The Bourne Counterattack

Chapter 112 Eavesdropping

Chapter 112 Eavesdropping

"Gao Jun, I'm sorry..."

"It's okay, Mr. Xiyi, how do you feel?" Gao Si asked with concern. He knew very well what happened to Xiyi's diarrhea.

But he couldn't say.

After contacting Cheng Mo, he came to the infirmary to see Nishi Yoshiaki, and at the same time protected Cheng Mo from leaving his cabin, and of course took away a record of the conversation.

This is some of the content of his conversation with Nishi Yoshiaki on the ship. Although such a record cannot mean anything, it can also allow Wuhan to understand the thoughts of the Japanese high-level officials.

This is his mission.

The sooner we know about the high-level movements of the East and West, the better we can be prepared.

After asking about his condition, he found out that he was just dehydrated and the diarrhea had stopped. If he rehydrated and rested, he would be fine.

A different person accompanied Takaji back to the cabin. The Japanese who accompanied Takaji stayed to take care of Yoshiaki Nishi. He said it was a shift change, but in fact he stayed...

"How's it going? Gao didn't do anything, right?" Nishi Yoshiaki asked the Japanese attendant in a low voice in Japanese while lying on the hospital bed.

"No, sir, I followed him back to the cabin, but he stayed inside and didn't go out."

"Gao is a key figure, you must ensure his safety." Nishi Yoshiaki ordered. As a veteran spy in China, how could he not realize that his sudden diarrhea was a bit strange, but this was on a ship, and there were many things that he could not control. of.


"My cup of coffee?"

"It has been taken away by the waiter..."

"The problem is most likely that cup of coffee. Gao Jun and I ate the same meal today. He is fine, but I have constant diarrhea..."

Although the conversation between the two was very light, Cheng Mo heard it clearly. These Japanese people should not be underestimated. Their minds are really not that stupid, especially those who deal with intelligence, and they are very vigilant.

"It was the young man in the trench coat. He was the only one passing by us. His target might be Gao Jun..."

"Sir, do you want to investigate the origin of that person?"

"Not urgent……"

When Cheng Mo heard Xi Yixian's guess, he smiled slightly and left quietly.

The cruise ship will arrive in Shanghai tomorrow. The ship docks at the dock controlled by the French Concession. Even if the Japanese want to board the ship and search it, there is nothing they can do.

The remaining coffee in the coffee cup was probably disposed of, and the evidence was completely eliminated.


"Cheng, my good brother, can you lend me a hundred yuan?" Cheng Mo returned to his cabin and just squinted for a while when he heard a knock on the door.

When the door opened, Androv was standing at the door.

"What, you lost again?" Cheng Mo looked at Androv's scarlet eyes and knew that this guy lost money in the casino on the ship.

"Little by little, if you lend me another hundred yuan, I will definitely be able to make it back in a while!" Androv said confidently.

"How many times has this happened?" Cheng Mo was also speechless. He was not a bank, let alone a cash machine. Even if he had money, he couldn't borrow it endlessly.

"the last time!"

Cheng Mo shook his head helplessly. If he didn't need this guy in the future, he really wouldn't be willing to lend him money again.

So he took out a hundred yuan from his wallet, handed it to Androv and said: "No more, I asked you to borrow all the allowances I received for special training..."

"Thank you, Cheng. I will pay you back when I get back to Shanghai!" Androv grabbed the money and disappeared.

McCain walked over with a woman in his arms: "That boy Androv asked you to borrow money again, aren't you worried that he won't be able to pay it back?"

"I heard that his family has an ancestral sword. If he can't pay back the money, I'll just let him use the sword as a mortgage."

"Cheng, you are still the most cunning and cunning." McCain gave Cheng Mo a thumbs up.

"A new hookup?" Cheng Mo rolled his eyes at him, glanced at the woman in McCain's arms and said, "Your taste is as good as ever..." Both of them spoke in Chinese. It was obvious that this woman It's incomprehensible.

"You are just jealous!"

"Be careful, you can't bear it." Cheng Mo glanced at him and closed the cabin door with a bang.

These two people, one is lustful and the other is a gambler. I really don’t know why the Ministry of Industry and Commerce Police Department chose these two guys to participate in special training.

After a while, the sound of "Oh, oh..." came from the next room, but it disappeared after a while.

Cheng Mo covered his ears and released them, and let out a long breath. The foreign devils are so bad. They show off how powerful they are all day long, and they don't have silver pewter gun tips?

There was a loud knock on the cabin door.

"Cheng, open the door, let's go have a drink?" When the door opens, who is this guy if not McCain? This guy is done pretty quickly.

The legendary "quick shooter"?

Cheng Mo glanced with disdain: "It's not bad today, I lasted more than three minutes."

"Cheng, I really want to beat you!" McCain's eyes suddenly widened when he heard this, but he didn't make any move.

"Are you coming?" Cheng Mo smiled jokingly. He had beaten McCain countless times in the special training class on Lantau Island.

Afraid of being beaten.

In fact, if Cheng Mo didn't have excellent training results, how could he get the medal for outstanding students?

Just like that, he still held back on several training subjects and didn't dare to show off his full strength. Otherwise, he wouldn't be in the top five, but would be the well-deserved number one.

When necessary, he has to hide his clumsiness, otherwise, he will be hated by others. He is still a yellow-skinned Chinese.

However, among the three people who came out of the Ministry of Industry Bureau, he was the youngest and deserved to be the first.

"I won't fight you. It's boring. Let's go and have a drink." McCain is not stupid, and seeking abuse is not fun.

"As you said just now, if you drink now, aren't you afraid that your kidneys won't be able to bear it?"

"It's okay, I have a good waist!" McCain put his hands on his hips and said, "Let's go, let's go, we won't have a chance when we get ashore."

"Okay, wait for me to change clothes." Cheng Mo was too lazy to worry about it. Out of good intentions, just reminding him once was enough.

Besides, this foreign devil is not a good person either.


Another refreshing day.

Cheng Mo got up early in the morning and started packing his luggage. Today they were going back to Shanghai to see his beloved girl.

Before boarding the ship, he made a long-distance call, but he didn't know if she could ask for leave and come to the dock to pick him up.

The sky was blue, the morning was not particularly muggy, and the sea breeze was blowing on the deck. They were lucky and did not encounter a storm.

There was only a light rain on the second day, but it soon cleared up.

Then it was a calm journey north along the coastline. In the mist, the Zhoushan Islands were as beautiful as a fairyland on earth.

It's just that the two oncoming Japanese warships flying "plaster flags" are a bit of a sight.

They signaled and inquired about the cruise ship. They passed by without any embarrassment. The thin and short figures of the Japanese soldiers on the warship deck made people think that it was reasonable for Westerners to always like to call them "Japanese monkeys".

Although the distance was nearly two nautical miles, Cheng Mo still recognized it from the side number. It was the light cruiser "Tianlong" of the Japanese Navy's Third Fleet.

This shows that they are not far from Shanghai.

Because the Japanese Navy's Third Fleet is patrolling near the East China Sea and blocking the sea outlets in the coastal areas of eastern Zhejiang and Fujian.

 Recommend a book. Cyberpunk + Cthulhu, dual world view setting, book lovers who like this style should not miss "Border Wanderer"


(End of this chapter)

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