Chapter 153
  At this moment, Wang Qi had already appeared a few miles outside Jizhou Mansion with more than 5,000 elite troops from the capital.

The bright moon hangs high, the earth is silent, and the bright fire stretches for miles.

More than two thousand cavalry and three thousand infantry traveled nearly three hundred miles from the west mountain of the capital to Jizhou Prefecture in one day and one night.

"Sir, according to the intelligence report, the two cabinet ministers Han Xu and Xu Guangqi are still in the city and have been captured by the rebels." Commander Ge Yue followed Wang Qi on his horse and asked in a questioning tone: "Are we waiting? Should we rescue the two adults first?"

"There is no time to worry about many things. Once the offensive is launched, the bayonet will see red. If they are lucky, it will be good to survive. If it is unlucky, they die in the city." Wang Qi looked at the tower in the distance. The torches were like stars, shining continuously on the tower. The ground moved, and it was a crowd of people, as if they were gathering: "It can only be destiny!"

Wang Qi didn't have much time to care about the life and death of Han Xu and others. Even Xu Guangqi, who became famous in later generations, didn't have much energy to take care of them.

When tens of thousands of people need to be rescued, do we have to estimate the life and death of a few people?

After hearing Wang Qi's words, the commanders all looked at each other and felt the same.

The literati controlled the affairs of the court, blocked the voice of military ministers, and excluded military generals from participating in politics. At the same time, they were afraid of generals commanding troops. The shackles on military generals were layered and almost suffocating. Now that Wang Qi has risen and has a great reputation, if he can take advantage of this to attack the Chinese The official group is good news for the generals of the Manchu Dynasty!
  At this moment, the sound of horse hooves was heard in the distance. Everyone looked around and saw Wang Shouxin coming on his horse.

"Sir, this is an autographed letter from Xu Hongru, the leader of White Lotus!" Not long after, Wang Shouxin came to Wang Qi with the letter in hand.

When Wang Qi took the letter, the guard approached instantly with a candle and lit up the darkness for Duke Lang.

For a while, all the generals waited quietly, waiting for Wang Qi's order.

  After Wang Qi finished reading the letter, he directly reached out and put the letter close to the candle.

With a click, the letter quickly turned into a pile of ashes in the eyes of everyone.

Xu Hongru's attempt to rely on Han Xu to threaten Wang Qi was a fool's errand.

"Pass my general's order to concentrate our forces and attack the south gate. More than 3,000 infantrymen will attack the gate and the city. The cavalry will shoot across the formation from a distance. Beat the drums three times. This is the order to charge. Everyone should climb to the city and kill the enemy! The one who finally pulls the flag will be rewarded. Ten thousand gold!”

As Wang Qi spoke, he drew out his long sword and raised it high: "Three commanders, five generals, hundreds of household officials, and small flag officials, all are subordinate to each other during war. Three people in a team, immediately Siege the city!!!”

"Pass the order, all generals belong to each other, three in a team, attack the city and capture the flag!"

"A team of three, kill!"

"Whoever pulls the flag will be rewarded with ten thousand gold and killed!!"

woo woo woo woo! ! ! !
  Following the instructions from General Wang Qi, more than 5,000 infantry and cavalrymen from the Beijing camp charged towards Jizhou Mansion under the night light, holding sharp swords and a cold light.

For a moment, the sound of killing was loud.

Three miles away, on the city wall of Jizhou Mansion, the White Lotus Cult members had already felt the slight tremor of the earth.

The cavalry is fighting, and the infantry is trapped in the formation.

This is the key to attacking and plundering the formation.

"It's so overwhelming," this was Xu Hongru's first feeling.

"Wang Qi. The Ming Dynasty's God of Killing is really here," Prime Minister Chen Canyu said with a slightly trembling tone.

In the entire Ming Dynasty, who had not heard of Wang Qi’s reputation?

Some White Lotus cultists even lost their grip on the steel swords in their hands when they heard that Wang Qi was charging towards them with his soldiers and horses.

"He is really not afraid that we will kill Han Xu!" Prime Minister Chen Canyu's face was full of disbelief. No matter how big Wang Qi is, he is only a military general. Aren't he afraid that the civil servants will cause trouble for him in the future? "Send the order! Everyone, go to the top of the city and defend the gate against the enemy!" Looking at the approaching enemy troops, Xu Hongru finally began to issue his own military orders.

To defend Jizhou Prefecture, as long as Wang Qi's 5,000 troops are resisted, the rebels in Yuncheng, Yanzhou, and Qufu can be given more time. When the time comes, the Ming court will be in trouble and will definitely order Wang Qi to withdraw!
  If he occupies Jizhou Mansion, it will echo with Jiaodong and other places. When the time comes, heroes will appear everywhere. If he ascends to the top and shouts, he will definitely achieve great things!
  "He only has 5,000 people at most. We have an army of more than 10,000. Are we afraid of him?" Shao Zhaowu, the commander, looked fierce, holding a long sword, and commanded his soldiers: "All the believers! Go up to the tower, with a long sword and a long sword in your hand. No. If you use bad magic to protect your body, even if Wang Qi comes, it will still be like chopping melons and vegetables!"

"Magical body protection, Maitreya comes to the world!"

"Magical body protection, Maitreya comes to the world!"

"Magical body protection, Maitreya comes to the world!"

In the blink of an eye, the imperial soldiers and horses were already fighting with the White Lotus cultists.

Jizhou's city defense was not very high. With the help of cavalry cover, the infantry set up simple ladders and climbed the city to fight. At the same time, they hit the city gate with logs, forcing the rebels to divide their troops.

Suddenly, the sound of killing broke out, and the entire Jizhou City fell into chaos.

Naturally, the refugees who followed the White Lotus Sect's invasion of Jizhou Prefecture also heard the news of the arrival of Wang Qi's army.

The entire Jizhou Mansion fell into a strange atmosphere because of Wang Qi's arrival.

Because most of the refugees seduced by the White Lotus sect are from Liaodong
  And among the people in Liaodong, who has never placed a clay statue of Wang Qi in front of his or her stove?
  "Duke Lang is here"

"Is Mr. Baihuguan here?"

"The Commander-in-Chief is from Liaodong, he is here to save us!"

At this time, probably all the refugees in Liaodong had turned around and forgotten about the White Lotus Sect.

After all, how can a few scrawled teachings contain the shock of hundreds of households of officials beheading and killing chief slaves?
  Most people in Liaodong are still accustomed to calling Wang Qi the official of hundreds of households. In their hearts, Wang Qi is a native of Liaodong and one of their own. Now they have no food and have been tempted to do bad things. But when Wang Qi arrived, There will be blue sky, there will be opportunities to make meritorious deeds, and there will be hope of having enough to eat.

"Pick up the long sword and wooden stick, kill the White Lotus Sect rebels, and help Lord Baihuguan capture Jizhou Mansion. We still have a way to survive!"

Almost at the same time, all the refugees began to fight back, raising their long knives towards the White Lotus sect members who had the same hatred as the day before.


Bloody battles were taking place almost everywhere inside and outside Jizhou Mansion. There were raging fires everywhere in the city, and there were sounds of fighting, shouts and painful cries everywhere.

On top of the city, the Ming army's attacks were like waves, one wave after another, not giving the White Lotus Sect any chance to counterattack.

Under the leadership of qualified generals, the gap between the regular army and the rabble will only become more obvious.

"As soon as they heard that Wang Qi had arrived, those refugees turned against us! Instead, they came to kill us!" Lou Youmin, the commander-in-chief, who was covered in blood, grabbed Xu Hongru's arm: "Your Majesty, the situation is urgent. Hurry up and lead all the hall leaders and religious leaders. Everyone, please retreat!”

"Keep the green hills here, don't worry about running out of firewood. We still have our basic base in the Jiaodong Peninsula. Let's withdraw first!" Prime Minister Chen Canyu was still injured under the protection of his personal guards, and he couldn't even speak at this moment.

"Wang Qi." Xu Hongru, who claimed to be Zhongxing Fu Emperor, stared blankly at the Ming army that had entered the city, feeling dizzy for a while.

As soon as Wang Qi arrived, he was defeated like a mountain. Is there really such a thing as martial arts in the world?

"Send the order, all the members of the White Lotus sect, break out of the encirclement in two directions: east and south, break into pieces, and wait for the birth of Lord Buddha!"


(End of this chapter)

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