Yi Song

Chapter 202 Xixia Secret Agent

Chapter 202 Xixia Secret Agent

Xinxing Town, twenty miles south of Qianyang County, Longzhou, is the junction of Longzhou and Jingzhou and Fengxiang Prefecture. It is located in the Qishui River Valley and is stuck on the main road from Fengxiang to Pingliang City in Weizhou.

The Shengjie Army is stationed here.

In the large tent of the military camp, several generals sat together with sad faces.

The top position is Zhang Shizheng, the commander of Shengjie Army.

Sitting on the left and right below are the deputy commander and left general Zhu Lizian, the right general Jin Tuocui, the staff and military party management army, the grain and grass officer Xia Shihou, and the personal commander Zhang Guanglian.

"Where are the child supervisors?" Zhang Shizheng asked first.

The Tong Supervisor was named Tong Zhongzhi, Tong Guan's nephew, who was sent to the Shengjie Army as a supervisor.

"In Mianyang County." Party Guanjun replied.

"The straight mother-in-law is so angry that she can't bear to part with his little pink head and those jars of horse urine!" Zhang Shizheng cursed.

Jin Tuochui was a Tibetan general and had a straightforward temper. He replied rudely: "They don't care about the inheritance of the old Tong family. Why do we outsiders care about it?"

Jin Tuochui stopped pretending and showed his cards.

He didn't look into it carefully. If others can't control these unruly wolves, how can I control them? Half of these thousand Tibetan cavalry are family slaves who have guarded Tubo Zampu for generations, and the other half came from Heluochuan just like me. "

"Zhang Sanlang, what kind of betrayal? Am I a minister of any of you? Still betraying! You are a bastard."

Xia Shihou smiled and echoed: "Although Lao Jin's words are vulgar, they are reasonable."

Jin Tuocui chuckled and said, "Why, if you expose my background, are you going to take my head to ask for reward from Taiwei Tong?"

"Lao Jin, we were members of the Shengjie Army for one day, and we will be engraved with the name of the Shengjie Army for the rest of our lives. We can't wash it away. Even if Tong Taiwei falls, we will not be able to escape our involvement, so don't even think about going back."

With these thousand Fan cavalry as the base, and Jin Tuocui in recent years, he has also won over many soldiers among the remaining two thousand infantry of the right general, so he will never suffer any loss in a real fight.

"I want to ask you whether you are from the official family or from Tong Taiwei!" Jin Tuocui continued to ask unceremoniously.

The Victory Army has three thousand cavalry and three thousand infantry, all of which are elites carefully selected from the Western Army. But no matter what, the one thousand Fan cavalry is the most capable of fighting, there is no doubt about it.

Zhu Lixian and Dang Guanjun looked at each other without saying a word.

"You betrayed Lieutenant Tong!"

He was a close friend of Dangxiang and had lived in Song Dynasty for three generations. He had a very good relationship with Jin Tuocui.

"Go back?" Jin Tuocui chuckled, "Where to go back? Hehuang or Liangzhou?"

"Li Zhongjie! Go back to him. Don't think that we don't know that your father is a little chief under Li Zhongjie's mother's family in Heluochuan Uihe. You grew up with Li Zhongxiao!

Zhang Guanglian hesitated for a while and said hesitantly: "Lieutenant Tong was killed by an adulterer!"

"What does that mean?" Jin Tuochui said nonchalantly, "Tong Taiwei drove away the yellow lion and devoured a thousand of his elite cavalry. After four or five commanders, they were all driven away. Then he accidentally shouted I took over and took control. When the old man was happy, he even appointed me as the right general.

Zhang Shizheng's nephew Zhang Guanglian nodded repeatedly: "Lao Jin is right!"

"Don't talk nonsense, Lao Jin! That's not what the commander-in-chief said!" said the party leader.

"We are the official army of the imperial court, not Taiwei Tong's private army. Let's talk about the official orders. Do you listen to the officials or to Taiwei Tong?"

What's more, this is a time when people are in panic. Who is willing to fight with others who are unsure of their feelings?

Zhang Guanglian, who was at Jin Tuocui's side just now, jumped up, "Old Jin, what do you mean? Are you going to betray us?"

But later Zhang Gong sent troops to Xixia, and you each took a different position, and you were separated. "

Zhang Guanglian continued to speak harshly and said: "In my heart, Tong Taiwei is a loyal minister, but he was killed by an adulterer!"

"That's good, you rise up, clear the emperor's side, eliminate the treacherous ministers, and vindicate the grievances of the Tong Taiwei."

Dang Tuocui quickly reconciled to Xi Ni, "Okay, okay, don't argue anymore."

Zhang Guanglian straightened his neck and wanted to say more, but Zhu Li scolded him: "Zhang Sanlang, shut up!"

He was Zhang Guanglian's riding and archery master. As soon as he opened his mouth, the boy's face was livid and he did not dare to speak harshly.

Seeing that his position was clear, Jin Tuocui stood up and cupped his hands and said, "The Sa family has something to do, so let's go first." As soon as he left, the party supervisor stood up and said, "I'll go and persuade Lao Jin."

After a while, Xia Shihou stood up and said: "Old Zhang, to tell you the truth, I have sent my confidants to Bianjing to find a position as the Southeast Tax Supervisor through the way of Wang Xiang's family. .The official documents will arrive soon.

I’ve had enough of the wind and sand in the northwest. From now on, just live in the southeast and end your remaining days. Goodbye, everyone! "

Looking at the empty tent, Zhang Shizheng sighed and said: "The building is about to collapse, and it is difficult to support a single tree!"

Zhu Lixian looked worried and said anxiously: "Old Zhang, you and I are tied too tightly to Captain Tong. After Fengxiang drives him away, will Liu Erlang use our heads as a sacrifice to establish his authority?"

Zhang Guanglian straightened his neck and said: "He dares! I will chop him with a knife!"

"Sanlang, don't talk nonsense!"

"Uncle, master, the Sa family is afraid of him! He is a relative who was soaked in Wenwen Pond in Bianjing. How many pounds and taels does he have? I heard from merchants and newspapers that he is like Li Cunxiao. If I am willing to spend money , I am the Overlord of Western Chu!

If he dares to harm us, we will be separated from each other! We have three or four thousand brothers under our command who are willing to follow us. We are in a hurry. With the flag rolled up, we first rob Fengxiang Mansion and then go to Jingzhao Mansion. Grab it if you can. Money, women, brothers all like it.

The officers and soldiers gathered around us, and we ran to the west. Straight bitch! The Sa family went directly to Xixia. With so many soldiers and horses in the Sa family, the Xixia king cannot grant his uncle a royal title and his master a military envoy? The Sa family can also appoint a governor.

When the time comes, we have robbed money and gained a future, and Liu Erlang will bear all the blame. Such a big disaster, I wonder how the officials could spare his nephew! "

Zhang Guanglian said this, which shocked Zhang Shizheng and Zhu Lixian.

"Sanlang, do you think these words yourself?"

Zhang Guanglian blushed and replied hesitantly: "Most of them are my own thoughts, and the rest are from what others said."

Zhang Shizheng and Zhu Lizian already knew this, so I'm afraid they should say it the other way around. Most of it is based on what others say, and the rest is completed by yourself.

"Who said that?"

"Liang Daowen, the scribe of the Control Department, is a down-and-out scholar in Huanzhou."

Zhang Shizheng and Zhu Li first looked at each other and said, "Go and invite him."

After a while, Liang Daowen was invited.

He is in his thirties, thin and lanky, with three wisps of beard and a certain elegance about him. It's just that those eyes are so lively that people can't help but murmur.

As soon as they met, Zhang Shizheng shouted and asked: "Who are you?"

Liang Daowen replied calmly: "Save those who are in the water and fire."

"Haha, you really take yourself seriously!" Zhu Lixian sneered.

"The controlling envoys and deputy envoys don't take themselves seriously." Liang Daowen replied impressively.

Seeing that Zhang Shizheng and Zhu Lizian were speechless, Liang Daowen became more energetic and leisurely said: "Now the situation is clear, Cai Jing, Liang Shicheng, and Yang Jian are all dead, and Tong Guan is isolated and helpless, and will fall sooner or later.

The commander-in-chief and the deputy envoy are Tong Guan's best friends and must be eradicated and the law established. If you two didn't make a plan early, are you going to sit back and wait for death? "

Zhang Shizheng's Adam's apple shook back and forth a few times, and he asked with difficulty: "What suggestions do you have?"

"The biggest asset of the commander and deputy envoy now is the three to four thousand close confidants of Shengjie Army. If we don't plan carefully now, when the Shengjie Army is transferred and the fish is out of water, it will be worthless. Even if you vote for Xixia, It can’t be sold at a higher price either.”

"Vote to Xixia?" Zhang Shizheng and Zhu Lixian hesitated.

When Liang Daowen saw the two men hesitating, he added fuel to the fire.

"After some looting, he took everyone to surrender to Xixia. He could continue to be prosperous and wealthy, and he could still leave the mess to Liu Erlang and let the officials hate him. By then, the government and the public would be turbulent, and no one could protect him. The two of them were very angry. He Are you happy but not doing it?"

Zhang Shizheng stared at Liang Daowen and asked nervously: "Who are you?"

Liang Daowen crossed his legs, put down his front shirt, flicked the dust, and said calmly: "I am the Registrar of the Privy Council of the Xixia Kingdom, and now I am the steward of Huanqing Road of Tianyi Hall."

(End of this chapter)

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