Chapter 58 Blood-based alliance
  Today, the Horqin Royal Court prepared a grand welcome ceremony for Wang Qi and the entire mission.

The entire royal court tent has been replaced with colorful hadas, blue, white, yellow, green, and red colored silks are floating, and the ground has been covered with a long red carpet, extending from the big tent where Wang Qi is to where the royal court is. Location.

On the high hillside behind the royal court, there is a conical high platform made of huge white stones, with a pagoda made of golden green tiles on it. It is surrounded by more than a hundred monks, wearing robes, wide-sleeved red robes, and The flat-topped square took off his hat, closed his eyes and chanted sutras. The whole scene was solemn and solemn. Colorful flags were flying above the pagoda. From a distance, it looked like a sacred place for gods and Buddhas, shining brightly under the sun.

For Horqin, leading the most distinguished guests to visit the Glazed Pagoda is the highest etiquette for entertaining guests.

"Distinguished guests from Ming Dynasty, please!"

The four-person political discussion group headed by Yue Shan led Wang Qi through the royal tent. Behind him were the Ming Dynasty envoys and the noble leaders of the Horqin tribes.

Not long after, Yue Shan and Wang Qi stood side by side on the hillside, facing the golden glazed pagoda together.

Wang Qi walked all the way, and less than twelve hours after arriving at the royal court, no fewer than 150 Jianzhou Jurchens died in his hands. He even took the life of Horqin Khan, which is really ironic.

Hey, squinting his eyes, Wang Qi looked at the gleaming glazed pagoda in the distance, and showed an unexplainable smile: "I really want to pay homage to this five-color golden Buddha."

"The world is so complicated, how can there be so many things that go as expected?" Yue Shan didn't care about Wang Qi's implication. He raised his head and smiled casually: "Now we are still standing here, aren't we?"

"I hope the friendship between Daming and Horqin will last forever!" Yue Shan stretched out his palm and took a full bowl of wine from the guard beside him.

Wang Qi nodded and agreed: It is true that it will last forever. If there are eternal interests, there will be eternal friendship.

The long wind blew and the sound of chanting surrounded them. The light of the pagoda shone on the hillside and sprinkled on Yue Shan and Wang Qi, like bathing in golden Buddha light.

"Your Excellency, I will drink this bowl of wine together!" Yue Shan picked up the wine bowl and held it levelly in front of Wang Qi.

"Of course!" Wang Qi said seriously.

Taking the stainless steel dagger, the two of them cut their palms and dripped blood into the bowl.

Blood drops fell into the wine, creating ripples.

After a while, the entire bowl of wine turned bright red.

Yue Shan made the first move, raised his head and drank, his Adam's apple rolling, and half a bowl of blood had already entered his throat and intestines.

"Please!" Yue Shan's mouth had bright red stains on it.

Taking the wine bowl, Wang Qi said without any hesitation: "Please!"

The wine entered the throat and intestines and was drank up in one gulp.

"Good brother!" Yue Shan laughed loudly and reached out to pat Wang Qi on the shoulder. The chief political minister was in a particularly happy mood.

Drinking a bowl of blood wine together, we are brothers from now on, and it is difficult to let go.

Wang Qi turned the wine bowl upside down with a smile on his lips.

"I, Yue Shan, as Horqin's Minister of Political Affairs, swear an oath to Lord Liuli Buddha." Yue Shan turned around and faced the pagoda: "From now on, Ming Dynasty and Horqin will be brothers and allies of each other and will not invade each other!!"

"I, Wang Qi, as the envoy of the Ming Emperor, swear to the Lord Buddha," Wang Qi also said to the Fufo Pagoda shining with brilliant golden light: "From now on, the Ming Dynasty and Horqin will be brothers and allies, watching and helping each other!"

After saying this, the monks stepped forward in front of the glazed pagoda, lit giant incense candles, and chanted Buddhist scriptures. Almost instantly, the entire royal court was filled with the sound of Sanskrit.

Whether it is Horqin or Chahar in Mongolia, or Jianzhou Jurchen in Liaodong, Haixi Jurchen and other ethnic groups, there are all people who worship Buddha devoutly. This has been inherited for more than 500 years.

Therefore, most people in the Horqin Royal Court have some respect for Lord Buddha. However, Wang Qi is naturally not one of them. In his past and present lives, he has always believed in himself. Even though he is a monster, he has always bullied the weak and feared the strong.

Standing in front of the pagoda, Wang Qi looked up at the glistening pagoda with golden light. Inside is the place where the living Buddha's relics are enshrined: "There are real Buddhas in this world, but they never come to the world of mortals. What's the use? There are many sufferings in the world, so we can rely on Yes, I am the only one left."

After nearly an hour, the tedious ceremony finally ended.

Next, it’s time to sit down and have a drink.

Whether it is the Ming Dynasty or the founding of the state, it is the same in this Horqin grassland. No matter where you are, eating wine and talking about things is the most appropriate occasion.

In the royal tent, banquets and whole sheep have been prepared, waiting for distinguished guests to sit down.

"Please! Brother, you can try the cattle and sheep from my Horqin grassland. How delicious the roasted meat is, and how delicious the kumiss is!"

After forming a blood alliance, Yue Shan's attitude towards Wang Qi changed significantly. Even the title of Wang Qi was changed from Lord Wang to little brother. Although Yue Shan has become a monster with age, the closeness between his eyebrows cannot be faked.

In addition, Wang Qi even felt that Hai Lanzhu's sharing of money last night was not only her personal wish, but more of a political victim and transaction, given to Wang Qi.

Wang Qi believed that if Jianzhou Huang Taiji won the final victory last night, then Hai Lanzhu's body would be enjoyed by Huang Taiji.

Owned by the victor, this is Hailanzhu, and it is also the fate that all noble women in the feudal empire cannot escape!
  "Brother Wang, please!"

"Sir, please!"

Yue Shan and Wang Qi occupied the upper and left seats respectively. Under the table were the representatives of the Ming Dynasty envoys, the Horqin tribe nobles, the other three political kings, and the leaders of each tribe.

Horqin's banquet was different from that in the country.

There are side dishes, condiments and wine cups placed in front of everyone's table, and the real main ingredient is the huge roasted whole lamb in the middle of the big tent. The guests do not need to do it themselves, the maids come up to roast the tender and cooked lamb. The mutton is placed on a silver plate and served to the guests.

"To welcome the guests from afar!" Yue Shan was the first to raise his glass: "Cheers!"

Picking up the wine cup, Wang Qi drank it all.

The alcohol was mixed with animal milk, giving the mare's milk a strong fishy smell in the mouth. It entered the stomach down the throat, and a surging and boiling feeling spread up.

The taste is indescribable.

"Hahaha, brother Wang, the koumiss must be eaten with the roasted and tender mutton to offset the fishy smell!" Yue Shan laughed heartily when he saw Wang Qi's sad expression.

At this moment, a maid came forward to buy Wang Qi a tender leg of lamb and sprinkled it with seasoning sauce.

Almost instantly, the aroma of meat with a hint of burnt meat rushed into the nose, making one's index finger twitch.

Wang Qi reached out and grabbed the leg of lamb, tearing it directly at the entrance.

The tender mutton is slightly charred by the charcoal fire, and there is a slight smell of charcoal fire in the mouth. It enters the abdomen through the throat and intestines, instantly suppressing the tumbling in the stomach.

At this time, when I tasted it again, the smell between my lips and teeth became fainter, leaving only the umami flavor of mare's milk and the fragrance of mutton.

The Lieutenant General licked his lips: Kumis is not that unacceptable.

 Brothers, don't stop, don't stop, give me your votes, smash me to death!
  (End of this chapter)

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