Chapter 173 Reef
  "Lu Xiaoqiang, a man from Zhengxifang outside Beijing, and Zhang Qi, the gatekeeper of Wang Gong Factory, will take advantage of the opportunity of transporting gunpowder dregs every three days to cover the already produced gunpowder in the dregs and transport it out of the city. , in half a month, more than two tons of gunpowder have been stolen from the factory, of which more than 700 kilograms have been sold... Some of the transaction objects are farmers, merchants, and gangs outside the city, and some are fireworks in the capital. workshop.

"Fireworks workshop," Wang Qi said with a half-smile, "whose family background is it?"

"Obviously, it belongs to the Liu family in the capital, and the property of Liu Yuanwai's family. As for the master behind it, they have not yet been found out. Wang Shouxin lowered his head and said, "It is very deep. His men have been following it for half a month, but nothing has been discovered. "

"Then don't waste time. Capture Lu Xiaoqiang and Zhang Qi first. As for Liu Yuanwai, secretly escort him to the Jinyi Guards and pry open his mouth." Wang Qi does not think that the two tons of gunpowder Liu Yuanwai used were for fireworks. , Shangyuan, the winter solstice is still early, so who in the whole city of Beijing, or even in the whole of Beizhili, knows how to use fireworks? What do they want to do?
  "My subordinate understands!" Wang Shouxin nodded, and just as he was about to turn around and leave, he thought of something again and asked, "What if we encounter resistance?"

Wang Qi's eyes were still staring at the pond in the distance, which was sparkling and beautiful: "No one in the capital can move."

"As ordered!"

Wang Qi still remembered the suspicious Wang Gong factory explosion in later generations, which caused tens of thousands of deaths and made everyone in the capital fear that the end of the world was coming. Even Zhu Youxiao had to issue an edict to appease people.

This time, the case of missing gunpowder from Wang Gong Factory made Wang Qi feel alarmed.

This incident is definitely not an accident, nor is it a simple theft. What is related to it is more likely to be a resistance by those in power who are dissatisfied with the status quo.

Who is the target?



Or Wang Qi himself?

This doesn't matter, Wang Qi just needs to find those tons of gunpowder before something happens!

At this time, in the outer city of Beijing, on the west side of Zhengyangmen Street, Zhengxifang, where fiber pullers gathered, there was a small courtyard facing the street.

"In the past few days, the police have been keeping an eye on the fireworks workshop. Three officials from the Qianhu family have come to Zhengxifang to secretly investigate the situation." The man in the blue coat sat at the lower position and reported to the man in black who looked like a leader. Condition:

"Moreover, Lu Xiaoqiang and Zhang Qi have been exposed, and people outside Liu's house have also been targeted in the past few days. Should we act as soon as possible?"

"Don't be anxious, just follow the original plan," the man in black said with a smile: "The more hasty you are, the more likely you are to make mistakes. Let those rumors and clues be investigated. Even if Liu Yuanwai is arrested, it will only be a hook." , the water in the capital is much deeper than that of his golden horse in Liaodong! In the past few days since he arrived in the capital, Duke Lang has tried to stir up the muddy water, but he is still far from it!"

Liu Yuanwai was just a peripheral chess piece in the explosion plan, used to confuse the public. No matter whether Wang Qi would find him or not, it was of no use. Liu Yuanwai had no access to the core point of the plan.

Moreover, those explosives are not just two tons on the surface...

Boom boom boom!
  At this moment, there was a knock on the door, followed by a man's deep voice: "Sir, we have brought it!"

"Come in!"

With a creak, the door opened wide from the outside, and a man in a short shirt walked in with five men of different heights, short, fat, and thin.

The main hall of the house is covered by a screen. People inside can observe the movements and expressions of people outside, but people outside cannot see what is going on inside the screen.

"Greetings, sir!" The five people bowed under the leadership of the man in short shirts.

"Sit down," the man in black's voice said with vicissitudes and frustration at the moment: "How is the situation?"

"We are ready. As long as the target reaches the range, tons of gunpowder will be detonated together. There will definitely be no living things within a radius of one mile." The short and fat man bowed and said, "But there is one thing, there may be an accident. ." "Um?"

Inside the screen, low voices of questioning sounded.

"Three days ago, the security checks in and out of the inner city suddenly tightened. It may be difficult for five tons of gunpowder to enter the city,"

The short, fat man raised his eyes and glanced at the screen.

To be honest, the five brothers were really frightened to do this job. Five tons of gunpowder were detonated in the capital. It didn’t matter who the target was. Except for the emperor, who could make the master’s family spend such a large sum of money? number.

The five brothers have decided to go south directly after finishing this errand. Fifty thousand taels of gold is enough for several people to squander half a lifetime.

As for who will be buried with five tons of gunpowder?

They don't want to know either...

"Don't worry about this. No one will cause trouble for you when you enter the city that day. Just follow the arrangements in the plan," the man in black said with incomparable confidence, as if nothing happened in the entire city of Beijing. It can't be done.

"I understand!" The short, fat man bowed and said, "Then we will arrange it according to the plan."

The process and plan were repeated again. After a while, several men retreated one after another, and silence returned to the room.

"Who are the three admirals outside this month?" After a while, the voice sounded again.

"Wu Yichun," the deputy next to him thought for a while and replied, "The queen's natal nephew has always been idle, recognizing money but not people. He is very easy to handle."

"You go and do this. Make sure that the day's entry into the city goes smoothly without any mistakes!"


After a while, the deputy also retreated, and the man in black was the only one left in the room.

  Reaching out and taking out a letter from his sleeve, the man in black's eyes flashed with a strange light.

"Lang Guo Gong, you have touched too many people's cakes. This time, it is not just His Highness King Xin who wants you to die, there are too many people who want your life!"

In just five months, less than half a year, Wang Qi's rise has affected too many people, not only the Donglin Party, but also the upper gentry in the capital, the Gyeonggi bureaucracy, and the entire thirteen provinces in the north and south. Most literati.

Relying solely on the emperor's appreciation is far from enough to protect this newly promoted nobleman. Sometimes, even the emperor himself has to worry about the reaction of the people in the world. What qualifications do you, a mere prince, have to challenge the people of the world?
  However, five tons of gunpowder and tens of thousands of people buried with you can be regarded as giving you enough dignity.

After a long while, the man's eyes moved to the table. There was a defense map of the entire capital. There was a red line on it, extending from Duke Lang's Mansion to the outer city. On the route, where there were pauses, where there were slowdowns, where there were obstacles, they were marked. Clear as day.

There was a date marked on it: July 23rd.

This day was the day when Wang Qi went out to the capital to inspect the defense changes of the capital camp and rectify the empty pay.

(End of this chapter)

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