Chapter 88 Yuan Chonghuan, speak!

"Master Zuo may not have heard clearly. I have just said that if we want to solve the Liaodong matter, we must first return the authority to control." Wang Qi stood there. When he heard Zuo Guangdou's words, there was no fluctuation in his tone from beginning to end. , to everyone's ears, he sounded like an old minister who had been immersed in the court for decades.

Wang Qi's every move today seemed to Han Xu and others to be too sophisticated.

Even Ye Xianggao, who had been staying out of the matter, turned to look at his ally: Even his uncle Wang Huazhen didn't have the skills to manipulate the people in the court, right?
  Are there really such people who are born with nine orifices and exquisite minds, who are well versed in world affairs?
  Ye Xianggao, who was good at military affairs and well versed in political affairs, wanted to know how far Wang Qi could grow in the end if he was given a certain amount of time.
  "Your Majesty, I have a question, Mr. Wang!" Han Xu stood up and bowed to Zhu Youxiao.

Obviously, the second minister of the cabinet felt that Wang Qi could no longer be suppressed by relying solely on Zuo Guangdou.

This young commander-in-chief of Liaodong seems to be very good at capturing people's hearts and grasping the enemy's weaknesses. Then he grabs them and then pulls them hard, making people inevitably fall into the trap he has set in advance.

"The purpose of the court meeting is to brainstorm ideas," Zhu Youxiao nodded and leaned back on the throne, expressing his casualness.

After receiving the emperor's approval, Han Xu calmly adjusted his cuffs, then turned his eyes and looked at Wang Qi: "According to Mr. Wang, if the governor returns to the court and only leaves the military affairs in Liaodong, you, Wang Qi, can Liao will be defeated within three years?"

Han Xu keenly caught the loopholes in Wang Qi's words.

Everyone looked sideways to see how Wang Qi would answer.

"If the governor leaves office, that's fine!" Wang Qi's arrogance was from beginning to end.

"Then we are all ears!" Yang Lian sneered and looked at Yuan Chonghuan, who was sitting in the corner with almost no presence.

Hearing that Wang Qi was finally going to explain the situation in Liaodong, Yuan Chonghuan quickly straightened his body and pricked up his ears.

This imperial meeting can be said to be the only opportunity for this civil servant who is nearly forty years old!

If it can be appreciated by the emperor, it will soar into the sky, it is not yet known!

"In my opinion, the current situation in Liaodong is that Jianzhou has four defeats and our dynasty has four victories." Wang Qi folded his hands and bowed to the hall. This scene is just like Guo Jia's tribute to Emperor Wu of Wei on Guandu. Ten wins and ten losses.

Four wins and four losses?

Yuan Chonghuan was stunned when he heard this. Facing the army of Hou Jin, does Ming Dynasty still have an advantage?

This is not just about comforting the holy will, it is deceiving the emperor!

In the hall, not only Zhu Youxiao, but also everyone in the hall wanted to hear what Wang Qi had to say.

Wang Qi turned to look at everyone in the hall, bowed to Zhu Youxiao, and then said:

"Although Jianzhou has a strong army, it has no foundation. The strength of Jianzhou's cavalry is based on plunder. Only by supporting war can it continue to survive. However, our dynasty covers an area of ​​thousands of miles and is a country of thousands of people. The people are rich and the army is It is strong, self-sufficient in finance, trade and food, and has no worries about lack of financial resources. This is one thing."

"Jianzhou has always been a frontier barbarian with no knowledge of etiquette, loyalty and filial piety, and no rules at all levels. It can only survive by relying on financial rewards and cruel physical suppression. Our dynasty has made etiquette that will last forever, and governs the world with loyalty and filial piety. All the people are united. , the king and his ministers are one body, this is two things.”

"Jianzhou is good at military strength and speed, but it is a small and weak country. It cannot withstand and cannot afford a long-term war with our country. It lacks manpower, military power, financial resources, and material resources and cannot withstand a long-term war. Jianzhou The top leaders and Lao Nu also want to solve this problem, but due to the natural disadvantages of the country, they will achieve the opposite of what they want. That is to say, they will launch a war to solve this difficult problem, and the problem will be further complicated by the war. Dragging it into a deeper abyss, he can only keep winning and fighting. Once he stops, once he loses a battle, his internal body will collapse instantly. And our dynasty has a large land and rich resources, and can support a long-term war. , which is another opposite contrast to Jianzhou. This is the third principle."

"Jianzhou started from a small area, but it tried to plunder the people from all directions and control the land in all directions. Don't you know that the world has virtue to hold it? Jianzhou attacked Haixi, the barbarian two states, forcibly conquered the three Mongolian tribes, and attacked Korea. , and then forcibly occupying the land of our dynasty has aroused hatred from all directions. At the same time, the old slave is violent. In just ten years, he has been attacked from all sides. With its cramped place, there is no possibility of fixing the cauldron! As the saying goes, many people will be helped when they are in good ways, and few will be helped when they are unjust. It’s four.”

With four wins and four defeats, Wang Qi used later generations' discussion of protracted war and added it to Guo Jia's discussion of the Three Kingdoms. In terms of insight, no one in the world can compare with it. When it comes to protracted war, who can refute it?

The court was silent for a long time, carefully recalling Wang Qi's strategy of four victories and four defeats.

Even Yuan Chonghuan nodded subconsciously and stroked his beard with his hand, doubting his Liaodong strategy for the first time.

From this point of view, Jianzhou is so unbearable?
  Ahem! ! !

Yang Lian coughed and said in a deep voice: "Master Yuan, you have always known soldiers. What do you think of Mr. Wang's remarks?"

In fact, Yang Lian was already cursing in his heart: Yuan Chonghuan came here not to listen to Wang Qi's arguments, but to refute his arguments one by one and give a shit about it!

  Yuan Chonghuan was already nervous. When Yang Lian asked him, he immediately trembled and said in panic: "Xiaoguan, I think Wang Zongbing's theory of four wins and four losses has its own truth, but the fact is that the situation in Liaodong is worse than before. In just a few years, we have been defeated thousands of miles away, and there are no enemies in the entire Ming Dynasty! How can we say this?"


Zuo Guangdou nodded, always telling the truth. No matter how eloquent Wang Qi was, the fact was that the battle situation in Liaodong was indeed unsatisfactory before.

The rest of the people in the hall also nodded in agreement with Yuan Chonghuan's words.

Yes, although Wang Qi's argument makes sense, the previous defeats in the Liaodong War had caused the entire Ming court to be in turmoil, and its self-confidence was thwarted to the point of complete defeat.

Zhu Youxiao on the throne also looked at Wang Qi, hoping that this minister could solve his doubts.

"Fact?" Wang Qi sneered and replied: "The fact is that after I, Wang Qi, took charge of the Liaodong army, the original chaos never happened again!"

As soon as Wang Qi's arrogance came out, Yuan Chonghuan's face immediately turned red, and then turned pale. It was obvious that facing Wang Qi, the head of the Ministry of War was still a little embarrassed. No matter in terms of record or official strength, he was being crushed.

Yuan Chonghuan, judging from his past life, has certain opinions on Liao affairs. However, he was in the chaos of party strife.

In terms of style of conduct, he tends to be conservative when fighting against the establishment of slaves externally, but extremely radical when defending his own power internally!
  "Master Yuan," Wang Qi stood there, looking at Yuan Chonghuan sitting at the door, with a friendly look on his face: "I guess you are prepared for coming today, right?"

"My lord," Yuan Chonghuan wiped his sweat, replied, and took out the memorial from his sleeve: "Come today, I will be the next official."

"The Liao River is the line. If you stick to Guangning, you will lose if you send out troops to fight. If you garrison troops in one place, you can drag them down and win." Wang Qi would not give Yuan Chonghuan a chance to express himself, and directly interrupted: "Yes or no?"

  With a clatter, the memorial in Yuan Chonghuan's hand fell to the ground.

What Wang Qi said was almost exactly the same as the strategy in his memorial: "You, how do you know?"

"Haha," Wang Qi shook his head, glanced at the ministers in the palace, and said loudly: "I wonder if you have ever heard of "Theory of Six Kingdoms" written by Su Xun of Zhao Song Dynasty?"

All the ministers here, except Wang Qi, who was born in the army, are all Jinshi. How can you not know about the theory of the Six Kingdoms?

(End of this chapter)

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