Chapter 183: It’s all a conspiracy

"Zu Dashou pays homage to Mr. Xiangxuan!"

After passing through the government office, Dashou, the founder of the front hall, met Xiong Tingbi under the leadership of Yuan Chonghuan.

"Sit down," Xiong Tingbi asked someone to serve tea. He sat on the chair opposite Zu Dashou, while Yuan Chonghuan sat beside Zu Dashou.

"In the past few days, Ningyuan City, the Guangning generation has gradually become more stable, and you and other generals and subordinates are also working hard," Xiong Tingbi took advantage of the tea stall to chat with Zu Dashou first.

"It is only because your lord has good command that we and the generals can fulfill our ambitions, not only in Ningyuan City and Guangning City, but also in Liaoyang City and Shenyang City further away. If your lord has orders, we generals will also I will all die to repay you!" Before Zu Dashou came, he already knew the purpose of his trip from Yuan Chonghuan, so he naturally expressed his loyalty first when they met.

"Haha," Xiong Tingbi did not comment on Zu Dashou's words. The interests of the two parties were intertwined with each other, so they had no choice but to do it. His Zu Dashou wanted military merit, while he, Xiong Tingbi, wanted to ascend to the pavilion and worship the prime minister. They each got what they needed, no matter what they said, they would die in return. . When these words spread, Wang Qi was already being impeached by civil servants. He, Xiong Tingbi, could not accept such words.

"The imperial court's military pay and food supplies have been continuously replenished from within the pass. The ministers of the imperial court are also very concerned about the war in Liaodong. Even the emperor issued an order to inquire about the preparations for the war in Liaodong a few days ago." Xiong Tingbi took the servant's hand. When the tea came up, I gently blew the tongue that was constantly rising and falling above the tea, and then took a sip. It was fragrant in my mouth, which was really good.

However, Yuan Chonghuan and Zu Dashou did not make any move, they both waited quietly for Xiong Tingbi to continue speaking.

"The imperial court has set up a special military department to deal with the Liaodong war and gold harvesting matters." After a while, Xiong Tingbi put the tea cup back on the table and said softly: "You should know about this."

"The general has also heard about it," Zu Dashou nodded.

"This incident is enough to illustrate the importance of this war to the imperial court. If we win the battle and our Ming Dynasty has a territory of thousands of miles, there will be no more wars within fifty years. We and other officials in Liaodong will leave their names in history and shine for a while." Xiong Tingbi looked at Zu Dashou intently: "General Zu, I guess Liaodong and other senior generals also think the same way?"

"My lord, how can the victory of destroying the country be attributed to others?" Zu Dashou immediately stood up after hearing this and bowed to Xiong Tingbi: "My ancestor Dashou is willing to be the vanguard of your Majesty and take the lead in this battle to destroy the country! I will manage Liaodong for your Majesty. , to add to the beauty!”

"Hahaha," a smile finally appeared on Xiong Tingbi's lips: "I'm very happy that you think so! Get up. I asked the kitchen to prepare lunch. Let's eat together later!"

"How dare you disobey me!" After Zu Dashou stood up, he held his hand again.

"With Xiong Jinglue and General Zu in charge of Liaodong, why worry about the later Jin Dynasty not being pacified? Ah, hahaha," Yuan Chonghuan, who was sitting aside, also spoke at the right time.

After a while, everyone came to the table, drinking and drinking, and the atmosphere was joyful.

After drinking a few glasses of wine, Zu Dashou wiped the beard from the corner of his mouth and raised his eyes to Xiong Tingbi: "Master Jinglue, there is something I don't know whether I should say or not?"

"But it doesn't matter," Xiong Tingbi stretched out his hand and asked Zu Dashou to speak directly.

Yuan Chonghuan also put down his chopsticks and looked at Zu Dashou.

"If the Hou Jin Dynasty is to be conquered this time, we, the people from Liaodong, will be the vanguard. I will go to the ministers of the imperial court and the Duke of Lang." Zu Dashou bowed his head slightly and looked at Xiong Tingbi, hoping to get an accurate answer from the ministers.

After all, other people in the court can ignore it, but if Wang Qi disagrees, it will never be possible.

"I have already sent a letter to Duke Lang." Xiong Tingbi signaled Zu Dashou to put his heart back in his heart: "Although Duke Lang knows the military, he has been away from Liao for more than a month. The situation and situation here have changed. No one can compare with me." The official knows better, and I think he will agree to this."

"Moreover," Xiong Tingbi added: "In addition to arranging Qin as a vanguard officer, I also plan to have Qin Erbao and Lu Xiangsheng serve as frontier army coordinators to cooperate with the actions of your main force and strive to capture the territory entrenched within a month. Shenyang, Fushun generation of Hou Jin soldiers and horses will wipe them out!”       In fact, the entire strategy for the war against Hou Jin had been decided a month ago, and in the past month, the Jinglue Mansion, the General Military Office and the Command and Guard Office were all We are constantly simulating and improving the plan. The imperial court has also approved the operation strategy. Now we only need to choose the leader.

The strategy of occupying the Haizhou Guard first, then planning for Liaoyang City, and finally encircling and not annihilating the line from Shenyang City to Fushun, and gradually planned for it, was also Wang Qi's original decision.

Therefore, Xiong Tingbi actually has absolute confidence in this attack on Houjin.

With Xiong Tingbi's guarantee, the last doubts and worries in Zu Dashou's mind disappeared. He immediately picked up his wine glass and said, "I will give you a toast first, to congratulate you on your coming to the palace in the future!"

"It's too early to say, it's too early to say!" Xiong Tingbi could hardly hide the smile in his eyes. He said it was too early to say, but his hand had already picked up the wine glass: "Drink this glass of wine, and we will advance and retreat together in the future, and we will have continuous cooperation. !”

"To your lord!"


As long as there is wine, it can bring the relationship closer, or it can mean that everything is so harmonious on the surface.

The three of them were able to stop drinking until dusk. Xiong Tingbi was too drunk and went back to his room to rest. Yuan Chonghuan and Zu Dashou said goodbye together.

"Master Yuan takes his leave," Zu Dashou was supported by a servant, bowed to Yuan Chonghuan, and sent him to the sedan. He watched the wheels turning and went away before he staggered onto his own sedan.

"Sir, are you going back to your home?" The attendant asked from outside the sedan chair.

"Go back home." Zu Dashou's sober voice came from the sedan chair.

"Get up and go home!"

Accompanied by the long tone, the sedan slowly rose and headed towards the ancestral government office.

At this moment, in the sedan chair, Zu Dashou was leaning on the soft couch, supporting his body with his hands, closing his eyes and thinking about something.

Today, Xiong Tingbi invited him to a banquet, and the conversation was all about wooing him.

The meaning is already obvious. Xiong Tingbi wants to take the lion's share of the contribution to the destruction of the country, and the remaining Liaodong generals will share it equally.

"Hmm." As his lips pursed, two nasolabial lines appeared on both sides of Zu Dashou's nose like carvings with knives and axes.

Obviously, Zu Dashou also had some hesitations about whether to cooperate with Xiong Tingbi.

"He, Liaodong Manager, has written to Duke Lang to explain the matter. Just in case, Xiong Tingbi wants to prepare for joining the cabinet. It is a last resort, but he is different!" Zu Dashou tapped his fingers. Holding the armrest, he thought quickly and weighed the pros and cons: "Then I can also write to the Duke of Lang to explain this matter. As long as the Duke of Lang agrees, the situation will be settled. If the Duke of Lang disagrees, then there is no need for someone to do something for the sake of the present. By making a small profit, you lose a towering tree in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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