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Chapter 192 Federation of Stars

Chapter 192 Federation of Stars
Federation of Stars, Tianshu City.

This city is the capital of the Federation of Stars and one of the most powerful cities of order in the world.

Because it is not built on the ground, but defies gravity and floats above the clouds.

With a perfect mechanical structure and a behemoth with a diameter of more than three hundred kilometers, this is the pinnacle of current technology, but it is not the only eye-catching city in the Federation of Stars.

Because in addition to this mechanical sky city, there is also a city hanging high in the sky not far away.

Star-Moon City.

This is the second sky city in the Federation of Stars, but unlike the mechanical sky city, this city is very natural. There is obviously no technological means, but it is magically suspended at the same height as the mechanical city.

This is the Magic City.

The two cities are thousands of miles apart, overlooking and protecting the entire Federation of Stars.

The distance between the two also divides the Federation of Stars, with technology supremacy in the south and magic supremacy in the north.

As he spoke, he took a sip of the flower of life tea and continued enthusiastically:
"But mine is different. If I want to release the fireball technique, I only need to understand the composition and principles of the fireball technique, and then use a little mental power and magic power to guide the fire element, and then I can release the same fireball technique with a little bit of power. Powerful fireball."

For example, in the fireball technique, if we just learn a specific magic circuit and use our own magic power to convert this circuit to release a specific fireball, even if we are proficient in this rigid release method, we will only know its shape. "

"And the most important thing is that the learning model I created does not require high magic talent. Even diviners and alchemists can use this magic. It is definitely a breakthrough!"

But the difference is that the Federation of Stars is even more outrageous than the berserker of Dawn.

He didn't use a staff, didn't use any magic power, and didn't even need mental power.

This tea is full of life, as if just smelling it can make you look much younger.

He is the guardian of this federation and the strongest spellcaster, but in front of the old man, he is like a child and starts to demonstrate with bright eyes.

"Those wonders inspired me. I think magic should change its model. We need more advanced magic."

There was light in Noel's pure eyes: "The system I developed is definitely more advanced than magic!

"Why are you like those old elves? The previous order has long since perished. What's the use of those rituals? But I really plan to change the magic system."

In the center of Tianshu City, in a gorgeous palace, a male half-elf wearing a casual suit, white hair, and a somewhat heroic eyebrow was half lying on a mechanical massage chair and said lazily.

The old man was a little helpless: "What do you want to do? Also, I have taught you that you must have proper etiquette."

Of course, in the context of this world, the relationship between the alchemist sage and the legendary mage is still very good, or in other words, the relationship between master and disciple.

"Today's magic only has form but no roots. This is simply a waste of talent. Those magicians should all re-train."

Because the alchemist sage is a seventh-level legend, and the legendary mage has reached the eighth level, and... he is still young and he is still growing!

Although Noel was a little disdainful, he still sat up. The chair behind him also followed his movements and automatically filled the empty area to maximize the comfort of the occupants.


Just like the sword master of Daybreak trained the berserker, here the alchemist sage also trained the mage.

And the two outstanding descendants also used their absolute talents to support a brighter future for the Federation.

Opposite him was an old man with white hair and beard. Next to the old man, a robot that was 90% similar to the human race was serving a kind of emerald green tea to the two of them.

"Even if one day a mage loses his magic power, as long as his understanding of space reaches a certain level, he can penetrate this unstable space and reach his destination safely with just his mental power."

A few tiny syllables appeared from his mouth, and it seemed that just the vibration of the sound caused the space in front of him to distort. He put his hand in and slowly pulled it out after a while.

Suddenly the old man's hand that was about to serve the tea paused and looked at the second cup of tea in the half-elf's hand.

The alchemist sage Chu Ao looked at this disciple with unprecedented talent and was a little silent. He was an alchemy mechanic, but the top mage in front of him was indeed raised by him, but he only raised him.

Unexpectedly, in less than five hundred years, this half-elf's knowledge reserve has reached this level.

After the space penetration just now, he found the crack in the space just by relying on the vibration of the sound, and took the cup of scented tea from him.

Although this does not seem difficult, it requires a complete interpretation of this space to be possible.

Chu Ao thought for a while and asked: "Have you ever thought that the skill you are showing now may be beyond the understanding of 90% of people? Even some golden mages cannot do this."

"Learn." Noel said nonchalantly: "Just learn. I just need to teach those who are at the top of the golden level, and then let them teach the ones below. If they go down step by step, it will eventually become popular."

"As long as you master this knowledge and become proficient in it, the requirements for talent are really not high."

There were stars in his eyes. He looked at the old man in front of him and said with a smile: "I plan to name this special magic, arcana, after you! What do you think?"

Chu Ao frowned and thought, and asked: "Where is the growth path?"

"Main spirit, secondary magic power." Noel said with a smile: "The basic promotion is similar to that of a mage, but arcana is more knowledge-based. As long as the knowledge is enough, it can exert far more power than just using magic power. The mage of patterns!”


Noel stretched out his hand, and his fingertips slid randomly in the void. Subtle magic fluctuations vibrated in the void. Soon, his fingertips began to feel warm, leaving some lines in the air.

As he pointed at a robot, the lines suddenly began to grow wildly. A huge fire dragon appeared out of thin air and swarmed towards the robot crazily. However, it only coiled around the robot in a wave of mental power, but did not harm the robot.

He stretched out his other hand, and almost the same magic appeared, but this time the magic did not make waves in the void, but an extremely obvious magic circuit appeared.

As the magic circuit took shape, a ball of fire appeared out of thin air and hit the fire dragon.

But the fire dragon opened its mouth and swallowed the fire ball in one mouthful, but it itself slowly disappeared after circling.

"You see, with the same magic power and the same fireball technique, Olympus can guide more natural elements to gather according to its own spirit, while magic draws its own magic power to release flames. There is an essential difference!" Noel! A little excited: "Forget it, I shouldn't come here to ask for your opinion. I have decided. I plan to promote arcana and make it a profession comparable to mages!"

Chu Ao was a little helpless. He just said: "Let's start with scholars first, but don't enforce it. There was a similar model to this model a long time ago, but it was a physique rather than a profession."

"Huh? Is there such a thing?" Noel was stunned, and his pure eyes were a little wandering: "Why didn't I know? This is obviously that wonder."

Chu Ao smiled: "The wonders come from another world. They regard this place as a game, and they will naturally bring the knowledge of their world over. There is nothing embarrassing about it. Knowledge is constantly learning from each other. Without communication, nothing new will come from it. Knowledge?"

Noel was a little embarrassed, and his whole face was a little rosy: "Okay, I admit that they came up with the name 'Arcane'. I thought it was very similar to your name, so I used it."

He said as if he wanted to prove something, he raised three fingers: "But I promise, I just heard the sentence "Knowing to Leverage the Magic" and I thought of this system!"

Chu Ao looked at the half-elf he had raised with helplessness in his eyes. This elf had always had a smooth life and had a simpler temperament.

Just as he was about to say something, a soft mechanical sound sounded.

[Dear Mr. Chuao, you asked the attention of Wonder Unos to leave a message in your mailbox: You have a letter from the Dawn Federation, requesting to meet you. 】

"Dawn Federation?" Noel was stunned, thought of something, and asked in surprise: "Is the powerful sword master who came to us more than 400 years ago from the Dawn Federation?"

Chu Ao smiled: "I didn't expect you to still remember it. You were still very young at that time."

"That sense of sharpness is something I will never forget in my life. He is my goal. One day I will surpass him!" A strong fighting spirit appeared in Noel's eyes.

At that time, there was only one legend in the Federation of Stars. When the sword master killed the abyss lord that was difficult for Chu Ao to kill with one sword, he was right next to him. How could he forget the feeling of facing the world's top combat power?
"Bring him here." Chu Ao also thought of the Sword Master. Calculating the time, that strong man was about to reach the end of his life. Is this letter asking for help?
Subtle space vibrations appeared, extremely stable teleportation fluctuations flashed, and an elf player wearing a monocle and a white coat appeared in front of the two of them.

The legendary mage can set up an extremely stable teleportation array, and so can the alchemist sage.

Therefore, the Star Federation's support speed is definitely the fastest among the three federations. They only need one portal from the capital to the border.

In other federations, this is something that only gold-level mages or magicians can do.

"I have met the two city lords." Wunuos bowed slightly and saluted gracefully.

He performed the elf ceremony and looked very elegant.

This is what Demacia calls a pervert, who successfully created a spaceship in this game.

And he himself was also a super academic in the outside world, but a car accident took away the pride of his original genius.

But this game gave him a new life, so like Wei Lu, while loving this game, he was also doing things that interested him.

He had seen the live broadcast of the Guard Brigade, and he was also working on a similar live broadcast, so when someone from the Guard Brigade came to contact him, he agreed without hesitation, without even asking for any benefits.

Because both he and Wei Brigade can actually feel that in some future versions, the three federations will always establish diplomatic relations. This may be the beginning of establishing diplomatic relations.

Appreciation appeared in Chu Ao's eyes. This spectacle was different from other spectacles. He was deliberately cultivating spectacles and planned to see how far they could reach in this world.

As for the spectacle it will get out of control.
There is some kind of force that prevents them from becoming infinitely stronger, which is destined to prevent them from truly losing control.

"A letter from the Dawn Federation? Are you using your network to deliver it?" As Chu Ao spoke, a third seat was raised on the metal floor, and a third robot came out of the wall to provide one-to-one service to guests.

"Yes, my friend sent me some pictures, and I just printed them out." Wu Nuos nodded and took out a thick stack of photos from a piece of space equipment, about half a meter thick. The way he looked, he needed to hold the photos to keep them from falling over.

Each of these photos has dense text on it. The text is very diverse, and there are even many alchemical inscriptions that replace some of the text.

These alchemical inscriptions are something that even their players' panels cannot translate.

So the players read these words as if they were reading a bible, and not even a single sentence is coherent.

He didn't know what this meant, but on one side was the lord of Tobu City, who was almost at the top of the power there, and on the other side was directly the top power. He didn't have to worry that this kind of knowledge transfer would be in vain.

"Thank you for your hard work. This method is very good. I haven't heard any news from there for a long time." Chu Ao smiled and took the photos with his mental power.

He looked at two pictures casually, and suddenly the relief in his eyes and the smile on his face disappeared at the same time. He suddenly stood up, his old hands trembling.

Noel looked at Chu Ao with some surprise. He had never seen Chu Ao lose his temper before. He also stood up and looked at these photos.

The various lines on it gave him a headache. It wasn't that he didn't recognize the words, but it was weird.
The layout is so weird that not a single paragraph can be connected.

And after he only glanced at it twice, these photos suddenly disappeared, and Chu Ao's extremely solemn voice sounded: "How many people have seen these things?"

"The things were sent by Bai Bian, the Lord of Tobu City, to the Wonders of the Dawn Federation. After they were sent, I came over directly without passing through the hands of a third person." Wu Nuosi replied with a smile.

There was excitement in Chu Ao's eyes: "You have done a great job this time. What do you want? I can satisfy you!"

He asked, suddenly thinking of something, his emotions slowly calmed down, and asked: "Can I ask you to pass some information to me? Just use the same method."

"Of course, it's my honor." A rare excitement appeared on Wu Nuos' face.

He and the Guard Brigade seemed to have thought correctly. This incident was the beginning of federal communication!
Chu Ao regained his composure and sat down slowly. He looked at Wu Nuosi and said with a smile: "It will take two days. I need to prepare now. I will let you be rewarded. What boldness do you want?" Just say it.”

Wunuos paused and saluted slightly: "Then I'll take my leave first."

Chu Ao nodded and watched Wu Nuos leave. He couldn't help but take out the photos and looked at the words on them. The mood that had finally calmed down began to agitate again.

"What is this?" Seeing Chu Ao's expression, Noel couldn't help but be curious anymore and asked.

Joy appeared in Chu Ao's eyes, he pointed at these photos and said with a smile:

"Give me a stepping stone into the taboo!"

(End of this chapter)

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