EVE, I’m such a miner.

Chapter 91 Trophies

Chapter 91 Trophies

"A few blueprints"

Su Xiaotu said, and then sent over the charger class, the spinner class, the delusion class, the hunter class, the dolphin class, the orca class, and the night class. This is a set of blueprints for the joint mining spacecraft, from small to large. There are all of them. She picked them up on a wreckage. Not far from the wreckage, there was the wreckage of a shuttle.

Apparently some unlucky guy went to the United Mining Headquarters in the Outer Rim. When he came back, he took a shortcut to Tamar, and then his shuttle was reduced to wreckage by Tamar's bomb. The key thing is that all the blueprints of this unlucky guy actually fell out.

The time was probably when the HOT team had just passed through. Someone from the various parties fighting at the Star Gate picked up the blueprint. However, they failed to return to the space station, so they took advantage of Su Xiaotu, who had a covert action device.

"This is a huge profit!"


Seeing this, Li Yi was overjoyed. This is why the competition for Tamar is so fierce. If you are stuck in Tamar Star Gate for a day, you can guarantee a minimum income of several billion. If you do a little better, you can earn tens of billions of star coins. .

Because there are so many people who mistakenly enter Tamar. In addition to Tamar, there are several other galaxies, such as Lancer, Ogallon, Gundisa, etc. near the mission point. If they occupy these galaxies, as long as they You can make a lot of money every day by blocking the star gate and killing these newcomers who accidentally enter the galaxy.

"Don't worry, there is more."

Su Xiaotu snickered, and then sent a few more items, a Gila monster-level blueprint (copy), a vigilance-level blueprint (copy), a sisterhood core probe launcher, and a few worthless ones. Death outfit.

"I picked these up from the wreckage of the Gila monster."

Apparently, the Gila-class ship had just finished fighting to its death and had gained a lot of money. It even forgot to throw everything into the space station and just joined the battle.

"These things can make a small profit."

Li Yi sighed, cleaning the battlefield was really profitable.

Then, on his own Vera Tor, he casually opened a wreckage and inspected the items inside. The next moment he was stunned when he saw a blueprint of a Caracal-class cruiser.

Some unlucky guy joined the battle in a spaceship containing blueprints.

"Captain, here, the Caldari naval shield is fully resistant!"

"Wow, a large shield expansion for the Caldari Navy!"

Various surprising sounds came from the team from time to time.

Obviously, battlefield cleaning is always full of surprises.

"Come on, there is a cruiser team that has left the space station and is jumping to the star gate."

At this time, df-wlii, who had been observing at the entrance of the space station, spoke. Even if the battle was over, he had been doing his best to conduct investigation.

"Everyone, through the Stargate."

Li Yi chose to lead the jump without hesitation, taking the entire team to Emma's perpetual motion machine, which was 300km away from the Star Gate, and then turned back to the Star Gate gate again.

Obviously, the remaining destroyers in the team cannot defeat this group of cruisers. Moreover, now that the team has gained so much, why continue to fight with the opponent? The right way is to give up when things are good.

The party left Tamar through the Stargate and returned to Nurvakaiken in Highsec.

"Everyone, go to the space station first and put down all the gains."

Li Yi was not in a hurry to lead the team back to Guitar. Instead, he led the team to the space station in Nurva Kaiken. Near Guitar, there were also strong bombers all over the place. These spaceships carrying high-value cargo would obviously become the strong bombers. These things cannot be made cheap for those rapists.

As for the distribution of the wreckage, since none of it belongs to the same legion, there is naturally no unified distribution among the legions handed over, so the rest belongs to whoever picks it up.

But even so, many newcomers traded some of the equipment they picked up to Li Yi or Emma's perpetual motion machine to thank them for their contribution to this event. "We only need a few blueprints, and leave the rest to Emma's perpetual motion machine."

"it is good."

Su Xiaotu had no objection to Li Yi's arrangement. Emma Perpetual Machine was the person who contributed the most to this event. Even though the fleet was led by Li Yi, Su Xiaotu, who started to manage the legion, understood that Preparation beforehand is the most important.

This battle is not as simple as it seems, just rush in and fight. In fact, there is a lot of preparation work in the early stage.

Just configuring and distributing spaceships consumes a lot of energy, not to mention that Emma Perpetual Motion is also responsible for team registration, screening, sponsorship and other organizational work.

It can be said that he, like Li Yi, is one of the biggest contributors to the success of the HOT team.

The other party's efforts must be rewarded, otherwise, it will not be so easy to organize next time.

In this way, the spoils of this battle were finally distributed. Li Yi basically only wanted the blueprints of the joint mining spacecraft and a badger-class blueprint. The rest was all left to Emma's perpetual motion machine.

"How about it? The newcomers can fight, too."

After the event, Li Yi talked to Emma about the perpetual motion machine.

"Yeah, I didn't expect that all the newcomers who have only been here for a few days can play so well. Your HOT team is very good."

Emma Perpetual Machine sighed. He didn't expect that this group of newcomers with basically no combat experience could achieve such great results. Of course, this is mainly due to the simple play style of the HOT team. For newcomers, as long as they can pass the star Door, just be able to open it and fire it.

A lot of command work was handed over to experienced old people, but in the end, after these experienced people were killed, the results achieved by the newcomers were still good.

"I want to fix this event. You see, will you still come to lead the team in the future?"

Emma asked the perpetual motion machine.

"No, I won't take it anymore."

Li Yi shook his head. The HOT team was basically the simplest team. It was simple and rough, but extremely effective. To this day, the words "HOT" still linger in his mind.


"Of course, we must give new people a chance to grow. Team leadership experience also needs to be accumulated. Don't worry, other members of our legion will take turns leading the HOT team. Moreover, you can also try it yourself. It's not difficult."

Li Yi doesn't need this kind of team leadership experience. After today's battle, even a newcomer can understand the key points of the current HOT team. Before the secondary spacecraft came out, the HOT team's play style was that simple.

When the second-level command destroyer comes out, the HOT team's play style will become more flexible and changeable. Now, the experience of leading the HOT team should be left to other people who need it.

"Okay, then I'll try it myself."

"By the way, if you need to expel it, you can buy it from our legion. Just in time, we have a new guy who is making a long-tailed shark, and you can get it at a 95% discount!"

Li Yi said, this is a newcomer who has joined the legion, ID: Manufacturing Tycoon 8887. He is a player who wants to engage in manufacturing. Currently, with the support of the legion, he is starting to manufacture long-tailed sharks.

Since he started a HOT team, Li Yi had to find a market for the products produced by other players in the legion.

"it is good!"

Emma Perpetual Machine nodded. Anyway, for the HOT team, destroyers, especially the Sharks, are never enough.

(End of this chapter)

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