At the end of Qin, I became a son of the plane

Chapter 141: The ambition of the time traveler and the rule of law by the people

Chapter 141: The ambition of the time traveler and the rule of law by the people

In fact, compared to ascending the throne as king, Xu Fan felt that the rebels had too many things to do now, including completing the system of equalizing land in the new four counties, improving the basic control of the four counties, building the military mobilization system of the four counties, and establishing The new handicraft area will prepare sufficient weapons and equipment for the soon-to-be-expanded 30-strong army, and even find ways to recruit more talents to fully occupy the rebel army's political structure.

Each of these things is extremely important, related to the development of the rebel army, and each of them is extremely complicated and requires energy. If you don't do so many important things, it is not worth wasting too much energy on one king.

After the generals Yingbu left, Xu Fan left Zhou Zhang, Chen Gang, Zhang Liang, Ye Teng and others to continue discussing the follow-up land equalization matter.

But Zhou Zhang looked solemn and said: "General, the autumn harvest is easy to handle, but it is difficult to complete the equalization of land in a short time. Now that our army has seized the land of four counties and lacks a large number of officials, we can barely maintain it. The matter of equalizing land It cannot be completed in a short time, it requires a lot of manpower, and we are short of manpower.”

Originally, they could barely maintain the talent of two counties, but now they are suddenly faced with six counties. With twice the workload, it is inevitable to be short of manpower, and land equalization is an extremely complicated government affairs, which leads to the need for the rebels. More hands to complete.

Although Xu Fan and others killed Qin officials, they could not really kill all Qin officials. They only killed some cruel officials who were the leaders of great anger among the people. Most of the local Qin officials still retained their positions, but there was not enough for such a big task as equalizing land. It is difficult for humans to complete it in a short time.

Xu Fan thought for a while and said: "We will hold the imperial examination. No matter who they are, as long as they can read and write and know how to calculate the area of ​​fields, we will recruit them as field officials. We have temporarily decided to recruit 200 such small officials in each county. Among these field officials, those who are good at equalizing the land and have merit will be promoted.

At the same time, we are in Yingchuan County. Chen County has assigned some experienced pavilion chiefs to these four counties to serve as township heads and county officials. Although they are less educated, they have gone deep into the countryside and have a better understanding of the situation in the counties. They are not easily fooled. Deceive them and let them join the county government offices.

This can also reduce some talent gaps. At the same time, it can be regarded as cultivating talents who belong to our rebel army. If you can be a pavilion chief, you can become a township chief. If you can be a township chief, you can be a county magistrate after training. These people are our own People are more trustworthy than talents recruited from outside. Only with these people of our own can we control the local grassroots. "

"Imperial examination?" This was the first time that it appeared in this era, but they understood after Xu Fan said it. This was a variant of the Recruitment Order, and compared with the North Korean imperial examination, the difficulty dropped sharply, and the number of talents recruited at one time increased exponentially. People who could read Being able to write is considered a talent, and Xu Fan has redefined being a scholar.

Zhou Zhang hesitated and said: "Recruiting just because you can read and read and calculate the area will not make others think that our rebel army is incompetent. Even recruiting retainers does not have such a low threshold."

Not even talking about poems and books, Zhou Zhang was really worried that some newly enlightened children would take the exam. If they were really admitted, letting children become Cao officials would not make the world laugh at them.

Ye Teng's eyes lit up. It was a good thing for the rebels that they lacked talents. According to this standard, even the children in his family who had just completed enlightenment could be considered talents. Those who met Xu Fan's standards could be found in their family. Hundreds of people .

But Ye Teng frowned when he thought that he was just a field official. In this era, such small officials were called fighting officials. The children of his family might look down on these positions.

Ye Teng knew very well that the children of his own family wanted to do big things but had no talent. They did not have the determination of the rebel generals who were willing to kill themselves and dared to bring down the emperor. They did not bother to do trivial things. What they meant was that they were ambitious and talented. them.

But the rebel army is developing rapidly. Today's field officials may not be able to become county magistrates and county guards tomorrow. Thinking of this, Ye Teng decided to let all the family children take the imperial examination even if they broke the cane.

It is not difficult to pass the exam based on their knowledge. Hundreds of officials can be trained to produce ten people as county magistrates. Then the Ye family will be considered a profit. If they can produce one or two county guards, the Ye family will be fully revived.

Ye Teng was very confident that the children of his family would become successful. The rebel army did not have the same ceiling as the Qin State, and its own political talents were insufficient. If they could not break into the officialdom with such a huge room for improvement, it could only mean that they were useless.

Zhang Liang advised: "The general has set the standards so low. I am afraid that our rebel army will not be able to accommodate so many scholars by then. Recruiting talents without using them will cause dissatisfaction among the scholars, which will be detrimental to the great cause of our rebel army."

The four great princes of the Warring States Period were famous throughout the world for their love of raising scholars, but their standards for retaining disciples were not so low. His Zhang family has had diners before. If he really goes by this standard, his Zhang family will have tens of thousands of diners. Even if he is the Prime Minister of South Korea, he will still be ruined by these people.

In this era, it is true that there are not many scholars, and the literacy rate cannot even exceed 5%, but it is true that there are many. At the end of the Warring States Period, the reason why the four famous princes appeared in the world is because there were already so many scholars at that time. There were so many that all the countries in the Warring States Period could not absorb them.

At that time, the people spent a lot of money and resources to support their descendants to study. However, after reading, becoming literate, and becoming scholars, they did not have official positions. , but can't listen to the sarcastic comments from the neighbors. If you are not good enough, you will be ridiculed.

This is the same as in later generations. After spending hundreds of thousands on studying, everyone was expected to earn 3000 a month. Who could bear this? So at that time, people like Su, Qin, and Zhang Yi appeared frequently, provoking wars among nations for their own glory and wealth. That period was actually the Warring States Period, a period with the most frequent wars. Frequent wars caused a hegemonic country like Qi to accidentally fall into decline.

Then the Seven Heroes of the Warring States Period wanted to find a way to solve the problem of employment of these scholars. If the scholars were not appeased, the world would not be stable.

So all countries, like later generations, no, it should be that later generations also learned from it, that is, let officials and nobles maintain a large number of retainers, give them some money to support them, and prevent them from causing a lot of turmoil.

Therefore, during the Warring States period, the four great princes could easily support three thousand disciples. This was not only because nobles were so prestigious in keeping disciples, but also because if they did not support them, the country would be in great turmoil.

Xu Fan shook his head and said: "Why set the threshold so high? You want people to be planners to measure the land. Do you want to get some talents who are proficient in various schools of thought? Even if there are such talents, he can't Become a minor official like the Chief of Planning and Pavilion.

During the imperial examination, I made it clear that our rebels just need some land officials who can measure the land. If anyone thinks he is talented and can't do these small things, don't ask for it. When he comes, he will come with me to measure the land and equalize it. Do a good job. , I will reward you and promote you, and if you do not do well, I will remove you. If you enrich your own pockets, I will kill you. As long as all the reward and punishment facilities are clearly stated, no one can say anything on the surface. "

Xu Fan remembered reading a blogger named Ma Supervisor who said about the imperial examination system. The emperors of the past dynasties originally wanted to recruit some affairs officers who could do things. As a result, later generations of officials distorted it and it became a variant of the aristocratic system.

If you pass the exam, you will become an official, and at least you can become a Bailihou. The imperial examination is equivalent to the knight lord in the West. There is no exit mechanism, and it has become an aristocratic system without hereditary. The bureaucrats even find ways to turn the imperial examination into In the invisible hereditary system, for example, after the Song Dynasty, there were a large number of imperial examination families. As long as one person passed the imperial examination, they had a way to let their descendants continue to win the imperial examination, monopolize official positions, and usurp the interests of the country.

But now Xu Fan simply gets there in one step. I am taking the exam for the junior official position. Don't think about such good things as "Being a farmhouse minister in the morning and ascending to the emperor's hall in the evening". If you want to be an official, just work your way up. If you want If you recite poems and compose poems about romance, don't think about becoming an official.

Even if Xu Fan really comes up with a perfect imperial examination system later, he will not admit only two or three hundred people like in history, but will admit thousands or even more people at one time. If he passes the exam, he will become a county magistrate, without even thinking about it. Go to the grassroots level and become a pavilion chief, Qiangfu, and Cao Li. Don’t be afraid if there are too many officials. Eliminate those at the bottom, and fight against corruption in a targeted manner. Only you dare to do it. There are many ways and means to solve these problems in future generations.

Zhou Zhang thought it made sense. With tens of dan of food a year, the only people he could recruit were talents like this.

Xu Fan said: "We are going to fight in the future, and there will be fewer and fewer rural soldiers to defend the homeland. We only need to rely on the standing army, so this time I plan to do it all at once, and each household will be given 100 acres of land to meet the requirements of the standing army."

When Xu Fan first arrived in this world, he was still influenced by later generations. He felt that 100 acres of land was too much for people in this world to farm. But now he understands that the productivity of 100 acres of land in this world is not even comparable to that of later generations. Five and fifty acres of land can barely support their family, so this time he plans to allocate 100 acres in one go.

Xu Fan cannot be said to be a standing army, but rather a kind of government soldier who does not need to prepare his own weapons and equipment. However, the rebel wars are too frequent, and the soldiers are in the military camp all year round. They also receive a large number of rewards and allowances, so that even if they are not a standing army, they have become A standing army.

At the same time, Xu Fan also enjoyed the dividends of the troubled times. As long as he could fight out, he could occupy one or several wealthy counties. The dividends of the war far exceeded the military expenditure, so Xu Fan could afford to support an army of 30, but he We must think about the future. After the world is unified, such good things will never happen again. Soldiers only have 50 acres of land, which is not enough to support their families.

Zhou Zhang can understand this. If he wants to defeat the violent Qin, he is afraid that these 30 troops will not be enough. Now he is prepared in advance and is prepared. Anyway, Nanjun and Nanyang County have a lot of land, so they can divide it into 50 acres or 100 acres. It would be better to divide some standing armies that can be fought out. Anyway, as long as more territory can be occupied by fighting out, this kind of military operation will be a huge benefit.

Xu Fan continued: "At the same time, I also plan to bind military service to land. If there is 100 acres of land, one soldier will be produced, and if there is 1 acres of land, 100 soldiers will be produced. The more land in hand, the heavier the military service will be. .”

Xu Fan has long disliked those powerful men. They control a large amount of land but are unwilling to contribute to the rebel army. They are good at fighting for power and profit. This time, just do it in one step. The more land you have, the more people you will fight. If you don't want to fight, it doesn't matter if you take responsibility. You spit out the land in your hands and give it to those who are willing to fight.

Zhou Zhang was surprised and said: "General, if you do this, there will be big problems."

He could fully imagine how fierce conflicts would break out on the territory of the rebels if this policy were really announced. No powerful person could accept such a policy.

Xu Fan smiled and said: "This is called equality of power and responsibility. Otherwise, how would we destroy the Qin army with millions of soldiers? Only by recruiting a larger army than Qin can we defeat them."

"You see, we have 2000 million acres of land in Chen County, which can recruit 20 soldiers. We have 2500 million acres of land in Nanyang County. As long as it is properly distributed, we can recruit 25 soldiers. All the territory of our rebel army is close to 1 Tens of thousands of acres, we can recruit millions of soldiers according to the proportion, which is enough for us to dominate the world."

At the end of the Qin Dynasty, the situation was very good. Private fields began to spread in large numbers, but public fields were still retained in large numbers. It can even be said that Qin's land property system was based on public fields. Otherwise, their military merit-granting system would not have been implemented. Go down, after all you don't even have a field, how can you give it to soldiers. It's just that the method of granting land in Qin is not very equal. Ordinary people can only get 100 acres of land, while nobles and officials can get tens of thousands of acres of land.

Even when the First Emperor unified the world, he had no way to turn these private lands into public lands when faced with the huge private lands of the six kingdoms of Guandong. He could only compromise and not grant the lands.

If the First Emperor really dares to be tough, after his death, the nobles of the six countries will not have the financial resources to rebel. Of course, the greater possibility is that those powerful nobles will rise up to rebel immediately. This is the price the First Emperor paid for unifying the world.

And now Xu Fan wants to try to see if he can turn private fields in the world into public fields in this way. After all, the feudal system does not mean that the fields are privately owned. The emergence of private fields in other civilizations has only a few hundred years of modern history. Why does the Celestial Empire What’s so special is that with a history of more than 2,000 years, although private land has certain progressive significance, it has become an obstacle in the era of industrialization.

In troubled times, everything is reshuffled, and anything can happen. A real time traveler, Wang Mang, dares to restore the well-field system. As a real time traveler, I can't go too far in restoring the public land system.

Since the time traveler like him has appeared, the industrialization of this world will definitely take place two thousand years ago. Since the progressive significance of the existence of private fields has disappeared, then why not do it in one step and simply eliminate the private fields for him.

Judging from the experience of future generations, if a big country wants to start industrialized fields, it must be publicly owned. The successful example here is Maozi Celestial Dynasty, and the failed example is Third Brother.

Public land provides the most basic guarantee for the whole world. As long as the people still have land in their hands, they will never die of hunger. It is because they have their own land that the villages of later generations bear huge pressure for industrialization. At worst, I will go back to farming. This is the inner thought of many people, and how many production capacity crises have been solved by relying on the countryside.

Zhang Liang smiled bitterly and said: "Even if you are not afraid of the chaos of the rebel army, we cannot afford to raise so many soldiers, and the powerful people from all over the country support you, general. You can only drive them to Qin."

The territory occupied by Xu Fan was considered the richest in the Chu region, but the total population was only about 300-400 million, and a million-strong army almost drained the Chu region of its young people.

But the reality is that it is impossible to have so many soldiers. After all, the land needs people, the workshops need people to produce goods, and even the army needs several times as many young men as civilian husbands to escort the grain and grass. It is impossible for everyone to become a soldier.

Xu Fan said: "This is the total number of soldiers that can be recruited from our territory. Unless you are a fool, you will not really send out a million troops to fight, but these powerful people who own the land must be prepared for their children to go to the battlefield.

Those with permanent property have perseverance. Their land and property are here, so they should spend their own money and efforts to defend it. The reason why the Six Kingdoms were annexed and annexed by Qin was because the nobles of the Six Kingdoms passed too many of their responsibilities onto the people.

It is said that Da Qin was a violent Qin, but why didn't the people of the six countries support their own nobles? It is because what these nobles did is even more abominable than the violent Qin Dynasty. Everyone is half-hearted and half-hearted, so of course the people will not choose them. "

Having one million troops does not mean that one million troops can really be mobilized to fight. The peak troop dispatching capacity of a regime in this era is 60. Both times it appeared were the Qin State. This was the peak of troop troop dispatching even in the feudal era. Well, although later dynasties often talked about a million-strong army, they really did not have the ability to mobilize an army of 60 to go on an expedition.

Corresponding to this are Qin's most powerful enemies, Zhao and Chu. The peak number of troops dispatched was only 40. Facing the crisis of national subjugation and genocide, the two countries should have squeezed out their most powerful strength, but their limit was still one-third less than Qin's strength. It can be seen that in the military Institutionally, Qin is the strongest in the world.

Xu Fan continued: "As long as we equalize the land like this, no one in the world can defeat us Han, not even the First Emperor."

However, the defense of this system is almost invincible. No country can invade a country with millions of farmers. Of course, if it really wants to achieve this, it will not need defense.

In fact, this is the same as the country becoming stronger in later generations. Whether a country is going uphill or downhill can be seen by looking at the middle class like these self-cultivated farmers. The middle class is increasing, and the country is going uphill. If it is strong enough to become a hegemon, the second point is also Can dominate a party. But if the middle class gradually decreases, the country's conflicts will reappear, and the entire country will go downhill, until all the conflicts will break out and the country will restart.

The strongest military strength of feudal countries was almost always during the founding period, because the most important resource in the feudal era was land. The country could reasonably allocate land to the people and create a large number of homesteaders to defend the country. Later, the nobles were powerful and greedy, and they eliminated the peasants bit by bit, destroying the foundation of the country. In the end, conflicts broke out and the country perished.

Zhou Zhang could only smile bitterly and said: "General, we have to do things step by step. Doing so many things suddenly will only arouse the contradictions among the rebels. How about we get the matter of becoming king first?"

Xu Fan's ambition was so great that Zhou Zhang was scared. He simply put the easy things first and then the hard ones, and settled the matter of Xu Fan becoming king first.

Xu Fan thought about it and agreed after thinking it made sense.

Nanyang County, Baiheli.

Zhao Yu, the head of the pavilion, summoned all the villagers and said, "Everyone come here and put your fingerprints on the Book of Ten Thousand Peoples again."

The surrounding villagers gathered together after hearing Zhao Yu's words, which could bring benefits to the villagers, so even though Zhao Yu had become the pavilion chief not long ago, his prestige was very high, and everyone was willing to listen to Zhao Yu's words.

Old Wu smiled and said, "Why are you here again with the Wanmin Book?"

This thing was done by Xu Fan. He didn't want to be like the heroes of this world, who started the White Snake Rebellion, said that he was destined to be destined by heaven, that he was the son of God, and performed some illusory miracles to declare the legitimacy of his regime.

The people of the world are the source of the legitimacy of his regime. He feels that even if he wants to be king and emperor, he should be elected as the king by the people of the world. He is serving the destiny of the people.

It just so happened that the paper production efficiency of the rebel army was getting higher and higher, so Xu Fan created the Book of Ten Thousand People and asked the people in every village under the rule of the rebel army to press their fingerprints and regard the ten thousand people of the world as their legal system.

At any rate, this is more progress than letting God make a rule. In the future, when people rebel, they no longer need to pretend to be gods. They can just say that a certain emperor has lost the support of the people, and he will overthrow a certain emperor on behalf of the people.

Zhao Yu said angrily: "Qin Jia is not the evil thief. He knows that our general is going to be called the King of Chu. He is worried that our general will annex his army, so he actually creates a King of Chu in advance. Our general is not willing to fight with the rebel brothers." When we meet, we have no choice but to change our name to King of Han. Everyone should remember that we will be the subjects of King Han from now on, and our country will also be called Han."

"It's not called Chu State anymore!" Old Wu looked stunned, but he still felt a little empty inside. Of course, it doesn't matter how disappointed he is. After all, when Lao Wu was born, he was already a citizen of Qin. He only knew about Chu State from his father's mouth. The only time he set foot on the land of Chu State was as a soldier.

But Zhao Yu immediately said: "Do you think the King of Han was good to you, or did the King of Chu treat you better at the beginning?"

"Of course it's the King of Han!" Almost all the people shouted loudly.

There is really no dispute about this. When the rebel army wanted to recruit civilian husbands, families were given one stone of grain and crops to support their families every day. As a result, the Battle of Nanjun only lasted half a month, and most of the civilian laborers did not serve for 12 days. They were in vain. A lot of food, and when celebrating the victory, the general of Shangzhu Kingdom did not forget them civilians. Every civilian who entered Nanjun could get 1 stone more food, and even the people in Nanyang County got half a stone more food.

It was a time of drought, and General Shangzhu spread hundreds of thousands of stones of grain to the entire Nanyang County. Many people relied on this grain to tide over the difficulties. The rebel army continued to purchase moso bamboo, and the wood did not stop. They also found a person who could In terms of earning food, it can be said that although the rebels have only ruled Nanyang County for more than a month, the people of Nanyang County have fully recognized Xu Fan as their ruler.

At least when they were in the Qin Kingdom, they didn't get any spoils as civilians, and most of the time they had to pay back.

Zhao Yu said: "Since Han is good, why do you still worry about Chu? I remember that when Chu was still there, I was often bullied by the nobles, and I didn't have enough food or clothing."

Although they are like chickens and ducks (Zhao and Yu were Chu people), the people in Baishui thought about it and realized that compared with the generals of Shangzhu, they had never been the people of Chu. If they did not become Chu people, they would not be Chu people. Anyway, they I have never been a citizen of Chu. Nanyang County has been occupied by the Qin State for more than 50 years. There are really few people here who have actually been a citizen of Chu.

Zhao Yu continued: "The King of Han has said that land equalization will be carried out. From now on, each household in Baishui can be allocated 100 acres of land. The only requirement is that everyone who joins the army must also fight out, but the spoils are extremely rich, even for us. made money."

Baishuili immediately cheered: "Long live the King of Han!"

With so much land in their families, everyone felt that it would be better to be Han Chinese.

(End of this chapter)

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