Hundreds of households in Liaodong, covering the light with one hand

Chapter 65 Brilliant Martial Arts, Disciple of the Emperor

Chapter 65 Brilliant Martial Arts, Disciple of the Emperor

Lu Yu knelt there peacefully, still holding the memorial in her hand.

Liu Yijing has been carried down by several strong eunuchs. I don't know what the situation is.

In the main hall, everyone's breathing was uneven.

The moment Liu Yijing fell, Ye Xianggao also closed his eyes tightly, as if he didn't want to face this fact. The old minister's fists were clenched tightly, and because of the violent shaking, his wide The sleeves were constantly swaying.

As for Han Xu, he silently returned to the train. His face was quite normal. He was not as blood-stained as Liu Yijing, nor as pale as Ye Xianggao. Except for the initial twitching of his eyelids. Next, he hid his fear deeply and made no more unnecessary movements.

The expressions of Yang Lian, Liu Zongzhou, Zhu Guozuo and others were also wonderful, but most of them were surprised, and then they were deeply worried.

Everyone knows that after this battle, Wang Qi's rise has become unstoppable. Not only in the corner of Liaodong, but throughout the two capitals and thirteen provinces of the Ming Dynasty, this young name will be resounding throughout the world.

Hundreds of people entered the grassland rashly and killed Li Yongfang first, and then Huang Taiji.

Although there are only a few words in the memorial, they briefly outline the situation at that time.

But even Ye Xianggao had to admit that on the actual battlefield, the difficulties and dangers on the Horqin Grassland, the twists and turns and thrills involved were beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Wang Qi's talent has already impressed the entire court.

In addition, everyone understands that Liu Yijing's political career is over.

At least, as long as Wang Qi is in power, Liu Yijing will never have the chance to return to the class train.

After a brief silence, bursts of congratulations erupted throughout the hall.

“My lord, congratulations to Your Majesty!!!”

Everyone knelt on the ground and congratulated Zhu Youxiao who was sitting high on the victory.

The ministers knelt on the ground, and there was a clicking sound in their ears. The brave ones looked up and saw that Zhu Youxiao had stood up from the throne and ran towards Lu Yu.
  Zhu Youxiao no longer had time to pay attention to the ministers. He stood in front of Lu Yu with a solemn and nervous expression and snatched the memorial.

The young emperor did not go to read the memorial immediately. Instead, he reached out and touched the indigo memorial first, and then the corners of his mouth involuntarily raised. Under the gazes of the ministers, he slowly opened the memorial and stared at it with a pair of eyes. Looking at this,

He looked serious, as if he was trying to understand all the words written on the page.

After a while, Zhu Youxiao's tightly pressed lips began to grin, his eyebrows began to ripple, and even his breathing became unusually rapid.

Lu Yu, who was kneeling at Zhu Youxiao's feet, moved his ears. He could even hear Zhu Youxiao's heartbeat thumping with excitement.

"Pass the message!" Zhu Youxiao raised his head suddenly, as if he was paying attention, and his voice was full of unquestionable authority:
  "Please direct Wang Qi, the minister of justice, to enter the capital as soon as possible! I also ordered that all the government offices, chief secretaries, and guards along the way are waiting along the road, so that the common people and scholars can see that we, the Ming Dynasty, have produced another one. Brilliant martial arts, disciple of the emperor!

The word "please" really made everyone's hearts tremble.

Even Wei Zhongxian was stunned for a moment, then fell to his knees and shouted long live: "I accept the order!"

"I'll take your orders!" No one in the palace dares to come up and say no. The emperor asked you to wait along the way.

Wang Qi led a hundred people into the grassland and killed Huang Taiji in less than ten days.

Let me ask you, among all the officials in the dynasty, who can do this?


What does Liu Yijing look like now?
  Don't you have any idea?
  At this moment, Zhu Youxiao glanced at the ministers, feeling extremely happy. From the moment he ascended the throne to the present, he has been suppressed everywhere. In Donglin, the scholars, and the imperial cabinet, where can he make the decision at will?

Now, fortunately, I have overcome all opinions and promoted Wang Qi to take office, making the situation in Liaodong very good!
  Is there a glimmer of hope for ZTE in our world?
  At this time, the young eunuch came up and bowed to Zhu Youxiao to report Liu Yijing's condition: "Your Majesty, Mr. Liu has regained consciousness. The imperial doctor has seen him and said that he is suffering from acute illness and will be recovering for two days."

"Huh?" Zhu Youxiao glanced at Xiaohuangmen with a slightly threatening gaze.

Feeling Zhu Youxiao's burning gaze, Xiao Huangmen was stunned for a moment before he could say anything. At that moment, he felt as if he was blessed to the core, and then said:
  "I'm afraid I won't be able to recover if I keep it for two days. The imperial doctor said that it would be great to choose a place with beautiful scenery and a warm and mild climate to take care of me for the rest of my life."

He is a clever man!
  "That's right!" Zhu Youxiao waved his hand generously. In the main hall, all the ministers also heard this conversation that was obviously filled with personal grudges.

Is the emperor taking this opportunity to kick Liu Yijing to Nanjing to retire?

Liu Yijing is a veteran of three dynasties, a person who was entrusted by the late emperor!

When Yang Lian, the censor of Zuodu, heard this, he got angry and stood up to refute it.

"Yi Zhi!" Suddenly, Han Xu moved and stood in front of Yang Lian: "A small impatience will ruin a big plan! Wang Qi is in the limelight here, so bear with it for the time being!"

Yang Lian's anger went straight to his forehead, and he clasped his fingers tightly on the floor, making a faint rattling sound.

The censor of Zuodu almost gritted his teeth and suppressed his anger: "The days ahead are long."

On the other side, Zhu Youxiao finally breathed a sigh of relief. He turned around and walked back to the jade steps and the dragon chair with the memorial in his hand.

Smiling very happily.

"Get up, this is a big celebration," Zhu Youxiao leaned back on the dragon chair, almost lying on it, and his tone returned to cheerfulness: "Ye Aiqing, the cabinet will discuss it and come up with a charter. I want to be with the people of the world. Let’s celebrate together and let everyone in the world know that I also have Ban Dingyuan in the Ming Dynasty!”

"I accept the order!" Ye Xianggao stabilized his swaying body, took two steps forward with difficulty, and bowed to receive the order.

Today, the entire Donglin Party suffered a big fall at the hands of Wang Qi.

Do not!
  An arm was cut off directly!
  But Ye Xianggao couldn't have an attack at this time.

If the Emperor gets into trouble again, the Donglin Party may be directly dismembered on the spot today.

"Lu Aiqing," Zhu Youxiao leaned forward and looked at Lu Yu, the left counselor of the General Affairs Office who was already standing: "You have also made a great contribution today!"

"I am on duty today and have not done any good. It is my duty to present the memorial!" Lu Yu looked solemn and saluted Zhu Youxiao.

"Hey! Duty is the greatest loyalty!" Zhu Youxiao reached out and patted the armrest. The more he looked at the left counselor, the more he liked him. Why didn't he notice it before?

"Well, let's put down the affairs of the General Administration Department and transfer to the Ministry of Revenue. Tomorrow, you will go to the Yamen of the Ministry of Revenue as an errand and be appointed as the right minister of the Ministry of Revenue. You will enter the Hanlin Academy and be available to me for questioning at any time!" Zhu Youxiao was extremely grand. , waved his hand.

The right minister of the household department, real power, fat and poor!
  But more importantly, entering the Imperial Academy.
  This is the time to promote Lu Yu to the cabinet!

Because he sent a memorial to Wang Qi?
  When the courtiers looked at Lu Yu, they were not just jealous, but also filled with a hint of hatred.

Why didn't we receive Wang Qi's memorial? ! ?

"My lord! Thank you, my emperor, for your kindness!!!" With a plop, Lu Yu bowed to the ground and paid homage to Zhu Youxiao.

After thinking about it for many years without success, a memorial came to light today, and Lu Yu almost burst into tears.

Life is so unpredictable and dramatic.

"If you have nothing else to do, please retreat." Zhu Youxiao also gave up when he saw the opportunity. If he forced Donglin too much, it would not end well.

"I respectfully see you off, Your Majesty!" No one in the hall wanted to stay here for a moment.

So frustrating!

Today's court meeting, which was originally about Liu Yijing leading his troops to force the palace, was completely suppressed by Wang Qi's memorial.

Donglin returned with a great defeat!

Zhu Youxiao chuckled lightly and ignored the ministers. He stood up and walked towards the side hall. Halfway through, he suddenly remembered something and pointed at the little yellow doorman beside the door who had just passed the message: "You are very clever. , Not bad, I will work for the Food Supervisor in the future!"

"The slave accepts the decree!" Xiao Huangmen was overjoyed when he heard this and kowtowed to Zhu Youxiao several times.

Sometimes, just one word can change your destiny!
  (End of this chapter)

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