EVE, I’m such a miner.

Chapter 107 The three "King Xuan of Qi"

Chapter 107 The three "King Xuan of Qi"

In just one night, the Killer Legion killed thousands of spaceships with more than 50 people. Although it suffered a slight loss, this loss was negligible compared with the gains of the Legion.

However, most high-security players have never experienced declaring war. If they drive a spaceship, even a battleship, as long as it is not specially configured for PVP, they cannot resist the killer's team.

The Killer Legion is divided into three teams. Legion CEO Xue Han personally leads the team to guard Osmund, which is the high-security level 3 mission point galaxy of the Caldari Region Sisters.

Currently, Sisterhood missions are the highest-paying missions in high security, because the loyalty points earned after completing Sisterhood missions can be used to exchange for Sisterhood Probe Launchers and Sisterhood Probes, which are basically necessary for all scanning players. , even players who choose to fight death also choose to bring these two, which can greatly improve the efficiency of scanning the dead space.

Therefore, this thing is hard currency, and now with the version update, the sisterhood's exclusive spaceship has appeared, and the attributes of the frigate Astro class are simply crushing.

The most powerful thing about the Astro-class frigate is that it can use covert action devices and enter a state of complete stealth. As long as there is nothing else within 2.5km around the spacecraft, the spacecraft will remain invisible.

With the Astro class and the stealth action device, players can finally move freely in the zero-security area. Not only that, but the players' footsteps finally involve the mysterious wormhole.

Various data signals and relic signals in zero security and wormholes provide extremely high profits to various scanning and exploration players. If you go out for a scan, you can easily come back with hundreds of millions, billions, or billions of profits.

Astro can not only scan, but also shoot. It has armor resistance bonus, drone bonus, and combined with laser cannon, it can resist, hit and scan. It is simply a god-like existence.

Now that Astro has become the most popular spaceship, revenue from Sisterhood missions is skyrocketing.

In this way, Osmund became the most popular mission location. Originally, Osmund's missions only needed to pay attention to one thing, and that was to reject all missions to the nearby low-security: Eugallon system.

But once war is declared, it is no longer safe even to pass through the star gate. Even if you do not pass through the star gate, it is the same if you stay inside the galaxy. As long as you are in the legion declared by the killer, once you leave the space station and start to complete the mission, then killing is The Astro-class frigate of the Sisterhood can be used in conjunction with the combat probe to scan the location of the spacecraft in space.

Then, the killer team jumped directly and killed the battleship.

Most mission battleships pursue perpetual motion, maintain power balance, and have certain attacks and defenses. However, these cruisers and battlecruisers in PVP configuration are not enough to face the killer.

This is the difference between being prepared and not being prepared.

"How many kills did you get today?"

Xue Han asked the members of the fleet.

"I don't know how to count it. It must be several hundred."

"Okay, let's continue. Let's guard the next star gate first, and Astro will continue scanning with the combat probe!"

Xuehan led the team to achieve tens of billions of gains in Osmen, and the other two killer teams, Kang Shuaibo led the team, guarded Guitar and Pilmit, and the Helan led the team to guard Yudama Shiva. Pulling a line, the three teams killed countless spaceships.

For a time, the damage caused by the declaration of war far exceeded that of the violent explosion.

In addition to the killers, there are two other legions that have declared war. One is the pink torpedoes based on Amarr. The pink torpedoes actually have a lot more people than the killers, but the territory of the Amarr empire is too big. Except for Penigleman- At Miagar, an important transportation hub, Pink Torpedo's team dispersed to major mission systems in the Amarr Empire.

In particular, the sisterhood's fourth-level mission point located in the Amarr Empire: the Ampanak system, and the sisterhood's only high-sec level three mission point system: the Simera system.

Like the pink torpedo, I don’t know how many other players’ ships were killed in one night’s declaration of war.

There is also the only Golden Scale Legion in the Gallente. The Golden Scale Legion has a small number of people. It is based on the Gallente trading center: the Osuralt system, and then swept through a transportation link from Osuralt to Heck. road. This is the only way to high security for the two major forces of Gallente and Minmatar, and near the Hek galaxy, there is also the last sisterhood high security level 4 mission point, Longis, which is also under the control of Golden Scale. .

The three legions killed countless spaceships in one night, even novice ships and space capsules, as long as they could catch them, they would not let them go.

After the declaration of war, High Security has become the most dangerous area. Even low security, such as Tamar, has achieved a Warring States Period that cannot be compared to this declaration of war.

Any mission point or any traffic artery has become a Tamar, and is even more dangerous than a Tamar.

Those players who had not personally experienced a declaration of war were unprepared and drove their spaceship through the star gate, only to be killed by players from these three legions.

There are even too many players who have been declared war, and the three legions cannot catch them at all. They can only prioritize the more valuable spaceships and kill them first, and let go of the ones that don't look very valuable.

One night, the three legions were full of food. Although the three legions declared war on each other, they seemed to have reached some kind of tacit understanding, silently dividing their spheres of influence and not infringing on each other, because there were too many fights today. It is better to fight those PVE players and transport players first than to fight with other PVP players.

After the three legions were full of food, they declared war again. The targets of the declaration of war were directly increased from hundreds of legions to thousands of legions. You must know that declaring war on one legion requires a war declaration fee of 3 million star coins. This shows how much gains the three legions have achieved. .

The teams of the three legions also changed their guns. As long as they had qualified skills, they all changed from cruisers and battlecruisers to battleships.

Those PVP battleships have extremely powerful firepower and strong defense. One battleship can easily deal with a PVE battleship, or several PVP cruisers.

At this time, those legions who were stunned by the first round of declaration of war also reacted and organized their teams one after another to launch a counterattack against the three legions, but the effect was not good.

Because the three legions can use some of the scouts on the periphery of the legion to scout the teams of the major legions. Those scouts are commonly known as eyes, and they do not need to join the legion to declare war. In high security, as long as the other party dares to attack, they will be attacked by the Consolidation Department.

In low security, such eyes can be driven away or knocked out, but in high security, there is basically nothing you can do with these eyes.

In this way, these eyes easily detected the situation of other legion teams clearly. When the large army arrived, the killers and other declaring groups directly entered the space station to avoid it.

Once the large force leaves, come out and continue killing.

In this way, the major legions have nothing to do with these three war-declaring legions. They can only push their war-declaring headquarters to the enhanced state. However, in the enhanced state, their war headquarters cannot be defeated at all and the war cannot be ended.

The three armies have declared war on thousands of targets, almost all the legions that can declare war in Gao'an. Therefore, the three armies are fond of the title of "King Xuan of Qi".

"Now, there is a team of 50 people outside, including 4 Dominicus battleships, 10 Milton-class battlecruisers, 20 Furious-class cruisers, and some frigates and destroyers. What should we do?"

In Pilmite, inside the empty fortress of the Killer Legion, the members of the Killer Legion asked the captain Kang Shuaibo.

Now, there are only 13 of them, and they are stuck in this empty castle. The shield and armor of the empty castle are gone. They are currently in a state of structural enhancement, but there are still two days before the structural enhancement.

Hearing this, Kang Shuaibo's lips curled up.

"Don't worry, Section Chief, the Helan people and their team will be back soon."

(End of this chapter)

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