At the end of Qin, I became a son of the plane

Chapter 120, A strange world and night attack

Chapter 120, A strange world and night attack

The moonlight was like water, and a long dragon-like cavalry advanced quickly along Hongshui. Because they wanted to attack Li You's rear, the rebel cavalry had to take a long detour and appear behind Li You. Taking Ji Bu's attack as a signal, the rebel cavalry started from The Qin army was attacked from two sides in the rear.

Xu Fan came to Ji Xin on the way and asked, "Do you know where the soldiers in Li You's army are from?"

Although he had already fought against Wang Li, Xu Fan was still a little nervous about this battle with Li You. He was worried that the rebel army would be defeated. Qin could be defeated, but the rebel army could not afford to lose.

This 50,000-strong army is almost a collection of elite soldiers and generals that Xu Fan has trained over the past six months. If defeated, Chen County and Yingchuan County will be lost again, and he will really go to the Dabie Mountains to fight guerrillas. The rebels' error tolerance rate was extremely low, so low that they couldn't afford any mistakes. Faced with the upcoming war, he was naturally a little uneasy.

Ji Xin understood Xu Fan's psychology and comforted him: "Li You's army is composed of people from Guanzhong as officers and civilians from Sanchuan County as soldiers. Although they are a standing army, due to expansion, the standing army of 3 has been expanded to 10. Li You has The combat effectiveness of the 5 soldiers has been weakened, and our rebels, both officers and soldiers, have been trained by the general for half a year. The soldiers can be well fed and drunk. Even the Qin army that surrendered has also undergone long training. Our rebels Its combat effectiveness is definitely superior to that of the Qin army, so don’t worry."

Ji Xin very much recognized the combat effectiveness of his rebel army. Not to mention the empty words, he could eat three meals a day, get meat every few days, and even share the land. This was completely the treatment of a soldier, even the lowest level soldier. , Even the Qin army couldn't do this, and this alone was enough for the rebel soldiers to fight to the death.

Ji Xin believes that the combat effectiveness of the Chen County Rebel Army is far superior to that of other rebel armies, even higher than that of the Qin Army. This is because his general is well fed and even treated as a rebel sergeant. Of course, the rebel soldiers will fight to the death for their own general.

The Qin soldiers who joined later were also experienced veterans. After undergoing ideological transformation in operas such as "Alive" and "Chu Zhaonu", their combat effectiveness was still higher than that of the Qin soldiers. Coupled with the ability of his generals to defeat thousands of enemies, 5000 cavalry can use new equipment to explode the combat power of tens of thousands of infantry.

From the commander to the officers to the soldiers, the rebels all had an advantage in this battle. Coupled with his intelligence superiority, he believed that the rebels could not win without a doubt, but the chance of victory was more than 7%.

Ji Xin's words made Xu Fan feel at ease. He had made all the preparations he could before the war, and now let the actual combat test the results.

In this way, the rebel cavalry marched next to Hongshui for half the night and circled most of the circle. Wu Shengce immediately stepped forward and whispered: "General, we have arrived at the preset battlefield. In front of us is the Qin army's camp."

Xu Fan breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Everyone rest where you are and wait for the signal before launching an attack."

"No!" The soldiers dismounted and ate dry food in preparation for the final battle.

Qin army camp.

At this time, there was silence inside the camp. Teams of sentries patrolled the camp silently. There would only be some movement when the sentries were handed over, or the snoring of soldiers could be heard when approaching the camp.

After several months of fighting, plus more than a month of fierce siege battles, the soldiers of the Qin army were extremely tired. Every time they set up camp, the soldiers would fall asleep. This state of the soldiers made Li You uneasy. Worried about the coming war.

The rebels from Chen County are extremely powerful. It can be said that the huge losses suffered by the Qin Army were all caused by the Chen County rebels. Facing the Chen County rebels in this state, what chance does he have of winning?

The coach of the Qin army, Li You, is tall and handsome. He was originally a noble man, but his long military hard work has made him dark and thin. In addition, his armor is full of scratches, and he looks like a down-and-out. Samurai.

Li Youwang couldn't help feeling worried as he looked toward Xingyang. The deputy general Zhai Bao next to him comforted him: "General, don't worry about Xingyang City. The main force of the rebels has been staying in Jingxian County, recruiting people to Yingchuan County. Recently, intelligence has been received that the rebels have begun to flee to Yingchuan County. Obviously, this group of rebels also knows that our army is about to return to Sanchuan County. Understand I couldn't conquer Xingyang myself, so I just recruited the people and went south."

Li You shook his head and said: "The rebels dared to attack Wang Li's 3 troops. They were obviously not just a mob. They fled to Yingchuan County. The price the court had to pay to eliminate these rebels would be even greater."

When Wang Li was mentioned, Zhai Bao also frowned. The soldiers led by Wang Li were also from Sanchuan County, and their strength was comparable to Li You. He couldn't understand what was so difficult about the rebels. They could defeat 5 rebels in one battle, but Wang Li was defeated by more than 2 rebels. Even now, he doesn't understand how Wang Li was defeated. .

Zhai Bao said: "General, don't worry. After General Feng Jie returns to the army, we will have enough troops to wipe out Chen County's rebellion."

Speaking of Feng Jie, Li You couldn't help but smile a little. Tian Dan and the others were too arrogant. After regaining the entire Qi Kingdom, facing Feng Jie leading 15 Qin troops, he did not hold on to the city, but led the army to attack Linzi City. He may have wanted to use such a war to show that if King Jian of Qi had dared to resist, Qi would not have been destroyed. He also wanted to show the people of Qi that he, the King of Qi, was braver and more capable than King Jian of Qi.

As a result, the Qi army was defeated in this field battle. The Qin army killed Tian Dan and more than ten Qi generals. The Qin army once again captured Linzi City, and more than 50 of Qi's 70 cities were recovered. Tian Dan's cousins ​​Tian Rong and Tian Heng took the remaining troops and fled eastward to Jiaodong County. Now Feng Jie is chasing the remnants of Qi's rebels. It won't be long before the entire Qi State becomes Qin's territory again.

Captain Qin Yang looked at the north and said: "How can it be so easy? Now there are people in Zhao who are rebelling. That Zhang Er who came out of Chen County found Zhao Xie as the king after he found a clan member of the Zhao State. The entire Zhao State rebelled. Even if Qi was defeated To pacify, General Feng Jie may have to move to pacify Zhao’s rebellion, but he may not come to support us.”

When Qin Yang said this, he said angrily: "What is going on? The country is doing well, but the entire Guandong region is full of wars. If one area is suppressed, another one will pop up in other places. When we got the military order, we still There are only tens of thousands of rebels, but after several months of counterinsurgency, there are more and more rebels."

Qin Yang was confused about the current situation. The hundreds of wars since the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States were all struggles between nobles and vassal states. As long as the armies of the vassal states were destroyed, the country could be annexed. The imperial court had clearly moved the nobles from all over the world to Guanzhong. , why the situation in the world is getting more and more chaotic. Now the only rebel leader who is a noble is Tian Dan.

Rebellions often occur in the Qin Dynasty. Shang Yang once rebelled. In recent years, there have been rebellions by Marquis Changxin, Chang'an Army and Changping Lord. However, these rebellions were all launched by the top nobles in the world. The process is also very simple. As long as these nobles are killed, the rebels will disappear. Except for Changping Lord's rebellion to unite the Chu State, the scope of other rebellions is extremely small.

And who are the leaders of these rebels now, like Xu Fan, Wu Chen, Wu Guang, Qin Jia, Zhang Er?

What kind of family blood inheritance do they have, what kind of prestige background do they have, how many disciples and counselors have made suggestions, and can they call on so many people to rebel. This rebellion has spread to almost the entire world. All of this makes Qin Yang feel confused and feels that the entire world Everything has become strange. This rebellion in Da Qin is completely different from the previous ones.

Li You sighed when he heard this and remained silent. Since the rebellion in Chen County, the world seemed to have been detonated. Rebellions occurred one after another, and the situation in the entire Great Qin Dynasty actually became a bit precarious.

And Li You also knows that the source of all this is that the endless corvee work of the imperial court has made the people of the world uneasy, and finally led to the current situation where the whole world is in rebellion. Local officials like Li You can see this kind of thing best. , as long as the corvee service is stopped and the people are allowed to go home, the situation of the rebellion will be improved.

Li You once wrote to his father to state the suffering of the local people and wanted the court to cherish the people's strength. Unfortunately, he only received a severe reprimand from his father, telling him not to take up his position and not pursue political affairs, and to be his own leader in Sanchuan County. Sheriff.

Although he was reprimanded by his father, he also understood that the First Emperor at this time was no longer the talented and ambitious First Emperor who unified the six countries. Now he was just an old man who asked for immortality and was very happy with his achievements. He wanted to stop him from building a palace. It is impossible not to build the imperial mausoleum. In the past, the First Emperor could still listen to the advice of loyal ministers and good generals, but in recent years no one dared to advise the First Emperor, even old ministers like his father.

The First Emperor kept poking holes in the sky of the Qin Dynasty. Li You saw too many prisoners who fell on the construction site, too many people who starved to death in winter, and too many local Qin officials. In order to satisfy the selfish desires of the First Emperor, Continuously racking up charges and turning ordinary people into prisoners.

The situation in Qin was deteriorating. They, the local governors, felt that the situation in the entire Qin Dynasty was as precarious as firewood, but they couldn't find a way to mend the sky. This situation made officials like Li You more helpless.

He was in pain. He knew clearly that the Qin Dynasty was in danger, but he did not dare to write to the First Emperor. He knew that the First Emperor would not believe all this. He still believed that the Qin Dynasty would be forever solid, and the three princes and nine ministers in Guanzhong were also busy fighting for power and favor. The First Emperor didn't care about the life and death of the local people. They were also one of the people poking holes. How could they tell the First Emperor the true situation of the Qin Dynasty.

Zhai Bao glared at Qin Yang, wondering what he was talking about at this time. "General, we are going back to Rongyang soon. Everything will be fine." Zhai Bao said with relief.

"What's the sound?" At this moment Qin Yang heard a strange sound.

At this time, Li You and Zhai Bao also heard it. They were silent and listened carefully to the sound.

Zhai Bao suddenly thought of something and lay down on the ground.

The sound of "papapapa!" kept coming.

He was shocked and said to Li You: "General, it may be the enemy's night attack."

"The enemy is attacking at night!" the Qin army sentry shouted sadly.

The sound of "dong dong dong" war drums broke the tranquility of the entire night, just like someone dropped a huge boulder on the quiet lake, and the quiet Qin army camp suddenly boiled like a pot exploding.

"Get up, the enemy is attacking at night, hurry up and organize the army." Li You shouted.

When the soldiers in the tent heard these warning sounds, they woke up from their sleep and ran outside the tent. However, they were extremely embarrassed. Some complained about wearing clothes, and some did not bring weapons. In short, the messy camp was like a mess. It was a mess, and the Qin army officers had to constantly scold the soldiers and ask them to bring their weapons and equipment and line up again.

In front of the Qin Army's camp, the rebel army's queue walked 50 steps away from the Qin Army's camp. Only then did the Qin Army's sentry realize that there were several square formations of enemies in front of him slowly approaching. The night covered the sentry's vision, and he could only look at the night. Enemies keep appearing, but no one knows how many there are.

Ji Bu pointed his spear at the enemy's camp and said, "Kill over!"

"Kill!" All the rebel soldiers rushed towards the Qin army's camp, and used hooks to pull away horses, fences and other obstacles near the camp. Although the Qin army's sentries also used crossbows to fight back, their number was too small. The crossbow arrows shot into the ranks of the rebels, but there was no splash.

But after the Qin army's front camp was demolished by the rebels.

Ji Bu shouted: "Kill the enemy at will, and give priority to the assembled Qin army!"

"Dong dong dong!" The sound of the rebel war drums became more and more passionate. Inspired by the drums, the soldiers felt their blood boiling and their bodies full of strength.

The nine giant phalanxes of the rebel army were lined up, like nine giant bulldozers, crushing all the camps of the Qin Army. As long as any Qin Army officer wanted to assemble an army to counterattack, he would be attacked. The key attack of the rebels.

"Crossbow, shoot!" Chen Lin commanded loudly.

Thousands of crossbowmen at the rear of the formation covered the team that had just assembled several hundred Qin troops.

"Boom!" The dark rain of arrows flooded the area, and half of the Qin soldiers in the team fell.

"Kill!" Chen Lin led the soldiers and crushed the remaining soldiers with their spears. All the soldiers fell to the ground, leaving only a trail of blood. These soldiers had resisted.

Li You became anxious when he saw this situation. If he didn't think of a way to resist the enemy, his army would be completely destroyed.

"Push the chariot over and establish a new line of defense. Don't let the enemy continue to advance!" Li You yelled.

Qin Yang said: "General, I will set up a defense line to resist the enemy. You go to the rear to reorganize the army."

Li Youdao: "Resist for a quarter of an hour, and I will bring people to support you!"

Behind the Qin army's camp, Xu Fan and others heard the sound of war drums and the panic of the Qin army. He was overjoyed and knew that it was time for a general attack.

So he waved his spear and said: "Soldiers, it's time for us to kill the enemy, kill!"

Xu Fan took the lead and rushed to the back of the Qin army's camp, while Ji Xin and Wu Sheng led 5000 cavalry to follow Xu Fan and charge towards the Qin army's camp.

 Ten thousand words are on the shelves. Please subscribe.

  Some readers say that the protagonist is the Virgin, but I just want to write about a kind-hearted, somewhat idealistic low-class person, which should not be regarded as the Virgin. Now Bai Zuo has stigmatized the Virgin. That kind of rapist still needs to be influenced by love. Such talent She is a real virgin bitch, the protagonist just has a little conscience.

  Moreover, if historical novels seek hegemony, they cannot be a little idealistic. Our country was watered by idealists, and there are many such people in history books.

  I am also a bit idealistic. When other people saw that they could become emperor, they thought of having all the power in the world and three thousand beauties, but I thought of the great responsibility. When I read about a hero going to a brothel, I thought of nothing else. Why don't heroes save these poor people? Could it be that the madam of an ancient brothel was a good thing?

  Maybe it's because of different views. I always think that if a modern person goes to ancient times, he will always be kinder than the ancients, rather than more vicious than the ancients. Let's all compete together to see who has the lower bottom line.

  Finally, I would like to recommend a friend’s book. “Border Wanderer” is a cyberpunk and Jaxul-style novel. If you are in the mood, you can read it.



(End of this chapter)

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