Chapter 181 Donglin takes a break
  "Your Highness, don't worry. There are princes, saints, and justice in the court. The gunpowder incident should not happen," Zuo Guangdou stepped forward and spoke softly to comfort Zhu Youjian.

"Master Zuo is absolutely right, Your Highness," Yang Lian bowed and said: "This matter of tens of thousands of kilograms of gunpowder has absolutely nothing to do with Your Highness. It is just a small disturbance in the mansion. What's more, His Highness is in Huzhou mansion, how can he contact others? "

"My king. I understand. I will give some notes to the emperor in a moment to explain this matter clearly." Zhu Youjian nodded with a pale face. He wished that he could quickly clear away the suspicion in this matter and no longer participate in it in the future. Any political struggle about Wang Qi.
  Yang Lian and Zuo Guangdou comforted him for a long time, and Zhu Youjian, who was highly nervous, finally relaxed and fell asleep.

Zuo Guangdou looked at Zhu Youjian, who was still frowning while sleeping on the bed, and sighed helplessly: After all, he has not received a systematic emperor's education. After all, Zhu Youjian's ability to withstand pressure and deal with emergencies will not be the same. It is not as good as the one who is in charge.

Zuo Guangdou could almost imagine that if Colonel Zhu You faced this situation, he would probably directly order his men to follow him personally and kill the domineering eunuch. Besides, hundreds of people present were all witnesses, even if it went to court. In the hall, this is also to protect the royal face.

No matter how much the prince makes a mistake, the court will still uphold the honor of the royal family.

"Wen Ru, can we chat?" Zuo Guangdou extended his hand to invite her, with a hint of hope.

Yang Lian seemed to know what Zuo Guangdou was going to talk about. He sighed and turned to look at Zhu Youjian before silently nodding his head: "Let's go."

In the front yard of King Xin's Mansion in Huzhou, there is a newly built garden covering an extensive area. Below the garden is the water of the Liaoyan Pond connected to Taihu Lake. Above the garden are winding corridors with lush woodwork and rare trees. Walking on it feels like walking On the lake, and at the same time walking in the quiet forest, people can't help but linger and indulge in it.

"Today, if Prince Xin is in such a situation, I am afraid that all the people in Donglin will lose their hearts." Zuo Guangdou always sees the problem to the point. Judging from Zhu You's various unsavory behaviors today, someone with such a character is not worthy of being in a superior position.

Yang Lian walked in front, listening to Zuo Guangdou's words, silently, just walking slowly, as if thinking about something.

"The imperial court is not willing to take action against Prince Xin on this matter, nor does it want to kill Donglin and me." Zuo Guangdou did not wait for Yang Lian's reply and continued to think about himself: "I think there is still a trace of the current situation in the imperial court. With the possibility of self-correction, maybe the newly formed cabinet of Wang Qi, Sun Chengzong, and Ye Xianggao can bring a glimmer of light to our Ming Dynasty?"

  Yang Lian's figure paused.

"Wen Ru, maybe?" Zuo Guangdou also stood still, quietly waiting for this old friend's answer.

In fact, over the years, there have been many conflicts between Zuo Guangdou and Yang Lian, and there are times when their opinions are inconsistent. Yang Lian is like a fiery person, while Zuo Guangdou is better at planning, and because both of them are schemers. The people of the country are also surrounded by great talents, so they can also seek cooperation in the midst of dissatisfaction. After decades of this, they can be considered candid.

"Zuo Yizhi, do you want to shake hands and make peace with Wang Qi?" Yang Lian's voice was cold and there was no room for relaxation.

"Wen Ru, I am planning for my family and my country, not for one person's future," Zuo Guangdou rolled up his sleeves, then sat in the shade beside the corridor, and said warmly: "I heard that Liaodong is going to use weapons again, Your Majesty We are preparing to establish a special military department, and Wang Qi is among them. If Liaodong can be completely stabilized and the Jurchens are destroyed, then there is hope for peace in the world. Why should we be enemies with them?"

"Do you believe that eunuchs and military ministers govern the country?" Yang Lian turned around and still stood there, his expression cold: "You Zuo Yi, who has read poetry and books, do you not know the Shichangshi, Wang Shoucheng, or Or do you not know Wang Juchen? Or do you already feel that the world is in great order and the seeds of scholars can be cut off? "

"You know that's not what I meant," Zuo Guangdou shook his head: "But since Wang Qi came to power, the world is much more stable now. Zuo thought that he could ease things a bit without forcing Dong Lin to be his enemy everywhere. The fight will only harm the capable and loyal ministers of our Ming Dynasty."

"I didn't plan to come to Prince Xin's banquet today," Zuo Guangdou smiled bitterly: ""Since coming to this beautiful place in the south of the Yangtze River, I have gradually become more and more dissolute, devoting myself to building a house and studying, and no longer want to be involved in the disputes in the court. , today I met the imperial decree again, and I became more and more determined. After all, the affairs of the imperial court cannot be changed by human power. Why not just sit back and watch the storm rise, and watch the leaves fall? There are Ye Xianggao, Sun Chengzong, and Xu Guangqi in the court. Wang Qi alone is far from enough to bring trouble to the court. Besides, if trouble occurs, isn't it the time for us to come out again? "

Zuo Guangdou's words made Yang Lian silent for a while. After all, Wang Qi has not shown his intention to disrupt the government as a military minister, and the eunuch party has not exceeded the control of the imperial brother.

But that thorn was stuck in Yang Lian's heart after all and could not be pulled out: Wang Mang was humble and did not usurp the time! What's more, Han Xu and Liu Yijing died, so Wang Qi had nothing to do with them?

"The governor of Huguang has announced that the grain harvest in Huguang Province will be poor this year. I am in charge of the Nanjing Household Department and will leave for Wuchang in three days. Will you come with me?" Zuo Guangdou still wanted to win over this old friend. Bundle.

When fighting Wang Qi, it is best not to show any hostility until you are sure of victory.

"The Ministry of Etiquette still has many matters, so you can go ahead." Yang Lian shook his head, the look on his face was not good. Before Zuo Guangdou could say anything else, the former iron-blooded censor had already turned around and walked away into the distance. .

In a daze, Zuo Guangdou seemed to hear the lyrics in the distance:

At that time, I traveled thousands of miles to find a feudal lord and garrisoned Liangzhou on horseback.

Where does the dream of Guanhe end? The old mink fur is dark in dust.

The Hu is not gone yet, the hair on the temples is beginning to fall, and the tears are empty.

Unexpectedly in this life, his heart is in Tianshan, and his body is old in Cangzhou.

"Alas!" A heavy sigh came from Zuo Guangdou's mouth.

This veteran of three dynasties also felt helpless and old at this moment.

Seeing Yang Lian so lonely, Zuo Guangdou felt uncertain in his heart.

However, after all, you cannot ruin national affairs because of your own selfishness!

Zuo Guangdou asked himself, if the roles were reversed, he would not be able to turn the tide like Wang Qi, so before Wang Qi showed such a hint of disloyalty, Zuo Guangdou did not want to be an enemy of Wang Qi anymore.

What's more, there are still two people in the court, Ye Xianggao and Sun Chengzong.

"Special Military Division" Looking at the sparkling water in the distance, Zuo Guangdou murmured to himself: "I hope the war in Liaodong goes well."

(End of this chapter)

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