The Bourne Counterattack

Chapter 102 Re-investigation of the Fan Gang case

Chapter 102 Re-investigation of the Fan Gang case

"Re-investigate Fan Gang's murder case!"

The decision of the new special police commissioner.

Among the sanctions tasks carried out by the "Dark Fire" team, only the assassination of Fan Gang was completed in the public concession, and the other two tasks were both in the French Concession.

Cases in the French Concession are naturally investigated by the French Concession, and the Police Department of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce Bureau has no control over them.

Akagi Kiyuki had just arrived at the Ministry of Industry and Commerce Bureau Police Station, so why was this case the first thing that caught fire? Besides, the person who died in this case was not a Japanese, and it had almost been forgotten by people.

Why did it come up again?

Everyone in Fan Gang is dead. Except for the suffering master, who would care about a dead person. He did countless evil things when he was alive.

When the news of his murder came out, I don't know how many people applauded behind his back.

This case was in charge of Lu Liankui of the Central Police Department. He led the investigation for half a month and found nothing except a few phone calls to Fan Gang.

As for the person who called, he must be related to Fan Gang's murder, but after investigation, the clues were pitifully limited.

Finally, there was the investigation of the Rose Garden Restaurant. The boss and the waiters who were present at the time were all taken into the patrol room, and even various methods were used. In the end, nothing could be found.

The final conclusion was that this was a well-planned murder, but the opponent did it too cleanly, leaving no clues for the patrol room to investigate.

And this can’t be done by one person, it’s a team.

Lu Liankui is not stupid. How deep the energy behind such a clean case is, or how powerful this group of people is. If he insists on continuing the investigation, he may lose his own head.

If someone can carefully set up a trap like this to kill Fan Gang, then what's the difficulty in setting up another trap to kill you, Lu Liankui?

Everyone is dead, just show off and be able to explain to them.

It is better to admit that you are incompetent than to lose your life.

I thought that if this case dragged on, it would be shelved and no one would care about it. Who knew that a special police chief suddenly came and wanted to intervene in the investigation of this case.

This is clearly an attempt to establish authority!

The people in the Police Department of your Ministry of Industry and Commerce Bureau are incompetent, so our Japanese police have to do it.

When Cheng Mo heard the news, he was stunned for a long time. Akagi Kiyoshi was full of food, right? He wanted to create a character when he first arrived?

He also caused trouble for himself.

Cheng Mo quickly reviewed all the details of the operation in his mind. There were four phone calls in total. The first phone call was from Lao Miao to Shen Mo. No one knew about this except his own people, and there was no problem.

The remaining three calls were made by Shen Mo at the right time according to his requirements.

This phone number had been set long ago and was secretly connected to a public phone. Even if the patrol room found the hidden phone, the caller could not be found.

Of course, they would have thought that someone would steal the wiring, but afterwards, Shen Mo had already removed the stolen wiring and erased the traces.

But there is no telling whether there will be any clues left at the scene.

Then he disguises himself as a man and enters through the back door of the rose garden, goes upstairs to kill people, and then takes away the gold bars from the water tank.

He recalled carefully and found that no traces were left at the scene, and no one saw him when he came out of the back door of the rose garden.

If there was a clue, it was the twenty gold bars, but there were no marks on these twenty gold bars. He had checked them repeatedly.

The ten strands were in his own hands, and the ten strands were given to Zhou Weilong.

His ten gold bars will not be easily used, but Zhou Weilong's ten bars are hard to say. There are many people in the Shanghai Special Administrative Region and the shortage of money is severe, so they may have taken them out and spent them long ago. The gold bars don't have any special markings, so it's just money spent, so there shouldn't be any problem...

In the first sanction operation, Cheng Mo had carefully considered all the processes and details. With the current investigative capabilities, it was impossible to find anything and it could only be an unsolved case.

Where did Akagi Kiyuki get the confidence to pick such a case to establish his prestige in the Ministry of Works Bureau Police Department?

The person who feels the most uncomfortable right now is probably Lu Liankui. He was originally responsible for this case. If Akagi Kiyuki solves the case, I'm afraid his prestige in the Ministry of Industry and Commerce Bureau will be completely destroyed!

Of course, this is impossible, Akagi Kiyuki cannot solve the case at all.

It would be hilarious if the case was solved.

Cheng Mo wanted to see how Akagi Kiyoshi would perform next.

Just as everyone was talking, Cheng Mo received a call from Lu Jiajun, saying that Lu Liankui invited him to come to the Central Hotel for a chat.

Cheng Mo naturally didn't refuse. He told A Liang and rode his bicycle out alone.

"Uncle Cheng, you are here. My father is waiting for you in my office." Lu Jiajun saw Cheng Mo and came up to him and said.

"What happened? Your father called me here in such a hurry?" Cheng Mo was surprised.

"I don't know either. I don't dare to ask any more questions. You'll know when you go there."


He was not close to Lu Liankui, so he was really confused. He would ask Lu Jiajun to call him if something happened.

He is a leader of the Youth Gang, and he has many disciples and disciples under his command. There is no shortage of people who can run errands.

"Brother Cheng, my brother is in trouble." As soon as he entered the door, Lu Liankui stood up and came over to greet him. He opened his mouth and sighed.

"Brother Lu is an inspector. He is the man who controls everything in the concession. What else can make it difficult for him to get you?" Cheng Mo chuckled, deliberately not picking up the fight.

"Brother, please don't make fun of me. I'm like a rat in the bellows, and I'm suffering from both sides." Lu Liankui said with a sad look on his face.

"In the end what happened?"

"It's not the case where Fan Gang was killed. It's been more than a month and there's been no progress at all. Today, I talked to me. If we can't solve the case again, we have to hand this case over and let others do it. Investigate." Lu Liankui said.

"There is such a thing, but I heard that the new special director wants to take over this case?" Cheng Mo said with a surprised look on his face.

"It does happen, but I was stopped by my boss. According to the agreement, the new director of the Special Division has no right to directly intervene in the investigation of the District A case." Lu Liankui said, "But if this case drags on for a long time, there will be no If it turns out, it might give him a chance to intervene."

"Fan Gang was killed in a criminal case involving fake kidnapping. This case has nothing to do with the Japanese. There is no reason for him to intervene!"

"He suspects that the anti-Japanese elements, especially the killers from the Blue Clothes Club, are behind this case." Lu Liankui said, "Any case involving the anti-Japanese in the public concession will have reason for them to intervene and interfere."

"Where's the evidence? If there's no evidence, it can't be what he says, right?"

"The murderer in this case did it very neatly. I have never encountered such a case in all my years as a patrolman. He almost erased all traces at the scene, not even leaving a single fingerprint or shoe print."

"There are no shoe prints. Isn't that too exaggerated?"

"No, don't you think you're too suspicious? If it hadn't been in broad daylight, I would have suspected that it was a ghost who killed the person!" Lu Liankui said.

"How is this possible? There are no ghosts in this world. There are just people pretending to be ghosts!"

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(End of this chapter)

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