EVE, I’m such a miner.

Chapter 39 Simple Script

Chapter 39 Simple Script

Li Yi nodded. After all, Su Xiaotu is his boss. In "Star Wars", personal power is limited, and the power of the organization is real. If you want to build your own organization, you must either spend money or make people sincerely Recognize yourself and be willing to follow yourself.

Therefore, Li Yi decided to help Su Xiaotu again.

Su Xiaotu also hated Kang Shuaibo in her heart, but she had no way to deal with such a villain. If Miner 9527 in front of her had a way to deal with such a villain, then she would naturally not want to let him go.

"What? What can you do?"

"To deal with this kind of person, we have to use a more evil method than him. I have a script here, but I need someone to cooperate."

"Script? Can you still write scripts?"

"This script is not that script. Whether you can fool the other party depends on your acting skills."

Hearing this, Su Xiaotu showed a hint of pride on her face. Her acting skills were of course no problem. Since her family planned to let her develop in the entertainment industry, she had naturally trained her acting skills. Although she could not keep up with some stars at the moment, her acting skills were definitely good. Far above ordinary people.

"Of course, my acting skills must be good."

Hearing this, Li Yi felt relieved. It would be bad if his acting skills were not up to standard and he was discovered by the opponent.

"Come, come here, listen to me."

Hearing this, Su Xiaotu couldn't help but put her ear to Li Yi's mouth.

Then, a smirk appeared on her face.

"I like this script."

After listening to Li Yi's script, Su Nan felt happy. With her cooperation, this script would definitely be a success.

Then, she looked at Li Yi, who looked calm.

"I can't tell. He seems quite honest. How could he come up with such a script? He is indeed a profiteer and has a dark heart. However, I like it!"

She said in her heart and sighed at the same time. If she encountered such a script, she would definitely suffer a big loss. However, the person who came up with this script now is to help her and her helper. With such a If someone helps, then Kang Shuaibo will definitely be able to teach Kang Shuaibo a lesson.

"Kang Shuaibo, it's time to pay for the teaching fees this time, hehe."

In this way, after discussing the script, the two of them split up.

The first thing is to locate the galaxy where Kang Shuaibo is currently located. This matter is left to Li Yi. Li Yi drives the shuttle to the not far away galaxy: Ampanak, which is the only three sisterhoods in the high security area. In the fourth-level mission galaxy, the Sisterhood of Freemasonry (Sisterhood for short) is an important neutral force that can mainly provide various Sisterhood spacecraft and scanning probes, which will be hard currency in the future.

However, when Li Yi ran to the Sisterhood Space Station in Ampanak, he found that there were not many players here, because there were not many players driving cruisers now, and most of them were only doing level 1 and level 2 security tasks. Currently, these 4 How can any player do this level task?

Therefore, Li Yi did not stop and immediately rushed to another sisterhood's main mission point galaxy: Simela. Simela is also an important sisterhood mission point galaxy. Here, there are 123 level sisterhood missions.

After spending a lot of time, Li Yi finally arrived at Simela, and after paying 100 million star coins, he finally found a player willing to help.

Sisterhood also has another important function, which is to find people.

Through the agents of the Sisterhood, the galaxy where any player is currently located can be found.

"Kang Shuaibo is currently in the Almon galaxy."

Through that player and using the person-finding function of the sisterhood, Li Yi finally found the galaxy where Kang Shuaibo was located, which made him happy. Almon, this galaxy is quite familiar to him.

Next door to Almon, there is a low-security system: Eddie Ryan, which makes it more convenient for his script.

"Kang Shuaibo, in the Almon galaxy, you first go to Edirion next door and wait for my news. Remember to drive my Nerus class."


Su Xiaotu's reply came immediately. She couldn't wait. She immediately drove Li Yi's Nerus class and left Canopus, heading for Eddie Ryan. She did not choose to go from Gao'an, but from Low security, this does not agree to alert the enemy.

Canopus - Ladisaidil - Yeshur - Edirion, soon, Su Xiaotu arrived at Edirion. She did not choose to go to the space station, but jumped back and forth in the asteroid belt, looking for a suitable location.

Li Yi drove the shuttle and headed straight for Almon.    "Arrived! It's ready!"

Li Yi received the coordinates from Su Xiaotu on the way. Now everything is ready, just waiting for Kang Shuaibo to take the bait.

When they arrived at the Almon Galaxy, Li Yi opened the galaxy channel. Sure enough, in the galaxy channel, Kang Shuaibo was still doing his old tricks and was "selling off" the Incasas-class frigate.

"The last two ships are there. If you're quick, you'll have them, but if you're slow, you won't."

Kang Shuaibo's methods are not clever, but he captures people's psychology, so he always gains something.

Kang Shuaibo is already ready to hang out the last Incasas-class frigate in Almon's space station.

"Haha, I hope there will be another big enemy this time."

He was extremely happy. Today he had earned more than 1 million star coins. In addition to Su Xiaotu, two other people were fooled. As a result, he changed several galaxies and was looking for new victims.

Then, when he was about to hang out the last Incasas-class ship, a communication request suddenly came from the private channel.

Miner 9527: "Boss, boss, is there a Furious class? The high price is 2 million."

After seeing this news, Kang Shuaibo smiled: "2 million is really a high price. It's a pity that I only have a Furious class ship."

He himself had just bought a Furious-class vessel, priced at 1.5 million star coins, and equipped with a full ship's equipment, so he had basically consumed all the star coins he had just acquired.

Then, he was about to close the communication and stop talking to miner 9527.

At this time, new information was sent.

Miner 9527: "Boss, boss, I'll give you 2.5 million!"

Seeing this, Kang Shuaibo stopped temporarily.

"Hey, this guy is quite rich. He is actually willing to pay 2.5 million."

When he met such a scapegoat, he would feel sorry for himself if he didn't make a killing, but at the same time, he felt a sense of curiosity. Who would be willing to pay such a high price to acquire a Furious-class cruiser?

Miner 9527: "Boss, if you have any, sell it to me. Someone next door was caught by an NPC pirate and is asking for help."

"Next door? Eddie Ryan?"

Seeing this, Kang Shuaibo was shocked again. Someone was actually captured by NPC pirates and was still asking for help?
  Although miner 9527 did not finish all his words, according to Kang Shuaibo's guess, the man who was arrested next door must have paid a high price for help.

Seeing this, Kang Shuaibo felt happy. How could he give this opportunity to make money to others?

Then, he shut down the communication and hung out the last Incasas-class frigate on the galaxy channel.


"It actually sold for 1 million!"

"Fortunately, I don't have any money in my wallet, otherwise I would have been fooled."

Looking at the voice on the galaxy channel, Kang Shuaibo's face was full of disdain: "A bunch of poor people who don't even have 1 million star coins."

Then he canceled the contract and flew his own Fury-class cruiser from the station.

Now, he was going to take a look at Eddy Ryan next door, where there was another victim waiting for him.

Li Yi was at the door of the space station, watching Kang Shuaibo leaving the space station in a Furious-class cruiser, and immediately turned on the communicator.

"Target has taken the bait, let's start the show!"

(End of this chapter)

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