EVE, I’m such a miner.

Chapter 235 Bomb Drop

Chapter 235 Bomb Drop

"Come on, come on, replace them all with incendiary bombs, come to me quickly!"

In this way, Li Yi called over the remaining 30 hidden bombers.

31 stealth bombs, a burning bomb, which is 5750 points of thermal damage, the explosion radius is 15km, and the spacecraft passing through the star gate will randomly appear within the 12km range of the star gate.

This means that as long as bombs are dropped at the star gate, there is a high probability that these bombs can hit the target.

Those slow-moving Haogs simply cannot avoid bomb attacks.

However, if you want to deal damage with burning bombs, you can only drop 6 bombs at a time. Any more bombs in front will blow up the bombs in the back, making it impossible to deal damage.

This situation can be avoided by dropping bombs in batches.

After the first batch of 6 bombs was released, 5 seconds later, the second batch of 6 bombs was released again. In this way, the front bomb exploded, but the rear bomb had not yet entered the explosion range of the front bomb.

The same is true for the third batch of bombs, but the fourth batch of bombs will not work.

Generally speaking, the first batch of bombs can blow up the bubbles near the star gate, and after the bubbles are blown up, these Haogs can jump. Although these Haogs move slowly, it is relatively of.

The time required for Haiog to enter the transition was slightly more than 2 seconds under the influence of two 1600mm armored plates. After the first batch of bombs exploded, the second batch of bombs came 10 seconds later, and the third batch of bombs came just 5 seconds later. But after the third batch of bombs exploded, these Haogs were able to leave smoothly. The fourth batch of bombs will explode after 10 seconds and will not be able to hit the target.

The damage of one batch of bombs is 3.45 thermal damage, and the two batches are 6.9 thermal damage. If you want to blow up these Haogs, even if the third batch hits all the hits, you will not be able to destroy these Haogs with an effective effect of more than 10. You need to The fourth batch of bombs will do.

And those Hiogs obviously wouldn't just stay in place and let Li Yi explode for four rounds.

If you want to annihilate these Haogs at once, you must use another technique: dropping bombs in multiple directions.

Once multi-directional bomb dropping is adopted, it will be much simpler. Only 6 bombs can be dropped in one direction at a time.

And what about after switching to multi-directional bomb delivery?

For example, if you want to drop bombs in 6 directions, you can drop bombs from all 6 directions: up, down, left, right, front and back of the star gate.

As long as the distance between bombs is slightly more than 15km, the spacecraft in this space will be hit by bombs from six directions at the same time, and these bombs will not affect each other.

This is a math problem.

Of course, this is the first time that Li Yi has led a hidden bombing team to conduct a bombing attack. He cannot drop bombs in 4 directions, 6 directions, or even more directions.

However, it is still very simple to drop bombs in both directions.

Li Yi asked the hidden bombers to be divided into two teams, each with 15 ships, to ambush at the front and rear of the star gate, in two directions, and launch the missiles in batches. Each batch had 6 ships, and 5 batches could be carried out.

The location of the explosion of the first batch of bombs was chosen 3km in front of the star gate. With a damage radius of 15km, basically all spacecraft passing through the star gate can be included in the attack range.

The second batch of bombs is also chosen to explode 3km behind the star gate. It only needs a slight delay for the second batch of bombs. At the speed of the bomb of 4km/s, when the first batch of bombs explode, the second batch of bombs will be located at The location of the explosion point is 9km behind the star gate.

In this way, the distance between the two batches of bombs is 3+3+9=15km, so the bombs will not affect each other.

9/4=2.25. For the sake of safety, the second batch of bombs was dropped 2.5 seconds after the first batch of bombs. These bombs will explode 3km behind the star gate.

The third batch of bombs was dropped 2.5 seconds after the second batch of bombs and 5 seconds after the first batch of bombs were dropped.

The fourth batch of bombs was dropped from behind the star gate 7.5 seconds after the first batch of bombs were dropped.

The fifth batch of bombs was dropped 10 seconds after the first batch of bombs.

In this way, bomb damage will be maximized through two-way, multiple bomb drops.

Five batches of bombs can achieve 5 thermal damage. Once they are all fired, there will be no chance of those Hiogs surviving.

In this way, all the hidden bombers have been ambushed and are waiting for the Haog team to pass through the star gate.

It didn't take long. Just after Li Yi's formation was completed, a large number of lights lit up at the star gate. Li Yi knew that the Haog team had passed through the star gate.

"First batch, vote!"

Li Yi was standing aside, holding on to the time, and gave an order.

The first batch of 6 stealth bombers canceled the stealth and dropped the first batch of 6 searing bombs, 3km in front of the star gate. "cast!"

Li Yi gave the order again just 2 seconds after the first batch of bombs were dropped, because it would take time for others to receive the order and then drop them.

In this way, the second batch of bombs was dropped 3km behind the star gate.




In this way, five batches of bombs were finally dropped.

At this time, the Haiog fleet had also revealed their figures. They had obviously discovered that the friendly interceptor ships and bubbles at the edge of the star gate were blocking their actions.

They plan to speed up and pull out the bubble first.

However, at this time, the first batch of bombs arrived.

The first batch of 6 bombs caused unknown damage to these Haog troops. The shields were all gone and the armor was heavily damaged.

However, before they could recover, the second batch of bombs arrived.

This time, more than half of their proud armor was lost.

However, in the third batch, their armor was almost blown away.

The fourth batch of bombs basically wiped out these Haiog teams.

The fifth batch of bombs was a last-minute strike, taking away the remaining lucky ones.

After five batches of bombs, the area near the star gate was empty. There was nothing left, including space capsules and debris.

All spaceships passing through the star gate will be destroyed!

"This is what happens if you dare to forcefully pass through the star gate even though you know there are hidden bombs and bubbles!"

Seeing this, Li Yi led his team to jump away.

Under such circumstances, there was no time to count how many spacecraft were destroyed.

Only the opponent knows the specific losses.

"What? All four Haiog teams were wiped out?"

The commander-in-chief of these Haiog fleets relaxed and received the news.

Just now, four fully-staffed Haiog troops were wiped out by Li Yi's hidden bomb attack, with more than 4 casualties.

These are the fleets that gathered from the Tebut star field and came to support. The fleet from the direction of Silent Valley moved slightly slower and had not yet passed the star gate, so it was saved.

But now, the thousand-man fleet was also frightened by the fate ahead.

For a moment, I didn't dare to pass through the star gate at all.

Now, Relaxation is also in a dilemma. Should we let those Haogs join the battlefield? If they are bombed again, it will really be over.

In the end, after much thought, he decided to let this group of Haogs join the battlefield again. However, they did not use the method of passing through the door collectively. Instead, they entered the battlefield in batches to avoid being annihilated by bombs.

 I'm confused about my illness. I had influenza A + fever yesterday. I mentioned it in the book club and went to bed early.

  Turns out I forgot to update.

  Make it up now.

  Try to update as much as possible today.



(End of this chapter)

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