EVE, I’m such a miner

Chapter 207 Gao'an is in chaos again

Chapter 207 Gao'an is in chaos again

At this time, the Ouimo Galaxy was not at peace either.

A group of small mining teams were working quietly to mine ore in a small zone.

This is a group of mining teams led by a few old people and a group of newcomers.

The miners drive a Dolphin-class industrial command ship to provide bonuses, while many newcomers drive Stormtrooper-class mining frigates and some Spinner mining barges.

They were mining, playing small games, and chatting.

At this time, suddenly, a player from the 2V Legion sent a message to them.

"This is the territory of the 2V Legion. If you want to mine here, the fee per person is 10 billion star coins/month."

They all chose to ignore this message.

Some even yelled back directly.

"Are you crazy about money? One billion a month? Why don't you go and grab it? Oh, this is Gao'an, you can't grab it!"

"Haha, ignore him, let's continue fighting tanks."

Just like that, the member of the 2V Corps left.

Then, after a while, nearly 50 promotion-class destroyers jumped over.

Those destroyers were all members of the 2V Corps. Without saying a word, they directly overloaded the light neutron rapid cannon on the destroyers.

One booster ship dealt with a Stormtrooper, two boosters dealt with a Gyrotron, and 1 boosters started attacking the Dolphin-class ship.

The federal navy's anti-matter ammunition was accelerated by the rapid cannon, shot out, and violently bombarded the mining team's spacecraft.

This mining team was wiped out by the group.

"No money? Don't even think about mining in Oimo!"

"A ship costs less than 2000 million star coins. How expensive is your spaceship? If you don't pay, can you still mine here?"

"Pay your money to stay safe."

"No, no, don't do this. By the way, if you don't have a spaceship, you can buy it at the space station. We sell it cheaply. A Gyrator-class only costs 3 million star coins!"

"Haha, we don't have a spaceship. Remember to come to the space station to buy it. We also have a lot of your equipment. We've lost a lot of it. We'll sell it to you cheaply, with a 8% discount on the market price!"

At this time, the members of the mining team were already very angry when they saw this group of 2V Legion members.

I was mining in Gaoan normally, but I encountered this misfortune.

"Boss, what should I do? Are you still mining in Oymo?"

"No, let's move to another place. Once we unblock Attano, we'll move to another place. Gao'an is so big, there won't even be a place for mining."

Just when they were about to remove Attano's anchor, suddenly, a message declaring war interrupted their actions.

"Want to run away? Did you run away? It will take 7 days to unblock the anchor, and the declaration of war will take effect tomorrow."

At this time, people from the 2V Legion sent another message.

"By the way, I have forgotten that you still have Atano. Atano is 30 billion a month. If you want to keep your Atano, just pay the money. This money will be calculated separately from the mining team!"


At this time, the 2V Legion and the affiliated legions, with the group of pirates, took control of Otasaysa and Harkonnum, two low-security systems centered on the Tais system, and began to attack Oimo, which Miners in high-security systems.

The miners in this galaxy are fine if they don't have buildings such as Attano, but they will just walk away, but if there are buildings, it will be in danger.

All those legions with buildings in the Oimo system, even just a customs house for growing vegetables, have been declared war by the 2V legion.

"Pay up or get out."

The 2V Legion has already spoken out.

Moreover, the mining team of the 2V Legion has begun to enter the Oimo system.

The 2V Legion did not stop there. In order to attack those neighbors who competed with them for the special star field, the 2V Legion launched a high-security offensive. Tornadoes guarded some traffic arteries one after another, not to make money, but to attack the cargo ships used by the legions to transport goods.

The 2V Legion began a large-scale force explosion. The members of the Germ Fleet who started out as force bombers went back to their old profession.

And while attacking, they discovered that in addition to the Tornado-class battlecruiser, the Gallente Talos-class battlecruiser was also very useful.

In a galaxy with a safety level of 0.5, these Talos-class battlecruisers can even deal higher damage than a tornado. Of course, this is only for cargo ships.

Only 8-10 Talos-class battlecruisers are needed to destroy a cargo ship in a galaxy with a security level of 0.5.

The Talos-level price is less than 4 million star coins, which adds up to less than 40 billion star coins. It is simple to manufacture.

A cargo ship is worth more than tens of billions of star coins. It is complicated to manufacture and requires a lot of time.

The 2V Legion is not for making money, but for attacking the cargo ships of those legions and their material transportation. Of course, they don't mind destroying high-value targets occasionally.

It was Kang Shuaibo who led the team to carry out strong explosions in Gao'an. He used the promotion class to deal with various mining spacecraft and the Talos class to deal with cargo ships.

Just like that, the 2V Legion began to attack everywhere.

Faced with such a situation, Emma Perpetual Machine could not sit still. Many legions near the Oimo system had already found him and wanted the high security anti-declaration legion led by him to intervene in the conflict between them and the 2V legion. .

In the eyes of those legions, the actions of the 2V legion were even more abhorrent than those of the killer legions who had declared war everywhere before.

Emma Perpetual Machine originally wanted to intervene, but his idea was opposed by those large legions.

“This goes against the purpose of our organization!”

"The 2V Legion didn't declare war everywhere, it only declared war on the legions near them."

"When there is a conflict between the high-security legions, it is not just a matter of declaring war to resolve the conflict, and the loser steps in. We cannot intervene in conflicts between legions at will."

"The 2V Corps does not attack at will, it only attacks their hostile targets."

Emma's perpetual motion machine, looking at the speeches of the legion representatives, no longer knew what to say.

He already knows their plans, and there may be many 2V Legion sponsors among them.

The 2V Legion mainly attacks the legions near them, and also attacks those legions that have occupied the Silent Valley and the Special Star Region. They only attack the legions that occupy these zero-security star regions.

And those legions are competing with other legions for the Duel Dance Territory, and many legions are fighting with each other. Those legions competing for the Duel Dance Territory are happy to sponsor the 2V Legion, and naturally oppose declaring war on the 2V Legion.

Others, some legions in the Southern Star Region and legions in the Western Star Region are also happy to see this. After all, these legions will also be their opponents in the future. Now that someone is attacking their opponents, why should they stop them.

In this way, Emma's perpetual motion machine's plan to unite other legions to jointly attack the 2V legion went bankrupt, just like it did against the killer legion before.

"Is there no way to deal with the 2V Legion?"

At this time, Emma's perpetual motion machine found Li Yi again, and Gao An, who had finally regained his composure, stirred up trouble again.

"No, there is no way to solve it by declaring war. Declaring war on only a small number of legions can only be solved by relying on the strength of those legions or their own allies."

Li Yi's answer was very simple. There is really no way to solve the 2V Legion's approach. They will not offend most of the legions, so they will not be fully attacked. This is a very smart approach, which directly divides the high security counterattack. Internal opinions of the organization declaring war.

"Declaring war can't control it, nor can violent explosions control it?"

"Just watching those high-security players being raped by them? Watching those cargo ships being raped? You know, today's cargo ships basically don't dare to go to Yudama. When they get in front of Yudama, they have to give way to others. cargo ships to pick up the cargo, or disperse the cargo and let those industrial ships transport it!"

"Also, those miners, what did they do wrong?"

Emma Perpetual Machine said angrily.

The 2V Legion, as they declared, has done too many offline operations that Emma's perpetual motion machine could never imagine, and they are still refreshing his knowledge.

"Miners? We can only change to hunter class, or stay away from the star system where they are far away from mining. However, if the cargo ship is blasted, I still have a way to solve it."

Hearing this, Emma Perpetual Machine's eyes lit up. With so many troubles, being able to solve one of them would be of great benefit to all players.

"Quick, tell me!"

(End of this chapter)

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