Chapter 127 Battle of Luyangyi (2)

The battle of Luyangyi started, and the sound of fighting and fighting broke out on the small side.

But the old slave ran away!

Houjin ambush troops appeared all around!

Was the news leaked?
  Wang Qi was not sure, but his ability to mobilize the escorting troops in an instant meant that he had known for a long time that he was coming to attack and kill. So using himself as bait, the purpose was obvious: Wang Qi wanted to capture the thief, capture the king, and behead the chief. Slave, Nurhaci wants Wang Qi, the leader of the owl, to completely wipe out Liaodong.

The two are targeting each other, and it can be said that the heroes have the same vision.

Wang Qi quickly calmed down despite his initial panic.

"Kill the defenders and capture Luyang Post first! Fight on the hillside behind you!! When we kill the reinforcements, the old slave will have nowhere to escape!!"

What will be the consequences of more than 10,000 elite Hou Jin cavalry fighting against more than 3,000 hungry Ming troops who have traveled long distances?

Anyone with a discerning eye knows it clearly.

Naturally Nurhachi also knew.

At this moment, the old slave, escorted by Tong Yangxing and others, had arrived on a high ground one mile away from the battlefield. From here, he could clearly observe the situation on the field to prevent Wang Qi from breaking out and escaping.

"Wang Qi must die!" Tong Yangxing blinked and looked at the battlefield in the distance. His words sounded like a curse and fear.

"This time, he doesn't have any chance!" Fan Wencheng looked at Wang Qi with a slightly complicated look, as if he couldn't bear to look at it.

"I am the yellow flag's tens of thousands of elites, waiting to intercept and kill the three thousand Ming army with broken armor. This is already the greatest compliment to him," Nurhachihu's eyes widened. He wanted to see Wang Qi die here with his own eyes: ". A worthy death.”

"But why is this Ming army so quiet?" Muteb, the commander of Nurhachi's personal guards, was a little confused, but as soon as he opened his mouth, he added: "It's not quiet, it's too calm."

Following Muteb's words, everyone looked.

Inside Luyang Post, surrounded by tens of thousands of elite cavalry, the Ming army that had detoured from Mongolia seemed to have no reaction at all. Apart from murderous intent, there was an astonishing and heart-stopping calmness.

"Everyone draws swords and wears armor! First kill the soldiers of Zhenghuang Banner and the Eight Banners, and then kill the old slave!!" Wang Qi, who was in the center, held a long sword in his hand, with bloodstains on his face, looking at the people galloping in the distance with deep eyes. The enemy seems to always be so confident: "Our soldiers, fight to the death!!"

Almost all the officers and soldiers of the Ming Army drew their swords forward at the moment Wang Qi gave the order: "My soldiers, fight to the death!"


Three thousand Ming troops rushed forward to kill the elite Houjin troops.

It was as if they were the attacking party.

Three thousand versus ten thousand, from the outside looking in, a dead end has been cast.

But the more than 3,000 Ming soldiers under Wang Qi did not think so.

Everyone thinks that Wang Qi is the only martial artist in Liaodong, no, he should be the only martial artist in the Ming Dynasty for more than a hundred years. He is like a born saint. He can sweep away the Jiannu with his personal power. However, in more than a month, the three thousand people who have eaten and slept with Wang Qi have General Yu knew that there was no born saint, nor was there any wise man. Some of them had the map of Liaodong that they could not let go of, some of them had played out the offensive and defensive battles of Guangning City countless times on the sand table, and some of them had a brotherly love for their soldiers.

The three thousand people believed in Wang Qi's judgment more than their own eyes.

At this moment, whether it was Nurhaci who was watching the battle from a distance, the army of Hou Jin Dynasty, or the Ming army itself, they all understood what it means to go to the emperor's orders with one's own body, and to regard death as returning home.

In the next moment, three thousand Ming troops and more than ten thousand Hou Jin elites were killed together!
  The war horses neighed, soldiers clashed, and the corpse of the fallen war horse was instantly trampled into flesh, and at some point a headless corpse would suddenly appear on the back of the war horse.

Broken armor, bloody mud, grass and death. The god of death is ruthlessly harvesting life.

As soon as the two armies came into contact, the battlefield situation turned towards Hou Jin's side.

  At this moment, Tong Yangxing, who was closely watching the battlefield situation, moved his ears slightly. He seemed to hear the sound of thousands of troops approaching from the south.

And just between breaths, you can feel the trembling feeling caused by the running of thousands of troops.

Did the Great Khan send another army over?
  Thinking of this, Tong Yangxing turned his head with some confusion and looked at Nurhaci in front of him.

Everyone present was a little confused, why did a new army join?

Could it be that the Hou Jin army from Ningyuan City came back for reinforcements?
  Nurhachi's face was ashen. Apparently, the Great Khan of Houjin had also heard the sound of the army coming from the south. But he did not dispatch any soldiers of Houjin outside Ningyuan City!

Then whose reinforcements are these?
  "Report!!" At this moment, Tan Ma reported: "Qi Khan, more than 7,000 Ming troops suddenly came out from the direction of Songshan Fort and came towards me, Luyang Post!"

"The Ming army in Songshan Fort?" Nurhachi was shocked when he heard this, and then shouted angrily: "I asked Yanguli to leave a part of the army to guard the Ming army in Songshan Fort. How can I get their support to come here so quickly??"

The scout was stunned by Nurhachi's question and didn't know how to answer.

"Ningyuan City is about to be destroyed. The Songshan Fort army has all rushed to Ningyuan City!" Fan Wencheng on the side hesitated for a moment before explaining.


For a moment, Nurhaci felt a sharp pain in the back of his head, as if a sledgehammer had hit the back of his head directly, making him dizzy.

As long as Yang Guli leaves a thousand men to guard under Songshan Fort, he can delay the Ming army on the mountain. It only takes an hour or two for the battle at Luyangyi to be over. When Wang Qi dies, no matter whether it is Songshan Fort or Ningyuan City, both are within easy reach!

But what about now?
  One careless move could lead to losing everything!

"Behead the chief slaves and secure Liaodong! Follow me and kill them!" Lu Xiangsheng was in front, Zu Dashou, Luo Yiguan, and Qi Bingzhong were behind, leading more than 7,000 Ming troops towards Luyang Post.

Two days ago, when Wang Qi sent Lu Xiangsheng and Lu Enguang to Songshan Fort, Lu Xiangsheng had already guessed what Wang Qi wanted to do.

At that time, the mind of this young Jinshi was already filled with images of beheading chiefs and making meritorious deeds.

Why don't men take Wu hook and charge Guanshan Fifth State?
  At this moment, Lu Xiangsheng, who was riding a horse and galloping forward, abandoned his pen and joined the army, and his heart was filled with the feeling of being shrouded in horse leather.

"Kill slaves!!!"

At the Houjin Highland Camp, Nurhachi endured the severe pain in his head and issued his will.

"Ask Battuso to intercept the supporting Ming army, and order Heli to kill Wang Qi as soon as possible. I will remove Luyang Station from the entire Liaodong!"

On the battlefield, Battuso led the army to attack the Ming army in Songshanbao, which greatly reduced the pressure on Wang Qi's troops.

"It's Lu Xiangsheng who is here with Zu Dashou and others!" Wang Qi's eyes lit up. Even though his armor was broken and his robes were stained with blood, he still looked heroic.

"Qin Erbao, lead your people to resist this slave-building force! The rest of you, follow me!" Wang Qi turned his horse's head and led his bodyguards and generals with their swords towards the Houjin camp stationed on the hillside in the distance to watch the battle. And go.

More than a hundred people rushed to kill the old slave camp, which was no different than death.

However, here comes the commander-in-chief of Liaodong—Wang Qi.

(End of this chapter)

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