EVE, I’m such a miner

Chapter 277 "Big Mushroom"

Chapter 277 "Big Mushroom"

At this time, Su Xiaotu and others were already ready.

After rescuing Harv, he immediately came to Jinaka's space station, changed into the spaceship, and changed into her sin-level Black Secret Service Ship.

A stealth bomber with a secret induction field has also been prepared near the space station in the Isakai system.

"Okay, I'll come right away!"

Li Yi was also in the space station of the Jinaka galaxy. He immediately changed into a Nemesis-class stealth bomber and left the space station.

"Open the induction, link!"

At this time, Su Xiaotu was already ready outside the space station.

"Okay, it's linked and delivered."

Su Xiaotu immediately sent Li Yi to the Isakai system. Now only Li Yi knew how to drive this Titan, and the others had not learned the skills of manual driving.

"Who can get in?"

"Eject the capsule!"

Li Yi was in trouble now. He didn't expect that he would not be able to get into the Titan after all the hard work. If he had not left the Titan in the Starry Sky Class, he would be able to pilot the Titan now, but in that case, This Titan is going to be detonated by the Clear Sky.

"Reject! Violation of relevant laws."

Now, Li Yi was helpless. He was not an agent, and he did not have the skills to jump directly from the space capsule onto the Titan and then climb in.

Li Yi's eyes widened when he heard this.

So, Li Yi immediately controlled the Nemesis-class ship to approach it, and then issued a request to dock.

This is the intelligent driving system "Ola", which is also the method used by the Ministry of Conformity to control clone pilots.

Now, spaceships are pouring out of the space station. They have discovered that the Titan has not hit the space station. They are relieved. At this time, spaceships are already preparing to approach the Titan to see if the Titan is out of the way. What's the problem.

Li Yi immediately ejected his space capsule and attempted to land again.

This is a real Titan, a genuine Titan, and now this Titan will be his immediately.

However, according to Li Yi's original plan, he would board the Titan, drive away from it, jump to the Jinaka galaxy, and then park at Innia's Super Flag POS.

This Nemesis is not allowed to dock, so what about the space capsule?

However, the "Ola" system rejected Li Yi's request. This was not a cloned pilot's spacecraft. According to the laws established by the Ministry of Integration, such a spacecraft could not be obtained by a cloned pilot.

"Who else?"

Looking at the Titan that passed by the space station, Li Yi drooled.

Now the plan is disrupted.

"Are you asking me to climb out of the space capsule now? Climb into the Titan manually?"

Then "Ola" refused again without hesitation.

As long as someone lands on it, they will find that this Titan is unmanned.


Now that I have saved the Titan, I can't get in.

Now, near this Titan, there is only Li Yi's stealth bomber and two space capsules, which contain the three people on the Clear Sky.

"It looks like you're in a bit of trouble."

At this moment, the space around the Titan was distorted again, and Harv's Widow class appeared again. At this time, his ship was much better. After being rescued by Su Xiaotu, it had already passed by the Jinaka Space Station. Emergency repairs.

Although there are still many large holes in the spacecraft, at least the flames inside have been extinguished.

His Widow class also used this secret induction field to successfully enter the Isakai system and come to the side of the Titan.

"This is really a big guy! You did a great job this time, much better than me."

Harv said while admiring the Titan.

He and Locke just sneaked into the Caldari Naval Base and stole a Widow-class Black Secret Service Ship. Now, Li Yi wanted to steal a Titan, which was captured by the Gallente Federation. The Archangel-class Titan.

Originally, Harf thought he was going to die in the Battle of Valaleng Star Gate. In order to rescue Locke, he used himself to attract the enemy's firepower. Now he was saved and he also knew who saved him.

They ordinary people have complicated feelings towards clone pilots. On the one hand, they envy the clone pilots' immortal physique, their wealth, and their adventures, but on the other hand, they do not want to become clone pilots.

In their eyes, these clone pilots are all freaks, ruthless, cunning, double-dealing, and not normal people. They are tool men trained by various empires to do dirty work and do not have the status they deserve as citizens.

But now, Harv is saved by a group of clone pilots like this.

"You helped me before, now it's my turn to help you."

"Moreover, you also saved this space station and Locke. Now that I'm even with him, I can sleep peacefully in the future."

Harv said, he is a person who knows how to repay kindness.

Locke helped him, so he has been helping Locke for so many years.

Now that Li Yi had rescued him, he knew what he should do.

"Harv, you're not dead!"

"Locke, you said it, we are even, don't think about me wiping your ass again in the future."

Just like that, Harv boarded the unmanned Titan.


"Jinaka, transfer to Innia."

"very good."

Harv started the flagship jump engine on the Titan. In order to increase the lethality of the impact, Gerald filled the Titan with fuel.

"Induction field preparation."

"POS password XXXXXXX"

Li Yi told Harv the POS password prepared in advance, and then the Titan jumped and left the Isakai system.

"How is it? This is what I have achieved during this time!"

In Innia's POS, Li Yi took several veterans of the legion to see the Titan. Only the veterans of the legion knew this password. This operation requires their cooperation to succeed.

However, after getting Titan, the POS password will soon be changed. By then, only Li Yi will know what the password is.

This Titan has been parked by Harv in the super large ship maintenance array in the POS, which is just the right place to park the Titan.

He had already left after putting down the Titan. After all, Locke was still waiting for others to salvage and rescue him, and the two of them still wanted to talk about old times.

"So big and thick!"

"Like a big mushroom."

"Shall we give the spaceship a name?"

The Legion members were admiring the Titan and wanted to give it a name.

The name of the divine envoy class comes from Emma's "Sacred Code: Revelation": Looking down from the heaven, evil is undercurrent on the earth, and the war is continuous. God is filled with wrath and enters the mortal world to judge the despicable and redeem the pure heart.

The Amarr Empire built this Titan and named it the Divine Envoy, which represents the "god" of the Amarr Empire entering the mortal world to save the world.

"How about calling it the Redemption?"

"No, no, no, I propose the Big Mushroom!"

"Why don't you call me Maomao Rabbit?"

Obviously, since the alliance was selected as the pink furry bunny, there have been more and more fun-loving people in the legion.

In the end, the "Big Mushroom" defeated the "Redemption" and "The Furry Rabbit" and became the name of this Titan.

Seeing this, Li Yi also breathed a sigh of relief. The Big Mushroom Titan was still a good image, at least much better than the Maomao Rabbit.

"Let's go, it's time to give others some surprises!"

Now, the alliance has its first flagship. This is not an ordinary flagship, but a super flagship: the Angel-class Titan. While other alliances are building dreadnoughts and aircraft carriers, the alliance has such a super flagship. Although It's not armed yet, but it won't be long before this Titan is enough to stun everyone.

This is a strategic weapon, a weapon that can truly make a decisive difference on the battlefield.

"Now, it's time for us to arm this Titan. Let me think about where we can get a real doomsday weapon."

"Hey, with a spaceship, you still have to worry about weapons."

Li Yi just fell into a kind of sweet trouble.

(End of this chapter)

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