" to travel backwards in time and space is 100 years, which means that he can travel at any time from 2022 to 1922. Achieve free travel through the system.

In addition, the current load capacity is 5 tons, which is equivalent to the load capacity of a 4.2*5.2 meter box truck. And with the self-repair of the "chip", the time line and freight load capacity will increase exponentially.

I can completely travel through time and space in both directions to realize the industrialization of goods in the 21st century, dump the goods of the 20th century, and even form a monopoly and another kind of technological blockade. After all, few companies are willing to invest a lot of money in goods that have already formed a large scale. funds for R&D, unless it has political overtones at the national level.

Thinking of this, Wei Yuan's breathing became heavier.

After some thinking, he decided to sort out a purchase order details first and travel to the "Nineteenth Year of the Republic of China", that is, 1930. The selection of products should be based on the current time period, which can form a certain technical advantage but not As for products that are particularly obvious and can bring high returns, after all, the entire social environment at that time was still relatively chaotic. There is a saying that the first bird is shot, and I don’t want to be that first bird. As the saying goes: make money quietly. , No need to shoot.

The reason why I chose the 19th year of the Republic of China is because at this time: the domestic Beiyang government's rule in China has ended. Zhang Xueliang, the leader of the Northeast Army, announced the "Northeast Flag Change", replacing the original five-color flag representing the republic of the five ethnic groups with the blue sky and white sun on the ground. The country achieved formal unity and entered a relatively brief period of peace.

External environment: The Japanese invasion of China on September 18, 2018 has not yet begun. I can take this time to realize capital accumulation and industrial layout during the Republic of China, laying an industrial foundation for future resistance to Japanese aggression.

You must know that the essence of the war of aggression against China is that Japan, the first country to achieve industrialization, fought against our backward agricultural countries at the time. Facts have proved that the agricultural countries with weak industry suffered huge sacrifices during the war. During these fourteen years, our country suffered more than 360 million casualties on the frontal battlefield alone. In just three months before the war began, our country lost 85 divisions, fourteen generals died, and 30 soldiers died on the battlefield. After the war, Japan announced only more than 4 casualties.

During that time, rivers of blood flowed and corpses lay everywhere. The morale of the Chinese army was like steel. Artillery fire could destroy a person's body, but it could not break a nation's iron will to resist aggression. The Japanese army said it would destroy China in three months. Although this plan was completely shattered by our military, the price paid was indeed too great.

Weiyuan is determined to contribute his own strength to national liberation and resistance to aggression through his own efforts!

I looked at my bank card and the factory's public account. I found that my current personal account balance is 3886.5 yuan, and the factory has reserved 18.82 yuan of public funds for purchasing production materials. This does not include the money used to pay wages to several old masters at the end of the month. 3.6 salary part;
  In other words, the funds he can actually use for purchasing are 15 yuan.

I have to say here that Wei Yuan's father, Lao Wei, and Wei Yuan are both kind people. Even when the factory became unsustainable, he never thought of deducting workers' wages. At most, it was because the payment for goods was not paid in time. late onset or slow onset;

This is why other factories collapsed and workers ran away, but the Weiyuan factory still has a few masters whose skills are comparable to those of eighth-level workers in state-owned enterprises.

For a factory, machines can be purchased anywhere, and the most valuable ones are these masters of technology.

Over the years, companies from other places have come to recruit people, but without exception, they have been declined by these old masters. The reason is: I am too lazy to run around because I am too old. In fact, both Wei Yuan and Lao Weitou know that it is because these old masters are nostalgic. As long as their own factory is open for a day, these masters can stick to it for a day.

After much deliberation, Wei Yuan finally chose the two products “mechanical watch and artificial diamond”;

Thanks to the time-travel novels I read in college and the advanced experiences shared by countless time-travel seniors online, among the many products, Weiyuan, a small factory owner, was able to identify the most profitable and easiest-to-carry items at the first time, and it was not easy to distinguish the real ones. Counterfeit products.

Thanks to the world's factory of "flower growers" in time and space, as well as the convenience of the rapid development of e-commerce, big-name mechanical watches like the Huanghai brand can be purchased on Taobao for about a hundred yuan, and they are beautifully packaged and come with maintenance accessories.

In the 19th year of the Republic of China, watches were completely high-end luxury goods and relied entirely on imports from abroad. The value of an ordinary brand watch could be exchanged for 100 to 200 yuan, which was 120 yuan before the currency reform. French currency and foreign imported brand watches are more expensive, ranging from 300 to 500 yuan or even higher.

As for diamond products, ever since a company in Henan Province, China, conquered the artificial diamond technology, the value of diamond products has already fallen from the altar. It can be said that as long as you are willing, you can weigh it by the pound.

The advertising slogan of the overseas jewelry brand "Some Burley", "A diamond is forever, a diamond will last forever" is just to deceive ignorant young girls who are preparing to get married. In comparison, gold is the precious metal that holds its value the most.

What? The purity of artificial diamonds is too high. Are they as natural as natural diamonds with slight impurities?
  Tell us what impurities you want to add, the customer is God, we fully support customer customization! What kind of purity is required, how much carat weight, as long as the machine is started, you just say a word.

In the end, in order to facilitate the sale, Weiyuan chose high-purity diamonds with a total weight of 1 kilogram and a size of 1-10 carats, and they were all cut with a classic appearance.

It cost 5 yuan to buy diamonds, with an average of 6 yuan for 500 grams. Diamonds were weighed by the pound in a true sense.

As for watches, he chose a gift box of 200 "Hailu" classic mechanical watches, priced at 180 each, totaling 3 yuan. When placing the order, Weiyuan specifically requested that the watch body and exterior were not allowed. There are any text marks and LOGOs on the packaging. If you are satisfied, you will place a large order later. Otherwise, you will receive a negative review.
  Considering that an order of 200 mechanical watches is placed at one time, it can be considered a medium-sized customer. At the same time, he has a little bit of fantasy about the big order Wei Yuan said. After all, in this era of crazy involution and overcapacity, who can live? It’s not easy;
  The customer service lady at the flagship store quickly reported to her superiors. Although it was necessary to order a separate grinding tool, considering that there were not many big customers like this and subsequent orders, the "Hailu" official flagship store also agreed to this request, but also It said that Weiyuan's orders were customized and did not support returns or exchanges. Originally, Weiyuan did not consider returns and exchanges, so they readily agreed, and the two parties agreed to ship the goods one week later.

The merchant also agreed to this request, which seemed a bit unusual to ordinary people.

After buying the watch, Weiyuan placed an order for 200 watch gift boxes at another shop that specializes in packaging gift boxes. This time Weiyuan requested that the packaging box be printed with a fashionable and flattering name "Sedeo" underneath. Adding a line of small words "Made in America" ​​(Made in the United States), it looks very bluffing anyway.

In addition, the diamond is almost 10 yuan. The soft girl went out. This time, not only did Wei Yuan's wallet completely empty out, but the payment for the goods was also spent. If he can't get his money back this time, Wei Yuan's only option is to jump into the river. .

(End of this chapter)

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