EVE, I’m such a miner

Chapter 174 The Departure of Sasha Invasion

Chapter 174 The Departure of Sasha Invasion

After enjoying the long-limbed dragon deer eggs, Li Yi continued to visit the sisterhood's space station under the leadership of Vivian, but did not find anything special. After all, this is an open area, the real core. The secret will definitely not be shown.

Now, apart from discovering that the Sisterhood fleet had jumped to somewhere, he had nothing else to gain.

"By the way, can you do me a favor?"

Just before Li Yi wanted to leave the Sheila Galaxy, he made a request to Vivian.

He himself definitely cannot stay in the Sheila Galaxy for a long time. Only exploration players like Vivian will come to Sheela frequently.

He wanted to use Vivian to see where those sisterhood fleets had gone.

"When the time comes, when you find the Sisterhood fleet coming out, you can use combat probes to scan. Those Nesto-class battleships cannot move covertly. As long as you insist on scanning step by step, you will definitely be able to discover the destination of those fleets."

This was Li Yi's request, and Vivian agreed. After all, this was a major sponsor who had just sponsored 50 billion star coins.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of this."

Because the fleets of the sisterhood do not appear often, only when the fleet appears, and every time the fleet appears, can the combat scanning probe be used to find their traces.

The Sheila Galaxy is too large, and the maximum range of the combat probe scan is a distance of 64 AU, and it is obviously impossible to determine the location of those fleets at a distance of 64 AU.

The first step is to scan the direction of the fleet, then track it step by step, and then narrow it down from 64 AU, and finally it may be narrowed down to 0.5 AU, in order to finally locate the destination of those fleets.

Moreover, I learned from Vivian and some other exploration players who often travel to Sheila that the fleets of these sisterhoods do not always lead in the same direction.

Therefore, determining the specific destination of these fleets is an extremely time-consuming task.

Now, Sasha's invasion is about to leave. When the war in the 93PI-4 galaxy resumes, he or other members of the legion will not be able to waste time in Sheela.

Therefore, Li Yi handed over this task to Vivian.

"Okay, I'll leave this to you. As long as it's done well, we will give you more sponsorship when the time comes."

In this way, Li Yi said goodbye to Vivian and left Silla.

In the next few days, Li Yi did some special tasks for the sororities. Through these tasks, he improved his reputation among the sororities.

After all, with a high reputation, there may be unexpected gains.

Unexpectedly, Li Yi discovered something not long after he started.

It was a series of missions called: Blood-Stained Star.

In the Almon galaxy, I learned from a sisterhood nun named Alitora that in the nearby star field, a spacecraft named "Girl" had an accident and needed rescue.

The Sisters are a specialized rescue organization. They learned from the survivors that the "Girl" was not attacked, but had an accident itself.

By tracking the whereabouts of the survivors, I discovered a "man in red". By tracking the man in red, and conducting in-depth investigations step by step, I discovered traces of free drones. These free drones are attacking everywhere and continue to do so. The trace finally locked the clue to a man named Da Jiaen.

Dagarn is an Amarr, but he was once a member of the Rational Thinking Society. Now he has broken away from the Rational Thinking Society and become a fierce pirate.

And I learned from other people that the Sisters have long been eyeing Dagaon. Apart from the four forces of Emma, ​​Gallente, Caldari, and Minmatar, the Sisters are the ones who pay the most attention to the Rational Thinking Society. Got it. The Sisterhood will be very interested in any clues related to the Society of Rational Thinking.

In this way, it was finally discovered that Dagan was mass-producing drones with intelligence and had already controlled these drones.

In the final battle, Li Yi discovered that Da Jiaen was driving an inspiration-class battlecruiser from the Rational Thinking Society. After destroying the inspiration-class battlecruiser, Li Yi grabbed the Li Da Jia En.

And, Dagaon was handed over to the Gallente Federation.

However, in accordance with the extradition agreement between the Gallente Federation and the Sisters, Dagann was eventually extradited to the Sisters.

This was a very simple mission, the most difficult of which was the battle with Dagan's inspiration-class battlecruiser, but this did not stump Li Yi.

However, from this task, Li Yi also understood the relationship between the sisterhood and the Rational Thinking Society.

The Rational Thinking Society is the representative of Jupiter's Third Reich. Jupiter has a complicated relationship with hibernators and wanderers, and the free drones that appear also have an unusual relationship with these three.

Free Drones originated from a Gallente project, led by the most professional in the field of drones: Sidon Industries, the group founded by the man who established the Old Man Star Gate.

This is an advanced drone technology that wants the computers controlling these drones to think and act like humans.

The plan went smoothly at first, but gradually, the drones lost control. Some drones were even equipped with jump engines and escaped from the Gallente Federation.

Those drones that gained freedom began to build their own homes in distant star fields, and gradually expanded. They built their own nests, mined asteroids on their own, and then continued to build more free drones.

It was a disaster, and these drones can now be found in every corner of the world.

The root cause of all these problems is caused by Sidon Industries' failure in researching the Hibernator drone.

It can be said that the Free Drone is a partial successor of the Hibernator, and the Hibernator is the ancient Jupiter.

Dagaen, who left the Rational Thinking Society, was actually able to control these free drones. All this shows that the Rational Thinking Society should have the ability to control free drones.

The rational thinking community, however, allowed these drones to wreak havoc.

Now, not only is the sisterhood not as clean as it seems, but even this seemingly neutral and aloof rational thinking society is not so clean either.

The Dancing Domain where the FDZ4-A galaxy, the headquarters of the Rational Thinking Society, is located is the entrance to the drone star domain, leading to eight star domains controlled by expanded free drones.

Just as Li Yi was sorting out the complicated relationships between these forces, a piece of news came.

That is the Sasha invasion in the 93PI-4 system, which is finally over.

These Sasha's fleets plundered nearby galaxies. After capturing enough people, Sasha's fleet finally opened the artificial wormhole again and returned to the unknown galaxy.

"Haha, let's go, let's set off and take the fleet to the Saren system first!"

In this way, Li Yi took this practice team, which was only able to be produced by Su Xiaotu transporting minerals for almost 18 hours a day, from Canopus, from Ole-Lilirel-Jinaka, and finally arrived at In the space station of the Saren galaxy.

Then, everyone returned in the space capsule and brought a caracal team over. After all, the legion is currently focused on defense and must deploy enough spaceships in the Saren system. These spaceships are mainly cruisers in order to maintain Daily combat effectiveness.

(End of this chapter)

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