Chapter 83 Little Animal

Just listen to Wu Yong say: "Head of the township, this is also simple. Remote villages like mine are destroyed from time to time. The head of the township sends people to the county to report the news, and at the same time he takes the people to Xixi Village first.

He told the county that Dongxi Village had suffered a wolf disaster and that there was no one left in Yong Village. Please ask the county to send people to run Dongxi Village. Few people in the county are willing to come to this remote place, so Dongxi Village will be removed from the list, and the previous taxes owed will naturally be written off. The township head came to occupy this place again, and after ten days and a half, he went to the county to register. From now on, taxes can still be paid on the basis of one township. "

After hearing this, Zhao Zhen thought it was feasible. He immediately wrote an official document, used the seal, and called Shi Qian to give Wu Yong some instructions. Shi Qian took a few companions with him and went to the county to report the news.

After Shi Qian left, Zhao Zhen and Wu Yong chatted for a long time. Wu Yong's ability to figure out people's hearts, among other things, Zhao Zhen had seen today.

Wu Yong said: "Head of the township, are you worried about how to arrange the arrangements for King Tietian?"

Zhao Zhen nodded and was thinking about how to say it when Wu Yong said: "Township chief, this is easy to handle. I heard that a pagoda temple was built in Xixi Village. The township chief can arrange for Chao Tianwang to burn incense and worship Buddha. Unfortunately, my mind is unsettled now. Going to the Buddhist temple will help me calm down. Secondly, the mayor can also take this opportunity to sort out the current situation of Dongxi Village."

With that said, Wu Yong stood up, took down a scroll of bamboo slips from the bookshelf, handed it to Zhao Zhen, and said, "Master, please take a look at this."

Zhao Zhen opened the bamboo slip, titled "The Collection of Small Animals: Bee Notes". He opened it and looked at it. It was indeed an agricultural book describing the living habits and organization of bees in the form of a dialogue. It also described the internal organization and grouping habits of bees, especially The control grouping method is described in detail. As expected, this bamboo slip has become a guide.

world log

"The Collection of Small Animals·Bee Notes" (written by Wang Yucheng, it contains all the methods of beekeeping. If you practice it, you can find a job as a beekeeper.)

Beekeeper: (At the beginning of the camp, a platform must be built. It is as big as millet, commonly known as the king's platform. The king will sit on it and give birth to sons among them, maybe three or five, but not always the number. The king's sons will become kings again. , their clans are separated at the end of the year. The gangsters in the mountains are also divided into bees. If they use thorns to close the king's platform, all the king's sons will die and the bees will not dismantle it.)

Occupational skills: Bee herding (recognizing the king, chasing flowers), collecting nectar (don’t take too much nectar, otherwise the bees will be hungry and will not eat it. Don’t take too little, otherwise the bees will fall and not eat it).

world feedback

Obtain professional guides, increase the foundation of the fantasy world, and gain +1 luck.

Zhao Zhen was about to thank Wu Yong when he saw Wu Yong pointing to one of the places and saying: "The current situation in Dongxi Village is like this." Zhao Zhen looked at it and saw it said: Where the king is, bees dare not sting. If he loses his king, the chaos will spread far and wide.

Zhao Zhen said: "What the scholar said is exactly what I want. After the families are settled in the next two days, we will move to Xixi Village first."

After this incident, Zhao Zhen and Wu Yong unknowingly got closer. While drinking tea, the two chatted about political affairs. The two of them couldn't help but talk about the controversial birthday incident that had happened some time ago.

Zhao Zhen told Liu Tang's message and what Shi Qian had revealed. Wu Yong couldn't help but sigh that Liang Zhongshu was sinister and vicious. The two of them unknowingly talked about the entire foggy world today. Wu Yong said: "In the past few years, I have traveled to many places, and I am familiar with Jingdong Road, Jingxi Road, and Hebei Road. Look at the style of government offices in various prefectures and counties, which one is not the same? With the tiger sitting on the ground and the princes of one side, if we, the common people, want to enter the officialdom, it will be extremely difficult."

Zhao Zhen also said: "Who can say otherwise? I now occupy Liangshanshuibo and have more than 1,500 households. If I have connections, I should be the county magistrate. If we run a good business, we can also become a local emperor."

After hearing this, Wu Yong said: "The township chief has this ambition, and Xiaosheng is willing to help."

world log

If Wu Yong, the star of Tianji, works sincerely, his luck will be +5.

The two chatted more and more speculatively, and Zhao Zhen said: "Since ancient times, those who have achieved great things have always attached great importance to farming. The Qin Dynasty conquered the world with farming. Nowadays, officials also have personal farming ceremonies. Today we will visit Dongxi Village to see the village." There may be some undiscovered places.”

With that said, the two of them took a group of rural soldiers and walked around the village. Just seeing various families holding funerals, the two of them couldn't help but become solemn, the atmosphere was a bit depressing, and they walked out of the village unconsciously.

Looking back, looking at Dongxi Village hidden under the green locust trees, Zhao Zhen said: "Locust trees are planted all over the village. Now when the locust trees are about to bloom, if bees are raised here, the locust flower nectar will also be the best honey."

Wu Yong said: "The mayor's words are wrong. This locust tree has been there since the village was founded. The two trees in front of the ancestral hall are as thick as three people can hug each other. In the village, one person can hold no less than a hundred trees. However, although this locust tree blooms, it cannot bloom. Honey source.

The flowers and pods are used as medicine and have cooling, astringent and hemostatic effects. The leaves and root bark have heat-clearing and detoxifying properties and can treat sores. The wood is tough, water-resistant, and elastic, and can be used in construction, furniture, and agricultural tools.

"Baopuzi" says: "This thing is the best for nourishing the brain. If you take it early, your hair will not turn white and you will live forever." "Bielu of Famous Doctors" says: "If you take it, your hair will not turn gray and you will live forever." This is what they say. This tree. There are also mountains and forests on the east side, which are also planted with locust trees. It's just different from the locust tree in the village. The locust tree in the mountains comes from someone unknown. It has thorns on its petioles, so people in the village call it black locust. The flowers are fragrant and edible, and this is a nectar flower. It reproduces very quickly. It is said that one tree takes one year, one nest takes two years, and one slope takes three years.

There used to be three households of beekeepers in the village, but I don’t know what’s happening now. "

While the two were talking, Zhao Zhen saw Chao Ning leading Bai Duo and Bai Zhang out from a distance. They saw the ceremony and started chatting. Wu Yong seemed to see an acquaintance and said goodbye first.

Bai Duo said: "My virtuous son-in-law, the injured in the village have been taken care of. Now the two of us are going back to Xixi Village. When we came, Zhi'er asked me to ask my virtuous son-in-law when he will return home."

Zhao Zhen said: "My grandpa is leaving. I will go back in three or two days. If there is something urgent in the village, a fast boat can be sent from the pier to deliver the message."

Bai Duo nodded and was about to leave when Wu Yong led someone over and said, "Head of the township, this is Tang Ding, the beekeeper in the village."

When Bai Duo heard that the beekeeper was not in a hurry to leave, he stood aside to see what Zhao Zhen was going to do.

He followed and said, "Tang Ding, how many beekeepers are there in the village now? Are all the bees here?"

Tang Ding said: "We are all three families here. There was a wolf disaster that day. We ran fast. There are earth huts built on the mountain and surrounded by bees, so we avoided the wolf disaster."

Zhao Zhen said: "How about making honey this year?"

Tang Ding said: "This year we got more than 800 kilograms of locust nectar, which is all stored on the mountain. Now that the locust nectar has faded, the next crop will be nectar from hundreds of flowers."

Bai Duo listened on the side and said: "Xianxiang, I also allocated a few kilograms of honey and beeswax to the medical center for making pills and other things. If there are extra bee pupae, use some to make wine."

Zhao Zhen nodded and said, "When I get back, I will take a few kilograms of honey to the hospital." Bai Duo then left with satisfaction.

After seeing off Bai Duo and the others, Zhao Zhen turned to Tang Ding and asked, "Are there enough honey sources in the mountains?"

Tang Ding said: "There are now 24 beehives in the mountain. Now that the locust flowers have faded and hundreds of flowers are in full bloom, they are barely enough to maintain the number of bee colonies, but there is not much honey left."

Zhao Zhen said: "It just so happens that we are moving to Xixi Village in the next few days. You and other three households will also be separated. One household will go to Shuibo Liangshan, one will stay in Kushutun, and the other will still go back to Dongxi Village. In this way, the efficiency of herding bees will be higher. .”

Tang Ding nodded: "Head of the township, I understand."

Seeing that nothing happened, Zhao Zhen asked Tang Ding to go back. He and Wu Yong walked around Dongxi Village again and found nothing more.

Two days later, after the funeral, everyone went to Xixi Village by boat. Dongxi Village suddenly became deserted.

(End of this chapter)

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