The Bourne Counterattack

Chapter 199 A fish slipped through the net

Chapter 199 A fish slipped through the net


"Yeah." Cheng Mo walked into the interrogation room expressionlessly.

The assassin looked young, probably no more than twenty years old. When Cheng Mo came in, his eyes were full of hatred.

The look in his eyes that wanted to swallow Cheng Mo in one gulp, I really don't know where he got such hatred.



"You're all here, why are you still acting mean here?" Xu Qinghe stepped forward and punched the opponent's stomach, causing him to bend over in pain, "Answer our leader's words carefully, otherwise, you will suffer the consequences." .”

"Tell me, what's your name and where are you from?"

"Guo Chunshan, from Taixing, Jiangsu Province." The assassin replied through gritted teeth.

"how old are you?"

"Brother Guo, please tell me, why did I help the gangsters to the point that you wanted to assassinate me on the street?"

"What kind of logic are you talking about? The evidence is conclusive that Huizi killed her husband. She admitted it herself. You violated the law by assassinating me in the street. It is a criminal act. Don't you understand?" Cheng Mo couldn't laugh or cry. What kind of logic is this? ?

"Dead, how did you die?"

"Am I aiding the tyrants?" Cheng Mo was stunned. When had he aided the tyrants? This charge was not a small one.

"Seventeen years old." Guo Chunshan stared at Cheng Mo with red eyes and almost shouted.


"If you arrest my sister Huizi, you are helping the tyrants to perpetrate their crimes, and you are a wicked person." Guo Chunshan said.

"How much?" Cheng Mo thought he heard wrongly and asked.

"You are only seventeen years old and you dare to kill people with a sharp knife on the street. Where are your parents?" Cheng Mo asked in surprise.

However, this is not the focus of the question. The focus is why such a person who is a stranger to him wants to assassinate him.

"Shouldn't a villain like you, who helps others commit evil, die?"

Cheng Mo did some calculations. According to his current age, if he fell forward, it should be around the time of the Central Plains War. It is indeed possible, but Taixing is also a land of plenty. Even if he escapes from famine, there is no reason to go north. Wouldn't it be more advantageous to go south? Livelihood?

"Yes, she is my god-sister. You arrested her as a murderer. I want to avenge her." Guo Chunshan said.

This is a little strange.

"Huizi is your sister?" Cheng Mo was stunned when he heard this. He never thought that the young man who assassinated him had something to do with Huizi.


"Guo Chunshan, I don't know you, and I don't have any grudge against you. Why do you want to assassinate me on the street?"

"When did this happen?"

"My mother died of illness, my father escaped from famine and captured young men, and was shot to death randomly." Guo Chunshan replied.

"You caught my sister Huizi, and you are a bad person. I want to avenge sister Huizi!" Guo Chunshan said.

"When I was eight, or nine, I don't remember clearly..."

Cheng Mo didn't know how to understand Guo Chunshan's logic. He didn't have a true sense of right and wrong, but simply used his own likes and dislikes to judge who was right and who was wrong. It was good for him, no matter what she did. , are all right, and those who are detrimental to his good people are all evil people.

Cheng Mo was naturally classified as a villain and became the target of his revenge.

I don't know whether to call him simple or ignorant. How could Keiko know such a person? The relationship between them seems to be very close. When investigating her social relationship before, Guo Chunshan was not found.

It seems that Keiko hid him well.

Judging from his skills, it seems that he has gone through a certain amount of training, but he does not have much actual combat experience, and he even seems to be a little unclear in his mind.

Keiko is a Japanese agent. She asked Guo Chunshan to recognize her as her god-sister. I'm afraid she has other motives and it's not that simple.

He must have seen Guo Chunshan's simplicity and wanted to train him to become a murderous knife in his hand.

However, she went in first without even seeing the sharp blade taking shape.

And now this sharp knife, which knows no difference between right and wrong, friend or foe, will also face charges of murder. If nothing else, he will definitely spend several years in jail.

Murder is a serious crime, and there is no "minor" protection law in the concession. At his age, Guo Chunshan is undoubtedly sensible. Even if the judge gives him a lighter sentence due to his young age, he will not be jailed for three to five years. Not coming.

He is actually about the same age as Liangzi, the nephew of Xu Qinghe's mother's family. Unfortunately, the road has taken a detour and the prison in the concession does not expect him to be able to reform. Alas...

Keiko's case will basically lead to extradition, and the reasons for extraditing Keiko will be even stronger if there are some more secret operations.

This case will soon be forgotten.

It is even possible that after Keiko is extradited and returned to China, it is possible for her to go around, change her identity, and then return to Shanghai or other places.

Originally, Keiko's killing of Nojiri was to carry out the above-mentioned extermination mission. However, the people behind it wanted to use Nojiri's death to make an article. As a result, the article was not completed, but instead caused a lot of trouble for herself.

Maybe they had already thought of a way out. Even if Keiko was caught and extradited for trial, nothing would happen.

This is probably why they are so confident.

Whether or not to agree to the extradition of the Japanese is in the hands of the British. Cheng Mo does not have this power.

However, Shi Mo is the person in charge of this case. Before the prisoner is extradited or submitted to the SAR court for public prosecution, he has the right to see the suspect at any time.

Originally, he didn't even want to see Keiko again, but after such an assassination, he decided to go to the detention center to see Keiko again.

Drive to Tilanqiao Prison Detention Center on Huade Road.

Female prisoner.

Interrogation of Keiko.

After putting on the uniform, Keiko's mental state was obviously much worse. She was not given special treatment in this dormitory, so she had to endure any "herbiphobia".

"Miss Huizi, I came here today to ask you about someone?" Cheng Mo said straight to the point, "Guo Chunshan, do you know him?"

Keiko was stunned for a moment after hearing this, but pretended to be nonchalant: "I don't know him."

"You don't know Guo Chunshan, but he knows you." Cheng Mo said, "In order to avenge you, Guo Chunshan committed a murder on the street with the intention of assassinating this detective, but he was captured alive by this detective. He told me everything, you Aren’t you going to speak yet?”

"I don't know Guo Chunshan, Detective Cheng, please don't waste your words." Huizi refused directly.

"Guo Chunshan has confessed that your relationship is unusual, and he also said that your identity is not an ordinary housewife. You adopted him and taught him many things. To him, you are not a relative, but you are Even as a relative, although your extradition procedure is in progress, if it is confirmed that you still have a special status, the extradition procedure will be stopped immediately," Cheng Mo said.

There is a tacit understanding between each other. If there is no conclusive evidence, I will turn a blind eye and let you pass. But if there is conclusive evidence.

For example, if someone testifies and Keiko's identity changes, then the "extradition" regulations will not apply. At least you won't be able to pick him up easily.

The conditions are definitely different.

(End of this chapter)

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