Lord: Start with a book of Water Margin

Chapter 86: Orange bucket fight

Chapter 86: Orange bucket fight

Three days later, Zhao Zhen went to Baishi Valley. The grapes in the valley were growing well, and the grapes that were bearing fruit began to swell. Today, Ding Chou organized farmers to come here for top dressing.

Zhao Zhen had breakfast after practicing martial arts every day. The work in Baishi Valley was already in full swing. Zhao Zhen walked into the vineyard and saw everyone taking a shovel and digging a shallow trench about three feet away from the grapevines. The ditch is one and a half feet wide and deep.

More than ten people were now halfway through the work. Zhao Zhen flexed his hands and feet, picked up a shovel, found a place where no one was digging, and started working too. Although the weather is getting hotter, there is a gentle breeze in the Baishi Valley and there are grapevines for shade, so I don't feel hot at all.

After an hour, Zhao Zhen looked up and saw that the ditch had been dug. At this time, Zhao Zhen discovered that a lot of farmyard manure had been piled on the ground. Because it was ripe and had a weak smell, Ding Chou was placed downwind, and Zhao Zhen did not find it. aware.

Zhao Zhen only watched when fertilizing was being applied from behind, but did not do anything. Zhao Zhen saw that Ding Chou's arrangements were very reasonable. Some people installed the frames, some carried the burdens, and some filled the soil. Zhao Zhen looked up at the sun and estimated that it would be completed around noon.

The remaining two acres of land were not really empty. After harvesting the soybeans, Tang Tian arranged for farmers to plant many vegetables, such as eggplant, amaranth, spinach, pumpkin, cabbage, carrots, cucumbers, etc. .

Now more than ten days have passed. Under the influence of Lingtian, these ordinary plants have grown rapidly. Now amaranth, spinach, and cabbage are edible. In addition to supplying vegetables to the nearby Pagoda Temple, Zhao Zhenzhuang also eats vegetables here.

Near the vineyard, there are now two spiritual fire crystal persimmon and fire sun jujube trees.

Huoyang Jujube (spirit, three major woody grains, three jujubes in a daily eclipse, will not look old for a hundred years. Tonify the body and qi, nourish blood and calm the mind.)

Effect 30: Eclipse three dates for three consecutive days, and those with a physical constitution less than 1 will have a physical constitution +.

Zhao Zhen looked at them one by one and found that both trees were in the fruiting stage. Unfortunately, due to transplantation, although they functioned as spiritual fields, the fruits on the trees were now sparse.

Zhao Zhen looked around the two trees. After Ding Chou took over, he built a two-foot-high fence. The weeds in the fence were cleaned and a layer of white pebbles was paved. Although fertilizing and other work will be more troublesome in the future, it is a beautiful sight now.

At noon, just as Zhao Zhen expected, fertilization of the vineyard was completed. Ding Chou greeted several farmers to have dinner on the ground and invited Zhao Zhen over. Before Zhao Zhen took office, he often had meals with farmers in the fields in Bailiu Village. After taking office, this was the first time that this happened. Zhao Zhen did not refuse. He walked over and picked up a steamed bun, a piece of pickles, and a piece of fish. He put them all in a bowl and added some vegetables. I also followed the example of the farmer, sitting on the ground and immersed myself in eating.

Because of the addition of Zhao Zhen, the villagers seem to be much quieter. Now, although these villagers are all from Xixi Village, at least half of them are new arrivals or have moved from other villages in Liangshan Township. Zhao Zhen said something to the banker he knew, and gradually became warmer.

Everyone was chatting about small things about the Li family's shortcomings. Zhao Zhen saw a few people relaxed a little and asked, "Zhu Hongcheng, how is your family doing this year?"

Zhu Hongcheng said: "Master, the situation this year is much better than in previous years. There is a lot more work on the village. Every family has something to do during the slack period. The village has hired me to repair the canals and walls and take care of the village every day." I still have some wages for lunch. Now I have enough to eat, and there are jars of rice and noodles at home, and occasionally there is some meat."

Then he said to the person next to him: "Ding Laosan, is that what I said?"

Ding Laosan smiled naively and said: "Head of the township, what Zhu Laoer said is that every family does have a surplus of food this year, and every family is planting mulberry and raising silkworms. My child was also sent to be an apprentice in a bone carving workshop. , the food is all managed by the workshop, and I can still get a few copper coins every month.”

Zhao Zhen was also happy when he heard this. At this time, a man said: "My family was originally from Daqiao Village in Guangzhou Prefecture. Due to the drought, I fled here with Tao Dalang. Now we have settled down. The township head borrowed rations of seeds and rented land and houses. Now I can support myself by working. There was a famine for three or two years, but life will be good in the future. Not long ago, my second son went to work as an apprentice in a silver workshop, so he has a bright future."

Zhao Zhen nodded and said, "Ding Chou, what are you going to do after dinner?"

Ding Chou said: "Master, now that you have put fertilizer, you really need to water it thoroughly, so that the grapes can grow well." Zhao Zhen said: "I saw that the water channel was led from the lake in the north, but there was no overturning or rolling. car."

Ding Chou said: "Master, now the carpenters in the village are busy making furniture and carving various carvings needed by the village owner to exchange with the upper world, but they can't take care of the farm tools."

Zhao Zhen nodded and said: "I know about this. I will go back today and ask the carpenter's workshop to make some rollovers and other items. You can count how many villages in the countryside need. I will arrange for the carpenter's workshop to make a batch later. Don't miss it. It’s farming season. The canals are repaired but can’t be used. This can’t be done.”

Ding Chou responded.

Zhao Zhen said: "How are you going to water it now?"

Ding Chou said: "Although the car did not overturn, it did simply overturn. Master, please wait a moment. We will find out when we get it up."

While talking, everyone had finished eating and cleared away the dishes.

I saw that everyone first made a shelf with three long logs that were two people high. A long bamboo pole was hung on the shelf with a rope. The middle was the fulcrum. The front end of the horizontal pole was connected to the bucket with a straight pole, and the other end was suspended on A heavy stone.

Along the way, water from canals is drawn to irrigate the vineyards. Zhao Zhen observed carefully that during the process of collecting water, the main direction of force of the villagers was downward.

Using your own body weight to push downwards seems very easy.

After a while, he made three fights. Zhao Zhen found it interesting and tried it. As he expected, it was indeed easier.

Zhao Zhen asked: "Ding Chou, how much ground can such a machine water in one day?"

Ding Chou said: ""Shuo Yuan · Anti-Quality" says that the five farmers all go into the wells with cans to irrigate one area with leeks all day long. 'Then' is an opportunity. Pay more attention to the rear and despise the front. The order is called bridge. Irrigate 100 areas of leeks all day long. tireless.'"

Zhao Zhen also remembered at this time that "Zhuangzi" also recorded that this thing was tangerine. Zigong passed by Hanyin on his southern journey and saw farmers carrying urns to draw water. They did twice the result with half the effort, so he taught them to "chisel wood as a machine. The back is heavy and the front is light. If the water is pumped out, it will be like a fertile soup. It is called 槧."

The three of them were operating three tangerine irrigation machines, and the others were also busy. The farmer took out a bucket made of bamboo strips and rattan, and passed a long rope parallel to the edge and bottom. The two farmers held the long ropes on both sides of the bucket with both hands and put the bucket into the water. Then the two men simultaneously pulled up the long ropes in their hands, pulled up the water in the ditch, and poured it into the grape fields.

Zhao Zhen stood aside and watched everyone draw water, while chatting with Ding Chou about village affairs. Just as he was talking, he saw a farmer riding a horse straight to the vineyard from a distance.

(End of this chapter)

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