EVE, I’m such a miner

Chapter 218 Flag Sacrifice

Chapter 218 Flag Sacrifice

Near the Tais galaxy, in the high-security Oimo galaxy, most of the mining teams in the galaxy here have been replaced.

Because of the strong explosions of the 2V Legion and the demand for protection fees, those legions and mining teams that did not have buildings chose to evacuate. If they stayed here, not only would they not be able to obtain profits, but under the continuous strong explosions, it would be difficult to even make up for the loss. Extravagant hope.

Under such circumstances, what else can we do if we don’t leave?

However, those legions with buildings did not choose to evacuate in order to protect the legion's buildings.

In this way, the affiliated legions of the 2V legion also moved the mining team over and occupied the Oimo system.

Now, the mining teams in the Oimo system are either the mining teams affiliated with the 2V Legion, or the mining teams that have been declared war by the 2V Legion.

Now, one of the earliest legions declared war by the 2V legion, Attano's last enhancement disappeared.

That legion has already begun to call friends, and has invited other legions still in the Ouyimo Galaxy to attack the fleet of the 2V legion at the end of the last enhancement.

Their combined number has exceeded 1000, of which there are nearly 100 battleships, and the rest, there are more than 800 cruisers, battlecruisers, and about 200 frigates and destroyers.

These fleets, at this time, were on the outskirts of Attano, which was about to end its reinforcements, and were waiting for the arrival of the 2V Legion that might launch an attack at any time.

At this time, the 2V Corps was also gathering a fleet.

"Come on, come on, today is an important day, it is our first large-scale battle!"

"Today, we must capture this Attano and defeat them in one fell swoop."

"You are all pirates and elites. You don't need to be afraid of those high-security miners."

"Today, those who come to fight are all brothers, and those who don't come, haha!"

At this time, God's Big Stick is making final preparations for a crushing battle to test the fleet's combat effectiveness.

Now, the combined number of the 2V Legion and the affiliated legions has exceeded 3000, making it the largest legion around the Tais system.

Although the legion has a large number of people, there are not so many people coming to join the fleet. On the contrary, there are not even 1000 people.

This situation makes God's big stick a little disappointed.

After all, many of those affiliated legions are war-avoiding legions. Many people are interested in the development and growth of the 2V legion and want to get a share of the pie, but do not really want to leave.

Seeing this, God's Stick already had an idea in mind, but no matter what the outcome of the battle, he would teach those people a lesson.

Although the pirates he called for were all seeking freedom, there was no absolute freedom, only relative freedom.

Even among pirates, they have their own rules.

And now, God's big stick is ready to make those who don't want to participate in the battle understand clearly what the rules are.

He has turned on the free attack option for all legions.

This means that members of the Legion, even in high security, can attack each other without being sanctioned by the Ministry of Conformity.

God's big stick, looking at the fleet of less than 1000 people, he couldn't help but sigh.

Now, there is less than half an hour left before Attano's enhancement ends.

The battle is about to begin, but most of the people have not come to join the fleet yet. Some of them are raping in high security, some are playing contract on guitar, some are blocking doors, and some are still doing it Mission, fight to death.

The largest number of miners are still mining in Gao'an, and the number of miners mining there is over a thousand.

Now, the 2V Legion is still in disarray. Just like the stick of God said, everyone is free.

"Humph, it seems that it won't work if you don't establish your authority."

At this point, he had made up his mind and waved his hand.

"Let's go, we will win this battle."

In this way, he set off with his fleet.

The fleet of the 2V Legion is composed of the Salmon and Osprey teams, with the Salmon-class battlecruiser as the core. This is a Caldari battlecruiser, good at using railguns, with long range and high defense.

God's Big Stick originally wanted to use the crushing number of people to make up for the railgun's lack of damage. However, today, they were the one at a numerical disadvantage.

Faced with such a situation, God's Big Stick knew that he could not wait any longer and had to let people see his methods.

In this way, he took the fleet and set off from the Tais system to the Oimo system.

Facing such a fleet, no one dared to stop them along the way.

The fleet entered the Tais system, and then, under the command of God's big stick, jumped to an asteroid belt.

Now, there is a mining team mining in this asteroid belt.

This is a mining team that has come to join the 2V Legion. It is mining under the leadership of an Orca-class industrial command ship and some Gyrator-class ships.

There are not many people, the mining team has less than 50 people. Seeing this mining team, God's Big Stick sneered.

"Hmph, the war is about to start, and you are still mining. Do you really believe it, what I said is freedom?"

Naturally, people with such bad minds cannot stay in the 2V legion, not even in the mining teams on the periphery, or in those war-avoiding legions.

"The war is about to begin. According to ancient tradition, flag sacrifices must be held before setting off for the battle."

"And now, we have to follow the ancient tradition and have a flag-sacrifice ceremony!"

Hearing this, the pirates began to get excited.

"Sacrifice the flag, sacrifice the flag!"

The so-called sacrificial flag requires sacrifices, so what are sacrifices?

Of course, it was the mining team in front of them that was still mining, and the main sacrifice was the Orca-class industrial command ship.

"Come on, sacrifice the flag!"

Following the command of God's stick, a fleet flew from the space station. The members of this fleet, like the mining team, were members of an affiliated legion under the 2V legion.

God's big stick requires a group of fighting elites, not miners who are still mining when the battle is about to begin.

Even if these miners are members of the Legion and Green Star.

Stay in the battle avoidance group and don't want to participate in the battle?

Can they be counted as “one of our own”?

Of course not!

In this way, because the free battle within the legion has been started, these spacecraft can freely attack the mining team without punishment.

This trick was learned from Kang Shuaibo.

Unfortunately, he had always wanted to recruit Kang Shuaibo, but Kang Shuaibo did not choose to join.

Of course, Kang Shuaibo knew that with his criminal record, he would not be trusted even if he joined the 2V legion. Therefore, he chose to go alone, build a legion by himself, and start recruiting some new people.

He deceived newcomers into the legion, and in the name of taking them on missions, he let them put on the most expensive spaceships and the best equipment, and then destroyed them himself.

God's big stick appreciates this kind of behavior.

What is a pirate? This is a pirate. People who are not one of our own, even if they are members of our own legion, are still prey.

Now, this Orca and this mining team have been expelled from his "own" team. This is the sacrifice of the fleet.

"what happened!"

"Why are you attacking us?"

"Aren't we from the same legion?"

At this time, the mining team also reacted. They were actually attacked by members of their own legion.

Those legion members laughed.

"What's wrong with a legion? What's wrong with Green Star? If you can fight, then fight."

"Yes, anyone who is one of you is one of our own. If he is not one of your own, he is the prey!"

"You bring the sacrificial flag, it's just right!"

"Orca, who can kill it first?"

"I like this sacrifice!"

Those people are the real pirates, the members that God's big stick needs. Even if they face "our own people" from the same legion, they can destroy them while laughing.

This completely goes against the tradition among players. Members of the same legion should help and support each other.

However, among these 2V legions, what happened to the same legion?

"Sacrifice flag!"

With a command from God's stick, the Orca-class ship was destroyed, along with the entire mining team.

"How's it going? Do you like this sacrifice?"


"I come, I see, I conquer. We will win this battle!"

"We must win! We must win!"

(End of this chapter)

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