At the end of Qin, I became a son of the plane

Chapter 169: Lobbyist Li Shiqi and the Qin army attacked at night

Chapter 169: Lobbyist Li Shiqi and the Qin army attacked at night

In mid-May, the sun shines high on the banks of the Baima River

Ge Ying, Deng Zong and other high-ranking officials of the Han army were patrolling the Yellow River embankment. Starting from three days ago, the Qin army camp appeared on the other side of the Yellow River. Every day, there were loud drums and killings, even on the other side of the Yellow River. The Han soldiers could also hear that the Qin army was practicing battle formations.

Deng Zong was a little worried and said: "If it doesn't rain for several months, the water level of the Yellow River will get lower and lower. If this continues, the Qin army will be able to walk over with swagger."

Deng Zong was a southerner. This was the first time he came to Dongjun and saw the Yellow River. He thought that the Yellow River was an extremely wide river, wider than the Huai River and other rivers in the south. But this time he was a little disappointed when he saw the Yellow River. . He was still a little worried in his heart, so Deng Zong asked a Confucian scholar next to him: "Li Shiqi, is it easy to cross the Yellow River?"

Li Shiqi nodded and said: "The Yellow River will freeze in winter, making it easy to cross. In summer, the Yellow River has little water and is easy to cross. You can even cross the river with a sheepskin raft and even swim across it. With the power in our hands, it is impossible to stop Meng Tian. army."

This Li Shiqi became a famous Gaoyang drinker in later generations. Li Shiqi's family was relatively poor when he was a child, but he loved reading, and he was the kind of knowledgeable person who could read thoroughly. He was also famous in the county.

But maybe it was because of his poor family in his early years that he had a bit of low self-esteem, so that people he faced later were a bit arrogant. At that time, people in his hometown and county did not dare to offend him easily, and many people called him "Crazy Life" behind his back. .”

And it was this temper that made him waste half his life. No one who appreciated him recommended him, not to mention that after the First Emperor unified the world, he needed Qin officials instead of mad students. In this way, Li Shiqi wasted until he was sixty years old.

After Xu Fan rebelled, Li Shiqi was extremely excited. He thought that chaos had come for him to use his talents. But he did not act rashly, because the power of Da Qin was still very strong at that time, and he could not see which hero of the troubled times was the one who could really achieve things.

At that time, the rebel heroes of the Wei State uprising also heard about his talents and wanted to invite him to assist. Li Shiqi seemed that the people who invited him were careless and did not look like a wise master who had achieved great things, so he refused.

Ge Ying smiled and said, "Finally we've been waiting for them."

Ge Ying thought Li Shiqi's words were reasonable and appointed him to join the army to advise him. At this time, Li Shiqi told Ge Ying that he knew the Qin officials who occupied Dongjun and was willing to become a lobbyist to help the King of Han persuade these Qin officials. surrender.

Ge Ying said: "Here we come, now even if Meng Tian has a way to cross the Yellow River, he will be driven down by our cavalry."

Later, Ge Ying led 3 Han troops to attack Dongjun. Li Shiqi thought this was a good opportunity, so he took his younger brother Li Shang and thousands of soldiers to join Ge Ying, hoping to use this as a stepping stone to join the Han king.

Li Shiqi asked curiously: "I heard that the King of Han has a cavalry that can kill generals and capture flags. They are extremely brave, but I don't know how the King of Han trained them?"

But it may be that he was bullied by Qin officials in his early years. After the rise of the Han king, he was merciless to Qin officials. He always liked to enumerate the sins of Qin officials in front of tens of thousands of people, causing Qin officials to be frightened and tortured. Hang. This made the Qin officials in Dongjun desperate. They were afraid that the Han army would attack them, and it was impossible for Dongjun to resist.

At that time, the Qin officials in Dongjun heard that the King of Han had launched a 60-strong army to attack Qin in the north (exaggerated propaganda, even if the civilians were included, there was no such number). They were all in a state of panic, because they had all heard about this. Although the King of Han was kind to the common people, he rarely killed people, and even the captured Qin soldiers did not kill. This was indeed very rare in this era of wanton killing and surrender.

Later, when Wei Wang Jiu reformed, Li Shiqi and his second brother Li Shang organized an army of 1000 people, but they had no idea of ​​joining Wei Wang Jiu because Wei Wang Jiu had no idea of ​​fighting out in troubled times. , and also took refuge in Xu Fan as a vassal. This does not look like the Ming Dynasty in troubled times, and is not worthy of refuge.

Ge Ying said excitedly: "Wu Sheng and the others are here!"

The Qin officials in Dongjun suddenly felt that they had narrowly escaped death. They were persuaded by Li Shiqi and joined the Han Dynasty one after another. Ge Ying captured more than 20 cities in Dongjun almost without any blood, and only a few cities near Qidi were not conquered. .

At this time, an earth dragon suddenly appeared on the south bank of the Yellow River, and the thunderous sound of galloping horses soon came.

Later, Xu Fan became stronger as he fought more and more. After annexing the four counties of Chu, he proclaimed himself the King of Han in Jiangling City. He believed that Xu Fan was the wise master of the world, so when Xu Fan attacked Daliang, he wanted to join Xu Fan, but Lian Li Shi Qi didn't expect that the Han army's military front would be so sharp, and the strong beams in the city were not defended for even 4 days, so he missed the opportunity to join Xu Fan.

Although Li Shiqi was grateful to Ge Ying for protecting him, he still insisted on persuading the Qin officials. In the end, Ge Ying sent hundreds of cavalry to protect Li Shiqi as he headed to the counties of Dongjun.

Ge Ying didn't care at that time. After all, hundreds of cities in the Han Dynasty had been captured. He was even worried about Li Shiqi's safety, so he didn't want to be assassinated by Qin officials.

Although there is no saying at this time that there are ships in the south and horses in the north, most knowledgeable people still believe that northerners are better at riding and shooting than southerners, and now the King of Han has actually built an army in Chu that is no worse than Qin Yiqu cavalry, Zhao Bian Riding cavalry, this makes many people wonder, where did the elite knights in Chudi come from?

Ge Ying smiled and said: "This army will arrive soon. If you join the army, you will understand soon."

At this time, Li Shiqi came to act as a lobbyist for the Han army and assured the Qin officials that as long as they were willing to surrender to the King of Han, the King of Han would keep them safe and would definitely not hang them.

"Report, General, General Qiaoqi has come to support us."

After Li Shiqi took refuge with Ge Ying, he showed his military talents. He pointed out to Ge Ying that just protecting the flanks of the army would not achieve much success. He should continue to fight out and occupy Dongjun and Hanoi counties to defeat the Han army. Push the power to the front line of the Yellow River, surround Xingyang, cut off the Qin army's support for Xingyang, and expand the power of the Han Dynasty. Only in this way can we establish enough merit.

Ge Ying smiled and said: "Don't worry, Meng Tian is the King of Han's feast, he can't escape."

Deng Zong was also surprised and said: "Our cavalry is here?"

Then Li Shiqi sent an envoy to Hanoi County and persuaded most of the Qin officials in Hanoi County to join him. In this way, Ge Ying captured more than 30 cities without spending a single soldier, and more than 2 Qin soldiers surrendered. The supply line from Da Qin to Qi was completely destroyed. With such outstanding talents, Li Shiqi was immediately put into use by Ge Ying and became a confidant in the army.

It’s no wonder that Ge Ying was so excited. He was under too much pressure to face Meng Tian’s 30 Qin army alone. Now Wu Sheng’s cavalry is coming, which means that the Han King’s large army is coming soon. He This will relieve you of the current burden.

Soon, Li Shiqi and the others saw tens of thousands of cavalry galloping in their direction. This sight of thousands of cavalry charging was so shocking.

"There are such majestic cavalry in Chu!" This was the thought in Li Shiqi's mind.

It was night on May 37, the 5th year of the First Emperor's reign.

After Meng Tian's army arrived at Chaoge and began to build rafts, the ships made a stronghold to cross the river. Ge Ying asked Han soldiers to inspect the Yellow River embankment in units of villages. 100 people inspected the 5-mile river embankment. There was a mound near the river embankment with haystacks and cow dung forming ignition materials. Whenever the Qin army was found crossing the river, the Han army soldiers would light it. This was a simple beacon tower.

Wang Guan, the commander of the Han army, slowly walked down the embankment of the Yellow River, looked at his men and said: "It seems that the Qin army will not cross the Yellow River today."

Wang Guan was originally an ordinary citizen of Dongjun. Later, when the world was in chaos, he was recruited by the local county magistrate to join the Qin army. It may be that they were lucky. The world has been in chaos for two years, and rivers of blood have been shed everywhere. But Because Dongjun is backed by the Yellow River, it is the most important logistical supply line of the Qin Army. It has always been well protected by the Qin Army and has not suffered any military disasters at all.

A month ago, the King of Han in the south launched a 60-strong army to march northward against the Qin State. The men above him were so frightened that they trembled and hid in the county government offices and did not dare to come out.

Later he heard that the King of Han was very kind to the people. He exempted the people from corvee service and reduced taxes. Now the people under the rule of the King of Han lived much better than they did. He was also very kind to their soldiers. They would not kill them even if they captured them. The wounded will also be treated. After hearing this rumor, Wang Guan was relieved. As long as the King of Han did not kill them, it would be fine. At worst, they would surrender, and their lives would always be saved.

He didn't understand at the time why the superiors of such a kind King of Han were so frightened that they trembled. Later, his superior told him that although the King of Han was kind and did not kill their soldiers, he liked to hang Qin officials. These gentlemen They were worried that the King of Han would hang them.

Wang Guan suddenly realized it at this time, and he even looked forward to the arrival of King Han's army soon.

Later, the army of the King of Han really came, and he changed from the Qin army to the Han army. But what disappointed him was that the thing he expected in his heart to hang the master did not happen.

But soon he was filled with joy again, because according to the policy of the Han army, he, the commander of the village, could get 200 acres of land. When he knew about this policy, Wang Guan knelt down opposite where the King of Han was and bowed down. From that day on, he became one of the most loyal soldiers of the King of Han.

At the same time, they were also full of hatred for the Qin soldiers who were about to attack them.

When Qin soldiers come, what will happen to his land?

During this period of time, Wang Guan was extremely serious about guarding the river embankment. Whenever there was any movement on the embankment, he would check carefully. He did not want the Qin people to come to Dongjun again, nor did he want to lose his own land.

"Captain, our section of the embankment is extremely desolate and steep. The Qin people will not come." Wang Guan's subordinate Tietou looked at the patrol commander amusedly.

"You can't go wrong if you be careful. You don't want the Qin people to come back again!" Although Wang Guan has been a Han for less than a month, he has already begun to regard himself as an old Han citizen. He had no regard for the status of the Qin people. The Qin officials might still be grateful to the First Emperor for appreciating and using them. But to the common people living at the bottom, the First Emperor was just a villain in the heavenly palace. The dragon brought them only war, corvee, suffering and death. They had no nostalgia for the First Emperor or the State of Qin.

Tietou and others also had the same idea as Wang Guan. They had been Qin citizens for decades and were bullied by Qin officials. Qin's heavy taxes and endless corvee pressure made them unable to stand up, and their families were ruined as a result of the oppression. .

Although they had only become Han citizens for less than a month, they now owned land, had various taxes reduced, and were exempted from corvee service. Wang Guan and the others felt like there were several mountains missing from their bodies. Their crooked spines could straighten out for the first time, and they felt the beauty of the world for the first time.

There is a saying that once you feel the sunshine, it is difficult to endure the darkness. Wang Guan and the others will not allow the Qin army to come again and destroy their current lives.

Li Yu, the supervisor of the Tunnel Army, agreed: "You can't be too careful at this time. After all, if we make a mistake, our lives may be in danger, and other comrades will be implicated, so everyone must be vigilant."

Facing the words of the Tun Supervisory Army, everyone could only nod and say: "No!"

Soon another group of soldiers changed guard with them.

Wang Guan's men approached a fire and started chatting.

Tietou looked to the north and said worriedly: "I heard that General Mengtian is here. He is the most capable general in the Qin State. He led his troops to defeat hundreds of thousands of Huns a few years ago. He also annihilated the Huns a few months ago. Yan and Zhao are not easy to fight."

The other soldiers were also worried. They lived in an era when the Qin State was invincible. Since they were young, they had heard too many words about the power and cruelty of the Qin Army, and they had long ago reached the point where they could stop crying at night. Although they had also heard that the King of Han had defeated the Qin army, after all, those achievements were too far away from them. On the contrary, the cruelty of the Qin army was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and it was difficult to completely eradicate the fear of the Qin army in their hearts.

Li Yu smiled and said: "It's not like we haven't fought against the Qin people before."

Then Li Yu told the soldiers one by one about Xu Fan's battle from Chen County to boost their morale.

Wang Guan and others were filled with admiration after hearing that Xu Fan led troops to annihilate more than 20 Qin troops.

Wang Guan asked, "Jian Jun, have you ever seen the King of Han? What does he look like?"

Li Yu recalled: "The King of Han, he is a very good-tempered man and rarely curses. But he may have been a master before. He likes to let them read and write. He always tells us to study hard and make progress every day. He says no." Knowledge cannot govern the people. I tell you that if you want to make progress among the kings of Han, you must have knowledge."

Wang Guan asked curiously: "Does governing the people have anything to do with us?"

Li Yu said proudly: "Of course it does matter. The King of Han has always told us that our Han army must not only be able to conquer the world, but also learn to govern the world after conquering the world. This world was conquered by us, and only we will cherish it. Of course we must help the King of Han govern the world."

Wang Guan was surprised and said, "Can we also become Han officials?"

This is an official. Even a common man like him can reach great heights. Hasn't this official position always been reserved for aristocratic men?

Li Yudao: "Of course you can. Most of the positions in our Han country are held by our Han soldiers. As long as you are talented, the King of Han will definitely reuse you."

Tietou suddenly realized, "No wonder you, Supervisor, still read books even on the battlefield, and taught us how to read and write. It turned out that you wanted to become a Han official."

Li Yudao: "So you must work hard and don't waste this opportunity. The number of people who can become Han officials is limited, but the Han army has hundreds of thousands."

"Hurry up, the enemy is attacking!" The cry suddenly tore through the night, and Wang Guan and the others were all shocked.

"Go and have a look!" Wang Guan led his soldiers to the river embankment and threw a torch under the river embankment. However, he found that Qin troops were climbing up around the river embankment, and there were countless soldiers approaching in the river.

"Quickly, light the beacon and pass the information we have here to the rear!"

Without thinking, Tietou took a torch and threw it into the cow dung. Soon a thick smoke rose straight into the sky, which could be seen even in the dark. Not long after, a thick smoke also emerged from behind the thick smoke. This smoke and dust continued to convey messages to the rear like a baton.

Wang Guan roared angrily: "Hold the enemy! Don't let them come ashore!"

But at this time, Li Yu said loudly: "Our mission has been completed. Now we must protect ourselves first. The King of Han said that if you want to destroy the enemy, you must protect yourself first. There are thousands of enemies here that we cannot resist at all. Rushing forward will only waste our lives, listen to me, everyone retreats to the rear."

Under normal circumstances, military orders are issued by the commander of the camp, but the soldiers below were obviously unwilling to accept Wang Guan's order. They approved Li Yu's order to retreat without thinking.

"Boohoo!" The harsh sound of roaring arrows appeared, and it was obvious that the enemy was getting closer.

Li Yu shouted: "Retreat!"

Hundreds of soldiers retreated with Li Yu.

After the Qin army was discovered, they no longer hid.

"Bang the war drum!"

The drums of the Yellow River Civil War sounded, and on the Yellow River, countless boats, rafts, rafts and other transportation vehicles were loaded with fully armed Qin soldiers.

Baima County, south bank of the Yellow River embankment, Han army camp.

"Report to the general that the Qin army has crossed the river!"

Ge Ying, Deng Zong, Wu Sheng, Li Shiqi and others came out of the camp and saw streaks of smoke, and the Qin army attacked from the direction of the smoke.

Wu Sheng said happily: "Finally it's my turn, Old Wu Li, to make a contribution!"

During this time, Wu Sheng, the Cavalry General, was a little depressed. He finally became a Cavalry General, but Ji Bu and the others became the generals of the four towns and could form a regiment to lead the army alone.

He was the first general to join the Han Dynasty, but now he has fallen behind Ji Bu, Yingbu, Ge Ying, and Lu Chen. He also wants to continue to make contributions this time and become the general of the four towns, an important general who can command the army. .

But it happened that the whole journey was a siege battle. As a cavalry general, he could only watch others make achievements. Now Ge Ying has captured more than 30 cities again, made great achievements and became a famous general in the world. If he hadn't If he achieves some success, he will probably be forgotten by the world.

"Command, the cavalry soldiers assemble and follow me to counterattack the enemy." The messengers standing aside received Wu Sheng's order and rode on their horses to convey his order.

Then Wu Sheng said to Ge Ying: "You must gather an army in the rear and be ready to meet me at any time."

Then Wu Sheng got on his horse and said to his bodyguards: "Brothers, follow me to kill the enemy.

"Kill!" The guard cavalry followed Wu Sheng and fought out.

(End of this chapter)

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